Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 41

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Don't forget to pass it down. We don't want a ship crippled because a propulsion system tech can't work." I said.

  I punched up a message to the Task Force personnel explaining that activation codes had changed and anyone not having a new one should contact their immediate supervisor STAT. Once I was sure we were as complete as we could be from my office, I started my personal recording system and continued the session.

  "The extra chairs are here. Take a seat if you are standing. This meeting is being recorded, so watch your language. That is not to say you should hold back. Feel free to comment or ask questions, at any time, just keep it all sanitized. We could be here a while. Feel free to grab a drink and a roll, anytime.' A small group rose to go to the trays on the table. I waited a few minutes.

  'The next order of business is security. There are nineteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-three OESA personnel in this command. There are another twenty-eight hundred forty civilians distributed amongst all the ships. That number includes press corps, neutral wives and children, and citizen subcontractors like barbers, tailors, and bar managers. So, I would say that out of twenty-three thousand people, there is a relatively good chance that one is spying for someone. It may be an enemy. They may be an industrial agent looking for space technology. Or they may just be someone naively passing information to a different arm of the OESA.' I paused and looked around. Many eyes had widened. This was a train of thought that had not occurred to many. 'So, here is the new Task Force 1 policy about security. Business is not discussed or displayed in the presence of anyone it does not concern. That means you don't go to your quarters at night and tell your wife. It portends that if I say something related to business, it is for you. It is not repeated. If I'm fomenting rebellion, it's your responsibility to tell someone superior to me. Otherwise, what we discuss is between you and me! That goes unless there is consent to pass it down, or it is posted common knowledge information. Task Force 1 will always operate as if we are at war, as far as security goes. Consider everything classified, unless you have direction that it is not. Is the security policy of Task Force 1 understood?' I look around for consent.

  'Good. Now, the next step is to conduct the same meeting with all your Senior Officers. This policy isn't just for you. If you need to convey information to them, it may be sensitive. They should not pass it on unless you authorize it. Anyone breaching the security policy will be relieved of whatever their job is. Loki already runs that way because that was my policy when I was her Commander. Everyone else needs to get on board.

  The second issue is the condition of our ships. I conducted the readiness evaluations for the Loki. It had several potential catastrophic faults built in, though it was in service. In particular, we ran into serious issues with electrical equipment produced by one company. I'm sending you the list of offending parts. It has the batch numbers of the production runs that were a problem. If your ship has those parts with those manufacturing numbers, I want them out, now. I will give you an example. One part is a coil that generates the magnetic field in the particle traps. The one in our matter unit was defective. The same part was defective in one cannon assembly. The problem was that the AMPE anti-matter trap had the same batch part number. Even though it was working at the time, it would have failed. Anti-matter coming into contact with the engine housing means the ship blows up. So, I am sending you all a memo. It has the offending parts, numbers, and the assemblies they inhabit. Make sure your engineering people check thoroughly. One moment of carelessness could mean six thousand lives.

  My last order of business is the Group Commands. Thor Group seems to run well Commodore. But, without a commander for Loki Group, we have a problem. It means I have to stay with Loki when we split the Task Force. I may want to go with Thor for some reason, but I can't. I have not found anyone in this Fleet that can fill the bill. There is no insult intended to any of you. Most of you are new at your commands and haven't been exposed to tactical situations. It is impossible to accept a person for a tactical role if you have no way to determine if they can do it. So, I will be going through the entire OESA system looking for a candidate. In the meantime, I need Thor to run like a well-oiled piece of machinery, so I don't have to babysit. Are you okay with that Commodore?' I pause for a nod. 'Good, I will need all the ships' logs for the fifth of this month and the twentieth of last month from each Captain in Task Force 1. I want your journals for the same dates, Commodore. I would like the Brigade record for the first two weeks of last month from each Brigade. I am not looking for anything specific. This is not some kind of secret investigation. I am trying to get the flavor of the way you run your ships and commands. I will need those, today. I will also expect reports on your mechanical - electrical investigations, by tomorrow. We will be receiving orders soon, and I don't want any problems in any ships we have in service. Are there any questions or comments?" I ask.

  "Yes, sir.' One Captain has his hand up. I nod. 'Sir, it’s a lot of work to get you those specific logs today, and get those checks done by tomorrow." He observes. I see the Commodore cringe out of the corner of my eye.

  "What's your ship, Captain?" I demand.

  "The ESS Thor, sir." He responds.

  "How many people on the Thor do you command, Captain?" I ask.

  "Six thousand and nine, sir." He replies.

  "I didn't ask how many people are on the ship. How many people work for you, Captain Levinson?" I remembered his name from the Command Code exercise.

  "I'm not exactly sure, sir. Somewhere around thirty-five hundred." He responds.

  "So, if thirty-five hundred people work for you, are you checking for the defective parts yourself? Are you going to retrieve those logs yourself?" I ask him.

  "Well sir, I would ask my Chief Engineer to look after the part issue. I would get the logs myself." He responds.

  "I have two questions for you. How many people work for the Chief Engineer? Why would you get the logs yourself? You have five senior subordinate officers who have access to them. Why wouldn’t you ask at least one for help?' I ask, then turn back to the assemblage. 'Do you see what's happening here? I don't want to hear that you can't do it or it's too hard. I have had to do these things myself, and still, have to. You have to be capable of delegating, and you have to ask for help when you need it. But never tell me you can't do it. I try not to ask for the unreasonable. Sometimes, there is an urgency to things, so we want them quickly. But, I temper that with the knowledge of what's really possible. Any other question or observations?" I ask.

  "Yes, sir.' El pops up. 'When will we receive the parts list?"

  "Right now, Captain." I lift my pad, locate the file, and mail it out to them.

  "Anyone?" I ask, and there are all negative nods.

  "OK, that's it. We'll break it up. I need you to stay Commodore. Everyone else is dismissed." I snap. “Room recorder – off. Convert the last audio file to text and move it to my personal pad.” I command my system.

  "Commodore Nguyen, what do your friends call you?" I ask him.

  "They call me Can. It is my first name." He responds.

  "When we meet in private, you will first pay the required respects. Then, you will call me Kurt. Never in public, but always in private. May I call you Can?" I ask.

  "Yes Kurt, I would appreciate the informality." He responds.

  "I had one question for you, before the meeting, but now I have two," I inform him.

  "What do you want to know, Kurt?" He asks.

  "Well Can, where did you get that guy that's commanding Thor. I can't believe that discussion." I ask.

  "He had the Thor when I took the Task Force. Chan protected him. He liked having inferior people. He belittled them and used them, but he was happy having them in critical positions." Can responds. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as I feel anxiety crawling through me.

  "Well, I don't like it Can. Are there any more like that?" I ask.

  "I have two more. They are not as bad, but they sh
ouldn't command ships. Two of the three shouldn't be First Officers. The third one could run a supply vessel, maybe." He replies.

  "Okay, I'm about to start a major search for a Group Commander. I can add three ship's Captains. Are you all right with that?" I ask

  "Yes, sir. I would appreciate the relief." Can answers.

  "Do you know if Loki Group has the same problem?" I ask.

  "No sir, it doesn't. Because Admiral Leeds had to stay so close to it, Chan couldn't have his way. She would order changes where they were needed. There was constant friction between them. She must have overruled him about a dozen times in the last few months. But, it was always about Loki Group. She couldn't leave it to check out Thor. Without a Group Commander and with Chan like he was, she had to sit on the Loki Group." Can answers sincerely.

  "My other question is about Amrit Singh. Is he still here?" I ask trying to hold back a chuckle.

  "Yes, Kurt. He's probably in his office, now." Can responds.

  "Is he a good Chief?" I ask.

  "My COS is much better. Maybe, Singh would make a good bookkeeper. But, he can't run your staff. If I remember, you have two hundred seventy-nine staff. He might be able to run a group of six people. His desk is piled high. There is paper everywhere. He doesn't know what to do next." The Commodore explains.

  "So, I need to look for a Group Commander, three Captains and a Chief of Staff," I mumble.

  "For a start, sir. Remember that, Phoenix was the last Fleet assembled in the expansion. All the others were complete by then, and all the ones with losses in the war were replenished by that time. We essentially got the bottom of the barrel." It was a frankly honest opinion.

  "Can you spare two hours?" I ask him.

  "For you, I can. You're the boss." He laughs.

  "Good. Let's go to the Staff Office.

  We thread our way through the bridge and out the doors to the office. Singh’s is first on the left in the corridor. We walk in without knocking.

  "Admiral, it's good to see you," Singh says from his chair.

  "Captain, get on your feet.' I yell. 'Your first encounter of the day with your superior demands certain protocols. Regulations require you to seek out your new Commander, at the beginning of your first duty shift, after his arrival. Where were you? It's nine-thirty hours, now." I am still yelling.

  "Well sir, I didn't think..."

  "No, you didn't, and you don't. I can see that by your office. Give me the latest expense statement and asset sheet for the Task Force, please?" I ask. I am still yelling.

  "I can have them to you tomorrow, sir," Singh responds.

  "Tomorrow - what the hell is wrong with you? You should not have all this shit all over your desk. The staff should be working on it. When I ask for something, you should be able to get it from the staff in a minute. What was your last job, Captain?" I demand.

  "Sir, I was the second shift Lieutenant Commander in Engineering aboard the ESS Detroit." He says.

  "That's where I know you from. You were on the Detroit when I was the Exec. How the hell did you get a Chief's job?" I yell.

  "It was available and sounded interesting, so I posted for it," Singh explains.

  "You're fired, Captain. You are demoted to Lieutenant, immediately. We will find you a place in an Engineering Department. Get out of here, right now. You're restricted to quarters until I place you." I yell.

  "But sir... my wife..."

  "I am sorry for your wife. It's not her fault. You got yourself into this mess. You'll have to explain it. Take your Eagles off, right now. I want to see your other two sets in my office in an hour. I will give you a Lieutenant's twin bars, at that time. Throw the Eagles on the desk. Go to your quarters and get the other sets. After I have them, you are restricted to quarters. I will discuss this with Admiral Leeds. Your application for the job is fraudulent. You may face charges for this. Now, get out!" I snap.

  I type up a memo to Helena on my pad.


  From: Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Phoenix Fleet Task Force One

  To: Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  C.C. Phoenix JAG services offices

  Re: COS Task Force One

  Date: March 21, 2256


  There is a potentially serious problem in the Task Force 1 Staff Office. I have relieved the Chief, immediately. I have taken the summary action of demoting him to Lieutenant and will reassign him to an Engineering Department, where he actually belongs. Things are such a mess here that I believe an audit and full investigation of the office and Amrit Singh is in order. I also feel his application for the position may have been fraudulent, in the first place. This is quite a surprise to get on the first day on the job.

  Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  "Can, will you take the offices on the left side of the aisle? I'll take the ones on the right. Let's get all the staff into the amphitheater, immediately. I need to meet with them." There is urgency in my voice.

  "Right away, Kurt." He says and takes off into a doorway.

  I head into the first entrance on the right. "Which Office is this?" I ask as everyone jumps to attention when they realize the Commander is at the door.

  "This is payroll, Admiral." A female Ensign offers.

  "Are you in command of this Group of people?" I ask her.

  "Yes, sir. I am the payroll supervisor." She responds.

  "I have relieved the Chief of Staff. Until I have a replacement, I will run the staff offices myself. We will all be meeting in half an hour in the amphitheater. Please have all your people put on their nametags and report there for the gathering. I need to see everyone, from all shifts." I order.

  "Aye, sir. We'll be on time."

  I stop to punch up a note to Captain El, locking up the amphitheater for the meeting. Then, I repeat the same procedure I followed in payroll in the other nine offices on my side of the corridor. In the last one, I decide to pose another question.

  "Are the only Task Force 1 offices in this corridor?" I ask the human resources Super.

  "No, sir. If you go through that hallway door, turn left, and pass through the next access, there are two more in that short corridor. On the left, you will find purchasing and acquisitions and on the right is logistics." She says with a smile.

  "Thank you very much," I say as I speed off through the doorway. I repeat the process in the final two offices.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have some silence, please? The first order of business is to separate you by Department, so I will know who I'm talking to. There are seventy-five seats in the front row, and there are eighteen Departments. Let's have a Supervisor from every Department in every fourth seat in that row. Take the middle seat and put your assistant or assistants to either side of you. All Staff should fill the seats lined up with your four in the rows behind you. So, from here, I will see each department from the front to the back of the amphitheater. Once you are seated, let's get the Supervisors up here. Grab a piece of paper. Write your department along its length near the center. Write your name below that. Fold the paper like a tent and place it on your lap, like this.' I demonstrate as I sit down with my placard on my lap.

  'Hopefully, I will know at least all the Supervisors' names by the time we're done.’ I stop and tap a message to my steward to bring sweet rolls and refreshments for two hundred eighty-five.

  ‘I am Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher, and I am essentially your boss. You would typically work directly for the Chief of Staff, but I have relieved him of duty. Things are definitely not like they should be.’ I stop to give time for the seating shuffle. Dave and his people begin appearing with the snacks a short while later.

  ‘Please, feel free to help yourselves to something.’ I point to the side-table and allow more time for those who rise to retrieve something.

  ‘I will ask questions of you. Please don't answer them. Write them down. You will come to my office, and we will go over the information I need.

Mary, your card says you are payroll. Do you have any outstanding complaints? If so, I need to see each one. If you have some, I will also need you to prepare a list from Human Resources, Elsa. I will need a brief synopsis of each person's work history. Mary, I will also need to know if the payroll ledgers are up to date. Accounting cannot be accurate if other departments submit incorrect results. I will need to know how many people you are paying.

  Elsa, from you, I will first need Amrit Singh's local file. I will call up the OESA dossier on my system. I'll also need you to do a special search for me. I will want to find a new COS. Loki needs a Group Commander. Task Force One will also need Three new ships' Captains. One must have his pilot’s wings. There is no one in our local directory that qualifies. I will need you to search all other Fleets, Theatre, Quadrant, and HQ Commands to find qualified candidates seeking a move. You'll have to vet them all very well because of the mayhem in the whole service caused by expansion. You may want to come to me for requirements for both the COS and the Group Commander. See Commodore Nguyen for information on the three Captains.

  Fred your card says you are accounting. I need to know if your ledgers are up to date. I have to be certain the asset sheet is up to date. And it's especially important to know our budget for the current year. I also have to be up to date on our current expenditures for this year. And, I also require you to examine the ledgers of those from Task Force One for anyone with the privilege to charge expenses to Task Force One and Phoenix Fleet. We need to inspect those carefully and make sure they are not being abused.

  Logistics, I need a report of what you received year to date, and what you shipped or issued up to today. You must also order a full inventory of stores and reconcile receipts, issues, and stock. We have to know our stock losses - especially weapons.

  Legal, I want your department on notice now, that I have asked for an investigation of Amrit Singh. A lot of his practices may have been illegal. He may also have filed a fraudulent application to get the COS position.


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