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Pride and Consequence

Page 17

by Altonya Washington

  “I got your invitation to the opening. I didn’t even know you were working on another Badu’s. Anyway, I see here that the date is October 20 in New York and I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it, but we’ll sure try. Give me a call as soon as you can and we’ll talk.”

  The message ended and Malik flashed a smug grin. The news was indeed interesting since Tree had yet to inform him about the opening. Already the wheels were turning as he began to adjust his plan.

  The quiet swoosh of the elevator doors closing reassured Edwina. She shut her eyes, leaned back against the paneled walls and urged herself to go through with her decision. Her relationship with Trekel Grisani had gone from wonderful to even more wonderful during the two weeks since she’d returned to Richmond. They hadn’t been together physically, and it was obvious to Edwina that he was trying to move slowly. It had made her love him more, but she was tired of the distance. She could only hope that when she spoke with him, she wouldn’t scare him away.

  It was late afternoon and the business wing of Tree’s penthouse was deserted. With the exception of the soft, constant hum of office equipment, the place was silent. Still, she decided to try there first, since he might be working late.

  Eddie found the office door cracked open and she peeked inside. Tree was leaning back in a huge swivel chair with his long legs propped on the desk. He seemed completely at ease as his head rested back against the suede chair. One hand covered his eyes.

  Edwina’s hazel gaze narrowed as she smiled. She could have watched him forever. Clearing her throat, she stepped into the office. “You look like you need to be in bed,” she softly advised.

  A devastating grin tugged at Tree’s gorgeous mouth when he recognized Eddie’s voice. “Bed isn’t much fun these days,” he confided without moving his hand from his eyes.

  “I know what you mean,” Eddie coolly replied, though her heart raced at the suggestive comment.

  “Do you?” he asked, finally removing his hand. “Well, you’re the sex therapist. What advice can you give me?” he teased.

  Eddie smiled, then closed her eyes and begged for self-control. As much as she wanted him, she couldn’t veer from her task. She cleared her throat again and walked into the office, closing the door behind her. “Tree, I need to ask you something.”

  The smoldering dark gaze narrowed, but Tree remained silent. He spread his hands and urged her to continue.

  “May I please have my ring back?” Eddie asked simply, sweetly.

  The narrowed gaze widened momentarily, before it dropped. Then, slowly, he moved his legs off the desk and pulled open a side drawer. He extracted a tiny green velvet box.

  Edwina’s sparkling gaze widened the moment she saw the box and she came forward. Standing behind the desk, she reached for the small piece of jewelry. Before she could touch it, Tree grabbed her hand and tugged her onto his lap. One of his large hands curled around her neck in a gentle hold. He held her in place for his kiss. Eddie moaned beneath the sharp thrusts of his tongue and returned the kiss. While the kiss became more heated, Tree pushed the ring back onto Eddie’s finger. She gasped and he thrust his tongue deeper, as though he were starved for her.

  Eddie moaned her disappointment when Tree broke the kiss. Her head fell back when she felt his hand beneath the raised hemline of her suede skirt.

  “When?” he asked, his voice a raspy whisper.

  “As soon as possible,” Eddie replied instantly.

  “Yes!” Zakira whispered, happier than she’d been in a long time. She stood in the middle of the room and hugged herself. A sense of accomplishment and power overcame her.

  Badu’s N.Y. was finally complete and ready to open for business.

  She couldn’t wait for the big night. Her only regret was that Malik wouldn’t be there to witness his business move to the next level. Closing her eyes for a moment, she let herself envision her intense, handsome husband. She conjured images of them in each other’s arms—something she had strictly forbidden herself to do.

  Chapter 12

  Zakira closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into the lounge chair while relishing the moments of solitude. She knew she wanted to be well rested and dazzling for the restaurant’s opening.

  The white cordless phone resting next to her on a small glass table began to ring. After a few moments, Zakira leaned over and picked it up. “Yes?”

  “Z, it’s Eddie.”

  “Hey, girl, what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know we’ll be there Saturday.”

  Zakira frowned and pushed herself up higher on the cushioned lounge. “You’re coming up Saturday?”

  “Yeah, I know it’s the day of the opening, but we’ll be there in plenty of time,” Edwina assured her sister.

  “I hope so, because I really need to talk to Tree.”

  This time, it was Edwina who frowned. “Why?”

  Zakira sighed and shook her head. “I’ve just been having these strange feelings lately. I think I may’ve overlooked something…I don’t know…some legality.”

  “Z, girl you’re not making any sense.”

  “I know. That’s why I need to talk to Tree. Eddie, Malik’s been on my mind a lot lately.”

  “Well, honey, that’s to be expected since you are opening another restaurant that bears his name.”

  Zakira pushed herself off the lounge, and shoved one hand into the back pocket of her denim jumper. “It’s not only the restaurant. I just have a feeling he’s…”

  “What?” Eddie coaxed.

  “Nothing. I don’t know. Something just doesn’t feel right.”

  “Z! This place is incredible!” Eddie practically screamed that Saturday as she hugged Zakira tightly.

  Laughing, Zakira embraced Eddie just as tightly. “Well, it is a warehouse,” she reminded her sister. Pulling away, she went to Tree, who held his arms apart for her. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered.

  Tree held her close and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You knew I wouldn’t miss this,” he said before looking around again. “Doc’s right, this place is incredible.”

  “You think Malik would approve? You know how picky he always…was,” Zakira asked, her wide brown eyes shimmering just a bit as she thought of her husband.

  Eddie pulled her sister close as Tree squeezed Zakira’s hand. “I know he would,” Tree assured her his expression tightening when one of Zakira’s many male admirers whisked her away to the dance floor.

  The abundance of space was not a problem. Badu’s N.Y. was filled with hundreds of well-wishers, old and new friends and acquaintances. Everyone was on hand to show their support and promise their patronage. Since Zakira knew the night would determine the success of the business, she had decided to have every item on the menu prepared. There were soul food dishes, as well as African and Caribbean cuisine.

  After making a few rounds to the various well-wishers in the room, Zakira ventured out to the terrace. Several small, round dining tables filled the area. At the moment, they were unoccupied. Relishing the solitude, Zakira took a few deep breaths and thought about Malik. She wished with all her heart that he could have been there with her. If only he were there now, they could have been sharing everything…together…

  With a slight shake of her head, Zakira smoothed her hands over the short, black spaghetti-strapped cocktail dress. She went back into the party and found Tree at the bar.

  “Do you mind telling me what your problem is?” She asked, after taking a seat on the stool closest to him at the long, mahogany bar.

  Tree set his glass down and turned. “My problem?”

  “It’s obvious you’re not in the best mood. What is it?”

  Tree closed his eyes. “I’m good. I guess the place has me missing him too, you know?”

  Zakira smiled then massaged his shoulder. “Yeah, I know…” she trailed away, drawing him into a hug as she spoke.

  They shared a few moments of silence, until once again Zakira was
escorted away by another male acquaintance.

  Tree’s guarded glare followed Zakira and her new dance partner. Slowly, his eyes moved past them to drift over the crowd. When he spotted a familiar face amid the swarm of people, he groaned.

  “I feel like I’ve been dancing with you all night,” Zakira said with a laugh, her wide brown eyes sparkling with happiness.

  Michael Renner, the real estate broker, tugged her close. “Complaints?”

  “Not one,” she assured him, smoothing her hand across his cheek.


  Zakira laughed again at the funny face Michael made before she turned in the direction from which her name had been called.

  “Yes?” She lightly replied. Suddenly her wide smile froze.

  “Zakira?” Michael whispered.

  Zakira was past hearing anything. Her cocoa stare was focused on the man standing less than a foot away from her. Suddenly, she began to shake her head and back away. The expression in her gaze was fearful as she looked up and down at Malik Badu’s tall, leanly muscled body.

  Malik remained motionless for a long while. He let himself enjoy the sight of her so close. When she began to back away from him, he took a step toward her. “Zaki?” he whispered.

  Hearing Malik use his nickname for her, was Zakira’s undoing. Her lashes fluttered close and she fainted into Michael’s arms.

  A couple standing nearby was the first to witness the scene. The woman cried out and alerted everyone to what was happening. The music stopped as several people rushed to that side of the room.

  Michael held Zakira in a protective embrace and softly called her name. In an instant, though, Malik had knelt beside him and was taking Zakira out of his arms.

  “Hold it,” Michael warned, his grip tightening slightly on Zakira. “Who the hell are you?”

  Malik, in no mood for questions, pulled Zakira into his arms as he stood. “I’m her husband,” he announced, the tone of his deep voice brooking no argument.

  Onlookers watched in amazement as the tall, intense-looking stranger left with their hostess.

  Leaving the crowd behind, Malik took the stairway just off the entrance. He had already taken time to privately tour the new restaurant and knew where the office was located. Although he never expected Zakira to faint when she saw him, he was grateful for the chance to hold her in his arms.

  Malik glanced over his shoulder and said a silent prayer of thanks that no one had followed them. The office door was cracked open and he nudged one wide shoulder against it and stepped inside. After kicking the door shut, he carried Zakira to the tan suede sofa in the corner of the room.

  Gently, Malik set his wife down, but not before he pressed his lips against her hair. His unnerving black and gray stare traveled over her smooth dark skin as he followed the path with his fingers. Zakira shivered slightly, but did not awaken. Not wanting to disturb her further, Malik pulled off his black tuxedo jacket and placed it over her. For the next ten minutes, he simply watched her.

  The pattern of Zakira’s breathing changed as she slowly came out of her unconscious state. She frowned and tossed her head from side to side on the arm of the sofa.

  “Zaki?” Malik called softly, tracing the line of her brow.

  Finally, her lashes fluttered open and she took a moment to focus on the large figure that loomed above her. Slowly his handsome dark face came into view.

  “Malik?” Zakira said, her voice barely a whisper. Raising her hand, she caressed his smooth cheek. When he turned his face into her palm and kissed it, she gasped.

  Bolting upright on the sofa, her eyes widened as she stared at him. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  Malik brushed her chin with his thumb. “You know who I am, Zaki,” he softly but firmly assured her. He didn’t attempt to offer any other calming words for he could only imagine how shocked she was.

  “You’re supposed to be…to be dying or…dead. What are you doing here? Why are you doin’ this? Who sent you?” Zakira’s voice was hushed, but her words were frantic. Her eyes were blurry with tears, but she didn’t dare blink.

  Malik inched closer to her on the sofa. His fingers toyed with the hemline of her dress as he watched her. “Baby, you had to think I was gone. I didn’t know if I was going to make it. I—I couldn’t have you waiting and…worrying about me that way. As far as I was concerned, my life was over.”

  Malik grew silent, allowing Zakira time to absorb everything he had said. The fingers curled around her dress, slid under the hem to trail her thigh with possessive intensity.

  Zakira’s lashes fluttered closed against the caress and she leaned forward. “Malik…” she groaned.

  Malik could no longer wait to have her in his arms, and he pulled her small form against him. Cupping one large hand around her neck, he kissed her deeply.

  Zakira felt a rush of moisture in her most intimate region. Malik’s tongue assaulted the sweet, dark cavern of her mouth with slow, rapacious strokes. Zakira returned the action, gasping when he moaned in response.

  Even after all the time apart, the passion was there. Their hands trailed each other’s bodies with feverish intensity. They tried to rediscover what had existed in their memories for so long. Malik knew he was starved for Zakira, but he had no idea his need would be so potent. He uttered a purely savage sound and pulled her to sit astride his lap.

  Zakira threw her head back as her thighs contracted around his waist. The powerful bulge of his manhood seemed far more defined than she remembered. When Malik pushed the straps away from her shoulders and buried his head between her breasts, she snapped to reality.

  What am I doing? She couldn’t allow this to happen, no matter how much she wanted him.

  “What?” he asked, his breathing heavy and deep.

  Her eyes narrowed as suspicion filled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  Malik grinned, leaning back against the sofa as he tapped the side of Zakira’s thigh. “You asked me that already.”

  She placed her hand over his to stop the unnerving caress. “What are you doing here now, after all this time?”

  The grin faded from Malik’s handsome face. “Think I’ve been gone long enough, don’t you?”

  “Mmm…definitely. It has been a while. Why now?”

  “Zaki, I already told you—”

  “You haven’t told me a damn thing!”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want an explanation for what you saw fit to put me through. I’ve been through hell, Malik. I’m finally getting it together and now you want to come back!”

  Malik’s dark eyes spewed daggers as a sinister frown clouded his face. “So, I guess my coming back is an inconvenience to you?”

  “That’s not the word I would use.”

  “Sure it is. I guess that fool I saw you hangin’ all over is your new…whatever?” Malik suggested, in a nasty tone.

  Zakira landed a cracking slap to the side of his face and pushed herself off his lap. “You black bastard. You’re the one who just up and left. Flat out lied to me, kept me in the dark about what was really going on. And now you’re going to sit there and make me feel guilty about getting my life together?”

  Malik appeared to be cool as he lounged on the sofa, but his temper was raging inside. “I’m trying to get my life together too, Zaki. I want my life back.”

  “It’s obvious you already have your life back,” she coldly pointed out. “My God, you wanted to divorce me!”

  “There were reasons, dammit. You know that!” Malik snapped.

  Zakira rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. “Save it,” she mumbled. It was killing her to know Malik had been getting his life back on track all the time she had been going crazy mourning him.

  “You’re still my wife, Zaki,” he reminded her.

  “And?” she retorted. “That’s only because I begged Tree to stall with the divorce. Thankfully he didn’t pressure me about it or we wouldn’t even have a marriage betwe
en us. I just want to know what you expect from me.”

  “I expect you to act like we have a marriage between us,” Malik declared as he stood from the sofa.

  “You know, it’s been so long I’ve forgotten what that means. If you think we can just pick up where we left off, forget it.”

  Malik pushed a large hand through his dreads and squeezed his eyes shut. “Will it be this way all night, Zaki?”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re lucky I don’t throw your ass out of here!” Zakira raged. “Who the hell do you think you are, barging in on my life after all this time? You didn’t even have enough respect for me to keep in touch, let me know what was going on or at least check to see if I was all right!”

  “I knew every move you made!” Malik bellowed. “Tree told me everything that was going on here.”

  Zakira shook her head. Overwhelmed with hurt, anger and frustration, she lunged forward. Her small fists pounded his neck and chest. He braced himself against the blows, which bruised his emotions more than his body.

  Edwina and Tree were waiting patiently outside the office. Tree had told her only that Malik was alive, leaving out the details of his own involvement. Edwina was speechless, absorbing all that had happened. It wasn’t until they heard voices raised in anger and the commotion that followed that they intervened.

  “Z!” Eddie called, when she and Tree rushed into the room. She reached her stepsister and pulled her away from Malik.

  “I hate you!” Zakira shouted, her eyes red from crying. She struggled to break free of Eddie’s embrace.

  “Z, please,” Eddie whispered, raising her eyes across the room toward Malik. “Honey, come on now. You need to calm down,” she urged, pulling Zakira toward the door.

  “You may as well go back to wherever you were,” Zakira advised, her voice hoarse and surprisingly calm, “because you’ll never get your hands on me or the business. Never.”

  A flash of something uneasy rose in Malik’s dark eyes. The dark promise hung in the air like a storm cloud.


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