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Waiting For Mr. Ashwell

Page 8

by K. Sterling

  “I think this used to be the dining hall.” Ash mumbled as he drew closer. Ned smiled wolfishly as he grabbed the lapels of Ash’s coat and pulled him close.

  “Perfect. I’m hungry.” He growled as he wrapped his hand around Ash’s neck and captured his lips. Ash groaned as he backed Ned against the stones. He pressed his hands to the wall next to Ned’s shoulders and angled his head. Ash tasted like mint and cold air. Ned moaned in delight as his tongue danced against his. He let his hands slide down Ash’s stomach until he got to the falls of his breeches. Ash growled into Ned’s mouth. Ned pulled his lips free. “I want to taste you, Ash. If I hadn’t been so delirious, I would have licked you clean last night.” Ned whispered. Ash let his head fall back when Ned’s hand closed around him.

  “There was so much, Ned. I came so hard.” Ash groaned as Ned slid down the wall between Ash’s legs.

  Ned took Ash in his mouth and sucked and licked until Ash flew apart. Ash thrust deep into his mouth and Ned greedily drank his seed. Then, Ash reversed their positions and hungrily sucked Ned until he spilled himself into Ash’s mouth. After, they reclined against the wall for several minutes, holding hands and waiting for their breathing to settle.

  “Do you remember when we tried to camp out here?” Ned laughed softly as he stared up at the sky. Ash snorted.

  “You got scared as soon as the sun went down and we had to run back to Elston in the dark.” Ash rumbled as he climbed to his feet. Ned’s brows pulled together and he shook his head as he accepted Ash’s hand up.

  “You’re the one that got scared.” Ned argued as he brushed the dirt from his hands. Ash rolled his eyes.

  “Not likely.” He mumbled as he wrapped his arm around Ned’s neck and led him through the ruins. Ned laughed as his arm slid around Ash’s waist.

  “If I suggested going back, it was because I knew you were scared and didn’t want to embarrass you.” Ned offered. This time, Ash threw his head back and laughed. Warmth burst within Ned, he stopped Ash and pulled him close. “Do you know how I know I wasn’t scared?” Ned asked against Ash’s mouth. Ash’s brow rose expectantly. Ned smiled against Ash’s lips. “I was never scared as long as I was with you.” Ned whispered. Ash’s head tilted and his hands closed around Ned’s face.

  “Ned.” Ash breathed his name as his lips closed over his. Ned welcomed him in and their tongues brushed gently as their lips clung and slid together. Memories passed between them as they kissed and caressed each other’s faces gently. When Ash finally lifted his head, his eyes were damp. He cupped Ned’s cheek. “We should get back to Elston. Breakfast should be ready by now.” Ash whispered. Ned smiled.

  “I swear, all you think about is food.” Ned teased. Ash shook his head as he pulled Ned toward the horses.

  “I promise, it isn’t.” Ash grumbled. Ned winked at Ash then looked around the ruins.

  “We should come up here and camp.” He suggested. Ash sent him a withering glare and shook his head. Ned nudged him with his elbow.

  “It could be fun! We could share a tent and no one would know. We wouldn’t have to sneak between beds.” He laughed at Ash’s incredulous expression.

  “I’ve had enough of sleeping in a cold, dirty tent for one lifetime, Ned. The inconvenience of having to sneak down the hall before sunrise is little compared to sleeping outside. It’s uncomfortable and it’s impossible to stay clean.” Ash complained. Ned rolled his eyes.

  “That’s because you’re not the one that has to do the sneaking.” Ned pointed out. Ash shrugged.

  “I can come to your room.” He said. Ned smiled brightly.

  “Brilliant!” He declared as he went to his horse. Once they were both saddled and ready, Ned nodded toward Elston. “Want to race?” He challenged. Ash eyed him blandly for a few moments before he yelled and kicked Sleipnir’s side, sending the stallion surging toward the house. Ned frowned as he urged his mount to follow. When he clattered into the yard a minute after Ash, Ned jumped down from the saddle and scowled at Ash. “You cheated.” He pouted. Ash laughed as he clapped Ned on the back, guiding him toward the house.

  “Taking advantage of the element of surprise isn’t cheating, its strategy.” Ash said as he reached for the door. “I look forward to claiming my prize later.” He whispered as Ned passed him. Ned grinned wickedly as Ash walked behind him toward the dining room. Ash was completely mistaken if he thought he’d won.

  Chapter 12

  The day dragged for Ash. He sat in the study, pretending to read as Ned tended to a few matters with his solicitors and studied a proposal for a bill that was being raised in the House of Lords. Ash always found it arousing to watch Ned at his desk. Despite his easygoing, puckish nature, Ned was incredibly intelligent and took his responsibilities very seriously. He’d secretly done very well in school and was politically astute. While he no longer spent much time in London, he still carried a lot of influence and his opinion was highly valued. Once Ned was done, he joined Ash on the sofa and they read and napped the rest of the afternoon.

  For Ash, the day had been spent impatiently planning. He knew that Ned was expecting Ash to take him and he was very ready to do so. He just wanted to avoid any unnecessary pain. Going first had been an excellent decision. Ash had learned a lot. He also remembered something he’d said to Ned the first night in his room. Ash decided that being in Ned’s room would be an advantage. If Ash remembered correctly, there was a very large mirror much closer to the bed than the one in his room.

  By the time Heydon left him for the evening, Ash was anxious yet confidant. He tossed the bottle of oil in his hand before he swept from his room. Ned’s door was cracked open, signaling that he was alone when Ash reached it. Desire and anticipation curled through Ash as he pushed the door open and stepped in. Ned was waiting on the bed, naked with two drinks. Ash had to pause, he’d lost his breath and his erection suddenly felt like it was made of lead. Ned raised a glass toward Ash and smiled suggestively. His eyes were heavy and his skin looked warm.

  “I’m on my third. If you had taken much longer, you’d find me face down and useless.” Ned winked. Ash set the oil on the table by the bed and tossed his robe on a chair. He took the drink and reclined next to Ned.

  “I think I could have found a use for you.” Ash let his eyes drift over Ned’s body as he sipped his drink. Ash saw Ned’s cock twitch and the room felt warmer. At the thought, Ash let his eyes survey everything around him. The mirror was where he remembered, he had to make sure it was behind him. Ash drained his drink and reached for Ned’s. “Another?” He asked. Ned shrugged.

  Ash went to the decanter and poured. He returned Ned’s and pretended to inspect the room. It was more than twice the size of Ash’s room and the bed was tremendous. They could stretch in all directions and their feet wouldn’t hang off. He opened the door to the dressing room and peered in. It was very well appointed and boasted a very large tub. Ash shrugged inwardly. With the exception of the tub, which he wished he could enjoy with Ned, he preferred his room. It had been his room since he was thirteen and the best moments of his life had recently occurred there. Visiting the dressing room brought Ash to the desired side of the bed, in front of the mirror. He returned to the bed and set his knee on the mattress. Ned rolled onto his stomach so that he was facing Ash. He carefully finished his scotch, then handed Ash the glass. Ash took a sip of his before setting their glasses down. He needed to get Ned into position.

  “Come here.” Ash ordered.

  Ned rose and scooted across the bed on his knees until his chest touched Ash’s. Their lips came together and heat burst upon them. Ned wrapped an arm around Ash’s neck and ground his hips against him. Ash set his hands to Ned’s skin and let them roam, marveling in how sleek and smooth Ned felt. He let his nails graze Ned’s back, down over the firm globes of his ass and down his hard thighs. Ned moaned into Ash’s mouth and pulled him closer. Ash leaned back and set his mouth to Ned’s throat. He licked and laved, exploring the hol
low beneath his ears and the corner of his shoulders, then across his collar bone. He swept down, kissing and licking until he reached Ned’s nipples. Ash guided Ned onto his back and set his lips to the flat discs. He sucked and nibbled until Ned was gasping and restless. Ash teased his way down Ned’s body until he was kneeling between his legs.

  Ash reached for the oil and set it on the bed. He rubbed Ned’s thighs with firm, slow strokes, slowly spreading him wider. He’d purposely avoided Ned’s erection and Ash could tell it was making him desperate. Ash kissed around the base of Ned’s cock and nuzzled his sack with his lips and nose. He licked the skin beneath as he slowly drifted toward Ned’s soft bud. Ned hissed and arched when Ash slid his legs up and pressed his face into Ned’s ass. Ash spread Ned’s cheeks and lapped at him ravenously. He circled Ned’s puckered hole with his tongue slowly and waited until it trembled before he made his tongue firm and pressed against it. Ash drilled into Ned’s tightness as far as he could and Ned shrieked. He thrust with his tongue, mimicking what he planned to do with his cock and Ned chanted his name. Ash saw Ned reach for his erection and raised his head.

  “Don’t.” Ash commanded. Ned looked up in shock.

  “Ash, please! It hurts!” He whined. Ash shook his head.

  “Remember what I said about making you come without touching you?” Ash asked. Ned nodded weakly. “I don’t want you to touch yourself either. Not yet.” Ash explained as he picked up the oil. Ned groaned and scrubbed at his face with his hands.

  Once his fingers were slick, Ash started rubbing around Ned’s hole. He took his time, slowly making his way in. Ned fisted his hands in the bedding to keep from grabbing his straining erection. By the time Ash’s finger brushed over Ned’s tight bud, it was warm and soft. Ash pressed against it gently and his finger slid in slowly. He felt the tight ring squeeze for a moment and then relax. Ash’s finger slid past it and was almost sucked in. Ned moaned and his head tossed from side to side. Ash began rubbing back and forth slowly, savoring the tight heat of Ned around his finger. The oil made him slick and it wasn’t long until Ash was gliding in and out easily. He paused and let his middle finger slide in slowly. Ned gasped and Ash pressed in as far as he could reach. Ned rose on his elbows, trying to see what Ash was doing.

  “Stay like that, Ned.” Ash ordered. Ned looked up at him. His eyes were dark and heavy and his lips were parted as he panted.

  Ash curled his fingers upward within Ned as he stroked. Ash knew there was a spot that would set Ned on fire and he reached for it. He wasn't always able to reach it within himself but it was easy to find it in Ned. It was soft and hot and Ned’s eyes flared when Ash pressed firmly against it. He let his fingers slide over it and began rubbing. He kept his strokes gentle yet firm and Ned’s breathing started to become labored. Ash saw his eye lids start to fall.

  “Keep your eyes open. It’s better if you watch.” Ash whispered as he continued rubbing. He pressed his other thumb to the area beneath Ned’s sack and started massaging as his fingers stroked within Ned. Ash saw Ned’s erection start to rise and Ned whimpered. His head started to fall back. “Stay with me, Ned. Watch your cock.” Ned nodded and his eyes grew as his rigid length continued to swell and twitch upward. Ash felt the spot beneath his fingers getting firmer and Ned’s breathing started to get more frantic. His thighs started to shake and his fingers clawed at the bed.

  “Oh, my God! What are you doing to me, Ash?” Ned gasped. His eyes were wild as they flicked to Ash’s.

  “Look at it, Ned.” Ash said as he flicked his fingers against the now very firm spot within Ned.

  It pulled tight and Ned cried out as his cock stood straight up and pulsed. A thick, white stream burst from the head, high into the air and landed on Ned’s chest. Ash kept rubbing and seed continued to spurt from Ned’s throbbing erection. Ned’s breath was hissing in and out of him as he stared at his cock in astonishment as more come poured down the side.

  “You have to stop!” Ned begged. “I can’t take any more.” He panted. Ash slowed his stokes and Ned fell back onto the bed and pressed his hands against his face to smother the scream that tore from his throat as Ash pulled his fingers from him. Ash quickly poured oil on his cock and made sure he was well coated as he scooted closer to Ned’s ass.

  “You need to watch, Ned.” Ash said firmly as he rubbed the head of his cock against Ned’s slick hole. Ned pulled his elbows under him and tried to look down.

  “I can’t see, Ash.” He whispered. Ash nodded.

  “Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.” He said softly as he pressed against Ned’s puckered bud. It was still relaxed and soft and he was able to press the tip in before the tight ring clenched around him. Ash ground his jaw and Ned hissed. Ash saw Ned’s chest lock and knew he was holding his breath. “Relax and breathe.” Ash commanded. Ned nodded and his chest expanded shakily. Ash focused on breathing in and out of his nose until the squeezing around the head of his cock relaxed. Then, he pushed forward slowly. His eyes held Ned’s as he slowly flexed his hips forward. It was excruciating, the need to drive fully into Ned. Ash stared deep into Ned’s eyes and slowly nudged into him. Once he was about half way, Ash stopped. “How is it?” His voice was strained. Every muscle in his body was tense as he fought against the urge to thrust deep and fast. Ned swallowed and pulled in a ragged breath.

  “It hurts but not too bad. It feels good too.” His voice rasped and Ash nodded. He was so relieved.

  “It will get better, I promise.” His voice had gone gravelly and deep. “The mirror, Ned.” It was all Ash could manage as he started to pull back. He watched as Ned’s eyes swung drunkenly toward the mirror behind Ash.

  “Oh, Jeeesus.” Ned moaned. Ash knew what Ned was seeing. It was the same thing he’d seen the night before, only their positions were reversed.

  Ash was out of words. He could only nod as he slowly started to slide forward again. Ned was so tight and hot around him, it was killing Ash. He felt a bead of sweat slide down his back and his eyes wanted to roll into his head. Ash focused on Ned. His eyes were locked on the mirror, watching him thrusting slowly between his legs. Every time Ash moved forward, he went just a little bit deeper. It felt like an eternity before he finally slid in to the hilt. Ned gasped then licked his lips.

  “I’m so full of you, Ash.” He moaned. Once again, Ash could only nod. He was so deep in Ned’s tight, perfect body. Ned’s eyes met Ash’s and they were heavy and unfocused. “I need more, I need it harder.” Ned whispered.

  There was a low growl and Ash was sure it must have come from him as he wrapped his arms around Ned’s thighs. He slid back and then drove in deep and Ned fell back on the bed and panted his name deliriously. Ash let go. He started driving into Ned faster and harder. Ned began to arch and twist as his moans got louder and closer together. They made Ash crazy. His hips rolled harder, deeper, faster into Ned’s hot, clinging tightness. Ned looked up and his eyes were pleading as they found Ash’s.

  “I have to touch my cock, Ash. It’s so hard. It feels like it’s going to burst.” He groaned. Ash shook his head and Ned sobbed. Ash let go of Ned’s thigh and grabbed Ned’s erection and started stroking in time with his thrusts. Ned’s head came off the bed and he locked his jaws to keep from screaming. Ned’s head thrashed from side to side. “Oh, Fuck, Ash!” Ned sobbed. Then, Ned arched and his shoulders came off the bed and he froze, suspended, his head thrown back in a silent scream before he crashed back upon the bed and started to shake violently. Ash felt Ned’s erection contract then swell as his release started to pour over his hand.

  Ned clenched tight around him and Ash was done. Ash threw his head back and tears spilled from his eyes. He felt his balls pull tight as pressure started to build in the base of his cock. There was a moment of total numbness and he froze, then it was as if goosebumps burst in the inside of his skin and heat flooded his cock as it pushed up its length. Ash thrust deep as a molten stream burst from him and he saw sparks. His hips slammed forwa
rd once, then twice before he started to convulse. Ash hung on to Ned’s thigh until he thought he could control his body. He looked down and Ned was insensate. His head lolled from side to side and he hummed softly.

  “Cover your mouth, Ned.” Ash commanded. Ned’s eyes opened and blinked as he tried to focus.

  As soon as Ned’s hand closed over his lips, Ash held his breath and pulled out of Ned swiftly. Ned’s eyes bulged as he yelled into his hand and his body twisted upon the bed. Ash fell back and grabbed the bed post to keep from falling. For a moment, Ash was dizzy and weak and had to use the post for support. Once the wave passed he pushed away and fell next to Ned.

  Neither moved or spoke for several minutes. When Ash finally lifted his head and looked at Ned, he was grinning and staring at the canopy above them. Ned’s head flopped toward Ash.

  “Mother of God.” Ned gasped before he started to laugh. Ash smiled as he lowered his head and rubbed his lips against Ned’s arm. When Ned finally regained his senses he groaned. “I need to get up or I’ll make a mess.” He tensed to move but Ash stilled him.

  “Stay. I’ll get it.” Ash said as he rolled from the bed. Ned protested.

  “I think I should, it’s a little… awkward. Don’t you think?” Ned said as he started to rise. Ash pinned him with a glare as he pushed the dressing room door open. He returned a moment later with a wet cloth.

  “Roll over.” He ordered. Ned frowned up at him. Ash raised a brow and looked at him pointedly. “I want to watch my seed spilling out of you and it would be satisfying for me to wipe it from your body.” Ash said. It was the truth. He had claimed Ned and cleaning him would feel like he was worshiping his prize. Ash let Ned see his intent in his eyes. Ned slowly rolled onto his stomach and parted his thighs. Ash let his head fall to the side as he took in Ned’s sublime ass and the trickle of his seed that slid down his thigh. He sighed contentedly as he leaned over Ned and tended to him. Ned relaxed and moaned softly. “Thank you.” Ash said when he stood up. When he returned, Ned was where he left him. “Pillows.” Ash barked and Ned glared as he crawled toward the headboard. Ash settled next to Ned and pulled him on top of him. Ned’s body melted over Ash’s as his face pressed into the corner of Ash’s shoulder. Ned sighed drowsily as Ash wrapped his arms around him and pulled Ned close.


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