The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm

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The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm Page 14

by Steve Catalano

  “You should have seen it from up here!” added the F-15 on the starboard side of the Alpha.

  His wingman on the port side of the Alpha added, “It takes a lot to impress an F-15 pilot. I’m impressed!”

  “Thanks, guys, and thanks for the escort home. See you on deck.”

  As Paul crossed the runway threshold, he slowed to one hundred knots at mid-field at almost a hover. He turned off the runway and moved towards the marked landing pad. He felt he was getting better at this; and could not even feel the Alpha touch down.

  “Wow, a greaser!”

  “Thanks, John. Once again, skill and daring have overcome fear and anxiety.”

  Another band playing, another podium and receiving line; this time the Governors of Oregon and Washington were there, as well as numerous other officials.

  Paul introduced his family and friends and said a few words, thanking the crowd for the hometown welcome.

  Alpha Guard Flight had just landed, and shortly the Captain and his wingman were out of their F-16s and heading towards them. Paul met them halfway.

  “Beau Stevens, how in the world are you? How’s the family?”

  “Great on both counts, but like I said earlier, I’m impressed. I would love to take a peek inside the Alpha?”

  “Of course.”

  Paul gave them a very thorough briefing and tour.

  “It boggles the mind to think - in the past few days this ship has landed on Mars, orbited Jupiter, and traveled faster than the speed of light.”

  “Beau, don’t forget I was able to land at Edwards Air Force Base, too.”

  The Captain, his wingman, and Paul Christian laughed.

  “Yeah, Paul. Now there’s a real accomplishment!”

  In the 1940s through the 1950s, Edwards was home to some of the world’s fastest aircraft. There were records being broken on almost a weekly basis at one point. It was where man had first exceeded the speed of sound. Currently, it was past its prime and served as a back-up recovery port for NASA and the space shuttle program. But now it was where the first Earth ship to visit the planet Mars and travel faster than the speed of light had landed.

  The Secret Service had also arrived. Paul introduced them to everyone.

  Beau had mentioned to Paul and the Secret Service that the press was camped out, up and down his street. The Secret Service had sent a contingent to secure the neighborhood and street for their arrival, with the cooperation and help of local law enforcement.

  “We have a secure route to your house, and we have set up at perimeter for your privacy and security Paul.”

  “Thanks, Roger. I will try to be a good host to you and you team.”

  “Paul, we have briefed your neighbors about the changes. I think they are relieved to have us there to keep the media and press in check.”

  “Well then, let’s go home. I’m ready for a long run, workout, and soak in my spa.”

  There were numerous limos waiting - one for John Lohman, one for Burt Roberts, and one for Paul Christian and his family.

  Paul said his goodbyes to John and Burt. “Thanks guys, I owe you both big time. We’ll get together soon for breakfast.”

  “Sounds good, Paul. See you soon.”


  The drive home only emphasized what Paul already knew - life was going to be very different for a while, perhaps a very long time. He had only been away for a few days, but it seemed much longer. The Secret Service had secured a perimeter around his house; his block was media-free. They had even transferred his truck from Oregon Meadows Airpark back to his own garage.

  As the limo pulled up to his driveway, Paul said, “Welcome to my humble abode!”

  Upon arrival Paul gave Roger Bannon and the other agents a tour of his house. After a change of clothes, he made a batch of refreshments for everyone and went through the mail.

  “Just so you know, Paul, there are two full mailbags for you that we are still screening for safety. You are getting about one bag a day now.”

  “From whom, what, where, why?”

  “The public, your fans, business, and several educational institutions, and they come from all over the word. We can help you with form letter replies, and basically automate the process. We just need your signature.”

  “Thanks, Roger. I think without some help, I would be overwhelmed. Hey, it’s been a few days since I’ve been running. Anybody want to go?”

  “Agents, Bowman and Poole will be at your side. Try to keep up; they are both former Marines.”

  “I will do my best. I have flown with a few Marines; you think that will help?”

  “Should make all the difference in the world.” With that, Roger nodded to Agents Bowman and Poole.

  “When I get back, BBQ, beer, and a spa soak.”

  Secret Service lead Roger Bannon smiled and replied, “Sounds like a plan, captain.”

  “Please guys, Paul is just fine. Even the folks at my airline call me that, among other things!”

  Everybody laughed. “Roger that, Paul.”

  He replied, “Roger, Roger!” Once again everybody laughed.

  Paul did his usual five-mile run around the neighborhood route. After they ran past the Secret Service imposed perimeter, there were lines of people, news vans, and, he supposed all those folks with microphones were reporters. Paul was chatting with agents Bowman and Poole as they were rounding the first corner.

  “So, you guys have first names?”

  “Ever since the Marine Corps, we have gone by Bowman and Poole. We were also classmates at Quantico, and have been on numerous assignments together.”

  “You guys have been on many details. Do you have any words of wisdom for me? I’m pretty new to all this stuff.”

  “Paul, your security and safety are Level 1A, the same as the Executive branch. I’m sure the President has ordered this with good reason. For your own safety, please follow our recommendations and be proactive.”

  “Any other pearls of wisdom?”

  “Yes, Paul. Trust no one. There are scientists, businessmen, and politicians who would do anything to know what you know, and to have what you have, even within our own government.”

  The look on both Agents Bowman and Poole’s faces was sobering; it was a look of cynicism blended with experience.

  “Thanks, guys. I appreciate your candor, and will follow your advice. Now, let’s see what you’ve got!”

  With that Paul Christian took off in a sprint followed by the two agents. Unknown to him, a Secret Service car was also trailing them for security. The two agents inside saw Paul takeoff in a sprint followed by the two agents.

  “Ten bucks, they can’t keep up with him.”

  “You’re on. He’s 53 years old; they are two 40-something Marines. Dream on!”

  A quarter-mile later, Paul was still pulling away from Bowman and Poole, enough that the limo had to move up next to Paul to cover his security. He slowed down and let the still sprinting agents catch up. As they did, the limo window opened. One of the agents inside yelled to Bowman and Poole, “You guys each owe me five dollars!”

  They laughed, because they knew exactly what had happened. Such wagering was the nature of the business and did tend to mitigate the constant stress they were always under.

  Agent Bowman looked at Paul. “Damn, I though you were a pilot, scientist, and explorer - not Superman!”

  “No worries, guys. I’m sure you will get me next time.”

  As they slowed down for the last mile for sort of a cool down, Paul asked them a question.

  “So, I know you have code words to designate your charges. Mind if I ask what mine is?”

  “Sure, you are Spaceman; your son is Sun; and your daughter is Moon.”

  “How about my mom and brother?”

  “Your mom is Mom, and your brother is Surf

  “Wow, score one for Mom!”

  “You are Level 1A, everybody else is 1B.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “Several, but the biggest is you will have 2 agents assigned to you.”

  “So, who besides Roger Bannon will be keeping me company?”

  Bowman and Poole looked at each other and smiled; then chuckled.

  “Special Agent Lynn Brend.”

  “That’s interesting. What can you tell me about her?”

  “She’s highly intelligent - some say a genius - has a wall full of awards and citations, and then the usual stuff - expert marksman, martial arts expert in several disciplines. She went through a nasty divorce and has been desk-bound. Someone pulled some huge strings for her to get this assignment.”

  “Anything else, guys?”

  “Yes, Paul. She’s quite attractive.”

  “Wow, lucky me!”

  “You have no idea!” With that, they all rounded the corner and were back at Paul’s house.

  True to his word Paul fired up his BBQ grill. He cooked enough steak, chicken, and fish to feed three Secret Service agents, his two children, and himself. It appeared he had endeared himself to the Treasury agents with some culinary expertise. He also had a way of making any guest in his house feel right at home.

  “Come on, guys, you can have a beer. I’ll never tell!

  Roger smiled and opened a cold one. The other agents fell right into line. “Ok, but just one.”

  “Fair enough. And I’m about ready for a soak in the spa.”

  Roger, Steve, and Paul sat in the soothing bubbling water. It had been quite a day indeed.

  Paul started the new day with a run and workout followed by cooking breakfast for his new entourage. This day would have Michelle and Steve heading back to college with their new shadows, agents Bowman and Poole. For Paul it was a day of contemplation and relaxation.

  The following day, Air Force Two landed at Portland to take him to Washington DC for a state dinner and to address Congress. In the interest of keeping life as normal as possible his children remained in school. Universal Airlines flew his mother and brother to Washington.

  Paul Christian boarded Air Force Two, on a cloudy and rainy day. The two Air Force pilots that were flying the Boeing 757 to Andrews Air Force base greeted him at the top of the stairs.

  “Welcome aboard. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir!” Paul held out his hand to the Captain. “It’s a pleasure for me as well. Nice to meet you.”

  “Captain Christian, we would be honored if you would join us up in the flight deck any time you choose during our trip to Andrews.”

  “Thanks, guys. I would love to. Let me get situated, and I will be up for a visit a little later.”

  An Air Force major showed Paul to his suite. It was quite impressive - a bed, desk, and an abundance of electronics, numerous screens, and computer consoles.

  Waiting for Paul in the suite was Roger Bannon.

  “Hope you like your home for the next few hours,” Roger smiled and continued. “I have someone I would like to introduce.”

  “Sure, I’m always up for making a new friend.”

  Roger exited and returned a couple of minutes later. Trailing him was a woman in tailored grey slacks, a crisp white blouse, and a blazer that matched the pants. She was not just attractive she was beautiful.

  “Paul, this is Lynn Brend. As you know, she and I will be responsible for your security.”

  “Lynn, meet Paul Christian.”

  “Hello, Captain Christian. It’s an honor.”

  “Please call me Paul, and the honor is all mine.”

  Paul could have sworn Lynn was blushing. She had a warm captivating smile. Roger and Paul had already forged a friendship; he was looking forward to building that same relationship with Lynn.

  Both Lynn and Roger went over the itinerary for the next few days. The President insisted that he stay at the White House. The transition from his Air Force Two arrival at Andrews Air Force base would be by helicopter. Tomorrow, a state dinner would be followed by Paul’s attendance at a joint session of congress the next day.

  “We have been inundated by requests for you to visit and speak.” Roger handed Paul a folder full of written requests - the United Nations, several television networks, and numerous journalists as well.

  “You are going to be a busy man. We would be happy to work out the schedule and logistics involved to make it a bit easier for you.”

  “Thanks, guys. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that, and all you have done for my family and me.”

  Paul’s mother and brother already have been offered multi-million dollar book deals. He thought that he might be starting to miss the solitude and quiet of space.

  He invited Lynn and Roger to dine with him. After dinner they made a bit of small talk. Paul mentioned that the Colonel and Major flying Air Force Two had invited him up for a visit up in the flight deck.

  “Kind of boring after where you have been, huh?”

  Lynn nodded in agreement with Roger.

  Paul answered, “I love to fly, and I love flying machines, and since I’m too lazy to work and too scared to steal, that’s probably a good thing!”

  Roger smiled. Lynn, however, broke out in laughter.

  “My briefing was correct; you have quite the sense of humor.”

  Roger pointed at Lynn, “I told you he was a down-to-earth and funny guy.”

  “I don’t think we will be down to Earth for a few more hours, but thanks for the compliment.”

  Paul went up front and saw that the flight deck of Air Force Two, a Boeing 757, was almost identical to the 757s and 767’s he flew for Universal Airlines. The most notable difference was the Pratt and Whitney engines. The Universal 757’s had Rolls Royce engines.

  Paul discussed his flying background, the Alpha, and the recent journey.

  The Colonel who was sitting in the left or Captain’s seat also knew Jim Andrews. Aviation can be a small world.

  It had been over a month since Paul had flown an airline trip, and he had a feeling it was going to be much longer than that before he was back at the controls of a Boeing jet.

  The Colonel turned to him, pointed at his Captain’s seat and said, “Paul, would you like to take us into Andrews?”

  “Sure, that would be great. Thank you.”

  They switched seats. In a few minutes, he felt comfortable and at home once again. A short time later, Roger and Lynn came up to check in on him. To their surprise, Paul was sitting in the Captain’s seat.

  Paul turned to Lynn and Roger, “You guys okay with this?”

  Before they could say a word, the Colonel chimed in, “He is a current airline captain on this jet.”

  Then the Major, who was also fully rated Captain sitting in the First Officer’s seat added, “After Mars and faster-than-light travel, this should be easy.”

  “Thanks, guys. I will give it my best shot.”

  In short order, Paul was calling for flaps and landing gear as they approached Andrews Air Force Base. He figured he’d better make this a good one, with two of the Secret Services finest, as well as the Colonel and the Major, watching intently.

  “Flaps 30. Final Landing Check please.”


  “Down and three green.”




  “Off, manual braking”



  “Landing Checklist complete, and you are cleared to land; wind calm.”

  “Thanks. Okay, everybody, brace for impact,” Paul said with a grin. He was lucky. The touchdown was smooth, so much so it even surprised him.

  The Colonel spoke first. “Wow, nice one

  Then the Major, “Very nice. You have evidently done this before.”

  Paul Christian smiled and said; “Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn once in a while.”

  After parking, he thanked everybody for the hospitality and they all said our goodbyes. In a few minutes we were on a helicopter bound for the White House lawn.

  After landing on the White House lawn, Paul was escorted to guest quarters in the White House. The last time he had been in the White House was during a tour. He remembered it seemed smaller than he thought it would be. Now it seemed bigger. But then, he had never seen the Chief Executive’s residence.

  The President and his wife met Paul Christian and gave him the real White House tour. He was also briefed on tomorrow’s State dinner and the meeting with Congress on the following day.

  There were also numerous speaking requests, far too many in the time available. But he did agree to a local one at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. It was, after all, his favorite place in Washington, D.C.

  After breakfast with the Vice President and a few senators, Paul had convinced his two Secret Service shadows to permit him a run.

  “I will be running with you, Paul, and we will have agents in front of and behind you.”

  “You think you can keep up with me, Lynn?”

  “Intellectually or physically, Paul?”

  “I was thinking more in the humor department. You know, I love it when you smile.”

  Once again, Paul could have sworn that Agent Lynn Brend was blushing, as she smiled broadly.

  Paul and Lynn were running up the Washington Mall area adjacent to the original Smithsonian building, when he challenged her.

  “Ok, Lynn, I will race you to the top of the Capitol stairs. If I win, you are my date tonight at the State dinner. I’m sure, between the Secret Service and the White House event coordinator, they can find you a nice gown. If not, I will take you to the local thrift shop and find you something.”

  “Ok, Mr. Big Spender. What if I win?”

  “Then I will wear the gown!” With that, Paul took off in a sprint.

  Lynn laughed so hard she lost her footing, and even after she regained it, she still could not catch up.


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