The Lost Sun Series Box Set 1: Books 1 and 2 (Lost Sun Box Set)
Page 36
A sudden premonition came over Aemon, sending a jolt up his spine. The journey to the Dead City would be Wrynric’s last. The thought of the old warrior dying was chilling. But then, any one of them could die out here, even him. The thought disturbed Aemon, so he quickly turned his mind to something else.
When Wrynric was asleep, Aemon stared into the darkness, listening to Kara’s breathing. He ran his fingers over the binding on his arm. He was losing her. With each passing day, she seemed less herself. Almost like she was not Kara anymore.
Maybe they had made a mistake in bringing her out here. The closer they got to their destination, the worse she seemed to become. She had even stood there and watched the rotman almost kill him, and had not moved to help. The old Kara would have leapt to his defense, like she had when she killed Veladan.
If only Aemon could wake her and make her tell him what was wrong. But it would rouse the others and they would hear everything. He gritted his teeth. To the dark with Minard and his oath to kill Kara! It was all because of him that she could not open up about what was wrong with her. The other two would not hurt her, nor would Aemon.
He felt around for his mace. Perhaps he should sneak over and murder Minard in his sleep, and end his threat to Kara forever.
But could Aemon do it? Did he have it in him?
It took several deep breaths for Aemon to center himself. Once his emotions were under control, he realized how dark his thoughts had become. He could not murder Minard in his sleep; that was the sort of thing a craven would do. Though he hated Minard, the monk still deserved better than that.
Aemon hovered his hand over Kara’s unseen face. It started shaking, so he curled his fingers into a fist. By the divines, he wanted to reach down and stroke her face. To tell her she meant everything to him and that he was there for her, forever and always—unlike when he had spurned her back at the tavern in Rylore Bellholes.
For he loved Kara, like Lady Lysha Temhovhn had loved the bald princess in an old tale Tallis used to tell. Aemon could not bear the thought of losing her like Lysha had lost her princess. If Kara turned out to be a threat like Kahan and Lucien believed, he would stay by her side and try to turn her away from the dark and draw her back into the light.
Even if it cost him his life.
AEMON WOKE EVERYONE at sixth hour and after breakfast, Erinie checked over his scratches and redressed them. When she was done, they left the concrete structure and continued their journey down the highway.
Several hours later, Wrynric grabbed hold of a rope leading up to a crack in the roof. “We head up here. The highway continues for another mile but ends at a cave-in.”
Wrynric climbed first, followed by Minard with Kara on his back. Then came Aemon and Erinie. At the top, they slithered on their bellies through a series of tunnels before dropping down a hole into a limestone chamber. The ground was a steep, slippery incline that ended at a drop. They would have to slide along sideways, finding finger holes in the rock to stop them falling over the ledge.
“Careful,” Erinie warned. “If you go over the edge, it’s a long way down.”
Aemon held on to a crack in the rock. “How far is the drop?”
She gave him a wry grin. “That’s one mystery I hope I never solve.”
They cautiously made their way across the chamber, sliding on their stomachs. By the time they were halfway across, Aemon’s fingers ached and his abdominal muscles felt bruised.
Progress was slow and Kara became increasingly agitated with the pace. “Please hurry,” she urged every time they stopped to find better finger holds or catch their breaths.
“Hey, you were the one slowing us down, remember?” Minard laughed.
Kara ignored him.
When they arrived at the next chamber, Aemon found it mercifully flat. “Don’t think you’re getting off this easy,” Wrynric said, leaning against the wall and rubbing his lower back. “We have to make the longest climb yet. Lucky for us, we left a rope here. You’ll find lots of small ledges and handholds on the way up, so use them.”
Erinie nodded. “When we’re at the top, I’ll get the map out again. From memory, there are three entrances to four different sets of tunnels and each of them splits into half a dozen more tunnels, which split into even more. It’s very confusing and we may get lost a few times before I find the right path.”
“Why didn’t you mark the route last time you were here?” Minard asked.
“Two reasons. One, we never thought we’d need to go back to the Dead City. And two, we didn’t want anyone else following our path. If Arden and Liana’s visiondreams were accurate, dangerous and powerful things lie dormant in the Dead City and they mustn’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.”
Minard glared at Wrynric. “You never mentioned that back at the temple, old man. You knew my order wouldn’t let the scion come out here if you did.”
Wrynric looked like he wanted to strangle Erinie for opening her big mouth. As the old warrior turned to Minard, Aemon noticed one of his hands moving to his sword. “You’re right, Monk; I kept it from your order for precisely that reason.”
Minard took a step toward him. “I wasn’t sure I believed the prophecy as the patriarch sees it—but now I’m not so sure. If we bring the scion there, she might use one of these 'dangerous and powerful things' to kill us all.”
“Look at her,” Erinie said. “She’s weak right now. She couldn’t hurt anyone.”
Wrynric snarled. “Your prophecy is nothing more than meaningless words. Arden’s vision of the passkey was real. His vision of Kara is real too. He knew she would activate the passkey and make the journey to the Dead City.”
The monk bristled at the old man’s words. Aemon grabbed his mace and moved to stand in front of Kara. Things could turn violent fast.
Erinie put a restraining hand on Minard’s shoulder as the monk leveled his staff at Wrynric. “Please don’t fight,” she pleaded. “I’m sorry I said anything. We need to stick together.”
Ignoring her plea, Minard said, “What you speak is heresy, old man. Those words are sacred to my order and to the Priest King. Holy Ibilirith’s lights shine all over Stelemia, and each of us serves her by living under them and conducting ourselves in accordance to her divine mandate.”
He shrugged Erinie’s hand off his shoulder. “You people of the Lost Sun never lived under our sacred lights. You plotted out here in the darkness with heretics and criminals. How do I know this isn’t some ploy to fulfill the prophecy so you can reap destruction upon Stelemia?”
Wrynric’s eyes narrowed. “You’re insane, monk.”
“Am I now?” Minard took another menacing step toward the old man. “I should've trusted in the patriarch's wisdom and let him place you and the scion under interrogation. I was right in never trusting you, though. The way you look at me.” He took another step closer. “The way you went to your sword just now.”
“Stop, please,” Erinie cried. “We’re not a threat to you or Stelemia.” She made Minard look at her. “We held one another, and I opened my heart to you. Do you really think I’d plot Stelemia’s destruction? I want to save humanity, not destroy it.”
“I told you what he was back at Safehold,” Wrynric growled.
The monk held her at arm’s length. “You might have been led astray by his lies. Evil men often sway the minds of others to their cause.” He glared at Kara. “I should kill the scion now and be done with it.”
Aemon hefted his mace, as Wrynric drew his sword. He had known this day would come, and knew the old man would fight by his side. Minard raised his staff and got into a defensive crouch.
“No,” Erinie sobbed. “Please stop this.”
Kara shoved Aemon aside and strode toward Minard. She no longer leaned on her staff for support but had the gait of someone assured of themselves. When she was five feet from the monk, she stopped. “If you kill me, it will be you who extinguishes the human race.” Kara glanced at each of them in turn, looking like she
had when they had first arrived at Safehold.
Tall, proud and perfect.
“I have come to save humanity from the darkness. Help me get to Annbar, for the enemy is on the move and nothing Stelemia can do will stop them.” She focused on Minard. “There are dangerous things in Annbar, but we can use them against the enemy.” She slid the passkey from her robes, its bulb shining bright. “Stand with me and when we get there, if you still think I am a threat, I will bow my head and let you hack it off. But know this—in so doing you will bring doom upon this world.”
Everyone seemed as speechless as Aemon. What had come over Kara? Why was she speaking this way? Was it really her?
Minard’s hands were clenched around his staff, his shoulders set. He looked ready for a fight.
“Once I get to the Metal Man, all will be made clear,” Kara said. “Will you stand with me?”
“What metal man?” The monk glanced at Wrynric. “This is the first I’ve heard of this.”
The old man furrowed his brows. “Arden foresaw that Kara must go to the Metal Man of the old tale and that he would help her raise the great host which she will lead in the Final Battle to end our exile.”
“So the library was a lie.” Minard shook his head. “One lie after—”
“No, monk,” Kara said. “The library is real and I will take you there, but first we must go to the Metal Man.” She bowed and held out a hand to him. “Stay with me. I will need your strength and guidance in the days ahead.”
A tense minute passed. Then the monk closed his eyes and mouthed what might have been a prayer. His body slowly relaxed and when he opened his eyes again, he seemed at peace. “I’m sorry it came to this,” he said. “The old man should have told us the truth, but I guess it doesn’t matter now.” He lowered his chin to his chest. “I just prayed to Ibilirith for guidance and now I see what I must do. I will help guide you to the Metal Man, though I must keep my wits about me and will not hesitate to strike you down if you prove yourself a threat.”
Kara nodded. “Then let us keep moving and put this misunderstanding behind us.”
The men slowly lowered their weapons. They had avoided bloodshed, but Aemon was unsure how long it would last.
After donning their climbing equipment, Wrynric led the way up the rope. Minard knelt down so Kara could be tied to his back, but she walked past him and started to climb.
Aemon hurried to stop her. “What are you doing?”
Kara slipped and fell, grunting as she hit the ground. Aemon helped her back to her feet. “Are you all right?” She stared at him with a glazed look. “Kara, talk to me.”
Erinie checked her pulse as Minard studied Kara closely. A little too closely for Aemon's comfort.
“Is she alright?” Wrynric asked from twenty feet up the rope.
“She looks fine and her heart rate is normal, but she’s not saying anything,” Erinie replied.
“Do I need to come down?”
The librarian took Kara from Aemon and shook her. “Scion, speak to us.”
Aemon watched Minard out of the corner of his eye. Someone needed to make sure the monk was not going to use Kara’s lack of response as a justification for trying to kill her. The monk had said he would help Kara get to the Dead City, but he might go back on his word.
Sighing, Wrynric descended the rope. “What’s wrong with her?”
“I don’t know,” Erinie said. “She looks out of it.”
The old warrior gave Minard a sour look, his right hand edging toward his sword. Aemon clasped Kara’s head in his hands. “Kara, can you hear me?” Her skin felt cold and lifeless. “Talk to me, please.”
She sagged against him. He lowered her gently to the ground and Wrynric covered her in a blanket. “I’m alright,” she said, her voice no more than a whisper. “What happened? Did I fall?”
Aemon took her hand. “You tried to climb on your own. What were you thinking?”
She glanced at the rope. “I did? I don’t remember.”
“She’s losing it,” Minard said.
“Shut your mouth, monk,” Wrynric growled. “She’s injured and tired. By all rights, she should be dead with all she’s endured, yet she’s out here climbing cliffs and fighting monsters.”
“We need to hurry,” Kara said.
The old man motioned for her to stay still. “We’ll give you a few minutes to rest; then you can climb onto my back and I’ll take you up.”
“I’ll take her, like I have for every other climb,” Minard said. “Trust me, I won’t hurt her.”
Wrynric seemed to want to argue but Erinie stopped him. “Let him do it. I’ll make sure he keeps his word.”
Minard gave her a bemused glare. “I vowed to Ibilirith I’d get her to the Dead City. You don’t need to watch over me.”
Erinie frowned. “I thought we shared something back at Safehold. Then you treated me like filth.”
He turned away. “I’m sorry. Everything I told you back at Safehold was the truth, as is my pledge.” After a pause, he added, “I’m ashamed to admit, but I feel out of my depth so far from the sacred lights. It’s so dark out here and I feel isolated.” They all stared at him until he turned to face them. “Let’s get a move on; I hate all this standing around.”
Aemon lit a second torch and slid it into the holder on Erinie’s back, then watched Wrynric begin the climb. “You’re next, Aemon,” the librarian said.
He was not happy about leaving Kara in the hands of the monk, but there was little he could do, for he lacked the strength to carry her up. He grabbed hold of the rope, fed it through the metal safety loop at his waist, and started to ascend, sticking to the edge of Wrynric’s torchlight.
To his relief, there were plenty of handholds and ledges he could rest on. When he reached a wide ledge, he stopped to rub his aching muscles and catch his breath. All the climbing, crawling and fighting had taken a toll. His whole body ached, including muscles he never knew he had.
By the time he reached the top, his arms felt like they were going to fall off. Wrynric patted him on the back, then peered over the edge to watch for the others.
It took another twenty minutes for Kara and Minard to make it to the top. When Wrynric had finished untying Kara from the monk's back, Aemon embraced her. To his surprise, she hugged him in return and buried her face in his hair.
Then a ghastly scream filled the air that turned his blood to ice.
Chapter 25
Kara let Aemon go as the horrible scream echoed all around them, making it impossible to tell where it had come from.
“That sounds like a woman,” Aemon said.
Kara peered over the edge. “Erinie must hurry.”
Wrynric joined her. “Do you see something?”
“No, but I feel it.”
The old warrior grabbed Kara’s arm. “What do you feel?”
“A presence I’ve not felt since...”
“Since when?”
Kara lost her train of thought. It had become so hard for her to stay focused. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was saying. What if it was Erinie?”
Wrynric let go and risked leaning further out over the edge. “It wasn’t Erinie; I can see her torch about sixty feet below us.”
Aemon and Minard joined them at the edge. “She better make it,” Minard said. “She needs to keep me in line.”
Erinie finally made it up and Minard hugged her, but she didn’t hug him back. “I’m alright,” she said as she fought to catch her breath. “I don’t know who screamed. I thought it must've been Kara.”
Aemon put a hand on his mace. “Maybe Kahan is out there and something happened to one of his female followers.”
From the glances Wrynric and Erinie gave him, they were thinking the same thing.
“But how could he follow us?” Minard let Erinie go. “Does he have a map device too?”
The librarian shrugged. “Maybe. But even if he did, it’d do him little good unless he knows where
the Dead City is already. I marked the location of the ruin on my device, after Arden and Liana led us there using their visiondreams.”
“Could he be using it to track us somehow?” Aemon asked. “They were at Sunholm, and could have stolen one.”
“They only act as maps,” Erinie replied. “They have no other functionality.”
Aemon shuffled his feet. “Then maybe Kara was right when she said Dwaycar could be helping them.”
Kara didn’t remember saying that. She grimaced. Yet another one of her memories lost forever.
Wrynric started hauling up the rope. “Whatever it was, it sounded close. Get the map out and find out where we head next. I want to get into the tunnels as soon as we can.”
When the rope was up, everyone ate a meal as Erinie used the map device. A detailed image of the surrounding tunnels appeared and she zoomed in and out as she planned their route.
After a few minutes, she pointed at the map. “We go that way until we reach a junction, then we head left, then straight for a time, then right, then... well, you get the picture.” Erinie gave Minard a mischievous grin. “I hope your skull’s as thick as your brains, because you’re going to hit your head constantly. Most of the tunnels are belly crawls.”
The monk rolled his eyes. “Great. As if my head hasn’t been knocked around enough already.” He smirked at Aemon. “Lucky you’re short and scrawny. Your precious brain will be spared.”
They extinguished all but Wrynric’s torch, then got onto their knees and followed him into the tunnel. They traveled single file, the equipment slung over their backs grating against the roof.
Water ran down the walls and pooled in small channels in the rock, numbing Kara's fingers with cold. The ground was slippery and covered in a foul-smelling orange sludge. Twice her hands slipped from under her and she went face-first into the muck.
Still, she was thankful she wasn’t Minard, for the monk had it worst of all. As much as the monk tried to keep his head low, it seemed to hit every low-hanging rock. Kara winced as there was a particularly loud thud followed by a pained grunt.