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Hard To Tame

Page 23

by Kylie Brant

  “All I can say is you’re a brave woman to go through childbirth again after the last time,” Addie told Meghan. “Aren’t you afraid to go back to that hospital?”

  The six of them grinned at the memory. Gabe had set the facility on its ear with his frantic demands when Meghan’s water had broken.

  “I heard there’s a security guard at the door with Gabe’s picture and orders to tranquilize him on sight,” Dare said lazily.

  Nick laughed. “And you were so much better, mon ami? Weren’t you the one who ended up in a hospital bed beside your wife?”

  “Sympathy pains are a documented medical phenomenon,” Dare pointed out.

  “You’re a documented medical phenomenon,” Gabe retorted, while everyone else laughed at the memory.

  A close-knit relationship had developed among the three couples, sparked at first by their pursuit of Mannen, and later by friendship. A year after the case climaxed Justice had discovered Mannen’s latest mole in the agency, and the three couples had met in Chicago again. Six months later the criminal’s tangled ownership of Golden Enterprises had been unraveled, and all his associates in the venture had been arrested and charged. That had called for another celebration, and since then, at least twice a year they made a point of all getting together.

  As the conversation went on around her, Sara’s attention drifted. She couldn’t look away from the scene the children made clustered around Celeste. Despite the older woman’s failing health, she seemed energized by the children. Sean’s grandmother had passed away the previous winter, reminding Sara just how precious each day with Nick’s grandmother was. Unexpectedly, Sara’s eyes began to burn. She knew Nick wanted a family. That was one of the reasons he’d retired from field work to a much less risky position directing several teams of operatives. He hadn’t pushed her while she’d made the first tentative steps toward reaching out to her mother. The relationship there was never going to be close, but time might help heal the breach between them to some degree. Nick had been equally patient as Sara pursued her general equivalent diploma and entered college majoring in social work. But now, looking at Celeste’s face, she could feel her priorities shifting.

  She looked up at her husband, smiled as he lowered his head for a quick kiss, and said to him softly, “I think I’m ready.”

  She didn’t have to explain her meaning. His eyes widened for a moment, before he hugged her close. “You will be a wonderful mother, mon ange.”

  Despite his low, intimate tone, Dare overheard him. “You guys are going to start a family?”

  Nick’s grin was smug. “Oui. Very soon.”

  “Get the security guards ready.”

  “Call for an additional hospital bed.”

  Nick couldn’t tear his gaze away from Sara. His treasure. His wife. To his companions he said, “I must thank you for the invaluable experience you’ve already provided on what not to do at the hospital.”

  “Hey.” Gabe reached forward, snagged another beer from the cooler. “That’s what friends are for.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6299-1


  Copyright © 2002 by Kimberly Bahnsen

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  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  †Charmed and Dangerous

  †Charmed and Dangerous

  †Charmed and Dangerous




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