Blood Aces
Page 38
Teamsters, 236, 245
Terminal Island, 228
Texas, 9–10
centennial of, 50–51, 64
Dallas, see Dallas, Tex.
Dust Bowl and, 36–37
El Paso, 13–14, 17
Houston, 50, 135
oil in, 37, 154–55, 179, 203
Pilot Grove, 7–8
Texas Circuit, 255–56
Texas Gamblers Reunion, 252
Texas House of Representatives, 154
Texas Rangers, 13, 87, 120, 154, 167
Texas Rockets, 41–42
Thomas, Jim Clyde, 56, 122
Thompson, Titanic, 263
Thornton, R. L., 50, 51
Thunderbird, 137, 150, 176
Time, 137, 165
Times (London), 278
Tindall, Louis, 54
Tobey, Charles, 144, 152–53
Todd, Jack, 143
Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The, 264
Top O’Hill Terrace, 39–42, 50, 54, 72, 86, 180, 204, 213, 244
Torres, Edward, 246
Tourine, Charlie “the Blade,” 239
trades days, 11–12
Trafficante, Santo, 260
Travis, William B., 216
Truman, Harry, 149, 192, 195
Truman administration, 194
Tucker, Sophie, 97, 181
Turner, Blondy, 178–79
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 93
Turner, Lana, 100
Ungar, Stu, 277–78
Union Plaza Hotel, 94
University of Nevada, 135–36
Upchurch, J .T., 19
Urban, Billie, 31
Urban, Harry, 31, 53, 67, 73, 136, 191, 215
conviction and sentencing of, 147–48
Valley Hospital, 302
Valley Times, 261, 280, 281
Vietnam War, 244–45
Villa, Pancho, 37
Viva Villa!, 37
Wade, Henry, 120, 187–92, 194, 203, 215, 217–19
Wahl, Albert, 235
Walker, Louis “Paddock,” 236
Wall Street Journal, 290–91
Webster, William, 279
Welch, J. M., 66
West, Mae, 40
Westerner, 121
western frontier, 93–94
Whitaker, Ben, 49–50
White, Pete, 148
Wide World of Sports, 258
Wild Bunch, The, 263
Wilderspin, George, 54, 213
Wilkerson, Billy, 100
Williams, Bill, 94
Williams, Hank, Jr., 304
Willow Tree Club, 121
Wills, Chill, x, 263
Wilson, Will, 83, 120, 131, 136, 137, 148–49, 187, 189
Winchell, Walter, 178–79
Witten, Steven Dale, 296
Wood, John, 271–72, 302
Woodstock, 244
World Series of Poker, 3, 252–53, 254, 255–58, 263–65, 276, 277–78, 308–9
World War II, 72, 83, 89, 98, 121
Wray, Fay, 37
Wynn, Steve, 258, 263, 288, 300, 303
Yablonsky, Joseph, 279–81, 285
Young, Brigham, 94
Young, Cliff, 228–29
Young, Roger, 22–23
Zany-Acks, 150
Zwillman, Abner “Longy,” 215