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Sports Gods

Page 2

by J J Loraine

Norah stares at me like I’m a mystery she wants to solve. I bathe in her gaze and bite my lip. I love it when she studies my body.

  “Doesn’t sound so simple...” she finally says.

  “Well, it doesn’t really matter. We can be simple. Let’s go out tonight, after this thing is over. I’ll take you to a restaurant. What kind of food do you like?”

  “I like all kinds of food.”

  “What’s your favourite?”

  Norah looks me up and down and licks her lips.


  “I know the perfect place. It’s a date then,” I confirm.

  “Seems so...” she winks and then twirls around. I watch her strut away again, stuck in place. This time, though, Norah looks back a couple of times before disappearing from view.

  I sigh and stare at the empty space she’s left behind.

  A date’s a good start, but it’s not enough. I want to make this girl mine, now and forever.

  I’ve found my one-and-only; I can’t screw this up.

  I’m in love.

  Chapter 4


  I try my best to stay focused on the job, but every now and then, I catch Clay staring at me through the crowd and I get butterflies in my stomach.

  He’s not like any guy I’ve ever met before. He’s so charming and sure of himself.

  I feel like I’m already falling for him...

  I start to get more and more nervous as the night goes on, though. I notice how people treat him; he’s clearly a big deal.

  He constantly gets stopped for autographs and pictures. It seems like every single person in the room wants to shake his hand... or more.

  I catch some of the gorgeous, tall blonde model-looking girls giggling about him near the other side of the room.

  “I call dibs,” one of them says.

  “No way! He’s mine!” laughs another.

  “You’re going to have to go through me. He’s one of the last single all-stars out there, and I want to dig my nails into him before he decides to retire and leave the spotlight. He’s going to ask me to marry him by the end of the month, just you wait!”

  Their conversation is like a punch in the gut. Why is Clay so interested in me when he clearly has his pick of the litter? Hell, even I’m sort of attracted to these women, and they’re preparing to throw themselves at him. How could he resist? How could he want me?

  I’m working myself up into a tizzy by the time my boss finally spots me. “Norah, table number 11 wants some more champagne, go grab it for them.”

  I look over to the table he’s referring to and shudder.

  It’s filled with half-a-dozen bleach blonde, premium trophy-wife molds, and they’re all ogling Clay.

  I feel queasy from insecurity. The last thing I want to do is serve that table, but I don’t have a choice. I need this job.

  I run down to the cellar and then quickly rush back to the table. I just want to get this over with. I start silently pouring while the women chatter with each other like I’m not even there.

  “I don’t know, I kind of think the Russian player’s hot too,” I hear one of the girls say.

  “So hot,” the others chime in.

  “... But his contract isn’t even half as much as C.J.’s. I have my eyes set on him... and hey, if we end up getting divorced after a few years, I get half!”

  The table erupts in laughter as I finish pouring out the last glass. Before I can fill it up, though, one of the flailing women’s arms catches mine. I lose control of the bottle and it goes flying onto the table, drenching two of the women in champagne.

  They shriek and stand up indignantly.

  “You bitch!” one of the screams at me. “This is a new dress! You ruined it!”

  I try to slink away, but everyone around the table has stopped to gawk at the commotion. I’m blocked in.

  “I’m sorry ma’am,” I say, trying to stay calm. “It was an accident.”

  “I don’t give a shit. I’m not paying to get it cleaned. Where’s your boss!?”

  Shit, please no. Don’t get my boss involved in this. I can’t get fired.

  Of course, my boss suddenly appears like an apparition out of nowhere.

  “What’s the problem here, ladies?” he asks, in his best customer service voice.

  “That clumsy pig of yours spilled champagne all lover my new dress. Are you going to pay for it?”

  I can’t take it anymore. I turn around and find a hole in surrounding crowd, then I run away.

  Chapter 5


  I’m furious.

  Who the hell do those women think they are to talk to Norah like that?

  I’m practically steaming as I burst into the kitchen after her... but she’s nowhere to be found.

  I hear my name being called from back in the hall; I ignore it. The kitchen door swings shut behind me and I go looking for my woman.

  The kitchen is loud and busy but I call out anyway. I don’t get any response.

  I saw Norah run through here; she can’t be far.

  I push further and further through the bustling cooks until I get to the back door. I turn around and gaze back over where I just came from.

  Where the hell is she?

  I suddenly remember that I have her number. I whip out my phone and instinctively call her. I’ve never felt so protective over a woman in my life.

  Usually, I only get this feeling when one of my teammates gets hit from behind or slashed. It’s a whole new world for me to feel like this for a girl.

  It’s so loud in the kitchen that I can barely hear the phone ring. I turn around to the back door and pull it open. The chaotic din of the kitchen recedes behind me and the silence of the alleyway takes over.

  The door clicks shut and I pull my phone back up to my ear. It’s stopped ringing. I try again.

  I dial Norah’s number and wait.

  The silence of alley is suddenly broken by the sound of a ringtone. It’s not coming from my phone, either. I follow the melody around the corner... and find Norah sitting against the wall with her face tucked between her knees and her phone ringing in her hand.

  “Norah...” I say, quietly enough not to startle her.

  Her head whips up from between her legs. She looks at me and then at her phone.

  Her eyes are red, but she wipes away the tears and blows her nose on her sleeve.

  “I’m sorry...” she says, seeing that I was the one calling her. “I thought it might have been my boss asking where I was. I didn’t even want to look... I’m going to lose my job.”

  I sigh and sit down beside her. For all her natural curves, she’s much smaller than her personality lets on. I dwarf the gorgeous girl as I shimmy closer to her.

  “It’s OK... I’m sorry you’re so stressed out.”

  “I’M sorry...” she insists. “I’m acting crazy. Who cries because they spilled some champagne? I’m not a kid. I’m supposed to be an adult, but all this shit is so overwhelming. I just need this job so bad. I was walking on pins and needles, and I still screwed up. I feel like such a failure.”

  I reach out and grab her hand. She resists at first, but I hold tight and she melts into my touch.

  “You’re not a failure,” I tell her, with all the certainty of a confident stranger. “You’re amazing. Forget about those bitches. They wish they could be half of what you are. At least you’re trying to make something of yourself. They’re just glittered-up leeches. You’re real. You’re...”

  Norah looks over at me with her glimmering eyes. I hadn’t realized how blue they were. I try to contain myself, but I can’t help it. She’s so beautiful.

  I close my eyes and lean in for a kiss.

  Chapter 6


  Clay’s lips are like sweet honey for my wounds.

  I immediately feel better as we kiss on the alley floor. His big, strong hand rests gently around mine and the stubble on his face rubs oh-so pleasantly against my swollen cheeks. He smells
so fresh and cool. He laps up my tears from my mouth and cradles my chin with his other hand.

  I stop crying quickly enough.

  I start to feel embarrassed by my little breakdown, but Clay quickly extinguishes those negative thoughts with a flick of his tongue.

  I feel like water as I wash into his embrace. We both lean into each other like stress balls as our kiss begins to evolve from gentle care to fiery passion. I let my own tongue slip out to meet him. We dance together in the quiet alleyway.

  Finally, he pulls away from me. I gaze into his steely grey eyes from only inches away. His face is more rugged than I had realized. He’s a man’s man... and I want him to be mine.

  “I really like you...” he whispers. His hot breath washes against my burning cheeks and I close my eyes in relief.

  “I like you too...” I whisper back.

  Our fingers intertwine as we stare into each other’s eyes. The longer I look, the hotter I get. Clay’s musky scent slowly wafts into my nostrils and I sniff him in like a breeze of pheromones.

  “I want you...” he growls, like he was reading my mind.

  “... Then take me.”

  I feel his hand pull away from mine and wander up my thigh. His grip is so strong that his fingers sink into my skin. I just want to rip my pants off and feel his bare touch. I grab his burly forearm and hold on for dear life as his thick fingers make their way up my leg.

  I sigh and close my eyes. Before I know it, we’re kissing again. We’re not so reserved this time, though. Our tongues flash like two fiery dancers. I explore his mouth while he explores my body.

  I put my hand on his chest. He’s so solid. I rub against him, just to make sure he’s real, and then I flip over and onto to him.

  He pushes up into me as I straddle him around the hips. His tongue wanders from my mouth and he begins to paint my neck with his tongue. I quiver and sigh as he kisses my bare skin.

  Suddenly, I feel myself start to rise up off the ground. Clay’s strong hands dig deep into my ass as he lifts us both up.

  When he’s on his feet, he spins us around and pushes me against the brick wall of the alleyway.

  I can feel his manhood pressing up against me like a bulging volcano from under his pants. I rub against him like a madwoman; he pushes back like a madman.

  He begins to unbutton my server’s top. Every new inch of skin revealed is quickly covered by his kisses. He’s working slow, but I can’t wait any longer. I don’t expect to have this job for much longer, anyway. I rip open my shirt and the buttons go flying into the night.

  Clay steadies me against the alley wall and reaches around to undo my bra. A second later, I’m completely exposed to him. He gazes down at my tits like he’s found his holy grail. I grab the back of his head and shove him face first into my chest.

  Chapter 7


  Her breasts are glorious.

  I let myself sink into their soft warmth while I push desperately into Norah from below. My pants threaten to rip, they’ve become so tight. I’ve never wanted anyone more in my life.

  I start to kiss Norah’s bare chest and she squirms with pleasure. I hold her tight against the alley wall until I can get to her nipples. I lap up her pink beauty like a starved sailor. I can’t get enough of her... yet I still want more.

  I release my grip from around her ass and let her gently slide down the brick wall. She’s already starting to unbuckle her pants by the time her feet hit the ground. I join her.

  I keep my dress shirt on, but shake my trousers off.

  “This is crazy...” Norah whispers as she sheds the last of her clothing.

  I don’t bother with a response. This is crazy, but it’s also too perfect to pass up. I step forward and give her one last kiss, then I grab her by the hips and spin her around. She takes the hint. Her back arches and her incredible ass sticks right up in the air for me.

  I nearly bite my lip off. The attraction I feel to her at this moment is almost primal. I’m like an animal as I shed my underwear and press my naked manhood against her thick ass.

  The warmth of her plump skin sends shockwaves of pleasure shooting through my body. I shake as I reach between her perfect cheeks and slip inside of her with one of my fingers.

  Norah whimpers with delight and I lean over her.

  “You like that?” I growl into her ear.

  She nods and whines and presses her big ass further out to me. I push back and slip another finger in between her soaking legs.

  “You’re fingers are so big...” she whispers through closed eyes.

  I nibble on her earlobe. “Think you can fit something a little bigger?”

  She bites her lips and nods. Her hips start to sway like a whirlpool. I slip my soaking fingers out of her and grab hold of her gyrating cheeks. My fingers sink into her thickness and I become more animal than man.

  I can hardly believe how hot she is.

  I don’t dwell on it. I spread her open and slide inside of her. She cries out and I moan with her. She closes in around my throbbing manhood and the alleyway is filled with the echoes of our passion.

  I start to thrust.

  I go slowly at first, but the feeling of her perfect ass against my hard pelvis is intoxicating. Our skin smacks against each other as I pick up speed. Norah’s skin ripples from the force. I lean over her and grab her tits from behind. She starts to sway her hips. I hold onto her for dear life as she gyrates around my manhood.

  “You can finish inside of me...” I hear her whisper through her whimpers of pleasure.

  I grunt in response.

  It doesn’t take long for me to break. Norah’s thighs are so strong and her insides are so tight that the slightest bend sends me over the top.

  I squeeze her huge tits and explode inside of her. We both shake in unison as we reach the climax of our intimacy. Norah clenches around me and I’m emptied completely. I’ve never felt so fully relieved.

  Even after I’m done, I hold onto her like she’s jetsam and I’m lost at sea. I never want to let her go.

  The sound of an opening kitchen door jolts us out of our satisfied reverie, though, and we quickly find our clothes.

  Chapter 8


  My boss was more understanding than I had expected him to be.

  When I wandered back into the kitchen, with my servers top all wrinkled and open, he barely gave me any lip.

  Clay had left the alleyway first. I had a feeling he had given my boss a talking to...

  I had stayed behind in a vain attempt to reattach the buttons that I had ripped off my shirt, but it was no use. My uniform was ruined.

  Luckily, it was near the end of the night anyway. All I had to do was help clean and clear up the banquet hall.

  Clay stuck around, and when I was finished with all my work, he walked me to his car.

  “Still on for dinner?” he asks, as he opens the passenger door for me.

  I had completely forgotten about our planned ‘date’. I was so exhausted.

  “A little late for that,” I say.

  I hop into the passenger seat and Clay gently closes the door behind me.

  I sink into the luxurious cushions. What kind of fancy car is this? I feel like going to sleep, right here.

  Clay hops into the driver’s seat and starts the car. “I guess we did sort of jump the gun,” he chuckles as we pull out of the parking lot.

  “Do you want to go home?” he asks. “... You can stay at my place tonight, if you want. It’s probably closer.”

  I consider it. My apartment is all the way across town. Plus, it’s not exactly in the greatest area. The last thing I want to do is be seen getting out of this luxury car. It’ll make me an instant target.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, trying to play coy.

  Clay nods. “Absolutely. You can even stay in the guest room, if you’re not comfortable staying in my bed just yet...”

  “I think we’re past that,” I giggle. “I don’t know, it�
�s weird. I already feel so comfortable around you... I don’t want to be clingy though...”

  “Nonsense. I’m the one who should be worried about seeming clingy.” Clay’s hand wanders over to my lap. I run my fingers over his palm.

  “I feel the same way about you... I really like you, Norah.”

  “I like you too, Clay.”

  “So, it’s settled. You’ll stay at my place tonight.” His hand squeezes mine and I feel loved. I sink into my seat and close my eyes. This all still feels like a dream. I’m worried I’ll wake up back at my shitty little apartment in the morning and be snapped back to reality.

  The confident warmth of Clay skin puts me at ease, though. He’s real, alright. This is real.

  It doesn’t take long for us to get to his place.

  He pulls into a private parking spot underground and we get on the nearby elevator.

  “This is where I stay for most of the season, since it’s so close to the arena, but I also have an actual house a little further out of the city. I hope this place will do, for now.”

  The elevator doors open and my jaw hits the floor.

  His place is amazing.

  Ceiling high windows surround us as we step into the living room. I look around in awe.

  Yeah, I think this place will definitely do for now...

  Clay leads me to the bedroom and points out his double king size bed. “I probably shouldn’t have asked you out to dinner tonight anyways. I have a game tomorrow. Feel free to stay up and watch some TV or something if you want, but I should probably to go to bed. You’re welcome to join me.”

  I jokingly jump onto the mattress, but by the time I hit the silky soft covers, I’m already done. I can barely lift my eyelids. I just curl up into a ball and slowly drift off to sleep...

  Chapter 9


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