Threat of Exposure
Page 19
He smiled and nodded even though her joke fell flat. She sighed and reached out with both hands to cup his face. “The Lord is my light and my salvation…whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life…of whom shall I be afraid?”
His eyes flared. “I read that last night,” he whispered in awe. “I also chose to trust in Him. I’m giving Him my fear and jumping into loving you with both feet. How does that sound?”
Gisella felt joy erupt in her. She wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him close to kiss him lightly. “I think that sounds like the smartest choice you’ve made in a long time.”
Dear Reader,
What a journey this book has been for me. When my editor called and asked me to write Threat of Exposure, book 5 in this series, I was thrilled. As is pretty typical of me, I just jumped right in and said I’d do it, not knowing what to expect. I didn’t know anything about writing a continuity. However, I learned one thing pretty fast. It’s HARD! But what a fabulous experience working with a group of authors I’ve read and admired for years. Trust me, it didn’t happen overnight. I worked hard to get where I am today in the writing world. I’ve paid my dues, studied the craft, been rejected, pulled myself up and gone on to learn even more. Threat of Exposure is simply the result of all that hard work. In the same way, Gisella, armed with the skills she’d been trained in, jumped at the opportunity to go to Boot Hill, Texas, to fight for justice. She was determined to find her captain’s killer and capture those who seek to harm people. Of course, Gisella had her issues, as did Brock, but together they worked through them, trusting God to lead them to make the right choices. In the end, they made the choice to conquer fear and love each other. Which, in my opinion, is always the right choice.
As always, I love to hear from readers. My email is and my website is You can also sign up for my newsletter here if you’re interested in keeping up with new releases and contests. I’m also a regular blogger (as are all the authors involved in this series) at, where we talk about writing books, God and life—and not necessarily in that order. We also give away books on a regular basis. Please stop by anytime and feel free to bring a friend!
God Bless!
What do you think about Gisella? Do you like her? Why or why not?
What do you think about Brock? Do you like him? Why or why not?
Except for a brief time shortly after the death of her brother, Gisella remained strong in her faith. Brock was a believer, but God wasn’t a priority in his life—until he was almost killed. Where are you in your faith? If God isn’t a priority, what would it take to make Him one for you?
What was your favorite scene in the book and why?
There is a scripture passage at the beginning of the story. Do you understand why the author chose it? Do you feel it’s appropriate for the story? Why or why not?
We all have stress in our lives and we all deal with it in our own way. Gisella chose a physical outlet: swimming. Not only was it good exercise, but it was a way for her to feel close to God. She prayed as she swam. What do you do to deal with the stress in your life? What makes you feel close to God?
Gisella wanted to mend the strained relationship she had with her parents. At least she said she did and yet, she avoided going home and didn’t answer their calls unless she absolutely had to. Thankfully, she finally realized those actions weren’t going to do it. She had to get proactive about communicating with her parents. Is there someone in your life you need to get proactive about communicating with in order to heal the relationship?
Brock had seen his friend, Paul, love and lose someone Paul worked with. This made Brock extremely skittish about getting close to Gisella. But he couldn’t seem to help himself. When he almost lost her, he had to make a choice. Overcome his fear and take a chance on a long life with the woman he loved—or lose her forever. He chose to take a chance. Is there something in your life you need to take a chance on or risk losing it forever? It may not even be another person. It could be a job, an opportunity, anything. What are the pros and cons of making that choice?
What do you think of Brock’s willingness to be open and honest with Gisella about his feelings, to be vulnerable to her? Did you like that or did you think it was a bit wimpy?
Gisella is a Texas Ranger, able to handle herself in pretty much any situation. After Brock saved her from almost drowning, she wanted to have a good cry. Did that make her seem weak to you? Or did you appreciate seeing the human side of her? The side that said, “I may be a Ranger, but I’m a woman, too.”
Did the identity of the bad guy surprise you? Why or why not?
The topic of illegal aliens in the United States is a hot topic right now. How do you feel about those who are protecting our borders? Do you appreciate the job that they do? Why or why not?
Greed led Niles and the sheriff to be involved in smuggling drugs across the border. They were also guilty of several murders, including Ina and Jasper West. Do you think they could ever be forgiven for their actions? What does the Bible say about forgiveness?
These characters fell in love pretty quick. Is that believable to you? I knew I would marry the guy who is now my husband by our second date. That was crazy for me! But I just knew! How about you? If you’re married or engaged, at what point in your relationship did you realize you would marry that person?
Did you like the way the book ended? Why or why not?
Special thanks and acknowledgment to Lynette Eason
for her contribution to the Texas Ranger Justice miniseries.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-0260-3
Copyright © 2011 by Harlequin Books S.A.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
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