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Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2)

Page 6

by Donna Fletcher

  Cree let several oaths fly, lunged out of bed and stark naked walked into the other room and flung open the door.

  Chapter Seven

  “You go against my command!” Cree screamed at Lucerne.

  For a moment Lucerne stood speechless staring at him, her eyes growing rounder as she took all of him in.

  Dawn had slipped on Cree’s shirt and had positioned herself at the bedroom doorway to peek beyond the curtain that separated the two rooms and catch a glimpse of what was going on. A draft swirled in from the open door and along the floor to nip at her bare feet and she worried that Cree in all his naked splendor would catch a chill. She also could not believe that Lucerne questioned Cree. She had barely arrived and wasn’t yet his wife yet acted as if she was.

  Lucerne finally moved to step into the cottage but Cree blocked her entrance with his arm.

  “Why are you here and not in the keep in your bed chambers?” she more demanded than asked. “And why are you naked?”

  “Neither is any concern of yours. Return to the keep now.”

  Lucerne went to respond.

  Cree leaned forward, his face an inch from hers. “Disobey me and I’ll see you secluded in your quarters until your parents arrive. Elwin,” he roared and the guard stepped forward, “see that my lady returns safely to the keep.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Elwin said with a bob of his head and as Cree stepped back Elwin stepped between them and ushered Lucerne away.

  As soon as Cree slammed the door shut and bolted the latch, Dawn hurried out of his shirt and jumped back in bed.

  Cree entered the room shivering and this time Dawn pulled the blanket back to welcome him in bed. He slipped in and she shivered when he hugged her close, his body chilled. She grew concerned and started rubbing warmth back into his flesh.

  “You’ll warm me much faster if you finish what you had started.”

  She smiled and moved down along his body heating it with kisses as she went. Then she once again settled her mouth over him and proceeded to finish what she had started. She was pleased with herself when she heated him to a feverish pitch and he moaned with agonizing pleasure. Her own body squirmed with need, aching to climax and just when she thought he would come, he reached down and grabbed her waist. With one swift motion he had her under him and with another swift motion he buried himself deep inside her with a single thrust.

  He pressed his cheek to hers and whispered in her ear. “We climax together.”

  She pressed her finger against his arm over and over and over as he drove into her again and again and again.

  “Come with me now,” he demanded and she obeyed and they both burst in blinding passion.

  They lay silent in each other’s arms after Cree rolled off her. After a few minutes he pulled the blanket over them and hugged Dawn close. She rested replete against him. The silence remained but it did not hang heavy as it would with most, it was peaceful silence for they were content and needed no words between them.

  The fire in the hearth crackled and popped and they listened, Cree stroking her arm until finally he said, “I am famished. Are you?”

  She was hungrier than she had been of late, and so she nodded rigorously.

  “I will remedy our situation. Stay in bed,” he ordered and got out, slipped on his shirt, and walked into the other room.

  She heard the door open but since this time there was no shouting, she could not hear what he was saying. He returned fast enough, discarding his shirt and once again joining her in bed.

  “We will have a feast in no time,” he said with a grin.

  She patted his stomach, rock hard against her hand.

  “My stomach is well. The sleep did me good as did our lovemaking.”

  Dawn smiled at him and draped her leg over his to lock herself more closely around him. She relished this rare time with him and wished that it didn’t have to be so rare.

  They talked, ate, and slept well into the next day, and Dawn was pleased that he was not in a hurry to leave. And she believed he would have remained the entire day with her if the village bell hadn’t tolled alerting all to an approaching troop of warriors.

  Cree dressed quickly. “You stay in the cottage —”

  She shook her head before he could finish and hurried into her clothes.

  “I have no time to argue with you.” He grabbed her chin. “You will do as I say.”

  She tapped her chest, shook her finger, and stamped her foot to demonstrate her displeasure.

  “A tantrum won’t work,” he said with a laugh.

  She shook her head letting him know that it was no tantrum but rather annoyance at being kept prisoner and so she raised her arms and crossed her wrists as if shackled.

  “Damn, woman, you’re not a prisoner,” he said with an angry growl and brushed her wrists apart, then gave her a gentle shove into the other room. He grabbed her fur-lined cloak from the peg and tossed it at her. “You’ll make sure to stay close to Elwin or he’ll be dragging you back here and locking you in.”

  She patted her chest in promise.

  Cree swung open the door and Elwin stepped forward. “A small troop of warriors approach at a slow pace. Sloan has taken a troop out to meet them.”

  Cree nodded and yanked Dawn in front of him. “She is not to be far from your side or leave your sight. If she gives you any trouble, return her here and don’t let her leave.”

  Elwin bobbed his head. “Aye, my lord.”

  Cree gave Dawn a quick kiss. “Take no chances, behave, and stay out of trouble. I will see you later.” He hurried off, though stopped after a few steps, turned and with a grin said, “Elwin, if she does not obey, you have my permission to do whatever is necessary to get her back to the cottage. And I suggest throwing her over your shoulder would be the best approach.”

  Elwin couldn’t help but smile upon seeing Cree’s grin. It was a rare sight and he nodded and said once again, “Aye, my lord.”

  Dawn tilted her head and produced a sweet smile and hooked her arm around Elwin’s to the big man’s surprise.

  Cree’s grin vanished in an instant and he stomped through the few inches of snow that carpeted the ground to stop barely an inch from her. Elwin had wisely moved aside giving the couple privacy.

  Cree lowered his face and whispered harshly in her ear. “I warned you once that you touch no man but me. Do not make me warn you again.” He was startled when she responded by resting a gentle hand to his cheek, then patted her chest and then his. “That’s right you belong to me and only me.” He kissed her possessively, and then stomped away.

  Dawn stared after him and her lips crept up in a smile. She turned to Elwin and he stepped forward. “It is good to see him smile. He deserves to be happy for all he has done for us.”

  She purposely set a slow pace hoping that Elwin would keep talking about Cree and she wasn’t disappointed.

  “He saved many of us from suffering terrible fates and gave us a chance for a good life. And he didn’t ask anything of any of his men that he wouldn’t ask of himself. He fought and suffered along with every one of us, reminding us all that we worked for a common cause... a permanent home and a better life. And he gave us just that.”

  Elwin stopped a minute and gazed up at the gray sky. “More snow today. That’s probably why that troop of warriors are here. They seek shelter.” He smiled. “I have a cottage, and now a good woman to share it with thanks to you.”

  Dawn turned a wide grin on him.

  Elwin actually blushed. “If you hadn’t rescued Dorrie from the stocks and I hadn’t been sent to guard her, she would have never looked twice at me, though your unselfish actions certainly did much to change her selfish ways.”

  Dawn’s eyes widened.

  Elwin laughed. “I’m not a fool. Dorrie was selfish and cared for no one but herself, though not anymore. She’s different or maybe she just needed to be shown a different way, much like what Cree did with the men he gathered.”

  Dawn had no t
ime to consider Elwin’s words. He stopped and nodded. “They approach.”

  She and Elwin stood off to the side not far from her cottage to watch the troop that followed Sloan and his men stop at the keep. Cree waited at the top of the steps, the breadth and width of him all in black sending a shiver through her and no doubt intimidating the small troop of ten men that stared at him.

  Cree didn’t descend the few steps to greet them. He waited for them to come to him and Dawn wondered how one man could exude such power and confidence. She recalled the first time she had seen him being brought into the village, a captive, his wrists shackled. Even though a prisoner, he exuded the same power and confidence.

  The warrior in the lead dismounted while the other warriors remained astride their horses. He was fairly tall, broad-chested, and had long hair as white as freshly fallen snow. He ascended the steps quickly and after what Dawn thought could be construed as a tense exchange both men smiled and the stranger called out to his men to dismount. They all filed into the keep and Dawn wished that she could be privy to what was going on. Not wanting to wallow in disappointment she decided to begin a routine for herself so that once again she was part of village life. She had already tasked herself with the chore of finding out who would want her harmed, but she would also like to find something that would keep her hands busy as well as help settle her overburdened thoughts.

  She decided to visit with Lila. She would be happy, though more relieved to see that Dawn was feeling better and had finally gotten herself out of the cottage. She recalled Lila telling her that Cree had placed her in charge of weaving plaids for the villagers and had assigned her not only women to help but a separate cottage where the work could be done.

  Dawn made a motion of using a spindle and distaff and shrugged her shoulders in question.

  Elwin nodded. “You want to know where your friend Lila carries out her daily chore.” He smiled. “She weaves a fine cloth.”

  Dawn agreed with a quick nod and followed next to Elwin. They came upon a good-sized cottage not far from the healer’s place.

  Elwin gave a glance skyward and shivered. “A storm brews and a good one at that.”

  Dawn shivered herself, though she didn’t know if it was from the impending storm or something else that brewed. But something was coming, she felt in her bones, as Old Mary would say.

  She entered the cottage and Lila beamed with delight, quickly handing a smiling Thomas to her. Dawn eagerly took the babe in her arms hugging him tight and he gurgled and rubbed his face against her chest.

  “That babe loves you dearly,” one of the four women working the wool said.

  Dawn felt a flutter in her heart. She loved Thomas just as dearly and the thought that she would have her own babe to cuddle and love thrilled her. Lila was quick to show off the weave of red, black, and a touch of yellow that would become the new plaid for the Clan Carrick. The women talked and Dawn joined in now and again, Lila interpreting for her, though a couple of times it wasn’t necessary, the women understood her and that pleased Dawn.

  Thomas fell asleep in Dawn’s arms and Lila had her place him in the cradle next to another cradle holding a sleeping babe. She told the women she’d be only a moment as she grabbed her cloak from the peg and walked with Dawn to the door. They told her not to rush and bid Dawn a good day and she smiled, nodded, and extended her hand and wished them the same.

  Elwin took several steps away when the two women stepped out of the cottage affording them privacy.

  “I’m so relieved to see you feeling good again. I have missed you,” Lila said, her eyes a bit teary.

  Dawn patted her chest and grinned to confirm she was feeling mighty fit.

  Lila lowered her voice. “I heard that Neil saved you from being harmed. Gossip is that Cree was so furious that the two captured men succumbed to endless hours of torture. I am glad you have Cree to protect you, so do not do anything foolish.”

  Dawn gestured her lone window being boarded.

  Lila laughed. “You have created a stir in the village with your courage and tongues wag as to how an angel tames the devil.”

  Dawn’s eyes rounded surprised that people should think that, though she was more surprised by how wide Lila’s eyes suddenly turned. She followed Lila’s startled gaze and stopped herself from appearing as alarmed as her friend staring at the warrior sitting astride his horse that slowed when it neared them. She would not do to another what often had been done to her...stare in pity and discomfort.

  Elwin stepped protectively closer to Dawn and kept his eyes on the warrior, especially since the man seemed focused intently on Dawn. And she could not help but hold his gaze, for she had never seen a facial wound so vicious. It ran from above his left eye down along his cheek to end at his chin. It was still healing, red and raw, and appeared ever so painful.

  Villagers looked on whispering among themselves for without the scar the stranger would be a handsome man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He sat his mare with confidence that mirrored Cree’s, and though he was not possessed of the breadth and width of Cree, his lean hard frame and broad shoulders warned that he was a man of strength and not to be dismissed without thought.

  Dawn wondered why he stared at her as if puzzled and she knew that Elwin would not fail to report the incident to Cree. And being he wore the same colored plaid as the troop that had just rode into the village, it seemed reasonable to assume that he was part of them. She didn’t want an unnecessary problem arising because of her and so she decided to handle the situation here and now.

  She grabbed Lila’s arm and dragged her along with her as she hurried around Elwin, who was so surprised by her action that it took him a moment to rush after her. By that time the warrior had stopped, and she and Lila stood beside his horse.

  Dawn gestured and Lila instinctively interpreted. “Dawn cannot speak, she has no voice but she wishes to know if she is familiar to you somehow since you stare at her?”

  “Forgive my rudeness, I meant no disrespect,” the warrior said with a bow of his head to Dawn. “You look like someone I knew.”

  Dawn found his response curious and wanted to know more, Elwin thought differently. He stepped in front of her. “Be gone with you; join your troop at the keep.”

  The warrior gave Elwin a brief nod and without another word moved on.

  Elwin turned on Dawn. “Are you a fool, lassie? You don’t go speaking to strangers especially when your life is in danger. And he appears a mean one. You don’t get a scar like that in just any fight. Now be minding yourself and behave.”

  It was Lila’s turn to reprimand her. “Elwin’s right. That man does not appear afraid of anything.” She shivered. “I cannot imagine how he will fair with Cree when he learns of the stranger’s rudeness to you.”

  Dawn wanted to shake her head and plead with them not to tell Cree. What good would it do? Nothing had happened. She simply resembled someone the warrior had known, nothing more. Damn if she didn’t feel like a prisoner again.

  “Time to be getting back to your cottage,” Elwin ordered.

  Dawn shook her head and gestured rapidly.

  Lila explained. “She wants to go to the kitchen and gather some items she needs.”

  “That’s good,” Elwin said with a nod more to himself than the two women. “You can keep yourself busy cooking.

  Dawn held up her hand and gestured again.

  Elwin looked to Lila. “She wants to stop at the healer’s cottage first and see how Neil is doing.”

  “He’s having a fine time of it with Elsa fussing over him,” Elwin said with a grin.

  Dawn tapped her chest several times and narrowed her eyes. Her gesture needed no interpretation.

  “All right, you can see for yourself,” Elwin said.

  With a quick hug to Lila, Dawn walked off with Elwin, their pace brisk as snow flurries began to fall.

  Her stop at Elsa’s proved brief. Neil was sleeping, though Elsa assured Dawn that he was doing fine; res
t and a healing hand was all he required. She wondered if perhaps Elsa could lend a healing hand to the scarred warrior. Though he was a stranger, he had spoken kindly to her and had not been appalled or disturbed by her not being able to speak. She would approach Elsa about it another time and with a smile and a nod Dawn bid Elsa good-bye.

  The flurries were turning quickly to a heavy snow that had the villagers hurrying inside their warm cottages and Dawn intended to do the same as soon as she collected a few items from the kitchen.

  A snowy wind rushed her into the kitchen when Elwin opened the door for her and he was quick to close it behind them. Turbett was shouting orders as usual and the workers were jumping to his commands.

  He rolled his eyes when he spotted Dawn. “Dorrie see to whatever Dawn wants.”

  Dorrie smiled broadly and hurried over to stand close to Elwin and gave Dawn a nod. “What can I get you?”

  Dawn turned and grabbed an empty basket by the door. She tapped her chest and pointed around letting Dorrie know she could fetch what she needed herself. She had barely taken a step when Flanna entered the room, her eyes turning wide when she spotted Dawn.

  She hurried over to Dawn, grabbed her arm and whispered, “We must talk.”

  Chapter Eight

  Flanna ushered Dawn into the small storage room off the kitchen and kept her voice low not that it mattered. There was so much commotion in the kitchen that no one would hear Flanna.

  “Lady Lucerne ranted like a banshee last night after being escorted back to the keep from your cottage. Sloan was in the Great Hall having returned from one of his nightly trysts just in time to stop her from delivering a hard blow to her servant’s sweet face, though there was a bad bruise on Bree’s wrist this morning, so she took her anger out on her anyway. She knows Cree seeks your bed and she doesn’t like it. Be careful, she’s an evil and untrustworthy woman.”

  Dawn nodded having surmised the same herself from what she had seen of Lucerne thus far. There was no doubt she would be a problem and Dawn was concerned that in her position, she could truly be helpless against the woman. Lucerne would be the lady of the keep and therefore Dawn would be bound to obey if such an occasion ever arose. The thought troubled her and her hand went protectively to her stomach, pressing flat against it, suddenly worried about the babe.


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