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ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 138

by Michelle Woodward

  She wanted to retort back to him, especially regarding the servant girl jibe, but her guilt held her tongue. She watched as he left the room, once she was certain that he was gone, she turned back to the window. She afforded herself another glance at her lover, just so she could look at something more pleasing to the eye than her husband’s furious features. She watched as he finalized the feature, adding the finishing touch. She would do nothing to gain his attention; it was best left alone for a few days. They clearly had been seen walking the grounds together. It was probably some jealous young maid who was filled with envy at him not having eyes for her. Hopefully, it would all die down and in a few days and she would speak to the butler, Mason. He, of all people, should help her to quash this silliness.

  Chapter 11

  Mathias knew he had given his younger wife too much freedom, allowing her to read anything she liked and letting her be over familiar with the staff. He would need to put a stop to this. Gossip among the staff was one thing, but if it spread to their peers, it would be intolerable. He couldn’t understand her brazen behaviour, she was from a good family, perhaps not a wealthy one, but he would not blame her upbringing. She had indicated none of these failings in their courtship, if she had, he would not have married her. Despite her shortcomings, he did love her, if only she could see this. Perhaps if they had a baby then all would be well, she would be far too engrossed in raising a child to be dallying with the male staff.

  Gertrude, his older sister, was not around to advise him, and Olivia, his younger sister, liked Bridget far too much to be impartial. He would need to sort this conundrum out, all by himself. Women were such complicated creatures and he did struggle to understand them. It was one of the reasons he had married so late in life, he simply could not find a woman he was comfortable with. Bridget had seemed like a breath of fresh air when he had first met her.

  He recalled how she came dashing into her father’s drawing room with a bunch of herbs in a basket from their garden, her hair in such a mess as if she had been running. She had rosy cheeks and her laugh was a ray of sunshine. He had been instantly entranced by her. The visit to her father had been for business, as he was selling a London property, but that was soon forgotten once he laid eyes on his daughter. Instead of buying the house he had asked for permission to court Bridget, and it had been granted.

  Now, he wondered if her father ever managed to sell that property. Perhaps he would buy it for Bridget, so she could have familiar surroundings whenever she visited London, instead of going to the large house they had there. Yes, he would look into this and make it her project; she could re-organize the whole house, which should keep her busy. Though it had been three years ago, it was probably no longer available, but he would buy her another house in London. One more fitting to her needs, smaller perhaps, she was always complaining that the house was too big and empty.

  Once Mathias had calmed down, he decided to go for a ride. He understood his wife’s love of riding, it was one of the few things they had in common. Yet, he hated the thought of her alone and vulnerable, he wished she would ride with him more often. He headed towards the stable, even though it was short notice and they would not be expecting him. It should not take the stable boys long to ready a horse for him.

  As he approached the stable door he could hear two stable boys arguing.

  “I heard that Lady Hexley is going to elope with one of the servants,” Mathias heard one of the stable hands, as he spoke to another.

  “Really? Which servant is that then?” the other boy asked, incredulously. “Personally, I think it’s all hogwash, that’s what I think.”

  “I don’t know who it was, but it’s all the gossip in the kitchen,” the other retorted. “I wish it were me, I’d run off wiv ‘er like a shot.”

  “Have you boys nothing better to do other than listen to house gossip?” the stable master had arrived and flicked at each of the ears of the boys, painfully.

  Both boys yelped in pain, just as Mathias entered the stables.

  “Which of you two boys used the word ‘hogwash’?” the Master of the house asked them.

  “Well, lads, speak up,” the stable master flicked their ears again. “You ‘ave plenty to say when you thinks no one’s listenin’, so now’s your chance to speak up. Answer the Master.”

  “Twas me, Sir,” one boy slowly put his hand up in the air, bravely admitting his offending word.

  “What exactly does that word mean, boy?” Mathias asked him.

  “Well, I don’t rightly know, Sir, but I thinks it means that it’s rubbish, and only fit for pigswill, Sir,” he said, nervously, knowing he was in deep trouble.

  “What’s your name boy?” Mathias asked.

  “Toby, sir. Am I in trouble?”

  “No, Toby, you are not. In fact, exactly the opposite. Here’s a coin boy,” Mathias said, watching the boy’s face light up at such riches.

  “A whole thrupenny bit, for me, Sir?”

  “Yes, you deserve it for defending the honor of the Mistress of the house, and by putting this gossip where it belongs, in the rubbish pile,” his Lordship praised him.

  The other boy looked on in sheepishly as his Lordship spoke, hoping he would not be punished for his comments. It was not unusual for the stable master to use the riding crop on the backside of a troublesome boy. It was with relief when the stable master simply ordered them to saddle a horse for his Lordship.

  “That was very generous of you, My Lord, if I say so,” the stable master said.

  “The boy was being loyal to his employees, and I always reward loyalty,” Mathias replied.

  “And rightly so, Sir, rightly so,” agreed the stable master, leaving his Lordship while he hurried the lads on, with the horse. He did not like to keep the Master of the house waiting.

  Chapter 12

  For Bridget, the week following her illicit liaison in the forest with Tristan, was the unhappiest week of her life. Mathias was becoming more and more suspicious and had her watched constantly. He demanded that someone accompany her on rides, and it was impossible to even speak with Tristan, never mind meet together in private. She had been completely swept off her feet by the whirlwind romance and pined for him whenever they were apart. Today, all that would change; Mathias was away for the day and would not return until the evening. They had arranged to meet at the gardener’s cottage. He was also away for the day, buying plants at the market. It was risky, but she could not resist the opportunity to be alone with her love.

  When she awoke that morning, Bridget felt in the best mood ever, in anticipation of their meeting. She arranged for her breakfast to be served on a tray, in bed, rather than eating with Mathias before he left. She felt overwhelmed with guilt whenever in his company, and could not bear to look him in the eye. She knew it was unfair on him. Mathias was a kind and loving man, but her passion for Tristan was all consuming.

  Her maid, Sally, opened up the curtains, allowing the sun’s rays to flood into the room, lighting up her mood even more. She sat up and stretched as Sally put the breakfast tray on her bed. Her personal maid, Jayne knocked and entered, when instructed, and queried after her mistresses day and what she wished to wear.

  “Give me something easy to walk in,” Bridget said to her, “I’ll potter around the garden today, maybe go for a walk into the woods.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Jayne replied as she brought out a few dresses to choose from.

  “I’ll have the pink one and I don’t want a fichu with it,” she said, choosing a low neckline. “Those neckerchiefs are too stifling. I want the sun to reach my skin.”

  “Yes, my Lady, Jayne repeated, thinking her Ladyship really should cover up her cleavage. She wasn’t one to listen to gossip but she had seen how she looked at the gardener’s son. Not that she was surprised; he was a handsome young man, the complete opposite of Lord Hexley. Still it wasn’t her place to comment, and she said nothing.

  Once breakfasted, ablutions and dressing were all done; Brid
get first went to see her new water feature. It was a beautiful piece and one she would treasure for an eternity. She sat there for a while, enjoying the serenity, and contemplating her situation. How had it come to this? She asked herself. She was a respectable woman married to landed gentry. Although Mathias was older, everyone had agreed that he was a fine catch. She may not love him, but at the time of her marriage, love wasn't everything. That was before Tristan though. Now, Tristan’s light burned deeply in her heart and she simply could not live without him.

  After a short while she set off around the grounds, walking the route everyone expected her to take. Once in the wooded area and away from prying eyes, she doubled back and made her way to the rear of the gardener’s cottage. There, her lover would be waiting for her and they could be alone together. The plan was going well, her husband away; the head gardener away, the day was perfect. She knocked on the door and Tristan answered, instantly pulling her in and quickly pressing his lips on to hers.

  That one kiss sparked an avalanche of emotions. She yearned for him, for his contact, his touch, his kiss. She felt guilt at what she was doing to her husband, but she also felt a thrill that their elicit relationship instilled in her, the naughtiness of it simply increasing the thrill. Just for one brief moment, everything faded into insignificance as she sank into his firm muscular arms. Tristan’s lips and hers joined together in a passionate embrace.

  Tristan was eager to feel his naked skin on hers, and started to undo her gown, right there in the parlor. The buttons seemed tricky but he was soon slipping the dress off her shoulders, as she stood there in just her petticoats and corset. Next, the petticoats joined the dress on the floor and he was quickly unlacing her corset. At no time during his undressing of her beautiful body, did they break their passionate embrace. At last the corset was unlaced and it slipped down over her waist and landed at her feet. Now, at last, she was completely naked and Tristan pulled away from their embrace, stepping back slightly to admire her beautiful body. His eyes wandered from the tips of her small pert breasts, with their rosy red nipples already erect, whether from the cold air or arousal he was unsure. His eyes wandered lower, to her tucked in waist and perfectly flat stomach. Then lower still, to the lightly haired mound of her mons.

  He sucked in his breath, involuntarily, “Beautiful, my darling, you are everything I dreamed you to be.”

  Lady Bridget Hexley blushed slightly at his piercing gaze, but made no attempt to hide her modesty.

  Emboldened with passion, Tristan swept the naked Lady Hexley into his arms, and carried her upstairs to the bedroom.

  Chapter 13

  Lottie, the kitchen maid was making her way through the grounds. She had been sent on an errand by the cook for fresh herbs, for the evening meal

  Now don’t forget, Lottie, I need chives and parsley. I know what a scatterbrain you can be. If you come back here without them, I’ll have you scrubbing floors for a week. Cook’s voice echoed in her head as she repeatedly reminded her self of her instructions.

  It was a beautiful day with the sun shining brightly, and it was such a pleasure to be outdoors. Much of her day was cooped up in the kitchen, so being out in the garden was such a welcome change. So much so, that Lottie decided to take the long way round to the gardener’s cottage, after all, cook had not told her to hurry.

  She knew this way to the gardener’s cottage well. On her days off she would spend hours wandering the wooded area, listening to the singing birds and admiring the ancient trees that grew here, tall and wide, their bark resembling wrinkled old skin. She was enjoying herself so much that she hadn’t realized she was almost there. It was with a little disappointing when she saw the rear of the cottage in a clearing, just ahead.

  Just as she was about to step out of the woodland, something caught the corner of her eye. Thinking it may be a wild animal such as a deer, she stepped back into the trees and peered out with a growing sense of excitement. To her disappointment, she spotted the Mistress of the house making her way towards the cottage. Keeping herself hidden, she watched as Lady Hexley knocked on the door. It was quickly opened and to her surprise, the gardener’s son took her Ladyship’s hand, and pulled her into the house, then closed the door with a bang.

  Lottie was in such a state. She had heard the rumors in the kitchen regarding Lady Hexley, but she took no heed of them. She liked the Lady; she was always kind to her whenever she came into the kitchen. This was a real dilemma, she couldn’t return to the kitchen without the herbs but clearly she could hardly go knocking on the gardener’s door.

  With a sigh of resignation she turned back and headed to the big house. As much as she didn’t want to get the Lady into trouble, she had no alternative but to tell cook what she saw. She made her way through the woods, her heart far heavier than when she had passed this way earlier.

  * * *

  Lady Hexley marveled at the strength of her lover, as he effortlessly carried her up the stairs in his strong and muscular arms. When they arrived at the bedroom, he used his foot to open the door, and then he lay her down on the single bed that stood in the far corner of the room.

  Still not showing any attempt to hide her modesty as she lay there naked, legs slightly apart, her whole body burning with passion. She watched as Tristan unbuttoned his shirt, and then slipped it off his broad shoulders, baring his wide, lightly haired chest. Now it was her turn to give the admiring glances, and Bridget stared at him unabashedly. Her eyes wandered down his flat taut stomach with its well defined muscles. A little furrow of hair led down from his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his trousers. His hand was already inside the waistband of his pants, and she found it impossible to tear her eyes away as he quickly, in one swift movement, pulled them down and stepped out of them. Now, just like her, he was naked too.

  Bridget was a little shocked at the sight of his nakedness, his stiffness protruding out from his body. Her hand, as if it had a mind of its own, reached out. Her fingers encircled the girth, too thick for them to completely wrap around it. She felt Tristan groan lightly at her touch, and his body quivered with desire. She stared at his maleness, entranced, never before had she set her eyes on such a sight. Love making with her husband was always in the dark, and she had been a virgin before she married. She shuddered a little at the thought that soon, he would be inside her. Tristan removed her hand from his throbbing member and laid down beside her, his stiffness pressing into her legs.

  She shuddered with delight as he started to plant feather kisses all over her neck, slowly making his way down to the mounds of her breasts. Kissing the soft milky flesh, his lips caressed her skin everywhere. She arched her back, trying to brush the sensitive little nubs of her nipples against his lips, when suddenly he suckled one into his mouth. A sudden heat coursed through her, originating at her nipples and flooding down to her mons, causing her to moan passionately. He suckled gently for a few moments, his other hand reaching over to rub her extended bud between his finger and thumb.

  Lady Hexley was in heaven, never had her husband given her so much attention in sex. His technique was as quick and simple as possible, almost as if he was there against his will. She knew he desperately desired an heir, and she believed that was the only reason they made love. For all of her marriage she had imagined that was how it was done. Her lover was teaching her the real meaning of making love, and it was amazing.

  Still suckling her breasts she felt Tristan move between her thighs. She spread her legs wide, allowing him complete access to her most private of places. She felt his stiffness brush lightly against her labia, and let out a little shudder of desire. The tip of his maleness hovered over her wetness, teasing her. She could stand it no longer and wrapping her legs around his waist, she forced him inside of her, pressing her hips up to meet him, until their groins mashed together.

  She lay there, just like that, with him completely embedded inside of her, as she enjoyed the feeling of fullness that his erection gave her. Then as if they coul
d read each other’s minds, they started to move together. Bridget grinding her hips around and around, as he thrust inside of her. Slowly at first, but before long they were both writhing with abandon as they rushed to meet their mutual orgasms, head on.

  Afterwards, he rolled off her and held her in his arms. They laid together in their satisfied glow, neither of them hearing the footsteps on the stairs and their impending doom.

  * * *

  Malcolm Scott, the Hexley family head gardener, had just had a successful day at the market. He had managed to negotiate a good price for the plants he needed, and arranged for them to be delivered to the estate the next day. Normally, he would spend a few hours in the tavern with the other gardeners, enjoying a draft or two of the fine ales that they served. But, today something niggled him. He wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but he felt the need to return home as soon as possible. With one longing look at the tavern, he packed his things together and set off back to the estate.


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