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Dirty Lovely Broken

Page 4

by Emmy Chandler

  “Soon…” Malac pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, and her gaze snagged on his chest as if it were a thorn caught in her dress. He was beautiful. All smooth planes and rippling muscles, accented with odd, shiny patches of scar tissue, attesting to a life spent in battle.

  Years spent fighting her brother. Killing Stead Delayne soldiers.

  This beautiful body was forged by the slaughter of her countrymen.

  At first, he just stood there, practically preening beneath her attention. Then he pressed close to her, rubbing his chest against her arms. Her back. Making a slow orbit around her entire body. The scent of him filled her nostrils and made her head swim. Made her lower regions clench around nothing.

  “First, we’re going to fill you with other things, and I promise that if you make us happy, you may have whatever you’d like to eat. But no crying,” he added as he completed his circle to rub himself against her breasts, earning a gasp as her nipples pebbled beneath the attention. “Can you do that for me, princess? Can you give me a pretty smile while I fill you up?”

  “Of course she can’t.” Orlann sneered at her, leaning against the wall by the door. “She’s a spoiled virgin. If she doesn’t get roses and chocolate, she’ll probably screech and claw like a hellcat.”

  “She won’t be a virgin by the time either of you get to her.” Jude pulled his shirt off, revealing a physique that rivaled Malac’s in beauty and bested him in size, from the broad span of his shoulders to his thickly muscled chest. Jude was power given physical form. He exuded strength, muscles rippling as he pushed his pants down and stepped out of them to reveal an enormous erection, straight and angry-looking with pulsing veins.

  Maari sucked in a deep breath as he approached, and it took all of her courage—every ounce of self-control she possessed—to keep from backing away from him. From displaying her fear. She’d never felt so small. So powerless.

  “Good girl,” Jude murmured as he pressed against her right side, opposite Malac, his equally arousing scent washing over her. “Just breathe deeply and relax, and I promise you’ll enjoy this.” He rubbed against her arm, then he moved in front of her to slide his chest over her breasts. When Malac didn’t move to give him more room, Jude snarled at his brother, an inarticulate display of strength and dominance.

  Malac scowled, but then he backed away, disguising his retreat as an opportunity to take off his pants, and Maari got the distinct impression that she was not the first woman the oldest and youngest Camdens had shared.

  Maari tried not to look, but when she closed her eyes, Jude took a bruising grip on her chin. “Look at him,” he whispered, and when she refused to obey, he squeezed until she flinched and her eyes flew open again. “What do you think of my brother’s cock, princess?”

  It wasn’t as thick as Jude’s, but it was longer. And less…straight. Less…angry looking. Yet something told her that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. “I have no experience from which to speak,” she informed him.

  “Then I’ll ask you again in a couple of hours.” He let go of her chin, and she locked her gaze with Jude’s, trying not to let her fear show.

  “Both of you? I’m to take both of you, in one night?”

  “All three of us.” Orlann pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, revealing a slimmer, but still well-defined musculature.

  “If you’d undressed as you were commanded when you first arrived, we would have let you have one night with each of us. To break you in slowly,” Jude informed her. “But disobedience brings consequence, just as obedience brings reward.”

  “Please.” Her resolve not to beg suffered a swift, humiliating defeat. “Please give me another chance to…obey. Let me focus on just you tonight.” She forced her hand up and laid it on his chest, withering inside from what it cost her to make such an offer to her mortal enemy. Even as she fought the urge—the physical need—to run that hand over him. To feel the planes and ridges beneath her touch.

  “No,” Malac growled. “I’ve waited three days. I will have her tonight.”

  “That’s not up to you,” Jude snarled at him, and Maari suspected it was Malac’s insolent demand, rather than her plea that moved him. “I’m going to give her one more chance.”

  Malac scowled but maintained his distance, even as his gaze invaded every visible inch of her body. Even as he took himself in hand and began stroking his massive erection.

  “Eyes on me,” Jude demanded and Maari turned back to him, trying not to see the movement of Malac’s fist on the edge of her vision. Trying not to notice Orlann stepping out of his pants, over Jude’s other shoulder. “If you do as you’re told without hesitation—without tears—I will make my brothers wait another night to claim you. Can you do that?”

  Maari nodded, but she had no idea whether or not she was telling the truth. She didn’t know what was expected of her, or why all three of them seem to think they’d see her tears tonight.

  “Good girl,” Jude whispered. His hands landed on her shoulders, and she expected them to roam toward her breasts. Instead, he pressed straight down with a crippling pressure. “On your knees, princess…”



  Maari stared up in thinly disguised terror as she knelt before Jude on the floor, doing her best to stay focused on his eyes, rather than on the thick length bobbing an inch in front of her lips. She knew what he wanted. She even knew how to do what he wanted, in theory. Annah and the other handmaids had explained it to her in detail, in preparation for her wedding.

  A wedding that would never happen.

  In its place, there was only this monstrous bastardization of the joy she’d expected. Nudity, instead of a long white dress. Three angry enemies in place of one loving husband.

  These men were not honored to receive her. They were not flattered that they had been found worthy to be inside her body, because she had not found them worthy.

  They’d declared themselves worthy. They’d declared her lucky to be submitting to them, rather than facing execution when eleven allied armies marched through the streets of Bannon. But Maari was not fooled by whispered words of encouragement and praise. Not while Malac stroked himself in eager anticipation. Not while Jude watched her expectantly. Coldly.

  “Open,” he ordered.

  Maari almost refused. She started to shake her head, with her jaw clenched shut. Then she remembered that disobedience would lead to consequences. Like three nights spent in cramping hunger and terrible thirst, on a cold stone floor. Like being required to take three men in one night, should she so much as hesitate.

  So she clutched her knees with both hands, her elbows locked, and opened her mouth.

  Jude slid one hand along her jaw while he fed her his cock, his fist clenched around the last few inches, when she couldn’t take them. He stroked himself in short, slow motions while she closed her mouth around his crown and found herself full of the taste of him, even with what little would fit on her tongue.

  “Relax and suck. Gently,” he ordered.

  Maari squeezed her eyes shut tight and obeyed, her face burning from humiliation. Several drops of salty fluid leaked from the tip of his cock into her mouth, and the taste seemed to burrow into her as it slid down her throat. More moisture formed between her legs, dripping down naked thighs, and she found herself sucking harder. Her tongue undulating against the smooth length of flesh in her mouth.

  “Good girl,” Jude said, but there was no affection in the words, nor in his grip on her jaw. “Relax your throat and take me deeper.”

  Maari tried. She really tried, but the moment the head of his cock hit the back of her throat, she began to gag.

  “She’s going to vomit,” Orlann sneered. “I knew it. Fuck princesses. Give me a well-trained whore any day. One who can swallow my whole cock.”

  “She isn’t going to vomit,” Jude insisted, pulling back slightly before he pressed forward again with even more pressure. “Because if she does, I’m going turn
her over and shove my cock straight up her virgin ass.”

  Maari blinked tears from her eyes, hoping he hadn’t seen.

  “Relax.” Suddenly Malac was at her ear, his voice almost soothing. He knelt and pressed his warm, hard chest against her back. “Let your throat open, and when he presses forward again…swallow him.”

  A whine leaked from her as Jude’s second hand found the other side of her jaw.

  “You can do it,” Malac whispered. “You can even like it. This is power. While he’s in your mouth, he’s at your mercy, in a way. You control how good he feels. How quickly he comes.”

  “I’m not going to come in her throat,” Jude growled.

  “Forget about him and listen to me,” Malac insisted.

  Jude shoved his way forward again, and again Maari gagged. Then she swallowed.

  It hurt. Her throat felt like one big, burning bruise. But she took him past her comfort zone. His head, at least. And with the accomplishment came an unexpected—and not entirely welcome—feeling of triumph.

  Jude groaned, and to her relief, when he pulled back, he didn’t shove forward again immediately. She sucked in a breath and tried to be ready when his hands slid back from her jaw to clench in her hair and he pushed his way into her throat again.

  “Swallow,” Malac ordered softly, running his hand down her back and over the swell of her hip. And again, she swallowed around Jude’s flesh, taking even more of him, this time. Overwhelmed by the contrast between the pain and pressure in her throat and the pull of Jude’s irresistible scent.

  For his part, Orlann seemed content to watch from one side, slowly stroking himself, evidently waiting for her to make a mistake he deemed worthy of commentary.

  For several minutes, Jude continued to feed his cock to Maari, enjoying her efforts with groans of pleasure, but not a word of praise. Then her jaw began to ache, her throat to burn. She whimpered, hands clutching her own knees, and Malac leaned closer to suck her earlobe into his mouth. “You’re doing a beautiful job, princess,” he murmured, one hand stealing around her rib cage to lift her right breast. To roll her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “I’ve never wanted to be Jude so badly in my life.”

  Maari whimpered again, wordlessly begging for a reprieve.

  “Take the whole thing,” Jude demanded, his voice guttural with lust. “When I feel your lips around the base of my cock, we’ll call this a lesson learned.”

  Maari groaned, and her eyes began to water.

  “You can take him,” Malac whispered, and distantly, she realized the soft slapping sounds coming from behind her were evidence of his spare hand on his own cock. “On his next thrust, take him down as far as you can. Swallow past the pain, just for a second. Then it’ll all be over.”

  Jude pulled back, almost all the way past her lips, and Maari sucked in a deep, desperate breath. And when he shoved his way in again, she relaxed her throat as much as she could. Then she swallowed, as he pushed his cock into her mouth. And she swallowed again. And again.

  “Oh, holy fuck,” Jude breathed, as her lips closed around the base of his cock. But rather than pulling out to give her relief, he shoved even farther in, and Maari felt the first spurt of something warm down the back of her throat.

  “That is so fucking hot,” Malac breathed as he shifted his position at her back, and to her shock, she felt his cock beneath her, sliding through ass cheeks parted from her kneeling position, past spread lower lips to prod at her sensitive, throbbing nub of flesh.

  Maari gagged, and in her efforts to breathe, she sucked Jude even farther into her throat. His grip on her hair tightened, and he rode her mouth, sliding into and out of her burning throat, shooting more of his release into her with every thrust. Until finally he released her head and slid free from her mouth.

  She collapsed, bent over on the floor, gasping for air with the taste of him lingering on the very back of her tongue. Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them away while she was hidden by a curtain of her own hair, her chest heaving while she tried to refill her burning lungs.

  “That was lovely, princess,” Malac cooed, sliding his cock back and forth beneath her. Rubbing her with his hot, engorged length.

  But no praise came from Jude. Instead, he grabbed another handful of her hair and pulled her upright while she gasped from the pain. “On the bed,” he ordered.

  She frowned up at him in confusion. “But I did everything you wanted.”

  “Which is why I will spare you my brothers’ desires tonight. But I am far from done with you. Swallowing my seed won’t put a prince in your belly.” He tugged on her hair again, and she scrambled to stand, grasping at his hand to keep it from pulling her hair out by the roots. Jude led her to the bed by her hair, where he threw her down on her back. “I need a minute,” he said, fisting the wet length of his cock in one hand while he gestured at Maari with his other. “Use your tongue on her, but don’t let her come.”

  Malac’s eyes flashed with eagerness and he crawled over her on the bed, dragging her farther onto the huge mattress. She trembled while he crawled down her body again, stopping to nibble softly at her nipples before taking a grip on each of her thighs. He pushed her legs as far open as they would go, then, before she realized what was about to happen, he lowered his head between her thighs and gave her a long lick from the bottom of her entrance all the way to the throbbing nub at the top of her folds. She shuddered as his tongue flicked over her, and need flooded her, a desperate ache deep inside that demanded release.

  “You too,” Jude ordered, and Maari felt the mattress sink beneath a new weight. Orlann appeared over her, his eyes dilated with lust, and she had just a moment to understand that arousal had not eclipsed his anger. Then his mouth closed over her right nipple and his teeth tugged on it brutally.

  She yipped in pain, and Malac began to lick her faster, his tongue playing over and around her clit until it began to throb with her heartbeat. Orlann’s teeth released her tortured peak and his tongue soothed it. He sucked gently, and she felt the pull of that electric sensation echo in her other breast. And in the parts Malac seemed intent on devouring.

  Maari moaned, and she felt more fluid drip from her. Malac lapped it up the second it appeared, and his tongue dipped into her, in search of more. He began to lick in earnest, his tongue swirling around her clit, then stroking the full length of her engorged lips.

  Mentally, Maari fought the onslaught, but her body was a lost cause. Orlann and Malac smelled so good, and every breath she took brought her closer to the peak building deep inside her, amplified by the mouth around her right nipple and the fingers pulling on her left. Then Malac’s finger slipped inside her. He stroked in and out along with the rhythm his tongue had already established, and Maari began to pant with the need for release.

  “Please,” she begged, overwhelmed by her need. “Please…”

  “It’s okay, princess,” Malac murmured against her overheated flesh. “Come for me. Come on my tongue and let me taste you.” But she recognized the deceit riding his words. Jude had told him not to allow her release, and Malac would obey his brother. His king.

  Wouldn't he?

  “I believe Malac just gave you an order,” Jude said, and Maari turned her head to see him slowly stroking himself.

  Confused—frightened by the conflict between this order and the one he’d given his brother—Maari glanced from Jude to Malac, watching as his face moved between her thighs. She was right on the edge. Desperate with need. Yet whether she let herself fall over the precipice of pleasure or held herself back from it, she would be disobeying someone.

  There was no way for her to win.

  “You’d better hurry, princess, before you lose the chance,” Orlann growled against the lower curve of her breast. Then he closed his teeth over her nipple again, and she screamed as pain bit into the sensitive flesh.

  And somehow, that pain pushed her over the edge of orgasm into an undulating sea of blissful pressure. Of forbidden plea
sure, shamefully commanded by her mortal enemy.

  Maari writhed on the bed, her thighs caught in Malac’s firm hands, her nipple Orlann’s abused prisoner. Malac’s tongue toyed with her, drawing her pleasure out as she gasped, her head thrown back on the mattress, her hands clutching at the bedclothes to keep her anchored to this world.

  And only once she lay lost in the hazy aftermath, panting and sweaty, and still swimming in erotic aftershocks, did she remember that Jude had forbidden her the indulgence of release. And that she would probably pay for her pleasure.

  “Please.” Maari rose onto her elbows, but Orlann pushed her back down, so he could capture her other, neglected nipple between lips that had suddenly become soft and gentle, while Malac rested his cheek on her inner thigh, slowly stroking the other one. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

  “Hush, princess,” Jude scolded her, his cock jutting out proudly before him, an angry red from engorged blood flow. “That was Malac’s disobedience, not yours. And he will pay for it by forfeiting female companionship for the evening. If he wants release, he’ll take it from his own hand.”

  Jude grabbed Malac’s shoulder and hauled him from between their princess’s spread legs. “Did you at least prepare her, with your fingers?”

  “For what little good it did,” Malac said with a shrug. “She’s too tight for more than one.”

  Jude frowned. “Well, if you’d used two, this part might’ve been easier for her.” He shoved his remaining brother aside, and Orlann’s mouth disconnected from her nipple with a shocking pop of broken suction. Then Jude positioned himself between her legs, standing at the edge of the bed, and shoved her thighs wide open when she tried to close them.

  “Wait, please.” Maari rose onto her elbows again, scooting away from him using her heels for traction against the bedclothes.

  Jude seized her beneath both knees and hauled her back to the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on her breasts before raking over her swollen, dripping sex. “Tonight, you will accept my cock, and I will fill you with my seed. Tomorrow, my brothers will get their chance.”


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