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ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 120

by Michelle Woodward

  “I wish one of them would just tell her how they feel for Pete’s sake.”

  Suzanne smiled at her other daughter. “They may not even know just as your sister doesn’t know her own feelings. The day will come however when they will all know how the others feel and I will regret that day.”

  “Why is that?”

  “That will probably be the end of their three amigos friendship.”

  “But I would think that love would make it stronger.”

  “With two people, yes, but with three, I don’t think so. You know what they say, three’s a crowd.”

  “I don’t see why it would be so bad.”

  “It will be bad Sabrina honey because your sister will have to choose. And that choice will either make her happy or miserable. And it is one choice I don’t wish on anyone. They are both exceptional men and she will end up losing one of them forever. It is a choice she will have to make soon enough or break ties with the both of them. Although it is sad I do not think any of them can continue to go on as they have been.”

  “I think you are right mother. Come on. They said she will be fine and just needs her rest. I am sure if something else happens tonight one of the watch dogs will notify us.” She muffled her giggles behind her hand as they made their way out.

  Samantha had felt that something was off and had opened her eyes. She had just closed them again when she heard her mother speak. When she realized she was talking about her she kept her eyes closed. She knew it was practically eaves dropping but couldn’t help it. The words she heard her mother speak however were almost more than she could bare. Is that really what was going on? Could it be true? She wouldn’t think about it. She was tired at the moment and her last thought before she drifted back to sleep was what would she do if she had to choose? Who would she choose in the end?

  Samantha awoke to look around and saw an empty room. She remembered the party and then seeing Drew, but everything else was blank except a few words that were said that she thought came from her mother a little while ago. She knew she was in the hospital but didn’t know why. Looking around, she tried to sit up and felt a little dizzy. Taking her time, she eased into a sitting position. Sunlight streamed in from the window so she must have been there all night. There was suddenly a commotion outside the door to the room and she looked up just as her two roommates walked in.

  “Hey sleepy head. How ya feelin’?”

  She smiled up at Jason. “Fine. Thanks.”

  “Well good , ‘cause if you scare me like that again I’m gonna spank your ass. Got that?”

  “You can try.” Jason’s head flew back as laughter erupted from his mouth.

  “He’s got a point darlin’. You scared the shit outta us.” She looked over Jason to see Drew standing with his hands on his hips. His waves of light brown hair came down over one eye and down to the middle of his neck. He had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen and women would kill for his eye lashes. He had a regular plain black T shirt on with light colored jeans and she had to admit as she looked at him that he filled out those jeans really well. He grinned when he caught her looking him over and she quickly averted her gaze. It fell on Jason who looked just as scrumptious with his dark curls that were haphazardly tousled on his head to his ears. His hair was dark black and he had dark green eyes to go with it. As usual, he was wearing a dress shirt that had the top three buttons open and dress slacks. He smiled down as he flicked the tip of her nose.

  “I’m telling you nicely. You better watch your ass.”

  “Well I know I can find it. It’s big enough.”

  “Stop!” It came from Drew and he was scowling at her. She knew what he was pissed about. They hated when she put herself down but it didn’t happen very often.

  “Damn. It was a joke. You know funny, funny, ha, ha.”

  “I don’t care if it was. I don’t like it.”

  “Neither of us do. Now tell me, how are you feeling?” Glad to direct her attention to the one who was breathing fire down her neck, Sam directed her attention to Jason.

  “A little dizzy. What happened?”

  “Well it looks like that idiot that you danced with spiked your punch. They’re running some tests to find out what it was and if all is well then you should be able to go home this evening.”

  “I can’t remember much from last night.”

  She watched as the men glanced at each other. “Honey, the engagement party was two nights ago. You have been asleep for over 30 hours. You woke up only briefly and said some gibberish. They’ve been feeding you through a tube.


  Later that evening, Sam was glad to hear that she could go home. She would have to stay out of work for another couple of days, but she would be fine. The doctor stated that she had slept so much from the drugs because her body was on overload and she had failed to sleep properly for the last couple of months. Sam had admitted to not sleeping well the last few weeks and the doctor recommended that she catch up on her beauty rest.

  The days went by slowly for Sam and everything was boring. She had her two watch dogs that wouldn’t let her do anything or go anywhere. They even went as far as hiding her car keys so she couldn’t drive.

  “If you won’t do it for yourself, then think of all the other people on the road you could hurt if you are not ready to be driving again.” Drew’s words penetrated her brain and made her clench her teeth. She hated feeling helpless and just wanted to get out of the house. It was Saturday morning and she was damned if she was going to miss a game.

  “I haven’t missed a game since I started two years ago. No way, no how am I missing it for anything. I went in with the flu and strep. You can’t keep me from the field. I will walk if I have to.”

  Jason looked at her in shock. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  She stood and placed her hands on her hips. “Oh yes I most certainly would, and what would people say of you two if I passed out on the side of the road there all because neither of you would give me a ride? And after I just got out of the hospital less than a week ago?”

  “Oh you fight dirty, sweetness.” Jason tried to look sternly at her, but there was a grin forming on the side of his face.

  “Only when I have to. And you love me anyway.”

  Both men stood there looking at her with blank expressions. She looked at them and then shrugged as she made her way to her room to get dressed.

  “You can go with us, but you are NOT working. You can watch the game. And don’t even think about arguing or one of us will stay here with you.”

  “Ughhh!” Both men cringed when they heard something crash against the wall. “Stupid stubborn pain in the ass men. And what did I do? I moved in with two of them. I was really looking for punishment. Overbearing and over protective Neanderthals. I have had enough. I am fine and will they listen. NOOOOOOOO!”

  Both men looked at each other before shaking their heads and making their way to their own rooms to get dressed.

  Samantha was pissed she didn’t get to work, but she was happy to be able to watch the kids play and she was able to yell and cheer more during the game this way. The sun had set and she waited patiently for the guys by the car. Although she should feel exhausted from the sun, she was energized and felt better then she had in a long time. She attributed it to the extra sleep she had gotten in the past week. They had taken Drew’s truck and she slid into the truck in the middle. Just as the guys slid in someone yelled Drew’s name. He glanced over and smiled at a woman. Telling them he would be right back, he hopped down out of the truck to walk over to her. Their body language told Sam that the two of them had been intimate in the past. She edged closer and closer to Drew’s big body and he nonchalantly placed his arm around her waist. Sam suddenly felt pissed. How dare he leave them sitting here to go talk to a booty-call. Leaning forward she honked the horn. When the two of them looked over at her she threw her hands up.

  “Come on Drew. I want to go home. Can you believe him?” She l
ooked over to see Jason texting on his phone and grinning at it from ear to ear. “Oh really. Come on. Maybe I should have stayed home.”

  Drew slid into the truck and looked at her and Jason. “You PMSing or something? You have never acted like that. If you were in a hurry you should have said so.” He didn’t look too happy as he started up the truck.

  “Well, I thought it was impolite to keep people waiting on you while you talked to one of your women.”

  “One of my women? What the hell has gotten into you Sam?” Drew looked at her with wide eyes. She was acting strange. Jason had put down his phone and was looking at her questioningly as well.

  “Nothing. I just want to go home. I’m tired.” She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She didn’t act like that. She was the girl who acted like one of the guys. It was almost like she was jealous. What the hell was going on? First she found herself imagining what her roommates looked like without clothes on and now she didn’t want them touching other women or even talking to them for that matter. She needed to go home and lock herself in her room for a while.

  “Ok. Let’s get you home then.”

  As soon as they got home Sam went to get stuff from her room and stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. Nothing else was said the whole ride home and they all entered the house silently. She made a bee line for the stairs and she knew both the men were wondering what was going on. The problem was she didn’t know herself. She took a long hot shower hoping that would make her feel better and slipped back into her room. She was curled up in bed when there was a knock on the door almost an hour later.


  She tried to pretend she didn’t hear hoping Drew would go away but she wasn’t that lucky.

  “I know you’re in there. You have until the count of two to open the door, dammit. We all need to talk. One!” She looked over at the door and her eyes widened when she realized it wasn’t locked. She never locked it but she thought she had this time. She got up and tried to race to the door to lock it but she was too late. The door swung open to reveal both men standing there with their arms crossed and not looking too happy at all. She placed her hands on her hips and glared at them.

  “How dare you just come in my room. That was a rule. Remember?”

  “Yeah unless you need help and we think you need help.”

  “I don’t need any damn help.”

  “OH yeah?”

  “Yeah. What do I need help with if you think I need it so much?”

  “Well, first you need me to spank you for being such a little spoiled brat. Next we need to find out what is going on.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” She watched as his eyes traveled the length of her. When she looked over to find Drew’s eyes were also looking her over, she looked down and realized that she was in nothing but her black lace underwear and a light pink tank top. Her slightly rounded stomach was barely covered in the tight fitting shirt and her underwear were high cut giving them a view of her round hips and her muscled legs.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  “Look I’m tired.” Sam replied.

  “You know what? So am I. I’m tired of all of us walking around here knowing damn well how bad each of us want you and how much you want us. And don’t you dare deny it. I see it in your eyes when you look at both of us and both of us have already admitted to each other how we feel about you. Hell, we have been sharing women for years, waiting for the day when you will have us. Dammit, I’m telling you I am tired of waiting and walking on egg shells. I feel something for you that I have never felt for another woman.” Drew took a deep breath at the end of his tirade and stood there looking at her with pleading in his eyes.

  “What? You guys have been sharing women? In this house?” She looked back and forth between them with wide eyes.

  Jason chuckled as he looked at her. “Out of everything he just said to you that is what you took out of it?”

  Raising her chin she glared at him. “How long?”

  “How long what?”

  “Have you been sharing women.” They both looked guiltily at each other. “That long huh? Maybe I should just move out then. That way you can have what you want - a house to bring your women to.” She turned but not before the tears started to well in the corner of her eye.

  She felt hands grip her shoulders and spin her around until she came face to face with Drew. “No. The only thing we want now, all we have ever wanted is you. You just never seemed interested before. Tell me you don’t want us. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t care for me or Jason as men. Not brothers but men who want you naked and screaming in our bed. Men who want to devour your amazing body and make you come so many times you lose count. Men who want to lick and stroke every part of you. You tell me you don’t want that and we will both walk away now and this will never be brought up again.” He shook her softly. “Tell me!”

  She looked at him as the tears welled up even more in her eyes. Her eyes looked to be swimming but none of her tears fell over the edge to escape her eyelids. She looked at him and then glanced over at Jason who stood there stiffly with his hands hanging at his sides. He looked scared to death. She looked back at Drew and knew instantly that she wanted them. Had wanted them both for a while but could never admit it. Whether she was embarrassed, scared or just didn’t feel worthy she didn’t know, but for the first time in her life she wanted to walk outside the box. She wanted to throw caution to the wind and live even if for just one night.

  Her hand caressed his cheek as she smiled up at him. “You know I can’t. I don’t know how long I have felt like this. I don’t understand or really care to. I just know that I couldn’t see my life without either of you in it and I really don’t want to. And yes I want you both every way I can have you.” She held her hand out to Jason who quickly took it and walked up to her sliding around behind her. She felt his hands caress the sides of her waist and sucked in a breath. His hands were large and warm and she was amazed at the feeling of them just holding her. She looked up into Drew’s eyes and sucked in a breath at the intensity shining in them. His hand slowly slid across her cheek before he dipped his head down. She felt the soft caress of his tongue across her bottom lip before he sipped at the corner where her lips met. She moaned deep when she felt Jason’s hands apply more pressure on her waist just as Drew swept her hair aside to place kisses down her neck. Suddenly Jason’s lips were there on the other side and she felt his hands caress her hips and up to gently squeeze her breasts. He positioned her so that each breast filled a hand to overflowing as his fingers grasped her nipples. She gasped as she felt Drew grasp her ass and pulled her forward to grind her against him. His hands slipped around the front to pet against her panties. He gently grazed her mound through the thin cotton just as Jason slid a hand down to her stomach to pull her back against him so that he could grind himself against her ass. Her head fell back against his shoulder and she couldn’t think of anything past that point. All she could do was feel this incredible moment.

  “Is this want you want, sweetness?” She heard Jason whisper into her ear as he caressed her nipple through her tank top. His voice was much deeper than normal and it had a tinge of something else in it.

  “Yessss!” She didn’t know if she said it out loud or not. She just heard it in her head and it escaped her lips. She must have said something, because Jason quickly raised her tank top up and over her head and threw it away from the three of them. There were hands all over her body and she was on fire, burning from the inside out. Her nerves were on edge and everything was sensitive everywhere. She hadn’t thought that being with both of them would be so damn stimulating but she swore she could almost orgasm just by thinking about them and feeling their hands on her. She felt Drew slide two fingers into each side of her panties and slowly slide them down her legs. She felt the coolness of the air in the room touch her mound as he looked up at her.

  “Step out, love. There we go now open your legs for me.
” She tried to keep her legs shut embarrassed by him just sitting there looking at her but he wasn’t to be ignored as he slid his hands up the inside of her thighs and gripped them. He slowly applied pressure until she opened her legs for him. She felt first his breath against her thigh and then his mouth as he placed little kisses and nibbles up the inside of her thigh. Her breasts were so sensitive that the little pinches that Jason applied to them sent sparks straight to her clit. She felt his mouth cover her mound and then flick her clit with his tongue.

  “Oh Jesus!” She heard a chuckle but she didn’t know who it came from. At this point she really didn’t care. All she could think about is the sensations that were coursing through her body and making her moan and writhe in their arms. She thought she was going to collapse as Drew inhaled her nether lips one at a time into his mouth sucking them to a point where she thought they would pop off. Then his tongue licked up and down finally stopping at her opening. She had never felt like this. She felt like she was going to splinter into a thousand pieces. She didn’t know what to do so she did the only thing she could do. She held on to his shoulders as he brought her to the point of orgasm over and over again. Just when she thought she was going to reach that edge he backed off enough so that she didn’t reach her goal. She was moaning and finally growling at him when he wouldn’t let her orgasm. He looked up at her and smiled.


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