A Deadly Obsession: Dark Romance Suspense (The Obsessed Duet Book 1)

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A Deadly Obsession: Dark Romance Suspense (The Obsessed Duet Book 1) Page 10

by Vi Carter


  “I have set up a dinner for all the ladies to finally meet me.”

  My stomach twists as I think of Ella. We had dinner planned. I push down the emotion. I can’t let my father see anything, so I nod.

  “Good.” He stops before climbing the stairs back up to the shed. “Sandra will strengthen this family again, we will become the family we once were.”

  It’s like a punch in the stomach, or seeing a face that you haven’t seen in years. He mentioned it, he mentioned the past. He must see it on my face. I want to ask about her. This is a perfect opportunity. I’ve never been given one before, and as a kid if I asked about my mother I was shot down.

  My heart is pounding a mile a minute. “Is she…” I trail off when his eyes flash in warning.

  “She’s fine. Now you need to get ready for this dinner.” He climbs the steps and each one I take, I try to piece myself back together and not think of my mother locked away in a madhouse.

  I don’t shower when I return to my room. I change my clothes and find a pair of gloves to cover my battered hands. I try not to run to Ella’s room. When I reach the landing, no one is in sight. My stomach twists painfully and I clamp down on the emotion and knock on Ella’s door. She doesn’t answer. I turn the handle, knowing it won’t be locked. Her room is empty. Stepping in, I take in the chaos of her room. I wouldn’t have thought her room would have been like this. Dresses are thrown across the bed, I nearly trip over shoes on the floor. Her vanity table is littered with makeup. Stepping over to a table that is drowning in books, I pick up one. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. A small silver book mark is placed in the center. I put the book back down. The room smells like Ella, soap and something so feminine that even with so much on my mind my shaft grows hard.

  “Hello.” A soft female voice that isn’t Ella lingers at the doorway, not stepping into the room.

  Sandra Crowley, my future wife, smiles at me. “Have you seen Ella?”

  She frowns like she’s thinking. “I can’t say I have, Master Lucas. Can I give her a message?”

  A pencil and pad sit on the bedside table. I pick them up. I wasn’t sure what to write. She would know that I wouldn’t be having dinner with her since everyone was.

  My hand hovers over the notepad. This is dangerous. It is leading down to a dead end. I glance up at Sandra who still stands in the doorway waiting for my answer.

  We will reschedule dinner.


  I scribble and hesitate not handing it to Sandra. “No. There is no need.” I turn to Ella’s bed and place the piece of paper on her pillow. Sandra watches my every move and when my eyes meet hers she smiles. She knows that she will be picked. No doubt my father has already had a conversation with her.

  I step out of Ella’s room forcing Sandra back and close the door.

  “See you tonight, Master Lucas.” She sings sweetly after me as I pass her without a word. Blood is refilling my gloves as I clench my fists and leave to get ready for the charade tonight.



  The sky has dimmed as I walk back to the house. I keep looking over my shoulder, expecting Henry to be behind me. Another shiver assaults me and it has nothing to do with the weather. The house is quiet as I enter the foyer and make my way up the stairs.

  My skin crawls again when I think of Henry. He had really left me with an unsettled feeling. I wanted to scrub my skin and wash him off, even though he hadn’t touched me, it felt like he had.

  My room is still messy and the surroundings that were becoming familiar made me settle a bit. The dresses are still thrown across my bed, the tight black one sitting on top of the pile. My stomach squeezes.

  I needed to shower and get ready. A small square piece of paper sits on my pillow. Picking it up, I unfold it and my heart instantly pounds when I see Lucas’s name at the bottom.

  Meet me at eight in the main dining room.

  Can not wait.

  Lucas x

  I’m staring at the x. His handwriting is neat and precise. I read it again and smile.

  I am doing this for Vicky. I tell myself while stripping off my clothes to get into the shower.

  My mind flickers from Henry to Lucas and when I get out of the shower I feel dizzy with my thoughts. I try to push them all aside as I start to get ready. My stomach flips when I stare in the mirror. The dress is tight, like my mother would drown me in holy water if she saw me now.

  I shift, thinking maybe I should change and go for something ladylike. Something that she would approve of.

  Wear something tight.

  Lucas' words have me applying makeup. When I brush the red across my lips and smack them together I meet my eyes in the mirror. I look so different, older. I grin. Sexy. Very sexy.

  I keep second guessing myself but I also want to be late but not to the point he thinks he has been stood up. Slipping my feet into high heels, I take one final look in the mirror before leaving my room. Once again I’m aware of how quiet it is. I had thought Hannah and Jessie would have been waiting in my room. Maybe they were watching TV in the drawing room. I was passing it so I would pop my head in and see if they were there.

  I’m nervous.

  So nervous.

  I have decided I will tell Lucas about Henry so it won’t be something that can come back and haunt me.

  The drawing room is empty. I don’t have time to look for them. I’m sure they will pounce on me the moment the dinner is over. My stomach churns and I push my hand against it, asking it to settle.

  This isn’t a date. I repeat, trying to settle my nerves. The main dining-room doors are closed, they are normally open and I’m surprised to see George standing at the door. His eyes widen when he sees me and he reaches for the door to open it. There is something in his eyes that passes quickly before he pulls the door open fully. I keep my head bowed as I step into the dining room.

  My head spins when I focus on the table, and everyone is focused on me. The blood in my veins turns cold and I stumble in the heels. Sniggers, a chair screeches, I hear every noise as I find my balance. My face flames. Everyone is here, all the ladies. Everyone is staring at me. Lucas’s dark eyes are empty as they meet mine. He’d set me up.

  I continue walking and focus on the empty chair between Hannah and Jessie, that they must have saved for me. All the ladies are in stunning ball gowns, my tight dress makes me look cheap. A man sitting beside Lucas never takes his eyes off me. I think I’m going to throw up. I stand taller and hold my head high as I walk to my chair. I can’t hear Hannah as she greets me with the pounding in my ears. I know I need to calm down. Digging my nails into my palms makes me focus. The pain shoots up my arms, blood pounds in my ears and I look up to have the man who is Lucas’s father stare at me. There is no mistake about who he is. His lips tug up into a half grin, the way he looks at me makes me feel small.

  What was going on?

  I want to look to Lucas for an answer, but I’m afraid I’ll leap across the table at him. He had tricked me.

  “I always think a lady should be fashionably late, but you my dear have sure made your entrance boldly.”

  He is speaking to me, waiting for an answer and I am all tongue tied. “Sorry,” I bite out quickly and I swear I hear a few people gasp.

  “I will excuse your manners since you missed my introduction. I’m Master Andrew, Lucas' father.”

  My throat tightens and squeezes with pure embarrassment. I glance at Lucas, I shouldn’t, I know that, but I’m seeking out help. He’s drinking from a tall-stemmed glass, his eyes distant. Like I’m boring him to tears.

  “I do apologize, Master Andrew.” I dig my nails into my hands as I speak.

  Hannah’s small hand touches my leg and I know she’s telling me she’s here. I feel like crying. I can feel sweat gathering on my brows. Taking the cloth napkin, I dab it carefully and slowly trying not to draw attention to myself. But Lucas’s father glances at me from the corner of his eye, freezing me to the spo
t. I drop the napkin on my plate. It looks like everyone has eaten, their plates are already gone.

  The door opens and three ladies step in. They don’t approach us, but Master Andrew waves them over. Within seconds they have removed all unnecessary cutlery. One of the ladies stop at my plate.

  “You can take it,” I whispered to her, trying to force a smile that is shaky and I’m sure looks pained.

  “I’m sorry Ella, but you will have to skip straight to dessert.” Master Andrew addresses me again.

  I swallow around the dryness in my throat. “Of course Master Andrew.” I reach for the water to quench my dry throat, the tremble is so obvious, pulling back to hide my hands, I hit the glass of water knocking it across the table. It’s like a stampede of elephants as everyone jumps away from the table like it’s hot lava.

  Master Andrew tuts, and over the noise it reaches my ears, as I continue to mop up the water with my napkin.

  “Leave it,” Lucas barks at me as the room falls silent. I meet his angry eyes, the depths are endless and dangerous. He works his jaw as he stares at me and I’ve never wanted to slap someone like I want to slap him right now. My hand tightens around the napkin and his eyes trail to my hand before snapping back up to me.

  “Clean up this mess.” Lucas’s father calls and the servants start to dry up my mess. The girls are looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. Everyone’s dresses are fine and once again I die at all the stunning gowns.

  Hannah’s strong presence is beside me. It’s awkward as we wait for the table to be reset. I can feel Lucas’s eyes on me but I don’t dare look up. Right now I’m just trying not to cry. Why did he do this to me? Was this punishment for Alex?

  Once everyone is reseated, dessert arrives and the chatter commences. I pick at my apple pie and cream; it lodges in my throat and when I swallow it feels like dry sand. I spend the rest of the time swirling it around the bowl as Master Andrew boasts about Lucas. What a perfect son he is, how fantastic he is at sports. What a pleasure he was growing up.

  There are giggles and even Lucas speaks, gripping my attention. He sounds normal. No barking or anger. His father smiles fondly at him.

  “I will of course be taking each lady out on a date.” There is an excitement in the air. Lucas smiles at us all, when his eyes clash with mine, they flash with something before he skips me quickly. Pain sears my stomach.

  “I’m very excited to get to spend that quality time with you ladies.”

  I want to call him out on his blatant lies. I don’t drink wine, but a glass in front of me tempts me with the promise of numbness. I manage to reach it, pick it up and even drink down half the glass without spilling a drop. I feel the alcohol warm my blood. Placing it back on the table, Master Andrew is watching me. I can see the disapproval in his eyes before he paints on a fake smile and faces all the ladies again.

  “I’m not going to lie. But the dates were my idea.” He glances at Lucas and I feel like I’m watching the worst play ever. Lucas is acting like a puppet; he is smiling at his father like he cracked a joke. But why is everyone drinking up the lies?

  “I have noticed…” Master Andrew exhales like his next words pain him. “That my son has started to favor one of you over all the others.” I can feel a few glances my way. My heart pounds and when I peek at Lucas, he won’t meet my eye, but he knows I’m staring at him.

  “Sandra, my darling, you are stunning, but all the other ladies deserve their chance too.” My mouth fills with saliva.

  Sandra? Sandra?

  Sandra raises her glass, a smug smile on her face and her eyes shoot to me before returning to Master Andrew. “I will be a lady and allow everyone their opportunity to win Master Lucas’s heart.” She sounds so smug. What was going on? I empty the wine glass, looking at everyone trying to figure out what I missed. My mind is a mess.

  “Why don’t we all retire to the drawing room, for a night cap?” Everyone is smiling, standing, but I don’t move as pain continues to rip through me.

  “Come on,” Hannah whispers, reaching for me. I don’t dare meet her eyes. I know how kind Hannah is, and I know her eyes must be filled with pity. The room is filled with the different coloured gowns all swishing across the floor. I have never felt so out of place. If this was punishment, Lucas has made his point.

  I take another glass of wine the moment I enter the drawing room, everyone is talking about the upcoming dates. The excitement in the room has my skin itchy.

  I have to sit as Lucas and his father continue praising the ladies and then praising themselves. I’m not unaware of how I’m skipped each time. His point has been driven home. He made a fool of me and I’m listening. The glass is empty and I need another one. It’s making me feel warm and settles my panic. I want to laugh and call Lucas out on his fraud as he talks about how he played football in college. He is acting … normal.

  I’m glancing at the girls who are eating this up. My eyes clash with Lucas and my heart pounds. You won. I hope he can see it in my eyes, that he says he can read so well.

  I stand up and a few others glance at me. “May I be excused, Master Andrew?” I can’t sit here any longer. I can feel the tears burn my throat.

  He nods at me and turns back to the other ladies, my dismissal quick. Like I’m an annoyance. My heart pounds at each step to the door. It’s freedom from this charade, but once I step outside that door I know I’m going to be alone and devastated with what’s just happened.



  Ella leaves and I want to race after her. I have never seen her fall apart like that. I tighten my hand into a fist. The squeak of the leather gloves, has me relaxing my hands as my father gives me a sideward glance. He diverts his attention back to his audience, who he has captured beautifully. My stomach twists every time I think of the hurt in Ella’s eyes.

  My eyes snap to Sandra who’s watching me and I can see the smile in her eyes. She must have removed my note. Each time Ella stumbled over her words or knocked over the water, Sandra’s joy emanated from her. I wanted to hurt her. I glance at Hannah, who’s chewing on her lip and her eyes keep snapping to the door that Ella had left through. Her worry is making my own grow.

  “Excuse me, ladies.” I stand up and speak. I can feel the waves of disapproval from my father. “I’m sure my charming father can keep you all entertained for a moment.” I force a smile at them all and they giggle like a bunch of hyena’s.

  My stomach dips as I turn to my father. “Master Andrew.”

  He pulls his mask back into place. “I would be honoured to entertain these stunning ladies.”

  More giggles. I don’t linger but leave the room. I know I don’t have much time. I just need to find her. I take the steps upstairs two at a time and pray that she is in her room. Her door is closed over. I knock, but I don’t give her a chance to answer. Pushing open the door my heart thuds, the room is empty. I’m ready to leave when she stomps out of the bathroom. Her hair that had been all pinned up is free, falling around her shoulders. Her eyes are on fire. I don’t think I have ever seen anything so beautiful. I want her. I want every single part of her.

  “Get out!” She’s loud, too loud.

  I kick the door closed behind me and immediately advance on her. “Keep your voice down.”

  Her eyes flash and I grip her arms, stopping whatever she wants to say on her lips. I wish I wasn’t wearing gloves so I could feel her skin.

  “I left you a note,” I say quickly, hoping to douse the flames that will consume both of us.

  She pulls away and I’m shocked when she slams her hands into my chest. Not the reaction I was expecting.

  “Get out.” Her chest rises and falls rapidly and behind her rage I see it, her pain. I’ve hurt her.

  “Ella.” I push a warning into my voice.

  Her eyes blur with unshed tears. “What, Lucas? You’ll punish me?”

  I get over my shock of her putting her hands on me and take a step towards her, she doesn’t ba
ck away from me.

  “Is that what you want? You want me to punish you?” I want to kiss her so bad, her red lips are full and moving again.

  “Haven’t you already? Why?” Her face is crestfallen as she asks me why. “Why would you humiliate me like that? I thought I was already punished for talking to Alex?” Her brows pull down and she shakes her head.

  My treacherous heart beats wildly. “I left you a note,” I defend myself.

  She laughs bitterly. “I got the note.”

  That surprises me. She turns on her heel and I’m ready to reach her and pull her back, but she doesn’t go far. She picks up the piece of paper off her bedside table and hands it to me.

  “I told you we would reschedule,” I say while opening it.

  I can’t help the smile that grows on my face; for the first time it’s real. I hadn’t caused this. I glance up at Ella and her eyes grow wider as she stares at me.

  “This isn’t my handwriting. That’s not my note.” I try to not sound so smug. Ella looks ready to explode. She snaps the note back, looks at it, then at me. “You’re lying.” Her voice is whispered.

  I don’t think I would know what she is saying, only I’m watching her lips.

  “Don’t call me a liar,” I warn and eradicate the space between us.

  I see her conflict, I see her confusion. I’ve held back and my resolve snaps.

  A squeal leaves her lips as I take her face in my hands and don’t wait for her permission to kiss her. Her lips are frozen under my touch but they soon mimic my movements and Ella melts into me. Her body is warm against mine. My shaft grows quickly and I want her so bad. When she had stepped into the dining room I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  She was stunning. All I wanted at that moment was to have Ella bent over the table where I could take her over and over again.

  A moan leaves her lips, her hands are flush with my chest and I can feel the slight push she gives me. There isn’t much force behind it, but her internal struggle is leaking out. She pulls her lips away from mine, breathing heavy.


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