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Scientists routinely deride any such suggestion. Physics, they will say, proceeds for its own reasons. Uncertainty had many roots and antecedents, from kinetic theory to radioactivity to the spectra of glowing bodies. Hard to see any influence of art or politics there. And the scientists who evolved the idea of uncertainty were for the most part politically apathetic and artistically conventional. Heisenberg and Born, on piano and violin, liked to play Beethoven. Einstein preferred Mozart. Bohr didn’t care for music at all; he played soccer and tennis, and skied well. Pauli liked to stay out late, but didn’t much hang around with artists or musicians. And he was proud of not reading the newspapers.
As much as they might try, though, physicists in Germany in that period could not live in pure monkish isolation from the world around them. They experienced shortages of money and food. They saw violence in the streets. Since university positions were in the hands of civil servants, they must have been at least distantly aware that the government changed from time to time, and tried out different policies affecting research and education. Their thoughts may have been on another plane, but they inhabited a real world.
Even so, it is jolting to find a historian of science, Paul Forman, writing thus: “I am convinced…that the movement to dispense with causality in physics, which sprang up so suddenly and blossomed so luxuriantly in Germany after 1918, was primarily an effort by German physicists to adapt the content of their science to the values of their intellectual environment.” Primarily?
The argument, reduced to a couple of sentences, is this: Germany’s collapse in the First World War led to profound disillusion with the past, including not just Bismarckian statecraft and a rigidly structured society but the whole ethos, rooted in science, of determinism and order. There arose in opposition to the old ways a sort of romantic revivalism, embracing nature over the machine, passion over reason, chance over logic. If history, like science, was deterministic, and if that determinism had resulted in Germany’s downfall, then evidently some other kind of history was urgently required. Therefore scientists too, to avoid being associated with the discredited past and to curry favor in the new intellectual climate, likewise abandoned determinism and marched under the banner of chance, probability, and uncertainty. According to Forman, “the readiness, the anxiousness of the German physicists to reconstruct the foundations of their science is thus to be construed as a reaction to their negative prestige.”
Of course, no physicist would ever admit to proposing a radical new theory in order to conform to some passing social trend. The influence, if such there was, would be subliminal, unconscious, discernible only by a trained and observant historian.
Some scientists, to be sure, had reacted overtly to the changing order brought about by Germany’s collapse. Max Planck vocally promoted the cultivation of science as a way for his country to rebuild its lost honor and salvage its international reputation. But Planck was also notable for his lack of enthusiasm about the deeper implications of quantum theory. The power and durability of science, in Planck’s view, rested precisely on the robust deterministic foundations established in the nineteenth century, and it was by emphasizing that solidity, Planck believed, that German science could prove its worth. Science, in other words, could exert a benign and calming influence by resisting contemporary pressures and upholding old standards—which is precisely the opposite of saying that science should adjust its principles to gain favor in a volatile world.
Certainly there was, in postwar Germany, a strain of atavistic anti-intellectualism that took aim at the cold, hyperrational scientific view of the world, but like so much else in Weimar Germany this was no coherent philosophy but a welter of impulses. Young men in the Pfadfinder movement, so dear to Heisenberg’s heart, tramped around the hills and forests, swooning over the wonders of nature and arguing endlessly about the meaning of life. “Such thinking,” the cultural historian Peter Gay has said, “amounted to nothing more than the decision to make adolescence itself into an ideology.” In any case, the Pfadfindern were a varied bunch. Some were socialist and wanted to make a new, egalitarian world; some leaned right and yearned for a restoration of the old Germany, where everyone knew their place. Heisenberg and his comrades did not trouble themselves much with contemporary politics, except to bemoan it all. Throughout his early scientific career, when he was formulating novel mathematics and the uncertainty principle, Heisenberg would take off from time to time to wander with his friends among the mountains and lakes. For him, it was pure refreshment, an escape from the tribulations of everyday life. During these outings he only wanted to get away from society, not reform it.
If the inchoate romantic inclinations of this period ever found an intellectual leader, or rather a guru, it was Oswald Spengler, who in 1918 and 1922 published the two volumes of his vast, dense autodidactic work The Decline of the West (in German, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, a far more resonant and doomy title). Spengler was a schoolteacher who toiled every evening to compile his undoubted erudition and learning into a panoramic, all-encompassing theory of world history. He had educated himself, it seemed, about every obscure and ancient culture that had ever inhabited the world’s four corners; he had studied and digested their art, their philosophy, their music, their mathematics. His big theme was destiny, or rather the Destiny-idea. History followed a great cycle, Spengler said. Cultures rose and fell, and their styles of thinking waxed and waned along with them. The modern scientific, rational culture was just one more turn of the wheel; it too would fall.
Spengler’s method is to lay out reams of detail and weighty quantities of obscure facts, and then, as the reader’s head begins to nod, to leap adroitly to grand assertions about what it all must mean. It’s hard to describe the laboriousness, the solemnity, the tendentiousness, the sheer flat-out daffiness of the Spenglerian enterprise. His gloomy, fatalistic opus became a huge bestseller. For German readers, it offered the consolation that the wheel of history would continue to turn, and a fallen country—and culture—would rise again. It was Destiny.
For the present ills of the world, Spengler wrote, science was to blame, going all the way back to the ancient Greeks and their fateful embrace of logic and geometry. Goethe was his hero, Newton the arch villain. Goethe “hated mathematics…For him, the world-as-mechanism stood opposed to the world-as-organism, dead nature to living nature, law to form.”
Against tiresome, shallow scientific causality stands the historical force of destiny. The former is mere accident, while the latter connotes purpose. “The Destiny-idea,” Spengler tells us, “demands life-experience and not scientific experience, the power of seeing and not that of calculating, depth and not intellect…In the Destiny-idea, the soul reveals its world-longing, its desire to rise into the light, to accomplish and actualize its vocation.”
A little of this goes a long way, and in The Decline of the West it goes a long way indeed. To put it simply, Spengler captured the sense that something was dreadfully wrong with the state of the world but that there was a way out, in which the rejection of rationalism, science, and in particular coldhearted determinism would play a large role.
Whether Spengler was truly influential, rather than just popular, is hard to judge. The Nazis adopted his theme of a resurgent culture that rejected modernity, but in an opportunistic way that Spengler himself resented. No scientist could take him seriously. Spengler was not asking for a new kind of science, softer and gentler and less prescriptive than the old stuff. He was against science in all its manifestations.
Forman would have us believe that scientists rejected determinism and causality and embraced uncertainty and probability as a sop toward all those Germans enamored of the kind of thinking Spengler exemplified. But he can provide no real evidence of this, only an assertion that the rise of uncertainty fit in with the tenor of the times. Einstein at least glanced at Spengler, and wrote to Born about the experience: “In the evening one goes along with what he suggests, then smiles about it in the morning…
Such things are amusing, and if tomorrow someone says the exact opposite fervently enough, that’s amusing too, and what’s true, the devil knows.” This is perhaps Einstein’s version of Bohr professing to find some novel thought “very interesting.”
More fundamentally, uncertainty did not erupt capriciously in the mid-1920s. It had been welling up for a decade or more already by then, forcing itself upon the reluctant consciousness of scientists. When probability and uncertainty took their central roles in quantum mechanics, it was for concrete and specific reasons. These were not whimsical changes to the structure of physical theory, but solutions to deep and difficult problems that had confounded physicists for years.
Nor is it true that quantum mechanics was entirely a German production. Leadership came from Bohr, a thoughtful Dane who admired German science but was not at all enraptured by lofty invocations of German culture and spirit. Crucial contributions came from Dirac in Cambridge, from Kramers, a Dutchman in Copenhagen, from Pauli and Schrödinger, both Viennese, and from de Broglie, a minor Parisian aristocrat.
Nor do the fault lines of politics and characters separating the pioneers and the critics of quantum theory tally neatly with their scientific beliefs. In the anti-probability camp we find Nazi sympathizers such as Johannes Stark, old-fashioned right-wingers such as Willy Wien, and moderate conservatives like Planck, along with the avowedly socialist Einstein and the mostly apolitical Schrödinger. The latter two were arguably the most bohemian of the physicists in their personal lives, and in that respect perhaps the most in tune with the alleged spirit of Weimar, but in physics they led the call for a restoration of the old order. Meanwhile Heisenberg, the originator of uncertainty, was conventional and facile in his politics, rather prim and timid in his personal life—solidly bourgeois, in other words—but in his science he was willing to set aside formal rigor and let his intuition guide him. Pauli was almost the opposite. He was no respecter of reputations and had little use for social nicety, but as he himself admitted, he sometimes let caution and fear of the unknown inhibit his scientific imagination. Not long before he died, Pauli lamented to an interviewer that although he thought he had been a freethinker in those heady days, he realized, looking back, that “I was still a classicist and not a revolutionary.”
In short, these are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that don’t fit neatly together. Conceivably, Germany’s prominence in the rise of quantum physics had something to do with the emergence of an intensely mathematical kind of theory in that country, as opposed to the more pragmatic school of nineteenth-century British mathematical physicists. But it’s not hard to find reasons that seem more arbitrary than predestined. If any single early event was fateful, it was the instant fascination that Sommerfeld showed for Bohr’s original system of electron orbits within the atom. Sommerfeld in turn trained Pauli and Heisenberg and a good many others. Dirac, by contrast, hadn’t even heard of the Bohr atom until he went to Cambridge almost a decade later. Should we say that it was not the sociopolitical character of the Weimar Republic but rather the idiosyncratic interests of that old hussar Arnold Sommerfeld that made Germany the birthplace of quantum mechanics? But then to what psychological, social, and political factors do we attribute the fact that Sommerfeld was so drawn to the Bohr atom when so many other physicists were perplexed or repelled?
In the rise of uncertainty in Germany, in other words, there’s an irreducible element of contingency in addition to discernible intellectual trends. In this respect scientific history is like history in general—unless, as Spengler would have it, it all unfolds from the Destiny-idea.
If the forces of unreason didn’t compel scientists to introduce uncertainty into physics, it’s notable that the idea of uncertainty was quickly embraced by at least one prominent figure who was no friend of science and logic. Only a year or two after Heisenberg came up with his principle, D. H. Lawrence penned this little scrap of poetry:
I like relativity and quantum theories
Because I don’t understand them
And they make me feel as if space shifted about like a swan that can’t settle,
Refusing to sit still and be measured;
And as if the atom were an impulsive thing
Always changing its mind.
Lawrence admired impulsiveness far more than he cared for reason, so it pleased him that the scientists had been hoist, so it seemed, by their own petard. Their effort to understand and predict the world through a complete system of laws and rules had stymied itself. Now they had laws that said they couldn’t know everything, that time and space would not conform to their wishes. Spengler the person—a desiccated bachelor hunched over his ancient texts—Lawrence would no doubt have found pathetic, hardly a real man at all, and he would not have had much truck with the elaborately over-theorized system of history Spengler offered. Yet in their dim view of science these opposite types had a connection. Spengler rejected the overweening intellectual determinism of the nineteenth century. Lawrence railed against the coldhearted world of technology and industry (as he had some reason to, having grown up in a grim coal-mining area of England). In different ways, science to them represented something inhuman, debilitating—something that was now overthrown, or at least tottering.
Even the scientists had to agree that complete determinism of the old type was gone. Born said so, and Heisenberg amplified the point. But science, contrary to the desires of the Spenglers and Lawrences of the world, did not abruptly stop working. That was the more interesting puzzle that Bohr in particular applied himself to. His language of complementarity was meant to provide the means by which scientists could continue to speak rationally and consistently of what they did, even though one of the seemingly necessary supports of their subject was showing cracks.
And this was why the question of uncertainty seemed so intriguing and important to so many people outside science. Was science fatally crippled? Would it carry on regardless (which seemed to be the wish of most young physicists, blithely confident that as long as they could calculate, they could do science as they had always done)? Or would it change, and if so how?
Such questions, if fascinating to poets and philosophers, struck no sparks in the great majority of working physicists. But Bohr and Einstein, as always, were the exception. Bohr wanted to show how physics could continue in good conscience, despite the intrusion of uncertainty. Einstein wanted to show it could not. And he had one last trick up his sleeve, one final demonstration that quantum mechanics was not the last word.
Chapter 16
Before taking up permanent residence in Princeton, Einstein lingered for a few last months in Europe, spending his time mostly in Belgium and England. On June 10, 1933, he delivered a lecture in Oxford on his views of theoretical physics in general and quantum mechanics in particular. The theorist must pay close attention to observational evidence and empirical phenomena, he said, but that was only the first step. In creating theories, the scientist must employ imagination to connect facts into a coherent structure framed according to the rigorous rules of mathematics and logic. That, of course, was how he had arrived so many years before at his theories of special and general relativity.
His guiding principle, Einstein said, was the conviction that nature always chooses the simplest solution. “In a certain sense, therefore,” he went on, “I hold it to be true that pure thought is capable of comprehending reality, as the ancients dreamed.” But this veers toward a dangerous idea. Einstein, when young, had insisted that the springboard of his imagination must be anchored in scrupulously examined facts. Now, past the age of fifty, Einstein seemed to be saying that intuition and reason alone, divorced from crass practical considerations, could suffice to determine natural laws.
Simplicity in scientific theorizing is often characterized as elegance or beauty. This feeling of aesthetic rightness, whatever it is called, can be a deception as well as a guide. Bohr had his own view on the matter. “I cann
ot understand,” he once said, “what it means to call a theory beautiful if it is not true.”
Einstein talked in Oxford of his unease with quantum mechanics—because it didn’t comport with what “pure thought” told him of the way a theory of physics ought to work. Born’s probability interpretation of quantum waves, Einstein insisted, would have “no more than a transitory significance.” He argued that in a more satisfactory theory than quantum mechanics, physical events would regain their traditional objectivity and would not be seen as mere constellations of possibilities. On the other hand, he accepted that the location of a particle, because of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, could not be given any definite, absolute meaning. Quite how he hoped to reconcile these two contradictory statements he left unsaid.
Once settled in Princeton, Einstein continued to pick away at quantum mechanics. No evidence pointed to practical flaws in the new physics. But his inner voice—or as he liked to put it, the voice of “the Old One,” filtering down to him alone—told him that something was seriously amiss. He had listened to this voice before. Why should it fail him now?
In 1935, working with his young Princeton colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein published his last and most famous blast against quantum theory. “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?” the paper asked in its title. The question was rhetorical. The answer was clearly no, according to Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen.
The EPR argument is an elaboration of what Einstein had fretted about at the fifth Solvay conference in 1927. There he had seized on Born’s assertion that a quantum wave function can describe only the probability of a particle being one place or another. That’s all very well, said Einstein, but at some point probability must turn into certainty. An electron hitting a screen, in the example he chose, has to land at one place in particular. And when it lands, must not the quantum wave describing it somehow change instantaneously all across the screen?