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Teril's Fire: A Mate Index Alien Romance (The Mate Index Book 12)

Page 15

by S. J. Sanders

  They had found her after many revolutions.

  And now they would retrieve her for the final time.

  Chapter 20

  The Lorgor who entered the teahouse was tall, but not quite as tall nor as muscular as most Lorgor that Crystal had seen before. Instead, there was a fluid gracefulness to the alien as he strode in that caught her attention. Otherwise, he looked very much like any other member of the species, the delicate teal scales shimmering under the light from the sinking sun. As she watched him, a small ruby webbed crest on his head flattened before snapping up again as his eyes met hers.

  Crystal kept her expression neutral as the male approached with a crisp, fast stride, unwilling to make any snap decisions. His bearing appeared arrogant, as one perhaps accustomed to being in command positions, but there was an undeniable discipline to every movement that she couldn’t help but admire. Everything about the Lorgor was effective and efficient. Not a single move was wasted. Even the clothing he wore was simple and well fitted.

  In contrast to the Lorgor headed toward her, Crystal felt awkward and underqualified. What was she doing? She was no resistance fighter. She did simple jobs to tighten security or breach it… Her last job was programing a damn watering system. Her breath burst out of her in a panicked rasp, and her fingers tightened on her leggings.

  Get ahold of yourself! This was only an interview. There was no reason to be anything but open to whatever he had to say and then wait and see from there. No one was going to make a decision that day. Thanks to Talimia, she had enough credits available to secure lodgings for the night.

  By measures, she managed to calm herself before the Lorgor arrived at her table. His eyes swept over Talimia before narrowing on Crystal.

  “A human?” the melodic voice demanded in confusion. “I do not understand. I am to meet a qualified coder by name of…” He squinted at his comm, and Crystal’s outrage at being dismissed for her race turned to sympathy as the silence stretched on.

  “Crystal Rivers,” she filled in stiffly. “That would be me.” She stabbed her thumb toward her breast. “And you are?”

  The Lorgor eyed her blankly for a long. Finally, he shrugged in a manner that she recognized all too well as the “not my problem” expression before settling himself on the pillow opposite hers. He leaned forward and dropped his voice as he spoke.

  “I am Danit Telmafursenet, daughter of the first general of the resistance, and your arranged contact.”

  “But Lorgor females never go offplanet!” Talimia exclaimed from her side.

  Danit’s violet eyes slid over to the Wanit, and the Lorgor frowned. “And this is a friend of yours?”

  “Yes,” Crystal replied. “Is there a problem with that?”

  Anyone who expected her to meet alone would have to say their farewells to her well-rounded ass. She needed a job, but she wasn’t going to set herself up to have something awful happen to her by being stupid.

  She wasn’t going to trust this Lorgor further than she could throw her.

  The female’s crest snapped again—the only sign of her impatience—before she settled back onto her pillow.

  “It is of no consequence,” she answered, tone flat.

  With that, the interview began. Danit asked her dozens of nuanced questions and produced a datapad with numerous scenarios programmed into it for her to solve. Crystal wasn’t sure exactly how long she was at it, but long enough that the sun gave off only the faintest remaining rays of light and sank behind the mountains as she finished.

  By that time, a begrudging respect filled the other female’s eyes as she looked over her work. Crystal was only distantly aware of the doors opening as customers filed in and out of the teahouse. They were of no concern. From the corner of her eye, she could see Nikana watching the traffic from her place behind the counter.

  “You are good. That much is apparent. I see that my brother chose well. Very well, Crystal Rivers. I am hereby authorized to offer you immediate transport to Lorgoon. Upon arrival, you will be…”

  “Not going anywhere,” a deep voice growled.

  Crystal’s head shot up, her eyes widening as they met Borth’s hard gaze.

  The Lorgor’s crest snapped up, and the female hissed. “I suggest that you leave the way you came. Our business does not concern you.”

  Borth’s expression morphed into a fierce glower, his large frame shifting toward Danit as he bent just enough to meet her eyes.

  “Our mate is our business,” he growled as Grish stepped up behind him, his expression unreadable as he stared down the Lorgor.

  Danit faltered, and then she looked at Crystal. “Your mates? You did not say that you were mated to Terils. This changes everything,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” Crystal asked.

  Although she directed the question to Danit, it applied to everyone. To the Ugaar brothers who publicly claimed her and to the Lorgor whose face now lit up with excitement as she whispered in a low voice into her comm. As if the Terils were no longer any kind of threat, the female stood and moved away from the table. Crystal watched her leave with confusion before glancing back toward the males hovering over her.

  Mate? Changed everything? What the fuck was going on?

  As the Lorgor wandered farther away, the Terils closed in, their faces set with stony resolve as they hemmed her in. Talimia at her side spat angrily, distracting Crystal from the looming males.

  “This is not how the hunt is done!” she snarled. “You do not get to demand. You prove yourself. You win her by your efforts.”

  “And we shall,” Borth countered firmly. “By working together, we were able to track her to your domicile. By trapping your mate, we were able to deduce her location despite his stubborn uncooperativeness. We traveled here faster than what it is advisable in our flyer to assure ourselves that she would not escape before our arrival. We willingly surrender everything we have to hold her once more. And should she continue running, we will continue to follow her throughout the sectors.”

  The last was bit out so sternly that Crystal could only gape at him while a pleased smile spread on the Wanit female’s face. Talimia didn’t say anything more. She gave Crystal an approving nod and sat back down, letting her hash things out alone from there.

  Crystal shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t leave your farm for me! Are you crazy? Only a day ago you didn’t even want me and were ready to send me back to Earth to preserve what peace and life you have. What you’re suggesting doesn’t even make sense.”

  Borth shifted closer to her, sighing as Grish nudged him with his elbow.

  “I know I do not deserve it, but I am asking your forgiveness. You have made me happier than I have any right to be… even when you were tormenting me and not giving me any peace.” His lips tilted slightly at that before falling solemnly once more. “I knew I made a mistake, that my fear had conquered me. I knew before the night was out and hastened to your room to apologize in the early hours of the morning. Despite the anger and paranoia I had shown in that moment, I know you would never be so cruel as I had accused you. You have never shown me anything less than kindness, affection, and patience when you were not required or expected to. My brother Grish tolerates me, perhaps more than he should, but what you gave me in the time you have been with us has been a gift.”

  Swallowing past the lump that had formed in her throat, she blinked the away the tears brimming her eyes. “So what exactly are you saying here?”

  He stepped closer so that she was nearly touching him before dropping to his knees. She shot to her feet and grabbed at him in dismay, watching the pain flash over his features from the weight he suddenly put on his knee.

  “Borth, don’t…”

  “You will allow me this,” he grunted. “I must beg the forgiveness of the female who brings the only joy into my life that I have known in many revolutions.” A shudder racked his large frame as he leaned his head forward and brushed his ganthli against her belly. “I do not deserv
e forgiveness for my unkindness, but I beg for it. I beg for the privilege to worship you and shower you with adoration for the rest of my days.”

  She was at a loss for words, startled when Grish also dropped down to his knees at her other side, his head bowing forward as well.

  “Forgive your males who have erred and accept that we have proven the strength of our love for you,” he rumbled. When he lifted his head, his beautiful amber eyes were red-rimmed with tears. His hands went to a pouch, and he gently removed the ear transponders and datapad. “I do not want to walk the rest of my days with nothing but the memory of you by our side. I want my female back. I want our family whole.”

  She pressed her lips together at his earnest gaze, trying not to cry, trying to think logically and not to be swept away by her heart.

  “And what if you do it again? What if you change your mind and remove me from your home? I can’t go through this all again. I have a chance to do something worthwhile… to hit back at the Calystii who’ve been tormenting me for years. Do I give that up all in the hope that you won’t change your mind?”

  Borth shook his head, a small smile curling his lips. “It would be impossible to make you leave.”

  His words not only surprised her but Grish as well, who glanced over at his brother in confusion. His smile widened, and for a moment, she was certain that she was seeing the Borth that Grish had spoken of—the male had been before his injury. The male she caught only fleeting glimpses of.

  His fingers fumbled on his comm for a moment before hers blinked with a received transmission. He gestured to it.

  “Open it.”

  Her fingers trembling anxiously, she opened the message and her breath caught in her throat. This was… impossible. She glanced up at him, her eyes searching his face.

  “Is this what I think it is?”

  “I hope so, or I did something incorrect,” he chuckled. “On our way here, I realized that the only thing that could really show you just how much you are a part of us—a part of our family—would be by a visible gesture. Something that would be your right as our mate. I know I made excuses that I could not promise anything, and that I needed time. That is what I told myself and you. I was not certain if you would want this,” he gestured to himself, “when you saw me riddled with pain in the worst months of the year.”

  “I wouldn’t have left you,” she whispered. “I know you have problems because of your leg. You lost it on Agraadax, right?”

  He nodded. “It is hard, from our background that places all praise upon our strength as males, to feel worthy, broken as I am. I deal with the torment placed on my knee because I cannot bear losing more of my flesh, to have the entire leg replaced with something that would work better and not pain me. I do not feel worthy of you… That is why it was so easy to push you away. It is easier than having you eventually leave me when you tire of my imperfections and my pain.”

  Her lips parted. “I wouldn’t have left you, you idiot. I would have dragged your sorry ass to a medic and had that damn surgery. What the fuck were you thinking? You didn’t replace it with something you needed out of fucking pride? Gods, I could murder you right now! That’s it! When we get home, you’re going to set up an appointment, and I am going to personally…”

  His laughter cut her off, and his large hand covered hers, his amber-red eyes shining with emotion. “I knew you were just the female I needed… and Grish knew it… I just needed to let myself see it. And now that I have, I commed the land management offices and had your name officially added to our property. We are yours, if you will have us, just as our land is now yours. And if you decide to go with the Lorgor, then we will arrange for a caretaker, I will get my leg taken care of, and we will follow you.”

  “You would really do that for me?”

  Both males nodded solemnly, their warm eyes resting on her, allowing her to bask in the love in those bright depths.

  “We know that the Calystii need to be dealt with, and outside of hunting down your Robby, we understand if you would feel safer among the rebellion until you are certain. Just be aware that no matter where we are, we will always guard you and care for you,” Grish murmured. “Our farm can wait for us.”

  “I may have a more satisfactory solution,” a deep voice broke in as a large Lorgor approached, accompanied by Danit. His eyes raked over them before settling on Crystal, the corners of his mouth rising as he ignored the territorial growl of her males.

  “What sort of solution?” she asked cautiously.

  The male’s smile widened. “It happens that my sister realized she was speaking to a female we have been searching for over many revolutions. We only recently intercepted word that you were on this planet, mated to a pair of Terils, but the communication was incomplete and did not provide us with any information regarding your name or where on Antari Minor you were located. Danit did not realize your identity since we were lacking more precise information and—forgive me—but you humans all look alike to us. Finding you has done more for us than you can know.”

  “But I don’t have anything,” Crystal said helplessly.

  “And the Calystii are stubbornly ignoring that fact,” the male agreed pleasantly.

  “And what is this solution you speak of?” Borth demanded as he moved forward, placing the solid muscle of his body between her and the Lorgor.

  “Nothing that demands any action at this moment,” the male assured him. “Take your mate home and solidify your claim. Leave the details to the resistance. We will contact you when it is time.”

  Nostrils flaring, hot breath blew out with unmistakable anger as Borth met the Lorgor’s eyes.

  “Do not even consider putting my mate in danger or in any fashion using her as bait. I have already been forced to threaten death on my neighbor—and I liked him enough to offer to bury him. Do not cross me when it comes to my female, because I will not be so gracious with you.”

  Grish growled in agreement as he slid forward as well until Crystal was walled in behind an enormous barrier of muscle.

  “We may be retired, but we are still Fleet. We know more ways to break a male than anyone in your resistance or the Calystii Army has ever imagined,” Grish added in a threatening tone she had never even heard come from the typically jubilant, sweet male.

  “Understood,” the Lorgor said with clear interest in his voice. “Yes, I do think that this will be quite beneficial. Until we speak again,” he said.

  Crystal managed to elbow between her males just in time to see the retreating forms of the Lorgors as they exited the teahouse. Glancing up between the Ugaar brothers, she grinned cheerfully.

  “So… what now?”

  Borth glanced down at her, one brow ridge rising. “Now we go home.”

  Squeezing between them, she wrestled her way out into the open room and spun around, still grinning. “That sounds great and all, since I am co-owner, but you know… I just can’t make any promises about this whole business yet.”

  Borth growled, stalking forward as Talimia’s peals of laughter filled the room. Crystal kept smiling up at the surly male as he scooped her up and lifted her until she dangled from his hands like a helpless kitten. He brought her eye to eye with him.

  “Very well,” he rumbled. “And I will continue my pursuit until you agree… for as long as it takes.”

  “Well, those are the rules of the hunt,” she quipped cheerfully.

  Chapter 21

  They did not wait to arrive back at their farm to renew their connection to their mate. Borth did not remember how exactly they arrived at their overnight lodging, nor did he recall any details about the Mintigi clerk who coded their room access. His entire attention was on his mate.

  Unless someone attempted to come between them or acted in a way that posed a threat that triggered his lethal attention to them, Borth was consumed with absolute need for their female. Running along that need was the frustration that they could not claim their female as their mate… Not yet, not until she
invited it.

  Part of him was willing to bind her to him anyway and face the consequences afterward. He was not going to do that—but it tempted him, especially with the way her soft hands skimmed over his scales and her lips brushed against his chest as they stood in the lift waiting to arrive on the level their room was on. Her body was pressed against his intimately, his cock jutting into the soft flesh just above her belly due to their size difference and Grish behind her. She was between them, her hands roaming over both of them eagerly. It was at once the most wondrous and torturous feeling. He pressed back against her, just as demanding as he leaned down to nip her neck.

  She seized his horn suddenly, and a low growl echoed from the chambers of his ganthli in response. His fingers bit into her hips as she giggled at his unrestrained reaction, happiness bursting through him. In vengeance, he stroked his tongue over a sensitive spot on her throat until she groaned and twitched against him. Grish chuckled, his large hands massaging her breasts and plucking gently on her nipples through the long shirt she wore.

  The sweet scent of her arousal filled the lift with every touch, mingling his and Grish’s pheromones. That combined smell was intoxicating, making his cock ache against his pants. The desire to just peel her pants down and take her with her small, soft body held up against Grish called to him.

  Not there. He was not going to join with her in the lift.

  He met Grish’s gaze, and his brother’s lips twitched in amusement, no doubt guessing at his impatience. He wondered if the male guessed at just how hard the temptation was driving him to strike his claim. Even before Agraadax, Borth had not been the most patient of males. Now with the female he desired to mate under his hands, the threat to his control was even more challenging.

  When the door to the lift slid open, it wasn’t a moment too soon for him. With Crystal still pressed up against him, it took little effort to lift her high into his arms and carry her into the corridor. Her laughter was long, loud and sweet. It startled a pair of Orwols coming from their room, their long ears snapping toward her, but they soon relaxed and shared a smile before continuing to the lift, leaving Grish and Borth plenty of space to maneuver their female into their room. Grish stepped forward just enough to place his palm against the locking panel before the door opened to admit them.


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