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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 34

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Once relieved, I head down to the Officers Mess, selecting scrambled eggs, peameal bacon, fruit cocktail, and toast, to eat. I finish off the tray with a cup of coffee. I take a half hour to eat the meal and head out to my quarters to shave, brush my teeth, shower, and change.

  "Captain Kurt Brubacher reporting, as ordered, Admiral." I snap as I stand at attention, in his doorway.

  "Relax Captain, take a seat.' Nichols gestures towards a chair. 'I needed to see you to complete a few business items. First, I want to update you on the privateer investigation. The hull you brought back turned out to be important to the prosecutor. One of the pirates has made a deal for his testimony. The evidence is now overwhelming, and he understands that he'd be executed if he doesn't cooperate. He led us to the two vessels and crews that got away. He's not the ring leader. With the evidence, the surviving witnesses, and his testimony the others are toast. He'll get twenty years. The others will end up being executed.

  Then, I wanted to speak to you directly about your application to the War College. It's been accepted, at all levels. Midgard, Asgard, and Valhalla are all extensions of the new War College so you may start your courses immediately. You need to register at the school on level four. Each Command offers all the classes so you can attend whichever is convenient to stay on schedule.

  Finally, we have a spot for you in Phoenix Fleet, that we want you to take. Vice Admiral Leeds just received her final Carrier, the Loki. We'd like you to take it immediately. Both Admiral Bryant and I feel we need you to have a star on your collar by this time next year. Things are bubbling again. If you could stay near the Valhalla, you'd find the Emperor's Craft there as much as it's at Earth. He also spends a great deal of time with Stevenson, Tonaka, and Blackman who is now Commander of Quadrant Two. I don't know all the details, but something's happening, and Bryant wants you in on it. So, the plan is to assign you as the Loki Captain. You will spend the next year running her on patrols and attending the War College. Then, you'll be promoted. The Loki has thirty-six hundred forty officers and crew and nearly six thousand aboard. The bigger assignment offers ten percent more money, better quarters, and a larger personal staff. The size of the Command alone means your responsibility will increase dramatically. Though under the tactical direction of the Group Commander, a Carrier Captain still sees a lot of independent action, often breaking off with a Cruiser or a couple of Frigates on autonomous missions. The Carrier is always in command in those situations, since regulations clearly state that the Captain of the larger vessel is senior to those of the smaller ones. Then, there is the coordination of the ship with its space born offensive power.

  Kurt, we waited for you because we agreed with you that you were getting valuable experience running an independent Command. But, I have to tell you that I cannot be sure we'll be able to pull out the chair and welcome you to the table again if you don't take this assignment. Admiral Bryant is preparing for a major shuffle in a year. Everything has to be in place for it now, so all the right moves can be made then. Officers like you need experience acquired from functioning in these roles, so any future moves are merited. It's not as simple as just deciding someone should be promoted, especially when you're talking about Flag level positions. Nominations for elevations of junior and intermediate Officers are handled in bulk lots of up to fifty. For the most part, they are "rubber stamped" by the council and legislature. But, each suggestion for Flag positions is scrutinized, independently. Up to and including level six, submissions are confirmed by the Council in groups based on the recommendations of all levels above their Commanders. Levels seven and eight are nominated individually and scrutinized by the Secretary of Defense who must also endorse them. Then, they require Council ratification - who recommends them to the Legislature. Above level eight, each particular prospect goes to the Defense Committee. They employ OESA Security Services to investigate every aspect of the candidate's life and service record. The Committee must sign off on each of these selections before the Secretary can recommend them. From the Secretary, the file goes to the First Minister, who examines it and advances it to the Emperor for personal perusal before he signs off and sends it back to the Council. The nomination must receive a two-thirds majority vote of the Council before issuing a warrant for promotion and reassignment. While that happens, the Emperor's office generates a white paper authorizing that and other promotions. Each is dealt with specifically in its own paragraph of the document and has its own registration number for entry into the Admiralty. That white paper is matched with the nomination and sent to the Council which forwards the documents to the Legislature. Each distinct Senior Flag promotion requires the enactment legislation from the Government. This is because, at the level of Vice Admiral and above, an Officer is considered the direct representative of the Emperor and the administration. So you see, scrutiny gets more severe as you go further up the chain. Your record must reflect the experience required for any new level and assignment to pass the inspections your nomination will receive.

  Consequently, I'll need an answer in the next twenty-four hours, along with your recommendations for nominees to replace you on the Shenzhen."

  "Admiral, I will accept the reassignment. I am ready for a new challenge. I would like to officially recommend Lt. Commander Savign as my replacement." I respond.

  "Why Savign? She's only been an Exec for a year. And she's only been an LC for the same period. There are others in the Theatre that are more experienced." Nichols reacted with disbelief.

  "Yes sir, I am aware of that, but she's been with me through the Rho incident and the privateer problem. I don't need to say that no Commander can be on duty one hundred percent of the time. She's shown great poise and depth when in command during tough situations. She has great tactical skills and has given me some prudent advice when I had difficult decisions to make. She's also a more than adequate manager and has the loyalty of the crew. I thought that if she had the Shenzhen, she could get six months’ experience actually handling the tactical situations herself. Then, I could request her on the Loki, where she could get the pilot training she would need. Down the road, she'll make a great Carrier Captain, and probably has a future in the Admiralty ahead of her." I countered.

  "Okay then, I will issue the warrant immediately. Savign will be promoted to Commander and assigned as Captain of the Shenzhen, effective immediately. I want to transfer you here, temporarily. The Academy General Officers' program generally takes a year to complete during a posting, but it's an independent learning program. You will shuttle between the three Command vessels to attend courses that will put you on a schedule to complete the War College program in less than six months. You will officially take the Loki today, but your XO will run her for two weeks. She'll be here later today, with Admiral Leeds aboard. We'll do all the promotions, this afternoon. You will man the Loki, after that, and write all the orders needed for the Exec. Then, you'll move here for the two-week period. I'll fill Leeds in when she reports at noon. When you return to the Shenzhen, advise Savign of the offer, and tell her I need a written response. In the meantime, let Commodore Hurst arrange your quarters here, and begin relocating what you need for a two-week stay." Admiral Nichols instructs.

  "Aye, sir. I'll be aboard in an hour." I react.


  I shuttled back to the Shenzhen. Once settled in my office, I summoned Savign, who was off-duty and asleep, in her quarters. I began emptying the office safe of those items that would come with me and packed up the few personal items that graced the desk and walls.

  "Lt. Commander Savign reporting as ordered, sir." She is at attention when she snaps out the statement.

  "Relax Commander - and please take a seat. I have news for you." I tell her.

  "What's happening?" She asks quietly as she closes the door and sits in a chair opposite me, examining the box on my desk, inquiringly.

  "I've been re-assigned. I
will be the new Captain of the Carrier Loki. She's brand new, and I suspect, needs the same kind of shake-down we did for the Shenzhen." I explain to her.

  "Congratulations, sir. So, who's been transferred to replace you, sir?" Savign probes.

  "Theatre Command had a couple of candidates to take over, but I made a recommendation and gave them all the reasons it should take precedence," I answer coyly.

  "So, who will take over the Shenzhen, sir." She prods.

  "Savign, if you agree to take it, you will be promoted to Commander and assigned as the Captain of the Shenzhen, this afternoon. Do you want it?" I ask.

  "Yes sir, of course, but I've only been an Executive Officer a year. Usually, people move to a Master's position after two to four years as XO." The incredulity in her voice is palpable as she responds.

  "That's true, but you know the ship and her crew. You have participated in a couple of pretty tense tactical situations. Some Execs don't get that much experience in three years. And, the crew is already loyal to you. You won't have to prove yourself to them. Day to day, you just have to use what you already know and have done. In tactical situations, you will have to draw on those two incidents, service history, and your own intelligence. You will do just fine, Savign." I offer.

  "Thanks for the confidence, sir. I will accept the promotion and assignment." Savign responds.

  I immediately prepare a message to Admiral Nichols.


  To: Admiral Steven Nichols Commander Theatre Nine

  From: Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Shenzhen

  Re: Pending Command Changes ESS Shenzhen

  Date: October 3, 2255


  I have advised Lt. Commander Savign of the impending changes and notified her of the offer to promote her to Commander and assign her as Captain of the Shenzhen. She has accepted. You will receive written confirmation from Savign, shortly.

  Kurt Brubacher Captain

  "Savign, you have to prepare a memo to Admiral Nichols accepting the offer, immediately. Copy me on it. Make sure you thank him for showing confidence in you and include the fact that the promotion was discussed with me. The changes will take place this afternoon. You will be advised of timing.

  I will take command of the Loki as you take control of the Shenzhen, but I will be temporarily located on the Midgard. I have also been accepted to the War College, so I'll be traveling between Midgard, Asgard, and Valhalla to get a head start on all the courses. They want me to finish the program quickly. It seems they have plans for me and want a star on my collar, in a year. You may not broadcast that to anyone. And, you may not discuss the moves at all, until the Shenzhen receives the formal announcement from Admiral Nichols.' I finish as I see the Loki exit a jump point one hundred thousand kilometers to the starboard side of the Midgard.

  'I better get a move on. My new boss just arrived.' I clarify to her as I point out the window. 'Once you receive the official announcement from Theatre Nine, you can begin moving into this office. You will need to recommend an Executive Officer. Admiral Nichols will want to do that promotion and reassignment at the same time. Other ones that ripple from that one can be handled in the field. Once you have his authorization, you will be able to do them, yourself. The appropriate rank insignia is in that safe. I will send you the combination in a memo. The first time you open it, you should change it to one you'll remember. Command codes will change at the handoff during the ceremony, this afternoon. You will be allowed to have up to fifty representatives from the Shenzhen present for the ceremonies. I suggest, all of shift one, two, three and five's Bridge crews, since four will be on duty then. You should also invite all the department heads. That way, there is no doubt in any of your Senior Command that you are the boss, now. Don't forget the memo to Nichols. It should be the first thing. You're dismissed, Captain." I conclude with a smile.

  "Thank you, sir. I'll get right on it." She responds as she rises, salutes, and leaves my office.

  A short while later, as I'm just finishing packing, the enunciator on my pad tells me I have a message. It's a copy of the memo from Savign. I direct it to my internal system and face the darkest wall, so I can read it clearly.


  From: Lt. Commander Savign Executive Officer ESS Shenzhen

  To: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  Re: Your offer of Promotion and Assignment as Master of the ESS Shenzhen

  C.C. Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Shenzhen

  Date: October 3, 2255


  Captain Kurt Brubacher relayed your kind offer to me, this morning. I accept the promotion to the level-five rank of Commander and the assignment as the Captain of the ESS Shenzhen, with humility. I am surprised at the confidence shown in me by all concerned, considering the limited time I have been an Executive Officer. I will not disappoint you and will try to make you proud of me. Your confidence is appreciated.

  I would like to recommend the promotion of Lieutenant Eugenio Volpe to the rank of Lt. Commander assigned as Executive Officer of the Shenzhen to fill the vacancy created by my promotion. The Lieutenant has been the First Officer on shift one under Captain Brubacher for a year and has worked closely with me on the personnel issues of his group. He is uniquely qualified to fill the position and has the confidence and loyalty of the entire crew. I will forward recommendations to you for other openings created as a ripple effect from these elevations after examining the service histories of available personnel.

  Lt. Commander Savign

  My system announces other messages, immediately after I finish reading Savign's. Through the transparent walls, I can see Savign finishing a discussion with Volpe. Volpe goes back to his station and begins composing a message. He is probably sending his acceptance to Admiral Nichols.


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: Lt. Commander Savign Executive Officer ESS Shenzhen

  C.C. Captain Kurt Brubacher

  Re: Promotion to Master of the Shenzhen

  Date: October 3, 2255


  I am pleased you are accepting the promotion and position offered you, and I'm sure you will do very well in the job. Your career has been outstanding, to this point, so there is no reason to believe otherwise.

  I am also accepting your recommendation for Lt. Volpe. Please, feel free to make the offer to him, once you have received the memo announcing your pending promotion.


  Admiral Stephen Nichols


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: All officers and crew ESS Shenzhen, Theatre Nine Fleet Commanders, Mobile

  Fifth Command

  C.C. Captain Kurt Brubacher

  Re: Master of the ESS Shenzhen

  Date: October 3, 2255


  Please be advised that effective this day, at sixteen hundred hours, Captain Kurt Brubacher will be reassigned.

  Lt. Commander Savign, currently Executive Officer of the Shenzhen, will be promoted to the rank of Commander and will be assigned as Captain of the Shenzhen, at that time. The elevation ceremony will take place at sixteen hundred hours in the amphitheater aboard the Midgard.

  Congratulations to Lt. Commander Savign.

  Admiral Stephen Nichols


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: All officers and crew ESS Shenzhen, Theatre Nine Fleet Commanders, Mobile

  Fifth Command

  C.C. Lt. Commander Savign, Captain Kurt Brubacher

  Re: Executive Officer ESS Shenzhen

  Date: October 3, 2255


  Please be advised that Lieutenant Eugenio Volpe, currently ESS Shenzhen’s Second Officer and First Shift First Officer, will be raised to the level of Lieutenant Commander and will be posted as Executive Officer of the Shenzhen.

  The ceremony will take pla
ce in the amphitheater of the Midgard at sixteen hundred hours.

  Congratulation Lt. Volpe.

  Admiral Stephen Nichols

  At eleven hundred, as I am packing up the belongings in my quarters, my system chimes again.


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: All officers and crew ESS Loki, all officers and crew ESS Shenzhen, Vice

  Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet, Mobile Fifth Command

  C.C. Captain Kurt Brubacher

  Re: Assignment of Master of the ESS Loki

  Date: October 3, 2255


  Please be advised that Captain Kurt Brubacher, currently Master of the ESS Shenzhen, will be reassigned as the Commander of the ESS Loki. The Loki is a Carrier class vessel, so this is by no means a lateral move. Captain Brubacher has commanded the Shenzhen for a year. It is one of our autonomous Frigates, and he has been exposed to some dire tactical situations. Captain Brubacher has been awarded several commendations, during his tenure in the service, including the OESA order of Merit.

  The Captain will spend the first two weeks of his assignment aboard the Midgard getting an intense start on War College Programs. He has been accepted to the Academy War College course and will be eligible for promotion to Flag Ranks, after successful completion.

  Reassignment and transfer of command of the Loki to Captain Brubacher will take place in the amphitheater of the Midgard at sixteen hundred hours.

  Congratulations Captain Brubacher.

  Admiral Stephen Nichols


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: Captain Kurt Brubacher

  Re: Pending reassignment

  Date: October 3, 2255


  Please shuttle over to the Midgard, at your earliest convenience for a meeting with me and Vice Admiral Leeds. I would like to do the formal introductions, so the two of you know each other before she officially assigns you the Loki.


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