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A SEAL's Honor

Page 8

by JM Stewart

  Her damp skin glistened in the low light of the room. Curls clung to her forehead and neck, her hair in tangled disarray around her head. Mandy grinned at him, her eyes gleaming with triumph and satiation. God, she was beautiful looking at him like that. She made him want to beat his damn chest. That look right there solidified his decision. Whatever happened when this ended, he could never be sorry for this time with her.

  He brushed back a thick curl. “You look like a cat who just got away with gobbling up the family goldfish.”

  Mandy winked and smacked his ass. “You’re not too shabby in the sack, sailor.”

  “Minx.” He chuckled again and brushed his mouth over hers. “I’ll be right back.”

  He eased out of her and straightened away from the bed, padding out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. When he returned to the bedroom a couple minutes later, Mandy had slid beneath the covers and lay on her side, eyes closed. He climbed in as quietly as he could, but as he settled beside her, her eyelids fluttered open.

  She gave him a soft, sleepy-eyed smile. “Hi.”

  He rolled onto his back and held his arm out in invitation. “Hi, yourself.”

  Mandy settled her head in the crook of his shoulder with a contented sigh. “Mr. Denali, I do believe you wore me out.”

  “Good.” He chuckled. “Maybe next time we’ll just go for old-fashioned and simple, huh?”

  She raised a hand, waving an invisible flag, and giggled. “I bow to your experience. My assistant at work gave me the idea. She has a tendency to tell me about her and her fiancé’s escapades. She said the position was awesome.”

  Marcus tilted his head to peer down at her. “She’s taller than you, isn’t she?”

  Mandy nodded, then buried her face in his chest and giggled, snorted, then giggled some more. He could only stare at the textured ceiling and grin like an idiot. It had to be a bad sign, but Christ, he loved that sound.

  With one last hiccup, she finally quieted, and reached up to wipe a finger beneath her eyes. “I’m sorry. I tend to get emotional after really good sex.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  She was quiet a moment, her fingers idly walking his belly. “Marcus?”


  She slid her hand over his belly and hugged him tight. “I’m glad you came over tonight.”

  He wrapped both arms around her and pressed a kiss into her hair. “Me too.”

  Too much so. Being with her should have felt awkward, everything given, but it didn’t. Her body beside him felt as natural as breathing. It scared the living shit out of him. Mandy had his mind running in circles. Just being with her challenged every belief he’d held up until this point. Was he really happy with the road he’d set himself on all those years ago? Was he really happy living this way? Or only kidding himself?

  Chapter Eight

  The sight of Marcus Denali’s bare ass in her bed had to rank among the top five best moments of her life. Lying on her side in the dim light of the early morning, Mandy soaked in the gorgeous body beside her. He lay on his stomach, gloriously naked, arms up around his ears. The sheets and blankets were draped low across his thighs, as if he’d gotten hot and flung them back, leaving the top half of him bare to her greedy gaze.

  She gave herself a moment to enjoy the sight of all those firm muscles and his warm, satiny skin, then forced herself to get out of bed. The night had come to end. All too soon he’d have to leave, and the last place she wanted to be was naked beside him when it happened.

  If she was going to survive this month playing his girlfriend, she needed to separate herself from the sex. She needed to remember this was only a fling, her chance to fulfill a fantasy. Anything more would be squashed.

  Which meant she was getting up and getting moving. Coffee first, then a shower and work. She had a meeting with a new client at nine and lunch with Steph at noon to discuss ideas for her wedding dress. She’d wake Marcus after she made the coffee.

  After finding and pulling on last night’s discarded T-shirt and panties, she headed for the kitchen. There, she brewed a pot of coffee and waited for it to finish. Just as she was pouring her first cup, the soft padding of footsteps came up the hallway. Cup in hand, she turned in time to watch a fully dressed Marcus stop in the entrance.

  Tension rose over the small space like a living, breathing entity. Her insides shook. Here came the awkward morning-after routine. What the hell did she say? Thanks for a great time? They all ended the same way. An excuse, a sweet kiss, a hasty good-bye. Then the guy would rush out the door. All while she ignored the emptiness she felt inside.

  She smiled and clutched her mug tightly, praying he couldn’t see her trembling hands. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and returned a polite, if not a tad uncomfortable, smile.

  She lifted her mug in his direction and raised her brows. “Would you like some?”

  “Please.” He nodded and moved to lean against the counter beside her. His scent swirled around her, all warm, sleepy male and something earthy, with a hint of engine grease, making her knees wobble. God, why was it that smell melted her insides?

  She pulled down a mug from the cabinet and filled it before glancing back at him. “How do you take it?”

  He flashed another tight, polite smile. “Cream and sugar if you have it.”

  She nodded and turned to the cabinets, getting down the plastic container she kept the sugar in. “I’m afraid I don’t have creamer, though. I take mine black. All I have is milk.”

  “That’ll do.”

  She nodded again and moved to the fridge, got out the jug of milk and set it on the counter beside the sugar.

  “Thanks.” Marcus caught her gaze and smiled—again—before turning to the mug on the counter.

  “Yup.” The tension pervading the room grated on already raw nerves. It was so thick she could cut it up and serve it to him. If something didn’t give soon, she’d go insane.

  Marcus dumped two teaspoons of sugar and a healthy pour of milk into his mug. She grinned. “I didn’t take you as a girly coffee drinker.”

  A more natural grin appeared on his face as he stirred his coffee. “I have a sweet tooth, so sue me.” He looked over at her as he sipped his coffee. “We’ll get used to each other.”

  Mandy blew out a relieved breath, her shoulders rolling forward as the tension finally released her. “I hope so. I hate this part.”

  “Me too.” He studied her a moment, then set his mug on the counter behind him and turned to her. So close now the warmth of his body infused hers, he cupped her face in his palms and pressed a tender kiss to her lips once, twice. Then he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear with the tip of his index finger. “Hi.”

  Thank goodness for the solidity of the counter behind her, because every bone liquefied. She could not handle it when he went all sweet on her. It had that romantic girl inside of her, the one who totally geeked out at planning beautiful, fantasy weddings every day, dreaming of what if.

  She sighed, her body sagging into his. Yeah, she was so toast. “Hi.”

  He thumbed her chin. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early. Gram goes to church Sunday mornings, and I left Cammie with her last night. I need to go pick her up. She doesn’t like to be left alone.”

  Mandy raised her brows. “Cammie. Your dog?”

  He nodded.

  “Cute name.” She smiled. “You named her after camouflage, I assume?”

  One corner of his mouth hitched and Marcus shrugged. “Her coloring reminded me of it. You’ll see when you meet her. You’ll like her. She loves everybody.” He laughed quietly and turned to pick up his coffee off the counter, sipping at it before he spoke again. “Definitely not a good watch dog.”

  “Like Trent and Lauren’s new dog, Bo.” Mandy laughed, picturing her brother’s new German shepherd. “He’s an eighty-pound meathead. He barks at the leaves blowing in the trees outside but greets e
verybody with slobbery kisses and a wagging behind.”

  “You know.” Marcus glanced at her as he sipped his coffee. “This would be a lot easier if you stayed at my place. I’ve got a built-in doggie door, so Cammie can let herself out in the mornings. Then we wouldn’t be so rushed. You wanted nights, right?”

  She looked up at him and shrugged. “Yes.”

  He leaned into her, body heat enveloping her, and lowered his voice. “Me too. I told you. Casual flings with strangers don’t do it for me anymore.”

  “But you don’t want commitment.” She pursed her lips and shook her head. “Isn’t that a bit mixed up?”

  He huffed a laugh. “Yeah, I guess it is. I’m human, sweetheart, like everyone else.”

  It was that human side, the heart of the man she caught sight of on occasion, that always had her dreaming of what if. She’d bet every last cent she had that when it came right down to it, he’d make some woman very happy someday. And damned if the thought didn’t have the green-eyed monster growling in her head.

  She flashed her brightest smile and winked, determined to cover the possessiveness suddenly rolling through her. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not fond of robots.”

  He stared at her for a beat, something somber moving across the recesses of his eyes, there long enough that she could see it but completely untouchable. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen the look or ones like it. She was dying to ask what was on his mind, but would he even tell her? Then again, maybe it was better if he didn’t. The less she knew about him, the less involved she became and the more of her heart she kept to herself.

  Before she could think of what to say, he glanced at the stove and frowned.

  “Shoot. I should go.” He set his coffee on the counter and edged closer, leaning into her and brushing his mouth over hers. Soft and sweet, he lingered for a moment, his kiss so unlike the man who’d drawn firm boundaries on their relationship.

  When she was lost in him all over again, he finally pulled back. He stroked a stray curl out of her eyes. “I’ll call you later. I’d like to introduce you to my grandmother sometime this week, but I’ll need to talk to her first.”

  The reminder of her place in his life had disappointment tightening her chest and weighting her limbs. Mandy forced a smile and nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Marcus pressed another kiss to her mouth, this one so tender her insides melted. “Talk to you later.”

  He smiled, soft and full of promise, then pivoted and left the room. As the front door closed behind him with a quiet snap, determination swelled behind her breastbone. She needed to stop allowing these fanciful notions to creep into her head, to stop allowing herself to get so caught up in him. At the end of the day, she knew where this led. Nowheresville.

  No, she needed to focus on the sex. She and Marcus had agreed to play out each other’s fantasies. So that’s what she’d concentrate on…a way to surprise him the next time they got together.

  * * *

  The conversation around him faded to a muted hum as Marcus stared at his phone. He was seated at one of two picnic tables set up behind the shop, the guys around him all chatting while wolfing down mouthfuls of the sandwiches Lauren had brought down earlier. Mandy’s text had arrived a few seconds ago. It had only been two days since he last saw her, but he hadn’t stopped craving her since. Or looking forward to the next time he’d see her. Her text was short and sweet, but like the woman, it teased his senses.

  It’s your turn.

  He ought to put his phone away and concentrate on the men around him. They had a bike to finish restoring, an old Harley, and the owner wanted it finished for an auction next week. They still had a lot of details to go over. But a few simple words from Mandy pulled his thoughts from where they ought to be and cranked his desire to a low boil.

  He shouldn’t have suggested she start staying at his place. Hell, he shouldn’t have agreed to this whole month-long fling in the first place, but he wasn’t sorry for it. Lying in her arms, talking, laughing…She filled something within him he hadn’t realized was missing. It left him all too aware how lonely his life had become. He went to work, took care of his grandmother, and came home to his dog. Occasionally, he and the guys went out for a beer, but most nights he fell asleep watching the news, Cammie curled up on his lap. A simple, uncomplicated life.

  And an empty one.

  Mandy offered the opposite. She had a smile for everyone, and not a whole lot bothered her. He envied her carefree manner. She grabbed life by its ears.

  He read her text again and typed out a quick response. My turn for what?

  The more of her he got, the more he wanted. Just the thought of her had his pulse pounding and his cock stirring in his jeans. He couldn’t wait to see her again.

  Her reply came almost instantly.

  We’re playing out fantasies, correct?

  Damn. She had to go and say that. And here he was sitting across the table from her brother. Not that he had the power to deny her.

  Well, the whole idea was I’d help you fulfill yours…

  Barely ten seconds passed before her reply popped up.

  Nope. It’s mutual or nothing. Not fair if u get nothing out of this.

  Marcus shook his head. Being Tuesday, chances were, she was at work. Clearly she was doing exactly what he was—sitting somewhere, probably trying to wolf down lunch, and waiting on texts from him. All of which did nothing to decrease the ache behind his zipper.

  I do get something out of this—you.

  Her next message came with an emoticon, a little smiley face rolling its eyes. God, he could almost see her doing it. She did it often and damned if it didn’t make him smile every time.

  Good. ;) Now…favorite fantasy, plz.

  The back of his neck prickled. Marcus lifted his gaze from his phone and glanced around the table. Trent and Mike, seated at the left end, were discussing the paint job on the Harley. Gabe, however, sat chewing his turkey on rye, watching Marcus with an amused gleam in his eye.

  Gabe swallowed and picked up his can of Coke. “We boring you?”

  Marcus hastily set his phone on the table. Shit. He felt like a horny kid caught sexting. “Gram. Wants me to pick up milk on the way home.”

  “Uh-huh.” Gabe’s mouth hitched as he took another bite of his sandwich. “Tell her I said hey.”

  “Yup.” Marcus frowned, shook his head, and looked down at his phone. It was time to end this insanity. They were going to have to set some ground rules. Namely, no texting at work.

  His hands shook as he shot off a reply. Can’t talk now. At lunch w/ the guys. I’ll call you later.

  He locked his screen and returned his phone to his back pocket. When he finally looked up again, all three men were staring at him. Gabe was still chewing that damn sandwich and watching him. Trent, seated beside Gabe, stared at him with a full-out, shit-eating grin. Marcus’s stomach tightened. Shit, shit, shit. It was one thing for Trent to know he and Mandy had been set up together through Military Match, or hell, even to know he was attracted to her at all.

  Their fling was something else entirely, and that was a conversation he had no desire to have with her brother.

  Mike glanced over at Marcus, and a slow grin stretched across his face. “Was that the one from Military Match?”

  “Yup.” Marcus stood, climbed over the table’s bench seat, and picked up his plate, taking his half-eaten sandwich with him. “And that’s all the details you’re getting. I’m going back to work. We’ve only got five days to finish this thing and too damn much still to do.”

  “Ah, come on. At least tell me if you’re seeing her again,” Mike called out behind him as Marcus reached the back door.

  “Oh, I’m betting he’ll be seeing her again.” This from Trent, whose voice filled with amusement.

  “How the hell do you know that?” Mike asked.

  Marcus stormed into the workshop, leaving behind the laughter and murmurs erupting in his wake. The whole dam
n notion of being discussed over lunch had his stomach tied in sickening knots. Trent seemed okay with the knowledge that he and Mandy were together, but would he feel the same knowing they were essentially using each other?

  The whole notion left a sour taste in his mouth. She deserved better than him. If he was smart, he’d go back to Military Match and have Karen set him up with someone else.

  * * *

  The chime on the front door rang through the speaker fed into the workshop. Marcus lifted his head from the clutch he was assembling and glanced through the doorway leading to the front of the shop. His heart stalled, then took off at a sprint. Shit. Mandy. Wearing a tight white blouse and an equally tight pencil skirt, she sauntered to the front counter and leaned on the top. She banged the bell and turned her head her as if in search of someone. When her gaze finally landed on him, a slow, sexy smile curled across her face, making his cock twitch. He pushed onto his feet and followed her siren’s call.

  Heart hammering from the vicinity of his tonsils, he grabbed a rag from a nearby table, wiping his hands as he headed for the front of the shop.

  “I got it,” he called out to the room at large.

  When he finally reached the counter, he set his hands firmly on top. It took every ounce of self-control he had not to wrap himself around her. “What are you doing here?”

  Still grinning like the cat who’d eaten the family parakeet, she held out her hand. “Key. Since you aren’t answering my texts, I guess I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands.”

  His cock twitched again, already lengthening against his zipper. He hadn’t a clue what she meant, but he’d happily follow if she’d only keep looking at him like she wanted to eat him for dinner. “Key for what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Your house. My last appointment is at three. I thought I’d use it to my advantage. I’ve decided I don’t want to wait until this weekend to see you again, so I’m kidnapping you for the night.”

  Marcus swallowed hard. Christ. Did she have any idea how sexy this take-no-prisoners attitude of hers was?


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