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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 11

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "What are the Service and Mess uniforms like. I don't recognize the terms." Marie inquired.

  "The Service Uniform is a kind of dress uniform that can be worn for a function like my upcoming promotion. It usually includes the standard gray shirt and long tie for daily occasions, like an executive planning meeting. It can be accessorized with a white shirt and bow tie for formal affairs after eighteen-hundred-hours. Its jacket is a standard length single breasted suit one. The Mess Uniform is for very formal official events like those that might be attended by the Emperor. It is Cavalry-styled and only worn with a waistcoat, cummerbund, and bow tie. The women's one has a crossed tie and a pleated skirt. Of course, the Dailies are everyday outfits. All gray with no jacket. They’re kind of like a combat uniform. A long tie is optional with them, depending on the circumstances." He explained.

  Marie held up his data pad in an indication that she wanted him to observe. She pressed the screen as she waved it across a small rectangular receiver on his door jamb which clicked as it unlocked the door. She passed his luggage inside as she stepped to the console on the desk, tapping a button on the datapad. Three-dimensional holographic images appeared in the air, over the surface. She manipulated them, navigating through the system, pointing out significant milestones. By the time she finished, George knew he could find his way to the Boots Fleet and Quadrant Three personnel files he needed to examine.

  "I'm going to order something. Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked.

  "No, I have work to do to prepare for your big day. I have to be able to advise you on the protocols, and I've never been involved in the promotion of a Senior General Staff member.' she responded with a smile as she edged towards the door. 'With your permission, Admiral?" She requested his leave.

  "You're dismissed, Yeoman, and have a good evening." He responded with a smile.

  "Thank you, and you too, sir." She replied with a smile as she exited the room.

  George was somewhat disappointed that Marie hadn't accepted his invitation but spent the next two hours examining Boots and Headquarters personnel files for different positions within the Fleet. His research was interrupted by the arrival of dinner. The salad and chicken breast arrived just as he was investigating personnel for his new Counseling position. When finally, able to return his concentration to the task, one file stood out immediately. He spent half an hour examining it in detail, finally deciding that this person was his choice.

  He scoured the Theatre Command's personnel records looking for good selections for the Deputy Fleet Commander position. No one struck his fancy, so he turned to Boots Fleet records. Both Group Commanders stood out as ideal candidates. Commodore Grace Tonaka, Commander of Grenada Group, was a thirty-three-year-old powerhouse who had distinguished herself on several occasions. They had served together a short while back, and George had met her in a multi-Fleet exercise sponsored by Theatre Five Command, five months ago. She is a most impressive Group Commander. All of her former bosses had been delighted with her performance throughout her career, including Stephenson. Commodore Tom Stevens, the Commander of Columbia Group, was fifty-one and being avoided strictly because of age. His prime had come during a lull in activity in the OESA. When things finally picked up, he was viewed as too old for Senior Level commands, by those above, who tried to insert aggressive young people in the important positions. Tom had a distinguished career, having received several commendations over the years, and rising rapidly before the OESA period of moderate activity. George had been Commander of the carrier Kenya when Tom was Commander of the Kenya Group in the Hercules Fleet. His superiors' evaluations of his performance were exceptional.

  George completed the documentation for the personnel moves, on the data pad. Stevens would be the new Deputy Fleet Commander. Now, Fleet orders would filter through another Command level leaving someone in charge if he were unavailable or indisposed.

  Another hour was spent on files for the positions of Adjutant and Chief of Staff. Both Stephenson's people had been excellent, but he'd brought them to Headquarters with him. Bryant would leave his current Chief with Canada's new Group Commander. Adjutant of a Fleet Command could hold no less rank than Captain, and a Chief of Staff would be at or raised to, the level of Commodore. By the time he was finished, George had decided he would combine the positions and had a pick from within Boots. He looked over Boots Fleet additional personnel records, trying to familiarize himself with the possible choices for replacements to those he was promoting. The selections would actually fall to others, but he'd be required to approve them. A bit of advanced knowledge would be helpful.

  He added all the information to the documentation he'd prepared on his datapad for Admiral Stephenson and transmitted it immediately. Then he sat back enjoying the dry Riesling that came with dinner. A short while later, a reply arrived approving his choices, though Bill conveyed his disappointment at his personal loss created by one choice. The Admiral also forwarded information on a C&C order for Boots Commander. A five-member Press Corps contingent would be assigned to Boots Fleet, as would twenty of this year's senior class at the Academy. George was to travel there and pick from the group, on his way to the Fleet. He was thankful the Admiral's Craft had so much space.

  George navigated to communications, working his way through the list until he found the one he wanted, then tapping an airborne image of the address.

  Head wrapped in a white towel and wearing a housecoat, but still exceptionally beautiful, Marie's image appeared in the space over the console on the desk.

  "Hello, Marie Ste. Laurent... oh, Admiral, I'm sorry for my appearance." She sounded confused by the late call, and her right hand rose defensively to the beehive shaped towel.

  "Nonsense Marie, it's me who should apologize for disturbing you so late. You have a right to your own time." He was truly embarrassed for the interruption.

  "Thank you, sir. What can I do for you? She responded, still somewhat hesitantly.

  "I believe you know that I've been offered, Boots Fleet. I agreed to take it but had two requirements that I'd have for any Fleet Command I assume. The first is the creation of A Deputy Fleet Command, which I see as a layer between the Fleet Command and the Group Command. The second is the creation of a new Division within medical to deal with the stress and mental health of Fleet personnel. I have been frustrated over and over, in the past, by the need to send people to Headquarters or Earth for stress related issues that could be dealt with locally by qualified people- if we had them.

  Anyway, both requests were approved, so I spent the evening going over Boots Fleet and headquarters personnel files. I was shocked to find that you are the person I am looking for to head up my new division. I want to offer you a promotion to First Lieutenant. It is necessary to have a division head at Level Three or above, so you will bypass two rank levels. As a Lieutenant, I would assign you as Commander Counseling Division - Medical Department if you'll take it." He paused to give her a chance to think and respond. Instead, she seemed to get frustrated and upset, as she considered it, stammering several times while attempting to answer.

  "What's wrong, Marie? I thought you'd be happy. I didn't mean to offend you, or anything." George was shaken by the young lady's reaction.

  "I'm sorry, sir. It's not that I'm not happy with the offer. It is more than I could have dreamed of. It's just that I would have to take on the assignment without seeing my parents. I had hoped to take leave on Earth before accepting any appointment. I haven't seen them since last year, at the winter holiday." There were tears in her eyes, and she seemed genuinely confused.

  "I'll give you something to think about, then I'll disconnect. Promotions will take place on the twenty-first. On the twenty-second, I leave for Earth in the Admirals craft. I will be there two days or more assessing cadets for assignment to the Fleet, and retrieving a small press contingent assigned to the Fleet. While I'm busy at the Academy, you may take the vessel's shuttle to visit your parents in Canada. You won't have it all to
yourself. There will be crew members going home for visits, too. But it takes its crew and six passengers. Think about it and let me know in the morning. If you want the promotion and assignment, it's yours." He finished.

  "Oh, Admiral, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you..." He cut her off before she could finish.

  "It's no imposition, Marie. I'm going to Earth, and that shuttle will just sit for two and a half days. It is no trouble to assign it to you for that time. Let me know your answer in the morning. Have a good night, Marie." He pushed to end the conversation to give her some breathing space.

  "Thank you, Admiral. You have a good night, too." She was still sobbing a little but seemed less disconcerted as they disconnected.

  George could not believe what he was feeling. He was apprehensive about her answer. He knew he was attracted to her - who wouldn't be, after all. But it was more than that. Marie had received an undergraduate degree in psychology from U of T, then, a Masters from Michigan. On graduation, she'd entered the Academy completing her Doctorate-level in a year and spending the next two in the Command Program. Marie had completed her intern hours while finishing the Command Program. Not only is she a highly trained psychologist, but she is also a qualified Bridge Officer with serious motivation. There was a dread that she would say no in the end. He really wanted her near.


  George was astonished at the stunning picture Marie became when she donned her new tailored OESA Officer's Mess Uniform. The ultra-light Merino wool blend, black, single-breasted, notched lapel, “Morning Coat” was pleated in a manner most flattering to her figure. A black cross-over style tie accented the white under blouse. The black, four panel, rear zippered A-line skirt boasted a belt looped waistband and enough pleating and shirring to hug her frame in a subtly suggestive manner. Delicate gold cuff trimming, braid, lanyard, and shoulder boards added just a touch of elegance to her entire appearance.

  In his OESA mess blacks, George cast an impressive figure, too, though the Banting-winged stand-up collar, bowtie, and fold-back point lapel, double breasted “Morning Coat” style jacket always made him feel bound up and overheated. The entire costume was set off by his many Service citations and medals, flag level shoulder boards, cuff braiding, and the stars and number eight silver rank insignia that emblazoned the shirt collar and shoulder boards. He would be much more comfortable in the Dinner Service Uniform he would don after the elevation ceremonies were complete.


  The morning after he made his offer, Marie had called back accepting it. While connected, they made plans for the following day, which was spent in town, mostly at Banerjee's Tailor Shop. Marie was fitted for new uniforms. George left his behind for changes to braiding, shoulder boards, and patches, after satisfying Banerjee by trying one of everything on to ensure he still had the best possible fit.

  Rigil New York was an interesting city, of just over one hundred thousand. It had been laid out in a radial grid pattern, in the very early days of the OESA. An Administration Building stood in the middle of its multi-acre Central Park. A downtown, of single building storefronts, absorbed the first two rings of tree-lined streets, and the spoke side streets intersected them. Land had been reserved, on the city’s northern outskirt, by the OESA for a new Academy campus. OESA headquarters was on the northeast boundary, now so close to city buildings that it would be surrounded if housing or development moved in that direction. A large freshwater lake bordered it on the outer ring of streets to the southwest, resulting in their horseshoe shape as opposed to the circular ones. A large industrial complex devoted to shipbuilding lies about ten kilometers to the north of the city center. The city center is known as the Downtown Mall. Except for small Segways and electric scooters, no motorized conveyance is permitted in the two block disk other than those delivering to business concerns, and small carts used by the handicapped. Only electric vehicles traverse the other boulevards and avenues of Rigil New York.

  George continued on to the meeting with Stephenson, alone. He retrieved Marie from the shop at thirteen hundred hours, taking her down the street to a small English style pub for lunch. They returned to the base and spent an hour and a half with Commander Hurst, updating her on the impending stop-over at Earth and the return trip to the Fleet.

  The next morning, they returned to Banerjee's picking up Admiral Bryant's uniforms and one Service and one Mess outfit for Marie. The remaining package of two new Service, one more Mess ensemble, and eight sets of daily duty fatigues would be forwarded to her quarters late the following day. Then, they met with Admiral Stephenson who updated Bryant's data pad with current orders, directives, and security clearances. He also presented Marie with what would now be her permanent service datapad for the balance of her career.

  George had returned to his quarters sending the following encrypted message to Commodore Stevens at Boots Fleet, which had been ordered to Xi Bootis by Stephenson as a courtesy to George.


  To:Commodore Thomas Stevens Commander Boots Fleet - Espanola Group

  From:George T. Bryant Commander Boots Fleet

  Date:January 8, 2248

  Commodore Stevens,

  This communiqué is for your eyes only and is not to be discussed with anyone. I have accepted an offer to Command Boots Fleet with conditions which were agreed to by Headquarters. One was the establishment of a Deputy Fleet Command. I would like to offer the position to you. You would be promoted to Rear Admiral and assigned as Deputy Commander Boots Fleet - Commander Espanola Group. This would give Boots a complete chain of command and Command representation in my absence or incapacity, and a unique ability to split the Fleet with Command level in both halves. It's time to get your career back on track. I need you! Will you accept? Please respond in kind, immediately.


  Com drones travel faster than manned flights so George could expect an answer within a week.

  The next thirteen days were hectic. George, escorted by Marie and his Senior Staff Officers, was in endless meetings regarding Boots Fleet. By the time promotion day actually arrived, he had been briefed on the intricacies of all the inhabited systems, the common travel and trade routes, piracy in the region, Fleet personnel disposition, pending equipment upgrades, hardware and asset deficits, fleet budget, and security. In addition, he attended a special session with Stephenson on the Flag and Senior Officers attached to Boots. During that period, he received the warrant for Commodore Stevens Promotion and appointment. He was relieved to open an encrypted response from Tom Stephens accepting the move.


  Now, George and Marie waited beside the stage housing the dais at the center of today's events. The C&C each made brief statements. Dickerson introduced Emperor Edward III's Secretary of Defense, who made a few comments then turned the whole thing over to Stephenson. Bill made an eloquent speech, acknowledging the C&C for his recent elevation and ensuring those present that things would be run much has they had been in his Quadrant. Then, he went on to observe how important it is to recognize achievers, and how pleasant it is to discharge this particular responsibility of his job.

  "The promotion we will witness is in the best tradition of the Empire and the OESA. This particular advancement acknowledges the achievements of a man who functions and operates at the highest level of proficiency. He is a person much like Old Tom, himself. As all of you know, Old Tom overcame dangerous obstacles to reach our first Emperor and was devoted to him and the founding and development of the Empire we know today. Now, we honor a man who displays bravery and cunning while maintaining high ethical standards and empathy for fellow personnel. He has been awarded many citations by the Emperor and has been decorated many times by the OESA. Would Rear Admiral George T. Bryant please come forwa
rd?' It was an order, not a request.

  It had taken one full hour to get to this point. Bill waited for George to arrive at the podium, then continued. "It is always a pleasure to be instrumental in promotions of deserving people, but this particular one is unique for me. It is the first time I have nominated someone for elevation to Senior Flag level. It is also different because it is to fill the position I vacated several weeks ago. And finally, promoting the most honored hero in this generation's Empire makes the task particularly exceptional and gratifying. Admiral Bryant is the enlisted man's Officer. He is intelligent, a good strategist, and an excellent tactician, but most of all, he is a good leader who really appreciates every person in his Command. So, I execute this order with the greatest satisfaction.' He stopped to focus on the data pad he raised to eye level, then continued reading from the screen.

  'OESA Command Order number 215903-9411

  To all within the boundaries of the Orion Empire let it be known that in accordance with the directives of the Emperor, Council, and Secretary of Defense, George T. Bryant is elevated to the level of Vice Admiral. The decision of the Emperor, Council, and the Defense Minister of the Empire was enacted into law on Wednesday, January 19, 2248, in white paper OESA 215903-72114 paragraph three.

  It is also ordered that the promotion of George T. Bryant to Vice Admiral will require entry of the candidate's name into the Registry of the Admiralty. Accordingly, George T. Bryant will be afforded all the rights and privileges prescribed by the aforementioned regulations and protocol. Therefore, any and all serving, engaged by, or employed within Vice Admiral George T. Bryant's Commands, and any and all conducting business with the Orion Empire shall pay respect, obedience, and loyalty to the rank he possesses as prescribed by the law of the Empire.


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