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Page 4

by Yalu Taylors

  “I just wanted to hold you for a little bit.” He looks so sad I feel myself caving, the guys all seem to be extremely friendly and I’m not sure why I’m fighting it so much. I guess I just don’t really know them and they act way too familiar with me.

  My mind flashes back to the hallway after the confrontation with Peter and I look more closely at Hunter. His smile is there but I see a sadness and anger beneath it. I feel the desire to comfort him, even though I’m not the comforting type. Sighing I sit back down and lean my head on his chest. At first, he seems hesitant but then I feel his arms wrap around me. His right hand cradling the back of my neck tenderly.

  I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I'm being woken up by Hunter. “Come on Tess, we have PE next. You can’t sleep through class.”

  “I hate PE. Just leave me here. I'll sleep the badness that is mandatory sport away.” Hunter chuckles as he shifts my weight in his arms. I'm still waking up, so I don’t realize what he is doing until it is too late. His fingers gently dig into my sensitive ribs. Giggles erupt from me at his tickling.

  “You coming to class or do we leave you here with the tickle king?” Zack questions holding in a laugh.

  “All right, I’m up.” Hunter releases me, and I climb out of the car and stretch. We head to PE as a group.

  The teacher Mr. Adams is really short and plain looking with balding brown hair and sunken brown eyes. He has everyone running laps of the oval today. I run beside the guys for the first half but soon get winded and struggle to keep up. “You guys go ahead, I'm going to walk for a bit.” They take off and I'm loving the view. My phone buzzes and I fish it out.

  Unknown number: I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect u. I'll do better next time, my love.

  I stare at the screen for a moment before responding.

  Tessa: Who is this?

  Unknown number: Rest assured my Love I won't let anyone hurt you.

  I tuck my phone away and pick up my pace. While running to catch up to the guys I look around at the students not running. Almost all of them are playing on their phones so there is no way of figuring out who sent the texts. I shrug my shoulders and decide it must be a wrong number. I catch up to Zayne, although I honestly think he slowed down to my pace.

  “What are you guys doing after school today?”

  “Taking you bowling.”

  My head swings around to look at him, that's a bit presumptuous. “And who says I want to hang out with all of you today?”

  “You know you want to hang out with us. Don’t be shy now. Besides if you’re with us, we know you’ll be safe from Peter.”

  Ah, now I understand the real reason behind wanting to hang out. They want to keep me safe. I’m struggling to catch my breath, so I refrain from talking for the rest of the run. Zayne seems content to just run along beside me, enjoying my company. We complete the lap and have a five-minute breather then set out together to do the other two laps. The bell rings just as we get to the end of our third lap.

  Zack rides with me to the bowling alley and we talk about music on the way. He enjoys heavy metal music when he’s angry and classic rock when he’s calm. I prefer heavy metal all the time and classic rock when I’m feeling sad. We laugh about Hunter’s obsession with country music and Zayne’s lack of musical taste.

  “He listens to pop music. Shudder inducing, I know. Braydon listens to everything. He’s got a playlist for every occasion. He even has thumb drives with music on them hidden all around our house.” Zack and I laugh at the silliness of it.

  “Seriously, he has a thumb drive in the bathroom with 3 Doors Down, The Calling and Hoobastank as the three main artists. I listened to it once and couldn’t stop laughing when I realized it was his relaxation playlist. I even went into his bedroom and under his bed, he’s got this box full of magazines and a thumb drive labelled spank list.”

  “Whoa too much information. I don’t need to know that.” I look at him out the corner of my eye and can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up. I file the information away just in case I need blackmail material against Braydon.

  “You have a beautiful laugh, it’s rich and sweet. Ah, I’m going to call you Honey from now on.” My cheeks turn dark red as we pull into the parking space outside the bowling alley. What is with him and nicknames?

  Zack jumps out of the car and rushes round to my door. He holds the door open and extends his hand to help me out of the car. Frowning I accept his help. Zack takes my hand and we walk up to the doors. He opens the door like a gentleman. I’m confused by his behavior because he’s acting like we are on a date. When he tries to pay for my drink and fries I speak up.

  “This isn’t a date, I can pay for myself.”

  Zayne comes up behind me and whispers. “Yes, it is and no you can’t.”

  “What? Are you being serious right now?” I look from Zack to Zayne and they both nod their heads. I’m confused and speechless. This can’t be a date. If it is a date who am I supposed to be on a date with? Before I can ask my questions out loud, Hunter lifts me onto his shoulder and carries me to the nearest lane. “Put me down.” He laughs and swats my ass.

  “Nope. You’re my hostage until it’s your turn.” He sets me down, only to pull me onto his lap after he sits. His arms wrap around my waist and he laces our hands together in my lap. “I’m sorry I lost my temper today.” Hunter whispers in my ear. His breath stirring my hair as he speaks.

  “I’m not usually quick to anger but when I saw what he had done to your beautiful face, I just lost it.” I can feel him shaking beneath me and for some reason, I feel like I need to reassure him that I’m okay. I turn so I’m sitting sideways on his knee and lean in to hug him to me. I grip his shirt in my clenched hands and breath in his woodsy cologne.

  “It’s all right. I’m fine.” His breathing slows to a steady rhythm and his shaking subsides.

  “Honey, you’re up next.” Zack calls out to me from the lane. I watch as he swings his arm a couple times testing the weight of the ball. He lets it fly and it rolls to the end, knocking over all but one pin. He retrieves his ball and throws again. This time the pin goes down and he whoops, high fiving Zayne as he goes to sit down.

  “You’re up T, show us what you’ve got.” Hunter slaps my ass as I move away from him, causing me to squeal in laughter. It’s hard to believe I’ve only known these guys for a couple of days. It feels like they’ve been in my life forever.

  I step up to the lane and line myself up. I’ve played bowling since I was little and most of the time I’m pretty good. I send my ball down the lane and shout for joy as all the pins fall. I turn to the guys a huge smile on my face and poke out my tongue. Still smiling I return to the seats as Hunter takes his turn. He ends up with a seven ten split and I laugh at his attempt to knock the last two down. He returns to the seats and laces his fingers with mine.

  “New rule. Every time T scores a strike she has to kiss one of us.”

  “Not a date, guys.”

  “Yes, it is.” They all say at once.

  “If it’s a date why are there four guys and only one of me?” I ask them all, turning so I can look at each of them.

  “Who says you have to be exclusive to date?” Hunter asks. Huh, they’ve got me there. Okay usually I have a witty comeback but for the life of me, I can’t think of one. I take my turn bowling then return to my seat, thinking the whole time. After almost five minutes I finally think of a response.

  “No one asked me.” I smirk and they all laugh.

  “Over five minutes and that’s what you come back with?” Hunter returns after getting a strike and leans down so he’s eye level with me. “T, will you go out with us?”

  “Us?” I question, trying not to smile.

  “Yes us, all four of us.” I pretend to think about it and my neutral face slips as my smile blooms across my face.

  “Yes.” I wait for a few beats before adding. “But only as friends.”

  “Damn.” Zayne pouts, hold
ing his hand over his heart.

  “Well that sucks.” Zack responds mirroring his twin’s stance.

  “We aren’t going to give up Tessie.” Braydon says as he returns from getting another strike.

  “You’re up T.” I deliberately miss the strike by one pin and knock the pin in my second round. I turn my head, so the guys don’t see my smirk.

  “That’s cheating T.” Hunter tugs on my hair as he passes me to take his turn. Braydon stands beside me and leans in. I think he’s going to whisper something but instead, he kisses my cheek.

  “You cheated so I stole the kiss.” His laugh rumbles through me as he holds me from behind. Zayne gets a strike and Zack rolls a gutter ball. I laugh with the boys as he gets a second gutter ball. Braydon steps up to have his go and my phone buzzes.

  Unknown number: Don't let them touch you again!

  I tuck my phone away and take my turn. My mind on the bizarre text. I bowl a strike and return to my seat. The guys cheer and Hunter, Zack, and Zayne jostle each other to get to me first. Zack touches my knee and declares “My kiss.” I'm laughing at their antics and give him a quick peck on the cheek. The text forgotten.

  We finish our game with Braydon scoring a near perfect game. The guys collect up our rubbish and bowling shoes and we head back to the counter. As we are handing over the shoes I notice Shaun working behind the counter.

  “Hi, Shaun.” I say politely.

  “Tessandra.” Shaun always uses my full name it gets really annoying. The guys chorus their hello’s, but Shaun doesn’t respond. I find it strange but don’t say anything.

  Chapter 4

  We exit the building and Zayne rides back with me while the guys follow behind in their car. We pull up to my house and I get out. Staring at the dark windows I frown. “I don't think anyone's home.”

  The guys follow me in and just as I touch my hand to the stair railing my vision goes black. Images play out within the darkness.

  Hunter standing in my room, blood dripping onto the grey carpet. The next image that flashes is Braydon bleeding from his arm leaning over Zack who is lying on my kitchen floor with a knife in his chest. The visions end with one final flash of Peter stabbing Zayne on the stairs.

  “Tessa, can you hear me? Tessa?” I snap back to reality to a very panicked Braydon shaking my shoulders.

  “I’m fine. Please, I just need a minute.” I sit down on the bottom step and put my head between my knees. I can't let that vision come true. They have to leave this place at once.

  “Tessa? Are you all right? What was that?” Braydon rubs my back in a soothing way. His voice sounding calmer now that I’m responding.

  “I’m okay, it happens sometimes. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  “You are fucking kidding me, right?” Hunter yells, I let the yelling slide seeing the worry on his face.

  “Hunter, let her be. If she doesn’t want to tell us, then she doesn’t have to.” Zayne looks to his twin for support. Zack nods his head and wanders off into the kitchen. He returns a moment later with a glass of water in hand. I thank him then down the whole glass in one go. Taking a deep breath, I stand up and wobble a bit before I get my balance. My head is throbbing, and the smell of the lemon cleaner is making my stomach churn.

  “I need to lie down. I’m okay guys, you should go home.” I'm trying to get rid of them, but I don't know how without being rude. They all look at Braydon.

  “Actually Tessa, we’re staying here tonight.” Braydon says.

  “Or you could just grab some things and stay at our house.” Zack winks at me. “You can share my room.” They literally just handed me a solution.

  “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” I begin walking up the stairs when Zack whoops with joy. “I’m not sleeping in your room, Zack.” I hear him grumbling under his breath but I’m already at my door, so I can’t make out the words. I grab my overnight bag and pack a few outfits into it. I grab my few precious possessions and place them into the front zip, I'm not leaving my valuables where Peter can get his hands on them. I look around and realize I’m seventeen years old and all I have to show for it is a weeks’ worth of clothes and a couple of throw pillows. My school art set is still in the trunk of my car along with my purse and school books.

  Hunter comes into the room and sits on my bed. “We would all feel much better if you didn’t have to come back here.” I try not to smile at the irony in his statement. They are trying to protect me and I’m trying to protect them.

  “I don’t think your parents would like that. I’ll just stay for a couple of days. My pay should be in by Friday, I’ll get a hotel after that.” I breath in and out a few times. I’m no longer comfortable in my own home and I really don’t want to have to face Peter again. It’s bad enough seeing him at school, I don’t know if I could handle living with him, especially after he was so violent with me. Seeing those weird visions gives me even more reason to hate this place.

  “No T. We want you to stay with us. Mine and Braydon’s parents died last year in a car accident, I think they'd approve of you though. The twins, my brother and I were all living with our uncle until a couple of months ago. He died from cancer, but he's not in pain anymore. He left the car shop to us, we are struggling with it, but the added income helps, child services wanted to put us all into foster care, but Braydon is already eighteen, so he fought it and we're all in his care now.” Whoa, they have lost so much. But something about his story sounds off.

  “I’m so sorry about your parents and uncle. I had no idea.” I wrap my arms around his shoulders, holding him tight.

  “Yeah, the twins and us were really close to Uncle Frank, but we are all dealing with this together. We’ll take care of you as well.” He rests his hands on my hips and returns the hug.

  “You guys don’t even know me.” Tears well up in my eyes. I blink rapidly to stop them from falling. They are all so kind and caring. I feel so stupid for trying to push them all away. These guys have been through so much and they still want to take on my drama, they really are amazing.

  “T, we don’t want you staying here.” I’m so choked up I can’t get any words out. I hear movement in the hallway and look up to see Braydon and the twins coming into my room.

  “Hunter’s right.” Braydon wraps his arms around both Hunter and me, the twins jump up on the bed and join in the group hug. I feel so safe in this moment, I don't ever want it to end.

  Ahh! These guys have made me soft. I used to avoid all contact with people and now I feel myself craving their touch. What are they doing to me? I have to stop getting mushy and get them out of here.

  “Okay guys let’s go.” I grab my stuff only to have the twins take it from me.

  We load my stuff into my Shelby and Braydon joins me for the ride to the guys place. “You guys have been such great friends to me. I really don’t know how to repay you.” I glance at Braydon and see his face twist with disappointment at my use of the word friends, pretending I didn't notice, I turn my attention back to the road.

  “Tessie, we have no intention of leaving you in a position where you could get hurt.” They are being so kind, I’m starting to feel guilty for keeping such a big secret from them, but I’m too scared they’ll act the same as Mariah if they find out the truth. I’ve been thinking a lot about the visions I have. Without knowing who my real parents are or were. Fuck! I don’t even know if they are alive or dead. Anyway, I’ve been wondering if the visions are a hereditary thing or if maybe there’s a medical reason I get them. I really wish I had more answers, but I don’t even know where to start looking to get the answers.

  We pull up in the guys’ driveway and I park my car. Braydon gets out and rushes to the driver’s door. Being a gentleman, he helps me out and closes my door for me. We round to the trunk and retrieve my belongings.

  “I’m sleeping on the couch.” I state as we walk into the house. The boys all start arguing at once. They are so loud and talking over each other that I can’t understand a wor
d any of them are saying. Pursing my lips, I let out my loudest, highest pitched whistle. “No arguing. I’m staying on the couch and that’s final.” I grab my overnight bag from Braydon and walk over to the biggest couch in the living room. Pulling out a travel pack of tissues I dab the blood from my split lip. I so should not have whistled. The guys all start arguing again.

  Braydon shouts over everyone, “Fine! How about a compromise. We all sleep in the lounge room. We can watch movies until we fall asleep.” I hear muttering from one of the guys but then a chorus of okays rings out.

  The guys all take off to their rooms and collect their pillows and bedding for the night. I place my sleeping bag on the couch, but it’s ripped out of my hands before I can get it positioned how I want.

  “It’s a sofa Honey.” Zack pulls the cushions off then pushes a lever in the couch. It springs up and out. I grasp the handle and we set the bed up together. Zayne comes into the room and dumps his sleeping bag on the bed beside me. Braydon and Hunter lay theirs out at the foot of the bed and Hunter flicks the TV on. We settle down for the night.

  I open my eyes to see the twins on either side of me. Zayne is on his stomach, his face near mine and has his arm across my chest just below my boobs. Zack’s curled up with his head on my shoulder and his arm draped across my stomach. I lift my head and see Zack’s legs are right on the edge of the bed. Hunter and Braydon are lying on the bottom of the bed, using my curled legs as pillows. The sight of them has a giggle bursting out of me before I can stop it. Hunters legs are hanging off the bed and Braydon's are curled up against the edge. One move from me and Hunter, Braydon and Zack would all fall off at the same time.

  “You're thinking evil thoughts.” Zayne whispers in my ear, his voice rough from sleep. I turn my face to his and smirk. He's so close, all it would take is closing the half inch gap and our lips would touch. I pull back as I hear Braydon speak.

  “Come on everyone, get up and get ready for school. Tessie, you can use my bathroom.” Braydon claps his hands to get everyone moving. I cover my head with the pillow and pretend to go back to sleep. He yanks the pillow from me and lifts me into his arms. Carrying me all the way upstairs and into his bedroom. I glance around noticing the green forest theme on the matching bedspread and curtains. He sets me down but doesn't release me. Braydon holds me in his arms for a few moments, looking into my eyes. Is he going to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? No, no I don’t. I move back slightly and put some distance between us, he shakes his head like he’s confused or something then without a word he walks out of the room leaving me standing there staring after him.


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