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Pride and Consequence

Page 10

by Altonya Washington

  Malik clenched his fists when Zakira’s mouth trailed his jaw. Finally, he stepped away and pretended to search his pockets for keys. “I really need to get back to the restaurant, but I’ll see you later,” he said, already walking away.

  Zakira frowned to prevent her tears from escaping. She watched her husband settle into his SUV and speed out of the parking lot. The Navigator disappeared round the corner before she even moved.

  The bathroom was silent except for the bubbly bath water swirling down the drain. Zakira stepped from the tub and went over to the lighted mirror. After securing the pins in her hair, she took a closer look in the mirror.

  “Damn,” she whispered, seeing that her eyes were still puffy and red from all the crying she had done that afternoon. Why would Malik push away from her physically? Especially now, when they should be closer than ever?

  She chose not to harp on the issue, fearing she would lose control of her emotions yet again. She selected a bottle of coconut-scented lotion and left the bathroom. She was drying off when Malik walked into their bedroom.

  Zakira didn’t look his way, but she could feel his eyes on her. She finally glanced up to see him staring intently as she smoothed the lotion into her skin. When his smoldering dark eyes met her smoky brown ones, he looked away as though he were disgusted. At that point, Zakira lost her temper and threw the lotion bottle to the floor.

  “What the hell is your problem?” she demanded, standing with her hands on her hips. Her expression was stormy and she was completely oblivious to her nudity. “Malik?” she called, when he only stared.

  “Get dressed,” he finally said, dragging his gaze to the floor.

  Zakira raised both hands defensively. “Get dressed? Why? Do you suddenly have a problem seeing me this way? Every time I find your eyes on me, it’s as though I’ve done something wrong. You look like you—like you disapprove or something. What the hell is goin’ on with you?”

  “Hell, Zaki! Dammit, I’m dyin’ or have you forgotten that?” he raged, slamming one powerful fist against the wall. “I got more on my mind right now than playin’ stud to you.”

  Zakira turned away before he could see the tears welling in her eyes. She grabbed her robe from the chair and slipped into it. At the bedroom door, her hand paused on the knob. “I’ll sleep in the guest room. That way you won’t have to worry about me taking advantage of you while you sleep!” she spat and let the door slam behind her.

  Malik dropped to the bed, holding his head in his hands.

  Gloucester, Maine

  “So, what do y’all think?” Melinda asked, once the tour had reached its end.

  “Well, I’m jealous,” Zakira admitted, slapping her hands against her jean-clad thighs.

  “Are you ever going to want to go back to Chicago? I know I wouldn’t,” Eddie said.

  Melinda laughed. “I’ll take your responses as compliments. Now, why don’t you both go get settled? In three hours, there will be dinner and coffee served on the patio. We can enjoy the ocean view for as long as we like.”

  Zakira and Edwina stood shaking their heads as their energetic hostess bounced off. Then they headed toward the guest wing, chattering away.

  “I couldn’t believe it when I saw you and Tree arrive together. Anything I should know?” Zakira pried.

  Eddie rolled her eyes. “Nooo. We just decided to drive up together, that’s all.”

  Zakira knew there was more and enjoyed teasing Edwina. “Mmm. But neither of you brought a date?” she slyly noted.

  Eddie folded her arms across the front of her fuzzy red sweater. “So?”


  “So, we have our own rooms. So there.”

  “Ha!” Zakira blurted, her expression incredulous. “That only leaves more places to make love.” She nudged Eddie’s shoulder until they both burst into laughter.

  When Zakira stepped into the bedroom, the lightness of her mood vanished. She and Malik had barely spoken since the more than three weeks prior. In that time, they had hardly seen one another. New Year’s Eve and the following day had been a joke. Clearly, the fact that it could be their last New Year together was no motivation for civility. She made a point of waiting until he left the house before exiting the guest room in the morning, and she was in bed before he returned at night.

  While Malik was busy unpacking, Zakira went to the closet. She found blankets and an extra pillow which she placed on the sofa.

  “What are you doin’?” Malik asked, his hands stilling over his luggage.

  “It’ll raise too many questions to ask for a room of my own,” Zakira replied, without turning to face him. “So, I’ll have to make use of the sofa.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “No? I disagree considering how distant you’ve been,” she reminded him, finally turning to pin him with accusing eyes. “And Malik, that is something I can’t even begin to understand.”

  “Baby, I’m sorry.” Malik told her, running both hands though his dreads. “What I said to you before, I’m—I just have a lot goin’ on.”

  “Well, news flash! So do I!” she snapped, slamming both fists to the back of the sofa. Before her emotions got her too riled, she turned away and grabbed her overnight case. “I’m going to take a bath. I should be done in about forty-five minutes. You’ll probably want to be gone, so you won’t think I’m trying to tempt you when I walk out.”

  On the beach, Tree and Eddie barely moved as their eyes feasted on the crashing waves.

  “This is somethin’ else,” Tree remarked, tightening his hold around Eddie’s waist.

  She smiled and snuggled her face against the softness of his thick, black knit sweater. “I could stay like this forever.”

  Tree pulled away and looked down at her. “Just like this?”

  Eddie nodded against his chest. “Exactly like this.”

  Tree trailed his index finger along her cheek and urged her to look up. When she did, he pressed the sweetest kiss to her lips.

  Dinner was light, yet satisfying. The couples enjoyed music and the relaxing atmosphere. One by one, they wandered off to enjoy the privacy the place boasted. Zakira and Malik were last to leave.

  “You coming up?”

  Zakira retained her seat on the lounge and drew her knees close to her chest. “I’m gonna stay out a while longer,” she said, smoothing her hands across the luxurious softness of her yellow sweater. “Don’t worry, I won’t disturb you when I walk in.”


  “Don’t, Malik. Please don’t make it worse by telling me you’re sorry again,” she urged, closing her eyes as she silently prayed that he let her be. When he walked away, she released the sobs she had suppressed.

  After a long beach stroll, Tree and Eddie headed upstairs.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Eddie whispered, when they stopped between their room doors. She moved to kiss his cheek, but Tree cupped her face and kissed her mouth instead.

  “I want you in bed with me,” he growled during the deep kiss.

  Eddie shuddered, caught up in the sensational kiss. She clutched Tree’s shoulders when he lifted her against his massive frame and took her into his room. She felt herself being lowered to the king-sized bed in the far corner. Tree’s lips trailed the softly scented column of her neck as his fingers ventured beneath the hem of her white sweater. A low groan slipped past his lips when his fingers grazed the side of her breast and he realized she wore no bra. Eddie pushed her fingers through Tree’s hair and gasped at the luxurious texture of the thick, black locks. She felt his hands curve beneath her bottom as he settled more snuggly against her.

  Suddenly, a tiny voice called to Eddie and she shook her head to ward off its unwanted warnings. Unfortunately, it would not be silenced and soon she was pressing against Tree’s shoulders.

  “Wait…” she whispered, even as she moved closer to his touch.

  Tree uttered some muffled response, but did not veer from his task. A moment later, h
e felt Eddie rise up from the bed and move away.

  “I’m sorry,” she called softly as she raced out of the bedroom without looking back.

  Saturday was an event-filled day. The group ventured into a neighboring seaside town and visited the fresh markets while enjoying all the excitement of the marina. They indulged in the sensational food offered by the local eateries. That evening, there was a classical concert given by a local pianist. When the group arrived back at the house, they went to the beach and indulged in beers around a roaring fire. It was well past 2:00 a.m. when they all headed inside.

  “To hell with this,” Malik growled. He had barely been able to sleep without Zakira next to him. Refusing to spend another night that way, he took her off the sofa and placed her in bed. Zakira wiggled, but did not awaken as Malik’s fingers trailed her collarbone before his lips followed the same path. Malik rested his head against her shoulder and simply enjoyed the comfort of having her next to him.

  Early the next morning, Zakira found herself in her husband’s arms. She noted that they were still clothed. No surprise, she sourly remarked to herself. After a long sigh, she quietly left the bed, dressed and set out for a walk.

  The setting was exquisite—almost ethereal. At dawn, a mist settled over and around everything in its wake. It moved like a living thing, casting a calm, mellowing effect on the stunning environment.

  Zakira found an isolated spot on a cliff overlooking the deserted stretch of beach. The area was shielded by towering trees, and she felt she could have stayed for hours.

  It was some time before Malik found her. She was wrapped up in a thick red-and-black cashmere checkerboard blanket. He quietly stretched out beside her.

  “Go away,” Zakira ordered, without opening her eyes.

  Malik turned and looked at her. “I can’t do that until I apologize.”


  “And explain,” he added, watching her weary gaze turn expectant as she waited for him to continue.

  “I’m dyin’,” he began, pounding his fist to his palm as he spoke. “I’m dyin’ and I’m angry. I’m mad as hell because soon I’m not gonna be able to do this,” he said, trailing his thumb around the curve of her jaw. “Zaki, you don’t know how hard it is for me to see you every day and know that soon I won’t ever be able to see you again.”

  Zakira pressed her hand to his cheek. “I won’t be able to see you, either. I’m suffering, too, you know?”

  “I know,” he acknowledged, covering her hand with his own. “But you’ll still have your life…your memories. I won’t ever have you again. I won’t even be able to miss you, because I’ll be dead.”

  “Well, baby, this attitude, this—this coldness,” Zakira whispered, her throat constricting around the lump there, “this is killing me and I can’t stand it. I want you to love me or play ‘stud’ to me, as you call it. Call me selfish, but I want as much of you as I can get. As much as you can give, until…”

  “Shh,” he soothed, when she began to cry. “I realize how wrong I was to do that to you. To us. I love you more than my life.”

  Zakira allowed her tears to flow more freely. “I love you, too,” she whispered, laughing when his mouth settled to hers and he kissed her deeply.

  They spent the rest of the morning in the private oasis, holding on to each other beneath the swaying trees.

  Chapter 7

  The next few weeks were like a roller-coaster ride for Malik and Zakira. Some days were wonderful. They basked in the love they felt for one another, and the nights became even more sensual. Unfortunately, for all the good days, there were those times when Malik was in such an evil mood, he barely said more than three words to his wife.

  Through it all, Zakira was becoming more familiar with the business. She found that while cooking had been her passion, the business end of running a restaurant was just as fulfilling. There were times when Malik didn’t want to come in to the restaurant at all. Fortunately, Zakira didn’t mind picking up the slack.

  Such was the case when Eddie came to visit one day. Zakira had become a regular sight behind Malik’s desk and was in the midst of haggling with a prospective supplier.

  For a moment, Edwina stood just inside the door watching her stepsister on the phone. At first sight, the small woman might have appeared out of place behind the huge, mahogany desk, but that was far from true.

  Zakira finished the call and waved Eddie closer. “Hey, girl, what brings you in here?”

  Eddie smiled and stepped closer to the desk. “I’m on my way to my office. I just thought I’d stop in to see what was up.”

  Sighing, Zakira picked up one of the thick folders on the desk and waved it in the air. “Work, honey, work.”

  A small frown crossed Edwina’s delicate features and she propped her hands on her hips. “Why do you sound excited about it?”

  Zakira pretended to misunderstand. “How can anybody be excited by work?”

  Eddie shrugged and smoothed her hands down over the clinging material of her short petal-pink miniskirt. “Well, Z, you sound pretty happy to be here in the midst of all this.”

  Zakira leaned back in the gigantic suede desk chair and closed her eyes. “I’ll admit I love it, but I wish Malik was here to help me.”

  Again, Eddie was surprised. “To help you, but not to take over again?”

  Zakira didn’t respond, but she couldn’t stop the smile that touched her mouth. Soft laughter between the two women began to fill the room, when the office door flew open.

  “Man, Chanel wasn’t at her desk, so I—” Tree was pulling gloves from his hands when he looked up. “Oh. Sorry.”

  Zakira stood behind the desk, smiling at the surprised expression on Tree’s face. “I’m covering for Malik again.”

  Tree noticed, but his midnight stare had already found Edwina across the room. His pitch-black eyes narrowed, but he finally nodded in response to Zakira’s words. “I’m sorry. I was supposed to see him today.”

  “Well, I can—’Scuse me,” Zakira said when the phone interrupted her. She resumed her seat behind the desk and answered the line.

  Meanwhile, Eddie was studying the tops of her petal-pink platforms. She could almost feel Tree’s onyx stare boring into her, and she hoped he wasn’t planning to stay. Eddie had opted to take a plane back to Virginia after the weekend in Maine. She had not spoken to Tree since and she had given him no explanation for her strange behavior that night in his room.

  “Sorry, guys, I gotta go down to the bar,” Zakira announced as she grabbed a pad and made a hasty exit.

  Eddie closed her eyes briefly. Then, she stepped away, placing more distance between herself and Tree.

  “So, how are you doin’?” he asked after several moments of silence.

  Eddie turned and managed a shaky smile. “I’m fine…and you?”

  Tree nodded, pushing his gloves into the deep pockets of his navy wool trench. “I’ve been better,” he admitted.

  Eddie winced at the noticeable edge to his words. She wrung her hands and took a few small steps toward him. “Oh, Tree, I’m so sorry. I feel like a damn heel for the way I acted.”

  Tree’s dark brows rose slightly, he was surprised by her admission. Taking advantage of the moment, he held her exquisite hazel gaze captive with his smoldering dark one.

  “Did I come on too strong?” he asked.

  “No, no you didn’t,” Eddie immediately assured him.

  “Then would you mind telling me what happened?” Tree queried, his slow stride bringing him closer.

  Edwina smoothed her hands across the back of her stylish haircut. She leaned against the desk and raised her eyes to his. “I guess I’m still just really afraid to get close to anyone right now. I don’t know, maybe I’m moving too fast. I’ve been doing a lot of…soul-searching since my last breakup. I guess the drama of that whole mess has affected me more than I realized.”

  Tree nodded, the subdued look on his face making him appear even more handsome. He
followed Eddie to the desk and leaned down, bracing his hands on either side of her. “Will you let me take you out sometime? Nothing heavy…whenever you feel up to it?” he softly proposed, his gaze steady and intense.

  Eddie managed a brief nod and a smile.

  The dimples creasing Tree’s cheeks deepened when he smiled. Then, the smile faded, and his expression became serious. His black gaze fell to her full lips and he was drawn to her like a puppet on a string.

  Edwina’s lips parted instantly and her lashes fluttered over her eyes in anticipation of the kiss she had dreamed of. His lips were a breath away and his hands were already cupping her hips to hold her steady.

  “Guys I’m sorry about that!” Zakira burst into the office, apologizing. Her delicate brows rose as she witnessed her stepsister and Tree jump apart as though they had been burned. For a moment, she watched them suspiciously. “Did I interrupt something?”

  Eddie rolled her eyes toward Zakira, but shook her head. “No, you didn’t. Listen, I need to get going for an appointment, so I’ll see you later.”

  Zakira simply waved her goodbye. Amusement brightened her vibrant brown eyes.

  Edwina ignored the knowing look in her sister’s eyes and turned toward Tree. “It was nice to see you again,” she told him.

  Tree nodded, the look in his midnight eyes full of desire. When the door closed behind Edwina, he sighed and turned toward Zakira. “I really don’t understand her sometimes.”

  Zakira shrugged and headed to the desk. “Well, Eddie’s crazy,” she teased. “But she’s very beautiful and sweet.”

  Tree’s long black lashes closed over his eyes as though he were envisioning Eddie in his mind. “I won’t argue with that,” he murmured.

  “So, what brings you into the restaurant?” Zakira watched Tree ease into a chair before the desk.

  “I was looking for Malik. I thought he’d be here. I told him I’d stop by.”

  Nodding, Zakira pushed her thick hair behind her ears. “He didn’t feel like coming in today. If you ask me, I think he taught me the business to keep us apart. Now he can stay at home and not have me hovering.”


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