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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 7

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Canada Group lost seven Marines. Ten suffered injuries of various degrees. Though they had prevailed in the major confrontations, the widespread guerilla units still attempted to inflict terror, so Bryant ordered the Marines to assist law enforcement in rooting them out. He forwarded a detailed report to Blackman, at the Espanola Group and Admiral Gogorra, the Theatre Six Commander. Gogorra passed it on to Admiral Dickinson the Quadrant Three Commander. Blackman received it first since he had returned to the Espanola on August 8. The Espanola Group was parked at Eta Corona Borealis, just under ten light-years away. Bryant’s own contribution to the report was nauseating to read since it concentrated on the aftermath. He had taken the time to go ashore and tour ravaged areas of the capital. Rubble from collapsed storefronts was punctuated by bloody body parts. The death, destruction, and devastation, it described graphically, was sickening.

  A day after his return, Blackman received the probe with its communiqué. Bryant was still at Rho. His Group was still assisting the planetary government. Blackman could see that the chain of command had been advised. He sent his own message to Theatre Command recommending a promotion and citation, incorporating the report in the request and ordered Espanola Group to Rho to assist Bryant.

  Williamson called in all the Quadrant Commanders, after digesting the report.

  "Did you see this, Brian?" he asked Dickinson as he turned his datapad to him.

  "Yes, I saw it, David. This guy is good. He made Flag Rank at twenty-eight - the youngest ever. He has excellent tactical skills. He can sum up a situation quickly. He's very decisive. And, his people love him. They say he is the Enlisted Man's Commander. No bullshit, though. He's all piss and vinegar when it's business. But, he's loyal to his people, and they are loyal to him. I think he should get the Order of Merit and move up a level, but he isn't going to want to come in from the field. He's a nuts and bolts type.' Dickinson did not hold back as he referred to the norm of no Rear Admirals in field assignments. 'Your biggest problem may be holding him back - he's so decisive. But, I don't really think that's a problem. It hasn't been, so far. He added.

  "So, you want to recommend him for the award and promotion. You think he's a mover and shaker, do you? Williamson chuckled.

  "For sure, David. He's the future. And, there's a couple more. A young Captain by the name of Nichols under Bryant's Command, and a Commodore named Tonaka, who is Blackman's other Group Commander. That Fleet is like a little gold mine. It's a real testament to Blackman. We should move him along, too." Dickinson's enthusiasm was apparent.

  "Okay, okay, let's move it along to the Secretary of Defense - but don't keep it down to just Bryant. Let's make a couple of lateral moves, at the same time. Transfer Tonaka and Nichols to Boots Fleet. Let's see how they do under another Commander." Williamson said with a laugh as he recovered the data pad.

  (The Group of Admirals in the room did not realize that they were creating a turning point. This would launch George Bryant. He would be a force for the OESA like no other since Admiral Simmons.)

  Chapter 5 The Promotion!

  Thursday July 25, 2255

  The week has been a busy one. I kept the Shenzhen on site at Rho, for a couple of days after the Fleet left, to aid the Government. This was the second incident there. Admiral Bryant quelled one when he Commanded the Canada Group ten years ago. He had been extremely thorough in his attempt to eradicate the infection. And, the Empire did view rebellion - especially religious/politically motivated, like an infection. The procedure for dealing with it is very clearly spelled out in detail in the Rules and Regulations, and that process is strictly adhered to. But a few bad seeds at Rho had obviously escaped the wrath of the Empire that first time.

  Now that I'm sure we have squashed the rebellion, I am ordering the Shenzhen out of orbit and pointing it in the direction of the Theatre Command, now located in an uncharted brown dwarf system at Right Ascension fifteen hours, Declination plus forty-five degrees, and seventy light years out from Earth. It is on the same trajectory from Earth as HR5581, but ten light years closer to home. The location is central to all eight Fleet patrols in our Theatre Command. We actually arrive there on July 23rd. The entire Fifth Mobile is in this region, conducting combined exercises with Quadrant 3 Command.

  After the official promotion and award ceremony in the Theatre Command's giant amphitheater, there is a reception with a lot of great food and booze. I keep it light though. I have been ordered to a meeting with Nichols and Bryant, to be convened immediately after this shindig. We sit about the boardroom table when all the formal courtesies are complete.

  "Kurt - I think I speak for both of us when I say - good job.' There is admiration in Nichol's voice as his arm motion indicates he is including himself and Bryant. 'We also want to congratulate you on the award and the promotion. You're on the fast track list, now. We'd like to offer you a new command. Your rank would remain, as is but your responsibility would change. We'd give you a Carrier. That means you'd have six thousand on board and nearly four thousand within your Command and a lot of expensive hardware. The negative trade-off is that you'd fall under a Group Commander. You wouldn't be autonomous, anymore. But Carrier Command is essential experience to a Flag level Field appointment. Admiral Bryant is observing my reaction to the offer. I take pause to think it over and to frame my answer.

  "Admirals, I am genuinely flattered by all of this. And, I don't want to pull my punches. I do want a major tactical command like a Theatre, some day. And, I know I owe you gentlemen for the second chance I was given by you in 2248. Some of the others in that notorious group have done well, too but half the gang is gone because they did not recover from the incident when given the opportunity.

  But, I am only thirty-two, and I haven't even had the Shenzhen a year. Detached Frigate duty is a perfect place for a Captain to hone tactical skills needed in Flag rank postings. It sharpens your ability to cut through all the chaos and sum up a situation, quickly. So, I think that I want to stay where I am for just a little longer if you don't mind. I'd snap up a Carrier Command if you repeat the offer in another six months." I finish as I feel my face flush. I hope I have not insulted these two exceptional men.

  "I think we’ve just been snubbed, George but I'm not really sure," Nichols says to Bryant with feigned confusion and a smile.

  "I am!' Bryant declares with a laugh. 'Consider the offer on auto-repeat in six months. We'll expect you to accept a Carrier, the end of next January. And, we'll be looking for your application to the War College within a couple of months of taking a Carrier. But, something you said struck a chord with me. We have always considered fighter pilot experience a prerequisite to a Carrier Command and the Carrier Command a prerequisite to a Flag position. But, you've made me scratch my head in thought. I believe I'll be suggesting to the C & C that detached Command experience should be a requirement of Field Flag Commands too. It will give the Flag Officer that much more experience to draw from, and it will let us see, in advance, if an Officer has what it takes for a tactical command.

  Kurt, I just want to reinforce that I think you've got the right attitude regarding managing your own career. It takes a lot of self-discipline to know when to leap and when to hold back. Your point score just went up another ten points with me - and I'm sure the same goes for Admiral Nichols." Bryant concludes with a smile.

  "Ditto, for me' Nichols pipes in. 'You're going to make a fine Admiral, someday soon." He adds.

  "Thank you, Admirals" I stood and offered my hand to Nichols first. We all shook hands. I stepped back, saluted and exited the room.

  Now, I'm sitting in my own office reexamining the orders regarding this joint exercise. For the Shenzhen, it is still business as usual. I am still to patrol random areas in the current Theatre 9 locale. Opening my data pad, I call up the current "Deployed Fleet Positional Chart" to see where everyone's at, now. We've been out of circulation for a couple of days. 45 Bootis is currently unpatrolled, so I ordered the Bridge to set a course for the system w
hich is about twenty light years from our current position. We'll be in a vortex for about four days. My pad says it is nearly time for the next training session, which I'd reschedule to the 25th because of all the activity over the past week.


  "Captain on the deck!" Someone yells as I enter the training room.

  "As you were, ladies and gentlemen!' I snap back before they can all rise. 'I'm glad to see you all looking so perky and ready to learn a little more. Who's got the answers to last week's questions?" I ask.

  Hands went up all over the room. I picked a very young looking Ensign to do the honors.

  "Let's see if I can do as well as Gabe did, last week.' She says with a smile, then continues. 'First, you asked, what motivated the formation of the OESA? My short answer is necessity, but it was really more than that. The world was devastated, and its population was decimated. The people that survived had strong memories of the system that was gone. They remembered the constant economic roller coaster, the gridlock caused by partisan politics, the endless wars, and terrorist attacks and the environmental negligence that led to most of the apocalyptic events. So the formation of the Empire was predictable. The two principal founders of the Empire were both believers in scientific research of all types but seemed to understand that humanity had come too close to the brink. I think they believed we needed to be out in space to hedge our bets. If we have humans on several worlds, it's unlikely that we will end up as an extinct species. In Old Tom's case, I believe he had an unquenchable curiosity about space. I think he was enchanted, curious, enthralled, and scared about it, all at the same time.

  Then you asked, what one man is responsible for interstellar space travel? The easy answer is Dr. Black, but I don't really give him credit. He definitely worked out all the technical kinks, but the real driving force was Tom McCracken. He was the one who steered Edward I towards research. He was the one who ensured the recovery of the old NASA system. He influenced a lot of things during the early days, but I think he was a visionary who really loved the thought of interstellar travel. I believe if he were alive today, he'd be out here with us." I cut her off with an interjection.

  "That is a great answer. Most would have said Dr. Black, but you found a way to get two people in when I asked for the one man who was responsible for our ability to travel interstellar space. But, I have to say you're right. Old Tom was the author of a lot, but he really seemed to have an affinity for space travel. He wanted our people to spread their wings. Good answer! Continue on." I finished.

  "Your next question was, what one man is responsible for molding the OESA into the configuration employed today? Admiral Williamson is the first C&C to actually modify the service to the form it is right now, but I think Simmons had already put us on this track before he retired. By then, we had the four levels of Field Commands we use today. We've beefed them up and added technology to strengthen everything, but we still operate in the same way as we did in Simmons day.

  Your last question was, who is the C&C of the OESA? This answer requires two names since today the service is headed by two Fleet Admirals. It is too big for one person to run, and it's getting bigger. The C&C is Admiral Brian Dickinson and Admiral David Williamson." Ensign Glish sat down as she finished.

  "Very good Ensign. Now we're going to move on into the recent past where one man made things truly start to pop for the OESA.


  A communications drone with an encrypted folder for Commodore Bryant appeared off the Canada's bow on Saturday, May 26, 2247. He enlisted the Canada's Captain to witness that he decrypted the message without it going through other hands. It was from Admiral Dickinson who commanded Quadrant Three which was the parent to Theatre Five and the Borealis Fleet. There was a text file and a video file. He opened them both to find he was ordered to report to Dickinson by nine hundred hours on June 1, 2247, at Theatre Five Command. He was to be awarded the OESA Award for Tactical Merit on June 2 and would be elevated one level in the same ceremony. He noted in the memo that accompanied the order that Blackman was copied on it. It just so happened that both the Borealis Fleet Groups were together at Rho Corona Borealis. After his return from Earth, Blackman had ordered Espanola Group to Rho to help out with the post operation cleanup and planetary recovery. So, George texted him that he was going to Shuttle over to the Espanola, immediately. Moving between ships always bothered Bryant in those days. It was written in the regulations and standard practice for a full-color party to meet a visiting Flag officer and pipe him aboard. That was okay for a first-time entry of a visiting Flag Officer, but it was a formality he had never liked for Flag Officers traveling between ships in their own Fleet. There are ways to show respect without so much pomp and ceremony, and it is not very efficient to tie up all those people because a single Officer was coming aboard.

  He saluted and greeted Vice Admiral Blackman in the Shuttle Bay, once the bosun was finished piping him aboard, then turned to the Espanola's Captain, returned his salute, and asked permission to board the vessel. Permission was granted.

  George and Blackie quietly made small talk as they took elevators and negotiated corridors to get to his office just behind the Flag Bridge. Behind its closed doors, they discussed the order. Blackman said the C&C, all four Quadrant Commanders, and the Theatre Commander were incredibly impressed with his quick, decisive handling of the Rho problem. He would receive the tactical award and would be promoted to Rear Admiral. He would also be reassigned as Deputy Borealis Commander to justify the rank, though he would still directly control Canada Group. The Vice Admiral also explained that the entire Fleet had been invited to the ceremony and relieved of regular responsibilities, until after the promotion. Three of the five shifts would be allowed to attend, at each individual’s discretion.

  Theatre Five was now sitting off 59 Virgo, thirty-six-and-a-quarter light years away. That is usually a six-and-a-half-day trip, but Blackman authorized an increase to twenty-five percent of light speed through the vortex to decrease the travel time to five days, six hours - they would just get there on time. He sent orders to the entire Fleet, commanding the ships to jump to 59 Virgo, immediately. Meanwhile, Bryant sent orders of his own to his quartermaster. He was setting up a surprise of his own for Theatre Command.

  By the time they exited the jump, Bryant's yeoman had a complete dress uniform, a mess uniform and two sets of daily work outfits cleaned and pressed. In the typical working environment, Officers wore creased gray slacks and a gray shirt with no tie. The shirts bore epaulets with shoulder marks indicating rank and displayed the level on both collar points. Flag officer’s shirts also brandished a single thin gold braid around the top of the cuffs. The uniform was completed by black leather boots. The dress uniform consisted of the same color gray creased slacks with a simple black braid down each outer seam, from waistband to the cuff bottom. The shirt was the same color as the trousers with epaulets and the rank insignia on the collar points. A black silk tie and black jacket completed the ensemble. The tie was always accompanied by an elegant silver jeweled tack bearing the Fleet's Pennant, and the jacket boasted ceremonial shoulder boards bearing a crown and the rank insignia. He would need at least one set of dailies for meetings and work and one collection of dress outfits for the ceremony. Having two of each ready meant that he would never have a problem if there were an accident. The Quartermaster had his special materials organized, and invitations had been sent to two twenty-five person teams of Officers and Enlisted men throughout the Entire Fleet, along with a special request to Admiral Gogorra, the Theatre Commander.

  The entire Fleet parked in space amongst at least ten other visiting craft and the six vessels attached to the India, the Super Carrier classed vessel that served as Theatre Five Command. The mayhem at its docking bays would be incredible when everyone started transferring over. It too
k a ten-person team with lift trucks to move Bryant's secret shipment to Hangar Two aboard the Supercarrier, where it would be used. Hangar Two stores and launches half of the vessel's two hundred twenty fighter craft. There is enough space on its deck for service pits capable of repairing up to twenty fighters at a time. In addition, several areas are designated as refueling stations on the floor. In all, it occupies a portion of the level that is two hundred fifty by one hundred twenty-five meters and thirty-five meters in height. For this visit, most Raptors had been moved to Hangar One except for twenty readied ones parked in the two launch chutes of both Hangars. A knee-wall set up to section-off a large central area of the empty Hangar was surrounded by elevated bleachers to seat up to seven hundred personnel – over a thousand would fit including those standing. Another five hundred would fit on the bleachers assembled on the mezzanines surrounding the entire area. The floor inside the walls had been completely covered in an aggregate that resembled silica sand. All was ready for Bryant's team to take over.


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