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My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel

Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  “Oh my,” she said. “Is this turning you on baby?”

  “I think it would be fun to watch you tease him. Maybe make out with him.” I said.

  I wanted nothing more than to watch him rip her clothes off. I wanted to see him throw my petite fiancée down on his bed, her bed, my bed, fuck even the couch in the living room. I really didn’t give a damn as long as he was throwing her down somewhere, climbing on top of her, and slamming his cock deep inside her. With or without one of those magnum condoms he mentioned. It didn’t matter.

  Only I felt like I should take things slowly. I felt like admitting to something like that might be too much. It might be taking things too far.

  Only Brandi was having none of that. She started moving up and down again. She smiled a knowing smile, as though she could tell I was holding something back from her. As though she could tell I wasn’t being entirely truthful. Sometimes she was like a human lie detector, especially where I was concerned.

  “Are you sure that’s all you want?” she asked. “Just watching me fooling around a little bit?”

  “No!” I gasped.

  “What else do you want? What else do you want to see?”

  And as she slid up this time I felt something different. She moved herself just so and then my cock was slipping inside her. She leaned down as her pussy bore down on me and I grunted in surprise surrounded by that warmth.

  “You want him to fuck me?” she whispered in my ear.

  Shit. There it was again. The teasing was too much for me. The image of him slamming his cock inside her was too much for me. It was all too much for me. And so I thrust up inside her once and then I was blowing my load for the second time tonight. And it was every bit as intense as the first time. Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment and then she was smiling and pressing her body against me. Raining kisses down on my face. She was squeezing on my cock with her delicious pussy, his warmth taking every bit of my load as I pumped inside her and tried to hold on for dear life.

  When it was done for the second time I collapsed back on the bed, my cock still buried inside her, and desperately tried to catch my breath. I desperately tried to hold onto consciousness. Tried not to lose it.

  “I’ll take that as a yes?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said. “God I want to watch him fuck you! Only I think we should be very careful before we go that far.”

  She leaned down and kissed me one more time. “I agree. Very careful. But that doesn’t mean we keep the idea completely off the table.”

  I collapsed back against the bed and looked up at her. Looked up at her gorgeous body. A gorgeous body that had been all mine, but would probably very quickly be another man’s as well. I was starting to wonder what the crazy genie I’d just let out of the bottle. I was wondering if it was a genie that I even wanted to let out of the bottle.

  Only it was too late. It was done, for better or for worse, and the only moral compass that I had right now was my cock, still rock hard thanks to this conversation, buried inside my fiancée despite the fact that I’d blown my load twice.

  I guess that was my answer right there.

  13: Teasing

  Of course the big problem with coming to a revelation like that on a weekend night was that very quickly the weekend came to an end which meant I wasn’t going to be seeing much of Brandi for the next week. And so once again I was left stewing for a week wondering what the next weekend would bring.

  We managed to see each other a couple of times for lunch, but nothing more. And every time when I asked her what she was planning for the weekend, when I asked her if anything would be happening, she would just smile a secretive smile and wag her finger at me.

  Finally Friday night came and I was pacing up and down my room wondering what time Brandi was going to get there. Wondering if she had anything planned for the weekend. I was going nuts thinking about her getting there. Wondering what was going to happen. Fantasies had been running through my head all week, and I hadn’t even jerked off because I wanted to be ready if anything happened.

  Only that had the side effect of driving me into a sexually frustrated craze. It drove me wild in a way that rendered me incapable of rational thought in a way that only a man who hasn’t gotten off in a week or more could ever understand.

  My phone buzzed and I quickly pulled it out. A message from Brandi. No, a question from Brandi. A question that had my cock throbbing. My eyes narrowed as I read her message.

  "Is Anthony there?"

  My nostrils flared and I felt a stab of jealousy. A stab of jealousy that would have driven me insane if it weren't for the fact that I was also fucking aroused by that message. She was texting me and she was more worried about my roommate than me, and for some reason that was one hell of a fucking turn on!

  I quickly tapped a message back. "He's here studying, why?"

  "Is he in for the night?"

  I thought about that. He’d mentioned something about studying for a big exam he had next week. That sounded like a man who was going to be in for the night. He'd hit it pretty hard last weekend even after the house party and complained about how he suffered in classes, how he was going to spend this weekend behaving and studying.

  "Yeah, he's probably in for the evening," I said.

  "Good. Make an excuse to be gone. Say I'm not coming over until later, then sneak back to your room."

  I raised an eyebrow at that. What the hell was with all of this cloak and dagger stuff? I almost asked her, but refrained. The last thing I wanted to do was annoy her. Especially when it sounded like she had something planned. The very last thing I wanted to do was interrupt any of her plans if it had to do with what I thought it had to do with.

  So I did what any man who was completely crazed with lust and pent-up desire would do in that situation. I went along with whatever it was my girlfriend told me to do.

  I walked the short distance down to Anthony's room and peeked in. He was lying on his bed with books all around him.

  "I need to run to Megamart before Brandi gets here later," I said. "Do you need anything?"

  He looked up and smiled. "No, I'm good," he said. "What time was Brandi supposed to be here?"

  "Not sure. Not for a while," I lied.

  "Sounds good. Maybe I'll see the two of you later," he said.

  "Sure thing," I said.

  I pulled out my phone as I was walking down the hall and started tapping out a text message. “He's definitely staying in for the night. He also wanted to know what time you were planning on arriving."

  "I bet he wanted to know," she said with a wink.

  "I'm making myself scarce," I texted. "What time will you really be here?"

  "About ten minutes," she texted back.

  Damn. I was on a lot shorter timeframe than I thought. I hurriedly went to my room, made sure the window was unlocked. It was a one-story house which meant it would be fairly easy for me to break and enter into my own place. From there I made a production of making my way out of my room and then out the front door. I jangled my car keys and I was sure to give the front door a jolly good slam. I wanted there to be absolutely no doubt in Anthony's mind that I was good and out of the house.

  I even pulled my car around the block. I just hoped he didn't decide to do something silly like go for a run while Brandi was on her way over. Something told me he wasn't going out tonight anyways. A combination of having a lot of studying to do and knowing Brandi was going to be over tonight would probably ensure he'd stayed firmly rooted to his room. At least until Brandi arrived. I smiled as I thought of that. As I thought of what might happen.

  I made my way back around and climbed in through my window, making sure to glance around first. The last thing I needed was somebody seeing me breaking into my own house and calling the cops. That would interrupt the fun for sure. Then I was in through the window and it was time to wait.

  About fifteen minutes later I heard a knock on the front door. Anthony didn’t stir in his room at
first, probably thought it was somebody coming by to sell something or convert us to Jesus. The knocking came again, a little louder. I had to admire her commitment to the role. She had a key that would let her get in whenever the hell she wanted, but apparently she decided to go for a little theatricality.

  Finally I heard a stirring in Anthony's room and he made his way out into the hallway. I sat against my door listening rather than peering out. There was a very good chance that if I looked out right now he'd see my face looking out at him and that just wouldn't do.

  A moment later I heard muffled conversation. I could clearly make out Brandi’s voice and then Anthony's. I couldn't make out what they were talking about, but it was getting louder. Then they were in the living room and I could clearly hear their conversation.

  "At the store? Really?" Brandi said.

  "That's what he said," Anthony replied. "He thought you weren’t going to be here until later."

  "I told him when I'd be here!" Brandi said. Then there was a pause and she let out a disgusted noise. Maybe she'd stopped to look at her phone or something. "Damn it. That text didn't go through!"

  "Well we could hang out here if you like," Anthony said.

  "What store did he say he was going to?" Brandi asked.

  Anthony mumbled something. I couldn't quite make it out, but I knew what store I told him I was going to so it's not like I needed to hear it anyways.

  "Seriously? He’s gonna be gone for at least an hour if he went all the way across town!" Brandi replied.

  Anthony muttered something else and I wondered why it was that he was talking in a quiet whisper like that if they were the only two people in the house. Then Brandi spoke up, and thankfully she was making herself loud enough to be heard. She probably realized I was sitting back here wondering what the hell was going on.

  "I bet you'd like to do that while we're waiting you pervert!" she yelled.

  "How about you just come back and hang out in my room?" he asked, just loud enough that I could hear him. "You can go back out to the living room and act like nothing happened when he gets home."

  "I don't have to act like nothing happened if nothing's going to happen big boy," Brandi replied.

  I smiled and shook my head. She was really playing this up. And I'm sure he was eating it up. I'm sure he was salivating at the thought of getting my girl all alone in his room. Especially when she was presenting such a challenge!

  Only it sounded like Brandi had other plans. I heard a movie starting up. It sounded like if anything was going to happen it was going to happen in the living room and not in his bedroom as much as he’d like that, so I figured it was safe enough to sneak out. The volume was up and it would mask any sounds I made creeping through the house.

  I figured that was Brandi trying to help me out a bit. It’d be hard for me to see the show if they were back in Anthony’s room and there wasn’t a party going on to hide what I was doing.

  It was dark in the living room with only a glow coming from the television. I figured that’d give me a good view of everything that was going on in there while the glow from the TV would blind anyone in the living room to the point that they wouldn’t see me hiding in the darkness. At least I hoped that’s how it would play out, because it would be damn awkward if Anthony caught a glimpse of me peering in at them. He'd probably have some questions. Questions I wasn't ready to answer right now.

  Brandi and Anthony were both sitting next to one another on the couch facing the television. They were sitting really close to each other. I saw Brandi glance over to where I was hiding, smile and wink, and then she turned to Anthony.

  Okay, so maybe I wasn’t as well hidden as I thought, but it also looked like Anthony was so preoccupied with Brandi that I still wasn’t in any danger of being discovered. I have to admit that the thrill of maybe getting caught was right up there with seeing Brandi getting up close and personal with my roommate. And he was leaning in to get up close and personal as I looked in on them.

  “C’mon Brandi. We could go back to my room and watch a movie just as well as we can in here,” Anthony said.

  "I thought you were studying tonight," she said. "I don't see any books or notes or anything."

  He looked at her and grinned. "Now that you're here the only thing I'm interested in studying is a little bit of anatomy."

  Brandi rolled her eyes. "Does that line actually work on girls?"

  Anthony blinked. Then his grin grew even wider. One of his hands, dark and muscular, moved out to wrap around Brandi's shoulders and I felt my cock rock hard at the contact. She was so petite, so small, her skin so pale in contrast to his dark chocolate skin. It looked like he was towering over her and all he’d done was move his arm around her shoulders!

  "Are you saying it's not working on you?"

  "Maybe. Maybe not," she said.

  "I've been thinking about you ever since the party last week," Anthony said.

  She looked up at him and smiled, her eyes lidded. I could tell from my vantage point in the reflected light of the television that her breathing was picking up. Yeah, she was definitely turned on no matter how hard she was trying to play hard to get. There was no questioning that. The real question was how far she was going to let him go and how quickly she was going to let him get there when she stopped playing hard to get. I licked my lips and stared, still not quite believing that I was actually witnessing this. That I was letting this happen instead of storming in there and putting a stop to it.

  "I think you've been thinking about that night too," he said.

  His voice was quiet. So quiet that I could barely hear him from across the room and over the noise from the TV. He was close to her. Impossibly close. So close their lips were almost brushing against one another. My hand moved down to my cock and I started rubbing it, but I was afraid of making too much contact. The slightest sensation would be enough to send me over the edge.

  I wanted to be completely turned on and completely in the moment. No explosions for me. Yet.

  "What if I was thinking about it all this time?" she asked.

  Anthony's answer was to lean down and press his lips against Brandi’s. They came together and the passion, the spark, was immediate. Brandi sighed and melted into him, her arms moving out and wrapping around him as he did the same to her. It was as though his massive muscular arms were taking possession of my fiancée. Laying claim to her as they continued to make out. As their tongues danced back and forth.

  Of course Anthony wasn't just using those strong arms to wrap around my girl. No, he was also pulling her towards him. Only she reached out and pressed a hand against his chest and I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't realize I'd been holding in. Sitting on the couch making out was one thing, but him pulling her over so that she was straddling him was another thing entirely. I didn't know if I could handle that, both emotionally and with my cock which was so close to the edge already.

  What she did next was almost as bad though. Her hand traced down his front. Down to his shorts. And then her petite hand disappeared inside his gym shorts and I saw it start to move up and down as her petite hand traced up and down the outline of his cock. And there was also a change in the way Brandi looked as she did that. She gasped and looked down in surprise, then a contented smile moved across her face. Whatever she was feeling under his pants, it was massive and she definitely looked like she was enjoying herself.

  She moved her arm down pulling his shorts down in the process and then I saw the head of his cock pop out, but that seemed to be as far she could get with him sitting like he was. I thought he might readjust himself to give her better access, but it looked like he had something else in mind.

  His hands were busy pulling up on her tank top. Revealing inch after inch of her hot slim stomach to him. He devoured her with his eyes as he pulled up, up, revealing more and more of my fiancée's gorgeous body. I held my breath as he pulled up almost past her tits. As the underside of her tits came into view.

She definitely wasn't wearing a bra tonight. A moment later her tits fell out, bounced free with a jiggle, and then he was staring down at her perfect orbs that were just a little big for her petite frame. They stuck out in delicious mouthwatering cones. The pink tips were on display and immediately one of his hands went maul her as his mouth descended on her mouth again. And through it all she continued to jerk him off as their breathing grew more and more erratic.

  They made out like that for a few minutes and then Anthony reached down and stopped her from jerking his cock. She looked up at him in confusion and he leaned down and whispered something in her ear. Her reaction was immediate and it made me wonder what he'd just whispered. She looked up at him then glanced over to where I was sitting and there was something new there. Something in addition to the playfulness that had been on display up until now.

  Hesitation? Reluctance? Worry?

  When she turned back to Anthony whatever was worrying her apparently wasn't worrying her too much because she bit her lip and nodded. He pulled his pants down as she pulled her tank top the rest of the way off and then she was half naked in front of him. He was half naked in front of her as well from the bottom down.

  My breath caught and I felt a shock run through my system as she wheeled over him and then she was straddling him. Just what I'd feared might happen earlier. Just what I'd hoped would happen no matter how much it terrified me and now it was happening right in front of me. The queasiness and the arousal mixed together in a strange brew that had me so fucking turned on as I watched her start grinding her pussy, still covered by her shorts thank God, against his naked cock.

  Brandi’s breath was picking up, coming in loud gasps. Apparently she decided she could be as loud as she wanted to be. Anthony would just think she was being free because I wasn't in the house, but I knew she was being loud just for my benefit. It was all part of the show.


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