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Pride and Consequence

Page 15

by Altonya Washington

Dr. McNeil clasped his hands together and regarded Tree with a steady gaze. “The operation was a success. The tumor has been completely removed.”

  Tree raised his eyes to the ceiling and said a silent prayer. “Can I see him?” He asked, already heading in the direction the doctor had come.

  “You can. But you should know that Malik slipped into a coma shortly after the surgery was complete.”

  Tree was not prepared for how much the sight of seeing his friend in a comatose state would affect him. Slowly, he curled his hands around the bed’s chrome railing. He bowed his head, a low ragged sigh filled the room.

  “Well, man, you did what we wanted you to do and look where it got you,” he muttered, his voice a mixture of anger and sadness. As he looked down at his friend, it practically tore his heart out. Tree knew there was no way he could let Zakira go through that kind of pain, especially when it could go on indefinitely. He cast one last look at Malik, and seconds later, he was gone from the room.

  Eddie set her mug of cocoa on the den coffee table, then tightened the belt around her old red chenille robe. She couldn’t wait to settle beneath the warm, fuzzy blanket and relax in front of the fire. Unfortunately, before she could snuggle on the sofa, the doorbell rang.

  “Damn,” she whispered, pausing for a moment as she debated whether to answer.

  Deciding the bell wasn’t producing faster results, the person decided to knock. The thunderous pounding against the front door started Edwina’s heart to racing.

  Aggravated and more than a little frightened, she headed to the foyer. Peeking outside, she squinted to adjust her eyes to the dark. Seeing the gray Hummer in the drive brought a sigh of relief to her lips.

  Tree stood leaning against the doorjamb, looking incredible sexy and very frustrated. A smile brightened Edwina’s lovely dark face.

  “This is a surprise,” she greeted, taking his hand and pulling him inside the house.

  Almost absently, Tree leaned down and brushed his mouth across Eddie’s cheek. Then he walked past her, a deep frown etched between his long brows.

  Tilting her head to the side, Eddie slowly followed him across the foyer. “What’s wrong?”

  “I didn’t mean to bother you here,” he replied when he walked into the den and saw the cozy setting before the fireplace.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Eddie asked again, propping her hands on her hips.

  Tree squeezed his eyes shut and massaged the back of his neck. “Malik…he’s…” he said, speaking as if the words pained him.

  Eddie shook her head slightly and walked closer to him. “Malik’s what? What are you trying to say?”

  “He’s divorcing Zakira!” Tree dropped to the sofa, covering his face with both hands.

  A soft gasp from Eddie filled the room. For a moment she stood there, taking in the terrible meaning of the words.

  Tree finally looked up at her and raised his hand, palm outstretched. Eddie didn’t hesitate to accept it.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, pressing a hard kiss to the center of her hand. His grip tightened as he pulled her closer.

  “When did this happen? Does Z know?” Eddie couldn’t stop the flurry of questions as her eyes grew wide with expectancy.

  Tree leaned back on the sofa and shook his head. “He, um, messengered the request from the clinic this afternoon, asking me to draw up the papers.”

  Eddie massaged the back of her neck. “Does Z know?” she repeated.

  Tree’s dark gaze followed the movement of his hand as it smoothed the supple length of Eddie’s thigh where it peeked out beneath her robe. “I haven’t been to see her yet.”

  “I better go now,” Eddie decided, starting to get up.

  “No, you don’t,” Tree snapped. The soft touch he applied to her thigh, tightened instantly.

  “Baby, she’s got to be told,” Eddie reasoned. She didn’t take Tree’s foul mood seriously, understanding he was very upset over his best friend’s decision.

  Tree’s hand clenched into a fist as he struggled against the wave of hatred he felt for Malik at that moment. What a stinking mess Malik had left for him to clean up, Tree thought. Still, he knew it was imperative, now more than ever, to play it cool. Especially if he didn’t want to lose everything he had.

  Opening his eyes, he slid his onyx stare over Eddie. Her clear hazel gaze followed his every move.

  “I’ll take care of this,” he said, leaning his huge body over Eddie. “I’d rather tell Zakira myself, all right?”

  Eddie simply nodded, concerned by the desperation she saw in Tree’s eyes.

  He smiled, his fingers pulling the robe’s belt loose from Eddie’s waist. “Thank you,” he murmured against her skin. His lips trailed lower as his hands pulled the robe further apart.

  A soft smile graced Eddie’s mouth as she surrendered to Tree’s sweet touch. His lips grazed the swell of her breast as his hand briefly tightened upon her hip. The feathery soft caresses grew more insistent as Tree grew more aroused. Edwina felt it, too, and arched closer.

  Reluctantly, Tree fought against the desire that surged through him. There was something he had to do and he could put it off no longer. With great effort, he pulled away from Eddie. She frowned slightly, but didn’t question him. Tree pressed one last kiss against her neck before he left.

  Zakira rushed downstairs, checking the posts on her diamond stud earrings. She had a meeting with her accountant at the restaurant in an hour, but decided to enjoy a cup of tea before leaving. The doorbell rang, stopping her in her tracks, and she changed directions.

  The last person Zakira expected to see when she pulled open the front door was Tree, but there he was, a look of uncertainty on his face. Obviously, he expected the door to be slammed on him.

  Slamming the door, however, was the last thing on Zakira’s mind.

  “Hello,” she softly greeted as he walked into the foyer.

  “Sorry to bother you like this,” Tree said.

  Zakira shook her head, causing the thick curls to dangle wildly. “You’re not bothering me. I’m glad you came by.”

  Tree couldn’t hide the surprised expression that fell over his handsome face. “You’re glad I came by?”

  Zakira smiled in spite of herself. “I am. I missed you, boy, and I don’t want this crap with Malik to mess up our friendship.”

  Tree’s warm smile was a mixture of relief and happiness. He laughed and pulled Zakira against him. The two of them hugged tightly, overcome with happiness that the tension between them was dismissed.

  “I’m glad I didn’t put off coming to see you tonight,” Tree whispered, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he relished the hug.

  Zakira nodded, her face pressed against his chest. “Me, too.”

  Arm in arm, they walked to the living room and sat on the sofa.

  “I was just about to have some tea. You want some?” Zakira asked, already easing off the couch.

  “No. Zakira—” Tree caught her arm and stopped her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, a frown beginning to mar her lovely face.

  Tree covered both her hands in his and absently toyed with her fingers. “I hate to talk about this when we just made up.”

  Instantly, Zakira knew the visit had something to do with Malik. “What happened?” She asked, grimacing at the anxious tone of her voice.

  Tree’s black gaze searched Zakira’s face for a full minute before he spoke. “Malik…I got a request at the office today. He wants a divorce, Z. I’m sorry.”

  Tears immediately filled Zakira’s eyes and spilled onto her cheeks. She could feel her chest tighten as a sob welled in her throat. Finally she cried. The loud, tortured sound came from deep within her body and was filled with pain and regret.

  Tree didn’t know if Zakira would accept comfort from him, but he knew he had to offer. Pushing aside his reservations, his hands closed around her arm and he brought her close.

  Zakira didn’t resist. She grasped the lapels of Tree’s
jacket as the shuddering sobs racked her tiny body. “Does he hate me this much, Tree?”

  Frowning, he pushed her away and stared into her teary brown eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  Zakira could barely speak past her crying. “Couldn’t he even tell me to my face? Don’t I deserve at least that? Why a divorce, Tree?”

  “Baby, listen, he doesn’t want you goin’ through any more than you already have. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you will get past this.”

  Zakira raised her watery eyes to Tree’s face and smiled.

  It was killing Tree to hurt her so, but he was beginning to agree with Malik’s plan. Zakira wouldn’t be able to handle the coma, seeing the man she loved in such a state indefinitely. The situation was messy indeed, but Tree honestly believed it was for the best.

  “It’ll take me a while to draw up the papers,” he said.

  Zakira watched him as though he were a stranger. “There’s no rush, since I don’t plan on signing them.”


  “Don’t, Tree. If it made Malik feel better to suggest such a thing, then that’s fine for him. But I won’t think about this.”

  Tree raked one hand through his hair. “Babe, I think the man is just trying to spare you the agony of hanging on. He wants you to be free to move on with your life, in every way…as soon as possible.”

  “How thoughtful of him,” she whispered, moving from the sofa to pace the living room. “Tree, would you mind giving me just a little time before coming to me with this again?”

  Tree smiled and stood as well. “You got it. Take as long as you need.”

  “As my friend, Tree, do you think I should sign those papers?”

  “I think your husband is out of his mind,” Tree admitted. “I hope that answers your question.”

  Zakira pulled him into a hug. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  Tree squeezed her more tightly and prayed for an end to the entire situation.

  Chapter 10

  “Rhonda, listen to me. I can get real bossy sometimes. So, if I’m putting too much on you, just let me know and I’ll try to cool it.”

  Rhonda Cooper was filling in for a seven months’ pregnant Chanel. She nodded and gave Zakira a bright smile. “I promise. But Chanel gave me a pretty good overview. I should be okay.”

  Zakira’s smirk was full of humor and doubt. “Okay. Well, holler at me anyway.”

  Rhonda propped her hand against her forehead in a mock salute. “Will do,” she promised as Zakira rifled through a stack of pink message slips. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. “I almost forgot. Cecil and Melinda Furches waiting in your office. They only just arrived.”

  “What?” Zakira exclaimed, turning in the direction of her office. She dropped the messages to Rhonda’s desk, anxious to see her old friends.

  “Cecil, Melinda!” she called as soon as she burst through the door. When the Furches rushed to her with their arms outstretched, she laughed.

  “Honey, we never meant to stay away so long!” Melinda cried, pulling Zakira close again.

  “Oh, it’s so good to see you guys,” Zakira said, her overwhelming emotion giving way to tears.

  “I can’t believe it’s been so long,” Cecil marveled. “We should’ve been in touch before now, with everything that’s happened.”

  Zakira nodded and tried not to let her smile fade. She didn’t want to darken the joyous mood by talking about Malik and his decision to cut everyone from his life.

  “So, I’ve heard some interesting news about you two,” she smugly announced, after she took a seat behind her desk.

  Cecil watched her closely. The smirk on his handsome, round, honey-complexioned face threatened to become a wide grin. “What are you hearing?”

  Zakira leaned forward and propped her elbows on the desk. “I hear you’re in the market to lease that warehouse. Something about terrible tenants getting tossed.”

  “Close,” Melinda interjected.

  “Close?” Zakira repeated in a flat tone.

  “Close,” Cecil confirmed. “We want to sell it.”

  Zakira’s arched brows rose as the news stirred her business sense.

  “So? You wanna come up?’ Cecil continued. “Take a look at it?”

  Zakira was excited beyond words, but she managed to remain cool. “What kind of money are we talkin’ here…?”

  For the next hour they discussed plans.

  When Cecil and Melinda left, Zakira breathed a sigh of satisfaction and relief. Lord, a new restaurant? How often have I thought about that lately? she asked herself.

  So many changes had taken place during the last several months. It was almost impossible to believe that she had been alone so long. The night Tree told her about Malik wanting a divorce, she thought she would never be the same. She wasn’t. She was stronger. And the upcoming holiday only reminded her of the last time spent with Malik before he…left. The restaurant had become even more important to her. It had also become more successful.

  Zakira relished the power and the results of her hard work and new ideas. What she loved most was the way it made her forget about Malik. She rolled her eyes toward the vaulted ceiling, a humorless smirk coming to her lips. With a heavy sigh, she silently asked herself who she was trying to fool.

  Tree raised his head and smiled down at Eddie. Her eyes were shut tight, as she moaned in response to his powerful thrusts. Lowering his head, he showered her neck and chest with whisper-soft kisses. One of his large hands curled around her thigh and pulled it from against his hips. As a result, his long strokes became deeper and caressed her with unimaginable intensity.

  Eddie grasped his wide shoulders and pushed her head further into the pillow. Her lashes fluttered open and she looked across the room at the full-length mirror. Her hazel gaze slid over Tree’s massive chiseled form, reflected in the mirror. She watched the movement of his body lunging forward and retreating beneath the sheets. It was such an unexpected aphrodisiac, that Eddie gasped and felt the moisture increase between her thighs.

  “Dammit, Eddie…” Tree groaned, feeling the increased wetness surrounding his rigid arousal. A powerful shudder racked his large frame as he experienced a strong climax. He collapsed over Eddie and their breathless laughter filled the room.

  During the last several months, the relationship had become more solid. They had grown closer and the passion had only increased. Eddie knew she had fallen in love with Trekel Grisani. She harbored feelings deeper than she ever thought herself capable of. Still, she had yet to tell him so. Tree, however, didn’t mind being very vocal about his feelings.

  When he caught his breath, Tree leaned across Eddie and reached for the leather trench that lay over an armchair near the bed. From the inside pocket, he withdrew a small forest-green velvet box. Bracing his elbows on either side of her, he opened the box.

  Eddie couldn’t breathe. Her eyes widened and slid upward to the handsome face above her. “Tree…”

  “I want you with me. Just me,” he said softly, lowering his head to her neck and nibbling the soft skin there. “Tell me you’ll marry me.”

  Eddie’s gaze slid over to the exquisite ring. The pear-shaped diamond sat high over a sterling silver band. “I am yours, Tree. I don’t want anyone else. You know that.”

  Tree slid his lips up her neck and stroked his tongue along her jaw. “Then say yes,” he whispered in her ear, before tugging on the lobe.

  Edwina’s lashes fluttered close. “I love you.”

  His grin was satisfaction personified. “I love you, too. Marry me, then,” he added, his deep voice muffled in the crook of her neck. Finally, he raised his head, his deep-set eyes boring into hers.

  “Baby, maybe this is…too soon, you think?” she stammered, her lovely light eyes staring uneasily into his penetrating dark ones.

  “Too soon?” Tree repeated, a look of surprise adding a humorous gleam to his devastating features. “Well, I know we haven’t been seeing each other fo
r years, but I love you, you feel the same…”

  “I just had no idea you were going to propose,” she said, avoiding answering his question. Giving a nervous laugh, she raked her fingers through her short hair. “You would do this now, with me looking a mess.”

  His dark soulful eyes studied her face adoringly. “That’s not true,” he assured her.

  Eddie shook her head. She didn’t know what else to say.

  “Can you give me a little while to think about it?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Tree kissed her cheek and slid the ring onto her finger. “Just wear this while you think and don’t take too long,” he ordered, giving her a devilish wink.

  Eddie watched him slide out of bed, her eyes lingering on his fantastic body. When he disappeared into the bathroom for a shower, she looked back at the ring. Her eyes were clouded by sadness.

  “Yeah, Z, that’ll be fine. Just tell me when and where.”

  Zakira smiled, though a small frown formed on her face. “Glad it’s not a problem, Tree. Now tell me what’s going on with you.”

  “Nothin’. Why?” he asked, laughter evident in his deep voice.

  “I don’t know. It just worries me to hear a lawyer sounding so happy.”

  Again, Tree’s rumbling laughter sounded through the line. “I just have a lot to be happy about.”

  “Such as? Tree!”

  “Okay, okay…I asked Eddie to marry me,” he finally announced, holding the phone away from his ear as Zakira squealed in delight.

  “Well, when’s the wedding? Do you need help with the planning? How’d you propose?”

  “Hold it, Z. She hasn’t given me an answer yet.”

  “What? Well, she’s a fool if she doesn’t accept. But I know she will.”

  “Thanks, Z.”

  Silence settled between them. Zakira uttered a hushed curse when unwanted thoughts intruded on the happy moment.

  “What is it?” Tree softly inquired.

  “Nothing. I’m—I’m very happy for you and Eddie. I just…I can’t forget that my husband wants a divorce.”


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