Japanese Tales
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Ury, Marian. Tales of Times Now Past. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1979.
Yanagita, Kunio. The Legends of Tōno. Translated by Ronald A. Morse. Tokyo: The Japan Foundation, 1975.
2. Japanese Sources
En no Gyōja in Muromachi jidai monogatari taisei, vol. 3, edited by Yokoyama Shigeru and Matsumoto Takanobu. Tokyo: Kadokawa, 1975.
Fusō ryakki (by Kōen). In Kaitei shiseki shūran, edited by Kondō Heijō. Tokyo: Kondō Kappansho, 1900.
Genkō shakusho (by Kokan Shiren). In Shintei zōho kokushi taikei, vol. 31, edited by Kokushi Taikei Henshū Kai. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 1965.
Heike monogatari. Edited by Takagi Ichinosuke, Ozawa Masao, et al. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vols. 32, 33.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1959–60.
Hosshinshū (by Kamo no Chōmei). In Hōjōki, Hosshinshū, edited by Miki Sumito (Shinchō Nihon koten shūsei). Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1976.
Jikkinshō. Edited by Nagazumi Yasuaki. (Iwanami bunko, vol. 30–120–1.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1942.
Kasuga Gongen genki and Kasuga Daimyōjin gotakusenki. In Gunsho ruijū, vol. 2, edited by Hanawa Hokiichi. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijū Kansei Kai, 1972.
Kōfukuji ranshōki. In Dainihon bukkyō zensho, edited by Bussho Kankō Kai, vol. 119. Tokyo: Bussho Kankō Kai, 1915.Kohon setsuwashū. In Kohon setsuwashū zenchūkai, edited by Takahashi Mitsugu. Tokyo: Yūseidō Shuppan, 1985.
Kojidan (by Minamoto Akikane). Edited by Kobayashi Yasuharu. (Koten bunko, vols. 60, 62.) Tokyo: Gendai Shichōsha, 1981.
Kokonchomonjū (by Tachibana Narisue). Edited by Nagazumi Yasuaki and Shimada Isao. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vol. 84.) Toyko: Iwanami, 1966.
Konjaku monogatarishū, books 19–31. Edited by Yamada Yoshio, Yamada Tadao, et al. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vols. 24–26.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1961–63.
Nihon shoki. Edited by Sakamoto Tarō, Ienaga Saburō, et al. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vols. 67, 68.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1967.
Senjūshō. Edited by Nishio Kōichi. (Iwanami bunko, vol. 30–024–1.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1970.
Shasekishū (by Mujū Ichien). Edited by Watanabe Tsunaya. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vol. 85.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1966.
Shigematsu, Akihisa. Urashima-shi den (Koten bunko, vol. 55). Tokyo: Gendai Shichōsha, 1981.Shintōshū. Edited by Kondō Kihaku. Tokyo: Kadokawa, 1967.
Tamon’in nikki. Edited by Tsuji Zennosuke. In Mugenki (a collection of the diarist’s dreams), vol. 3. Tokyo: Kadokawa, 1965.
Tsurezuregusa (by Yoshida Kenkō). Edited by Nishio Minoru. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, vol. 30.) Tokyo: Iwanami, 1957.
Uji shūi monogatari. Edited by Kobayashi Chishō. (Nihon koten bungaku zenshū, vol. 28.) Toyko: Shōgakkan, 1973.
The numbers after the entries are tale numbers, not pages. People are listed under their personal names.
Academy, the 10
Akashi 61, 127
Aki province 69
Amida 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 132, 160, 161, 198, 212, 213, 214
Amida Sutra 113, 197
come down to hear music 44
fails to fly 89
falls in love with empress 125
heals emperor with tengu magic 126
master of Nichizō 98
Nichizō meets demon 97
Nichizō visits afterworld 101
taught lesson in humility 87
turns out to be fake 90
Asoka (king) 22
Atago, Mount 121
fools ascetic 121
haunts a chapel 122
haunts a pond 204
bamboo cutter 4, 32
arrives in Japan 24
consecrates Great Buddha 25
Benevolent King, Sutra of the 71
Bibashi (buddha) 101
Bishamon 72
kills demon 146
of Kurama confers wealth 155
Bitchū province 48, 82, 196
Biwa, Lake 13, 33, 83, 104
created by magic 52
stages fake funeral 203
Bonden (king)
governs rain 36
Book of Changes 51
bawls to see cherry blossoms fall 156
bears golden stone 155
guzzles syrup 17
healed by Thousand-Armed Kannon 70
hungry for rice dumplings 152
loved by Zōyo 154
Byōdōin 167
cannibals 189
houses power of Lotus Sutra 148
claims island, killed by snake 187
chamber pot
is Heichū’s downfall 57
hides philandering monk 21
has vision of Amida’s paradise 114
Chikuzen province 104, 160
China 31, 33, 34, 51, 75, 187
as master of water 182
giant, washed up on beach 91
man sleeps with wife’s corpse 133
Council of State 11
saves girl from snake 107
as magic messenger 59
curse 51, 163
Daianji 55
Daigo (emperor)
healed by Sword Guardian 72
suffers in hell 101
Dainichi 101
Dakini rite
commissioned by Tadazane 47
dance (see music and dance)
bow to Kasuga God 31
demon(s) (oni)
becomes empress’s lover 125
defeated by Lotus Sutra 148
(“devils”) invade island 92
eats controller 11
eats Narihira’s girl 12
emanation of Kannon saves ascetic 98
faked by gambler 220
in gate plays flute 167
in gate steals biwa Genjō 64
killed by Bishamon 146
make man invisible 74
meets Nichizō in ōmine Mountains 97
(“monsters”) remove old man’s lump 169
mother tries to eat son 218
nearly catch young gentleman 168
on bridge, with grisly box 13
on bridge pursues rider 14
serves Kichijōten 172
turns out to be a dog 164
venerate Lotus Sutra 100
with horse head peers into room 170
devils (see demon)
Diamond Wisdom, Sutra of 151
dog(s) 75
dogshit smell betrays tengu magic 126
god married to human girl 29
kept by mountain god 26
help hunter destroy monkey gods 77
scolded, then fed by Jakushin 179
yields beautiful silk 175
Dōjōji 111
Dōmyō 178
dies to make rain 36
does not rise from Sarusawa Pond 37
guards the Buddha’s Teaching 149
king provides gold 184
King Zentatsu at Muro 183
of Mano Pond caught by tengu 35
of poverty 199
of white hairs 195
stolen by young man 196
twin dreams of jealousy 134
twin dreams of longing 130
Echizen province 8, 49, 172, 197
Emma (king of hell) 46, 149, 215
by fox 82, 202, 207
by Kokūzō 104
En no Gyōja 182
life story 88
caught in Dyeing Castle 75
En’yū (emperor)
healed by false healer 126
Etchū province 147, 216
ms of pheasants’ anguish 198
farmer 186
embarrasses lady and suitor 58
fire spells 34, 74, 87
pops out of a monk’s nose 210
preferred by monk Rin’e 211
flea 5
bowl 72
jar 87, 100
appears as nurse’s double 201
begs for rice cakes, through medium 124
begs man to spare his family 80
bewitch woman 202
enchants lecherous man 82
get evicted from house 84
gets back ball, protects man 206
god demands music 47
masquerades as huge tree 208
messenger speaks through man’s wife 83
persecutes empress 125
sets house on fire 205
tells dreamer to wear red 209
tricks riders, gets singed 207
woman gives life for man 81
frog 60, 107
Fudaraku (paradise of Kannon) 27
devotee sails to Fudaraku 157
god sails to Fudaraku 159
Fudō 34, 73, 74, 75, 95, 126
Fugen 66, 120
appears as harlot 38
false vision of 121
Fuji, Mount 32, 88
corpse refuses to move 15
fake, staged by boar 203
fake, staged by thieves 143
of long-dead wife 133, 166
Fuwa barrier 130
marries off ugly son 220
Gangōji 114
genie(s) 59, 62
of long-dead wife 133
of rider struck by lightning 16
of Tōru 190, 191
Gion Temple 21
appears to Emperor Tenji 22
defend Retired Emperor Uda 191
give woman silk through dog 175
Hachiman 101, 200
has follower torture girl 74
in dog form married to human 29
in monkey form demand human sacrifice 77, 188
named Chūsan, a monkey 77
named Kōya, a snake 77
of earth 113
of disease call road god to come 159
of disease shows gratitude 28
of disease and calamity 101
of Fire and Thunder, Daijō Tenjin 101
of Fire and Thunder as turtle 103
of Good Fortune (fox) 47
of Hakusan 88
of Hie Shrine 41
of island as snake and centipede 187
of Kasuga glimpsed in dream 209
of Kasuga prefers music 45
of Kasuga speaks to Myōe 31
of Kasuga saves dancer from hell 215
of Katsuragi, Hitokotonushi 88
of Kibitsu Shrine 48
of Matsunoo 101
of Mount Fuji
name licked onto sword by En no Gyōja 88
origin of 32
of Mount Kōya, Kōya and Nifu 26
of ōmine, Zaō Gongen 23, 88, 101, 102
of pond (snake) pursues girl 185
of road gets to hear Lotus Sutra 178
of road sails to paradise 159
of sky and earth 171
revived by governor’s attentions 30
shrine built on grave mound 15
Sun Goddess 43
Gokurakubō 114
Gokurakuji 71
“boy” bears golden stone 155
corpse 173
found for Tōdaiji 23
of Golden Peak, stolen 102
provided by Dragon King 184
Golden Light, Sutra of 149
Golden Peak 23, 49, 94, 100
gold of, stolen 102
history of 88
paradise and hell of 101
yield rice or poison 3
recognized as Monju 24
Hahaso wood 46
Hakamadare 144, 145
Harima province 20, 61, 76, 127, 203
Hasedera 76, 173
Kannon confers wealth 174
Haseo, Ki no
ignores diviner’s warning 164
abducts boy 193
monk in white armor 194
hawk keeper
dreams he is a pheasant 198
saved by Kannon 137
healing 82, 124, 125, 127, 193, 206
by Thousand-Armed Kannon 70
Eijitsu heals Kinsue 128
Gokurakuji monk heals Kanemichi 71
restores man to visibility 74
Rin’e heals sick woman 211
Sōō heals empress 73
Sword Guardian heals Emperor Daigo 72
Heart Sutra 74, 182
and his fake tears 56
dies of disappointment 57
hell 46, 195, 215
of Golden Peak 101
Jizō saves man from hell 104, 180
of Tateyama 147, 216
Toshiyuki in hell 149
hichiriki 69
Hida province 188
Hie Shrine 41
Hiei, Mount 33, 34, 35, 47, 73, 75, 85, 100, 120, 127 152, 155 156, 177, 213
Higo province 148
Hira, Mount 35, 86
Hitachi province 91
Hōrinji 177
dung covers boy 193
painted by Kanaoka ravages fields 96
as Mountain King 26
destroys monkey gods 77
exposes false vision of Fugen 121
hears Amida answer from the sea 115
nearly eaten by insane mother 218
Ibuki Mountains 118
an ascetic fails to become one 89
angels come down to hear music 44
girl marries mortal 106
girl of Mount Fuji 32
girl refuses to marry mortal 4
in ōmine Mountains 100
on Mount Hira blesses monk 86
rides incense smoke 85
Inamino 20, 76, 203
India 31, 33
Ise province 141
claimed by snake god 187
invaded by “devils” 92
of cannibals 189
settled by brother and sister 186
Iyo province 28
Izu province 92
Izumi province 20
Izumi Shikibu 178
Jakushin 179
jellyfish’s bones 213
Jizō 88
appears as turtle 104
saves monk from hell 180
Kaga province 187
Kaguya-hime 32
Kai province 68, 205
Kamakura 112
Kamo Virgin 202
Kanaoka, Kose no paints lively horse 96
Kanemichi, Fujiwara no 71
Kannon 107, 117, 118, 157
as snake saves keeper of hawks 137
Chūsan becomes Thousand-Armed Kannon 182
confers wealth through Dragon King 184
Eleven-Headed, statue of 27
carved from tree 82
Nyoirin 23
of Hasedera 27, 76
confers wealth 173, 174
of Rokkakudō saves invisible man 74
saves girl from hell 147
saves old road god 159
saves provincial secretary 148
Thousand-Armed heals boy 70
Thousand-Armed saves ascetic 98
warrior mistaken for Kannon becomes monk 176
Kasagi, Mount 180
Kashō (Buddha) 197
Kasuga Shrine 31, 45, 208, 215
Katsura River 116, 161
Katsuragi Mountains 88, 125
Kawara-no-in Palace 190, 191
r /> Kazan (Retired Emperor) has Shōkū’s portrait painted 39
Kegon Sutra 23, 25
form of tengu 35, 119
Kibitsu Shrine 48
marries admirer 20
provides bottomless sack of rice 172
Kii province 26, 31, 129, 142, 158, 159
Kinsue, Fujiwara no
healed by Lotus Sutra 128
worships Buddha-ox 197
really a tengu 120
Kiyomizudera 78
spectacular escape from 79
Kiyoyuki, Miyoshi no
evicts fox family 84
Kōbō Daishi
founds Mount Kōya 26
Kōfukuji 27, 37, 45, 182, 212
tricks monk into becoming great scholar 177
origin 26
Kongōsen 125
Konoe (emperor)
tormented by nightmare monster 200
koto 44
Kōshin vigil 51
Kōya, Mount 50, 160
discovered by Kōbō Daishi 26, 35
Kōya no Myōjin 26
Koyadera 143
Kōzen 126, 183
Kōzuke province 67, 130
Kumano 49, 100, 111, 158, 159
Kumata Shrine 187
Bishamon confers wealth 155
Kūya 179
Kyushu 51, 76, 105, 160, 189, 214, 219
Land of Bliss 114, 115, 117, 132, 160, 180
caused by magic 51
Lotus Sutra 40, 66, 73, 86, 88, 101, 121, 149, 178, 213, 214
attracts dragon 36
beats Sutra of Diamond Wisdom 151
converts pirate to faith 150
devotee gives up his body 158
heals Kinsue 128
inspires thought of self-immolation 157
lady dies after chanting Lotus 132
makes monk Immortal 100
mastered by monk of Mount Hiei 177
saves girl reborn as snake 139
saves girl from hell 147
saves monk from demon 146
saves mother from hell 216
saves old road god 159
saves provincial secretary 148
saves snake-man and snake-woman 111
saves soul of fox 81
vision of Buddha preaching 120
turn into Kegon Sutra 25
bow, bird 129
capsizes a ferry 49
causes laughing fit 51
of Dakini rite 47
grows instant melons 2
image in flame 131
makes penis disappear 52
spirit in oil jar kills girl 53
Makoto, Minamoto no
visited by angels 44
melons 2
Michinaga, Fujiwara no 167
saved from curse by his dog 63
Michizane, Sugawara no
appears as turtle then as god 103
as God of Fire and Thunder 101
Miidera 147, 149, 197, 199
Mikawa province 175
Mimasaka province 77
Minase 204
Mino province 13, 118, 130, 171