Waiting For Mr. Ashwell

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Waiting For Mr. Ashwell Page 12

by K. Sterling

  “Oh. That’s very romantic.” Ned was genuinely touched. But still too aroused to focus. He felt Ash’s tongue lash against his ear.

  “They’re not meant to be sentimental. They're not for spirits.” He pressed the flask into Ned’s hand. “Open it.” He growled. Ned pressed his chest to the door so he could use his hands. His hands shook as he twisted the cap off. He saw Ash’s hand open. “Pour a little on my fingers.”

  Ned groaned as a thin stream of oil spilled from the flask onto Ash’s fingers. He felt Ash’s other arm shift and there was a tug before Ned’s trousers slid down his legs. The hand returned and pressed against the door before Ash’s other hand disappear. Ned hissed as he felt very hot, slick fingers slide into the cleft of his ass.

  “It’s so hot!” Ned gasped. He felt Ash nod and he exhaled against Ned’s ear.

  “I’ve had it against my chest for days. You can’t imagine how arousing it is carrying that around. You’ll have yours with you at all times, in case you can’t wait and you need to take me.” His finger was hot and slippery as it found Ned’s tight hole.

  “Jeeesus, Ash!” Ned felt his body start to shake. “Please!” He was desperate.

  His eyes rolled back as Ash’s finger pressed in. It slid past the tight ring and then slid back. Ned exhaled and relaxed and felt his ass tingle in anticipation. Ash’s finger slid in deeper and curled. Warmth shot through Ned’s legs and his cock started to grow hard again. Ash’s breathing was labored and his body was a solid wall of heat behind Ned.

  “I don’t think I can go slow, Ned.” Ash growled and his finger was gone. Ned felt Ash’s hand working behind him. Ned knew he was preparing his cock, getting it slick with oil.

  “I don’t want you to go slow. I need you, Ash. Hard and fast.” Ned begged against the door. He shut his eyes and held his breath as he felt the head of Ash’s cock press against his entrance. Ash’s hand curled against the wood, close to Ned’s face as the arm around his chest pulled him tight. Ash groaned as he flexed his hips and slid all the way home in one long, slow thrust. “Ash!” Ned gasped in protest. Didn’t I say hard and fast? Ned complained silently.

  Then, it got very hard and very fast. Ash’s hips started thrusting, relentless and driving deep. Ash’s hand clawed at the door and his breath thundered in Ned’s ear. Ned clung to Ash’s arm and squeezed the flask in his hand to keep from dropping it as his chest and face pressed to the door. He felt so full, stretched and clinging to Ash’s thick, rock hard cock as it drove into him. There was beautiful pain and indescribable pleasure. Ned felt his cock, stiff and throbbing, beating against the door. He could feel the thickest part of Ash’s cock rubbing against the spot inside of him that made him see colors. Ned bit his lip to keep from yelling. He could feel his balls pulling tight. Fuck! Again? Ned prayed he could keep quiet. Ash was mindless behind him, thrusting and groaning Ned’s name. His sounds were making Ned insane. The arm around Ned’s chest slid away and Ash’s other hand pressed against the door. Ned managed to close the flask before he dropped it. He pressed his hands to the door as Ash started rolling his hips hard into Ned. He bit down on his lip until he tasted blood as he felt his feet come off the floor from the force of Ash’s thrusts. Without any warning, Ned felt his shaft burn as a searing sting ran up it before a long, slow stream of seed started pouring from the head of his cock.

  “God! Ash, I’m coming!” Ned hissed. Pleasure and heat coursed down his legs and they throbbed. Throbbed! A wave of dizziness washed over Ned as Ash froze behind him. Ned’s lips curved as he waited. Ash thrust hard three more times and heat exploded inside of Ned. There it is. Ned thought as he felt his bones melt. He looked down and saw that seed was still dripping lazily from his spent cock. “Christ.” Ned whispered as Ash relaxed against him. He was heavy and his body shook as he wrapped his arms around Ned.

  “Did I hurt you?” His voice was tight and low against Ned’s neck. Ned reached back and cradled Ash’s jaw. Ned laughed softly.

  “No. And I wouldn’t care if you did. That was incredible.” Ned mumbled. He felt so weak. He could barely move his lips. Ash’s face rubbed against his cheek.

  “I love you so much, Ned.” He whispered. Ned’s heart felt as if it would burst within him. A tear slipped from his eye and he smiled.

  “I love you too, Ash. And this door, apparently.” Ned groaned as he shifted his shoulder. He was still pressed against the panels and his neck was starting to cramp. Ash tensed.

  “Damn it!” He cursed as he pushed away. His hands pulled against Ned’s chest, helping him stand up straight. Ned swiveled his neck and rotated his shoulders.

  “All better!” He declared as he looked at the floor and door in front of him. The mess was impressive. Ned looked over his shoulder at Ash. Ash raised a brow.

  “You should probably rest.” Ash rumbled. “Go.” He commanded as he pointed at the sofa. Ned smiled drunkenly as he stumbled across the room, his trousers around his knees. He fell face down on the sofa and shut his eyes. He heard Ash moving about the room, cleaning up. A few minutes later, he felt Ash parting his thighs and gently wiping his seed from between Ned’s legs. When Ned was finally able, he rolled to the side and pulled his trousers up and looked around the room. There was a wet spot on the floor in front of the door but the room was otherwise free of any evidence. Ash poured a glass of scotch and took a sip before he tilted the glass and spilled it, covering the dark shape on the wood. He refilled the glass and poured another before he crossed the room and settled on the sofa next to Ned. He handed Ned his drink and then sighed as he took a long swallow of his.

  “Would you like to come to London with me when I go to close the house?” Ash asked. Ned felt giddy joy bubble within him.

  “That would be brilliant!” He exclaimed as he leaned and pressed his lips to Ash’s throat. Ash’s arm wrapped around Ned’s shoulder and he pulled him close. Ash reached for the table and he picked up the Voltaire. He relaxed and crossed his legs as he opened the book.

  “Good. I was thinking we’d go the day after tomorrow.” He said absently as he started reading. Ned rested his head on Ash’s chest, inhaling deeply as he settled into his warmth.

  “Perfect. This is so perfect.” Ned sighed as his eyes became too heavy to stay open.

  “Mmmhmm.” Ash hummed deeply, absently as he turned the page. His arm started rubbing Ned’s arm soothingly and Ned was gone.

  “Ned.” Ash’s voice drifted to him and Ned hummed softly. “Ned.” He was a little more insistent and Ned pouted as he pressed his face into Ash’s chest. “Ned!” Ash’s voice cracked like a whip and Ned jumped to his feet and looked around in shock.

  “What?” He blinked down at Ash in confusion. Ash rose to his feet and smiled as he took Ned by the chin and pressed his lips to his.

  “I’ve been trying to get you to wake up for the last five minutes.” Ash mumbled.

  “Sorry.” Ned yawned as he stretched. “I didn’t sleep well while you were gone.” He admitted. Ash nodded sympathetically.

  “I promise to let you get plenty of sleep tonight.” Ash rumbled. Ned yawned again.

  “Not too much, I hope.” He grinned drowsily at Ash.

  “We’ll see. I’m going up to dress for dinner.” Ash pressed his lips to Ned’s forehead.

  “I just need to finish a letter to my land manager in Leeds.” Ned said. Ash nodded as he left the study.

  Ned smiled as he sat at his desk. He started flipping pages in the almanac until he found what he was looking for.

  “Ned!” Ash bellowed. Ned’s head snapped up and he gasped before he jumped out of his seat and ran for the door. He slipped on the tile in the hall and caught himself before he fell on his face. He sprinted up the stairs and down the hall to Ash’s old room, skidding to a halt as the rug slid along the polished floor.

  “About that…” Ned raised a finger as he tried to catch his breath.

  “What the hell happened?” Ash yelled as he gestured
to the window and around his room. The window was boarded over, the bedding was stripped and the furniture was under holland covers. Ned nodded and held his hands up, trying to calm Ash.

  “I’m not sure how that happened.” Ned pointed at the window. “But Fenworth and the staff moved your belongings to another room.” He cringed as Ash’s eyes flared.

  “Another room? How long will it take to get the window fixed?” He asked as he turned and stared at the place where the window used to be. Ned started to back out of the room.

  “I think it’s intended to be a permanent change.” He said slowly. Ash whipped around. His brows were pulled together and he was frowning.

  “But this is my room.” He sounded so forlorn. Ned felt his head tilt and tried to look reassuring as he continued to back away.

  “You might like your new room better.” He suggested gently. Ash’s eyes narrowed and he advanced toward Ned menacingly.

  “What did you do?” He growled. Ned held his hands up as he stepped into the hallway.

  “I swear, I had nothing to do with this. It was a hell of a shock for me too.” Ned swore as he looked nervously down the hallway toward the other wing.

  “Where’s my new room, Ned?” Ash’s voice was quite hostile. Ned pulled at his cravat as he skipped back a few steps. “Ned.” Ash warned. Ned pressed his hands together and tried to look innocent.

  “Please, please, please don’t overreact.” Ned begged as he took three large steps back. Ash was taking this worse than he had expected. There was a very good chance he would explode rather fantastically. Ash’s eyes flicked from side to side as they passed the last few rooms in the wing.

  “Ned.” He sounded very menacing. “I’m going to overreact if you don’t tell me where my room is.” Ash’s voice was very low and very hard. Ned cringed.

  “It’s in the west wing.” He shut his eyes and held his breath. Everything was silent for several seconds. Ned cracked one eye open. Ash had his hands pressed to his face.

  “The west wing?” He muffled.

  “It’s a much bigger room and the decor suits you.” Ned offered sheepishly. Ash’s hands fell.

  “Which room is it, Ned?” Ash looked panicked. Ned pulled his lips in to keep from smiling. That would have been catastrophic.

  “The one across from mine.” He said carefully. Ash looked slightly relieved.

  “I suppose that’s something.” Ash grumbled as he swept past Ned and stalked down the hallway to his new room. Ned gave him a moment before he followed.

  When Ned stepped cautiously into Ash’s room he found him with his hand over his mouth, squeezing his jaw as he turned slowly, his eyes bouncing around the room.

  “Well?” Ned stepped forward tentatively. Ash glared at him.

  “You had nothing to do with this?” He asked incredulously. Ned shook his head emphatically. Then, ever so gently rested his hands on Ash’s shoulders.

  “They know, Ash.” He whispered. Ash’s eyes became wide.

  “They?” He gasped. “They, who?” His eyes locked on the door.

  “Fenworth, Mrs. Tilldon, Garver…” Ned paused when Ash whimpered. “The maids, the footmen…” He let his voice die away as Ash groaned. Ned swayed so that he blocked the door and found Ash’s eyes. “They took it upon themselves to move you in here. I have a feeling that whatever happened to your window was not an accident.”

  “Dear God! They all know!” Ash looked as if he needed a seat. Ned led him to the seating area in front of the fireplace and pushed on Ash’s shoulders until he sat, then kneeled before him.

  “They’re all very sympathetic and Fenworth assures me that none of the staff will talk. I trust them, Ash.” Ned promised as he squeezed Ash’s hand. Ash nodded but his eyes were still on the door. Ned cupped Ash’s jaw and turned his face until their eyes met. “It seems that you and I were the last to figure it out. They care for us and want us to be happy.” Ned said softly. Ash blinked rapidly.

  “I thought that they might come to suspect and I was certain they wouldn’t gossip about us but this… this is…” Ash shook his head in disbelief. Ned nodded.

  “I know.” He said softly. Ash frowned.

  “I think Heydon suspects…” His eyes went back to the door. Ned smiled softly.

  “I would imagine it’s been confirmed since he arrived this afternoon.” Ned debated silently before he took a deep breath. “It seems there’s a new policy among the staff for mornings.” Ned said quickly. Ash’s eyes flicked back to his and they were panicked again.

  “A new policy?” His voice wavered. Ned cringed. He wasn’t going to take this well.

  “None of the staff will enter our rooms until we ring for them.” Ned fell back as Ash jumped to his feet and started pacing.

  “Jesus, Ned!” Ash hissed as he clutched at his hair. “They’re telling us they know we have been sharing a bed and don’t want us to have to sneak around anymore!” Ash stared at the window very hard and for a moment, Ned was afraid he was going to run through it. He rose to his feet slowly and held his hands up soothingly.

  “Yes, Ash. They’re telling us it’s all right and that they want us to be happy.” Ned said softly as he wrapped his arms around Ash. Ash’s head swung toward the door. Ned made a shushing sound as he pulled Ash close. “No one will come in here until we ring.” Ned promised. Finally, Ash started to relax and rested his head on Ned’s shoulder. Just as Ned was about to lower his head to kiss him, Ash’s head snapped up again.

  “How can I face them? They know!” His eyes searched Ned’s face. Ned smiled softly.

  “I can tell you, it will be awkward in the beginning. I spent two days sneaking around, avoiding eye contact.” Ned admitted. Ash groaned and sagged against Ned. He clasped Ash’s head to him. “Once you get adjusted, you’ll find it’s a good thing.” There was a nervous bark of laughter from Ash and Ned smiled as he rubbed his back soothingly. “You’ve got a nice dressing room as well!” Ned added.

  “Great. I’ll hide in there.” Ash’s voice was muffled against Ned’s chest. Ned sighed.

  “No, you won’t. In fact, it’s time to get ready for dinner. Mrs. Tilldon made your favorite meal!” He had to bite the inside of his cheek. Fenworth had used the same tactic on him. Ash raised his head and frowned. Ned continued. “Fillet of veal, french beans, a trifle.” Ash’s stomach growled but he shook his head.

  “I’m not going, Ned.” He grumbled. Ned stepped back, and nodded.

  “Yes, you are. I’m going to go get ready now.” He turned on his heel and then darted to the bed and pulled the bell pull before he ran from the room.

  “Ned!” Ash yelled. Ned ducked into his room and shut the door behind him. He chuckled as he reached for his bell pull.

  Chapter 21

  Two days later, Ash frowned as he saw Ned hesitate on the front step. He was staring at the coach and already looked green.

  “Ned, you don’t have to go.” Ash said softly. “It’ll be four or five days. It’s not worth putting yourself through hell.” He insisted.

  Ned shook his head and marched to the coach. He took a deep breath before he ducked in. The plan had been to go on horseback but the weather had turned and a light rain had been falling all morning. Ash had offered to wait a few days or go alone but Ned had stubbornly refused both alternatives. He wanted them to begin their new life together and closing the house in Town was an important, symbolic step, apparently.

  Ash was touched and just as excited as Ned but at the moment he felt like an ass. Ned hated to travel by coach. For good reason; he became violently ill and being confined in small spaces for very long made him nervous and restless. He was fine in Town for short rides but anything over half of an hour was torture. Ash had assumed it was why Ned stayed at Elston for so much of the year. Ash thought that once he was there, Ned stayed until it was absolutely necessary to leave.

  “I don’t understand why they couldn’t have put the capital in the middle of
the country.” Ned complained as Ash settled on the seat across from him. Ash tried not to smile. He lost track of how many times they had that conversation over the last twenty years. The door shut and Ash looked at Ned pointedly. Ned pulled a face and banged on the roof, signaling that they were ready. The coach rocked forward and moved smoothly down the drive.

  “Would you like to discuss the importance of the Thames in trade, the Romans, the Vikings, William the Conqueror…” Ash asked as he closed the blinds and carefully switched seats. He pulled Ned into his arms. Perhaps he’d sleep more if he held him. Ned shook his head.

  “No. I don’t want to discuss the bloody Thames, the bloody Romans, the bloody Vikings or William the bloody Conqueror.” He grumbled. Ash pulled Ned’s head against his chest and rubbed his arm soothingly.

  “I wish you would have let us postpone this trip or stayed home.” Ash sighed. Ned shook his head against Ash’s chest.

  “Until you move your things out of your house and close it up, we aren’t living together. And you just returned, I wasn’t going to let you turn around and leave me so soon. You said you weren’t going anywhere without me.” Ned groaned as the coach hit a rut. Ash kissed his hair.

  “I know. I envisioned us traveling on horseback most of the time.”

  “Well, it was unavoidable this time. I don't want to wait and the weather isn’t cooperating. I’ll just have to suffer through it.” He turned, trying to rest his back against Ash’s chest but didn’t have room to stretch his legs. Ned cursed and sat up. He looked behind the blind. “And why must it rain so much in England? Stupid bloody rain.”

  Ash reached for Ned’s shoulders and started rubbing them. Ned sighed and Ash felt a little relief as some of the tension left Ned’s body.

  “I’m sorry you have to suffer but I’m glad you’re with me. I’m happy, Ned.” Ash whispered. Ned smiled over his shoulder.

  “Then, it’s worth it.” Ned said softly.


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