Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 42

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Everyone here will need to go through their department and audit for problems. I have requested a full review of the staff offices, so if you can correct an issue before that starts, things will be a lot better. I don't want others to suffer for Singh's shortcomings.

  All of you will have to go to Singh's office. It is in a real state. You need to go through anything on his desk, in his drawers, and in his system. If it belongs to your department, take possession of it and get it into your records. Anything unaccounted for comes to me. Nothing should be thrown out. Once you've dealt with Singh's leftovers, clip all the little papers together in a wrapper that states their current disposition. Don't throw it out. It may become evidence. We have about three days before the shit's going to hit the fan. We can mitigate the shock if we work hard, now. We will find us a COS who can do the job properly. Are there any questions?" I finish.

  "Sir, is Captain Singh going to face criminal charges?" Mary from payroll asks.

  "I am not sure he really did anything illegal. That will be determined in an investigation. I suspect he did, even if it was accidental as a result of ignorance. Regardless of that, he has been relieved, demoted, and will be reassigned due to severe incompetence. He is now a Lieutenant and will be posted to an Engineering job, which is where he actually belongs.

  Any more questions?' I ask and get a room full of negative nods.

  'Remember, we need to work hard, fast and smart. Department managers use all your people to get this all done. Come see me if you have a question, or you find something really out of whack. I have to tell you all, this was my first day on the job. When you start an assignment like this, the one thing you need to be sure of is your staff. With a dependable staff, you can resolve any other issues. Today, when I came into a new job with a host of problems, I did not have a Chief and could not be sure of my Staff because of the Chief. Ours is a life and death business. We need all the little things in the background to work correctly so we can defend our Empire properly. I really need your help, right now. You're all dismissed." I ended the meeting.

  My system chimed. It was an email from Helena.


  ...Jag on the way. ...Auditors on the way. ...Investigation will start in five days. Sorry about such a bad first day. Chan should be fired, too. He protected Singh.


  It's only been one day, and things look a hell of a lot better. Payroll already checks out pretty well. There doesn't appear to be any criminal activity. Two people never got their raises for promotions. Accounting is another issue. They have already detected substantial irregularities in both Singh and Chan's OESA credit cards. It is early but, it looks like Chan is into the OESA for one hundred fifty thousand Sovereigns. There are about a thousand Sovereigns questionable with Singh's account. Those charges could turn out to be legitimate. HR did intensive searches very quickly. They visited me three times yesterday to clarify requirements. I now have four candidates for COS and Five for Group One Commander. They found Can eleven ships' Captains who want to make moves. Most are double moves. They are each trying to find a Fleet that will take them and their future spouses so they can be together. I am sure we can use the extra help. We are short, anyway. Logistics found sizable shortages. No weapons are missing, but there are a lot of shoes, clothing, and personal electronic devices gone. Our JAG offices were advised of pending Mobile Fifth investigators, this morning. I am already gaining confidence in the staff personnel. They seem okay. It's beginning to look like it was all Chan and Singh. Can Nguyen was in today to discuss the Thor Captain. He is interviewing now and has two he likes for the job. Commodore Nguyen asked how we handle the current Captain. I told him when he knows who he will hire and has a commitment and start date, I will execute the dirty deed. This guy will never be a ships' Captain. He has to be redirected. I need to study his file carefully.

  I begin scanning the records of the four available Candidates for a Group Command. There is one I know. She is experienced. She's just married a ship's Captain, but there is no way for her current Group to assign him where they can be together. I get an idea.

  "Commodore Nguyen, can you shuttle over and come to my office, please?" I ask after tapping my implant for internal communication.

  "Aye sir, I'll be right over." The response sounds very cheerful.

  "Commodore Nguyen reporting as requested, Admiral." He barks while at attention in the doorway, twenty minutes later.

  " Take a seat and relax. Would you like anything? I want you to see this file." I said as I handed my data pad over.

  "No thank you, Kurt. I finished a coffee just before I shuttled over.' There is a pause as he reads the file. 'Very impressive. It looks like you found a Group Commander." He says with a smile as he returns my pad.

  "Maybe. There is a hitch. I want you to read this file." I say as I hand the pad back.

  "Brother, did you ever hit the mother lode. This is my Carrier Captain. I don't see the hitch." He says with his hands raised palms in the air.

  "The file is not quite up to date. They are married. They come as a matched set." I responded.

  There is a pregnant pause. "So, you are asking me if, I will take Loki Group and you can give Anna Arce Thor Group so her husband can fill the Captains' chair. I would be happy to comply. It is the best thing for the Task Force. It solves a lot of problems, in one fell swoop.' He observes. "I accept. Go ahead and make the arrangements." He finishes.

  "How're the other searches going?" I ask.

  "Fine, I will submit my final choices to your for approval. Once I have it, I will send offers. It looks like we will be resolving things very quickly." He says with a smile.

  "Do you need anything," I asked.

  A loud belly laugh erupted from deep inside him.

  "What's so funny, Can?" I ask.

  "Never once did Chan ask that question. You haven't been here a week. No sir, I am fine for now. Will you excuse me?" He says as he rises from the chair, still chuckling.

  "Of course. You're dismissed." I snap officiously through my smile.

  I begin to compose a memo.


  To: Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  From: Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  Re: Candidates for current and pending position vacancies.

  C.C. Admiral S. Nichols Theatre Nine Commander, Admiral G. Bryant Mobile Fifth RAC

  Commander, Commodore Can Nguyen Commander Phoenix Thor Group

  Date: March 31, 2256


  I am attaching two personnel files for your examination. They reference Commodore Anna Arce and Captain David Simmons. Anna is the commander of the Columbia Group, and David is Captain of the ESS Espanola. They were recently married and seek postings together. It seems there is no way their parent, Boots Fleet, can meet those needs, since others that would have to accept reassignment to make the room have refused.

  I have worked extensively with both officers. Both my personal experiences with them, and their file histories, make them ideal candidates to fill our current needs.

  To place their positions in one common ship, I have spoken to Commodore Nguyen. He will accept reassignment to the Loki Group Command. That would make it possible to give Commodore Arce the Thor Group and post her new husband in command of the ESS Thor. The Thor is in desperate need of a new Captain. The current one will be demoted and reassigned. He is incapable of handling control of a vessel.

  I am excited by this opportunity. It solves a lot of problems, in one shot.

  Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Ten minutes later, I receive the following reply.


  From: Vice Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  To: Rear Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  C.C. Admiral G. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC, Admiral S. Nichols Commander

  Theatre Nine, Commodore Can Nguyen Commander Phoenix Thor Group

p; Re: Candidates for current and pending position vacancies.

  Date: March 31, 2256


  I like your plan for filling our shortages in Phoenix Task Force 1. I am approving your transfer of Commodore Nguyen to Loki Group Command, provided all other details fall into place. I would be happy to have both Anna Arce and David Simmons in the fold.

  Despite my approval, you will have to wait for a positive response from Admiral Bryant. Good job.

  Vice Admiral Helena Leeds

  Two and a half hours later, I receive a response from Admiral Bryant.


  From: Admiral George Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To: Rear Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  C.C. Vice Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet, Admiral S. Nichols Commander

  Theatre Nine, Commodore Can Nguyen Commander Phoenix Thor Group

  Re: Candidates for current and pending position vacancies.

  Date: March 31, 2256


  I have discussed your plan with the Theatre Five Commander and the appropriate Fleet Commander who was hoping to get someone in a trade. I explained that Phoenix is short of people with the skills needed to fill the positions that would be vacated. The Commander relented and has authorized the transfer of Commodore Anna Arce and Captain David Simmons. I wish to advise you of something that is not common knowledge. David is a direct descendant of the founder of the OESA.

  I hope this solves your needs, and please convey my best wishes to the newly united Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. Good Luck.

  Admiral George Bryant

  I don't usually get as excited as I did when I read the approval. I decided to compose the offer to both, immediately.


  From: Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  To: Commodore Anna Arce Commander Columbia Group, Captain David Simmons

  Commander ESS Espanola

  C.C. Vice Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet, Admiral S. Nichols Commander

  Theatre Nine, Admiral G. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC, Commodore Can Nguyen Commander Phoenix Thor Group, Theatre Five Commander

  Re: Candidates for current and pending position vacancies.

  Date: March 31, 2256

  Commodore Arce,

  I would like to offer you the position of Commander Thor Group within Task Force 1 of the Phoenix Fleet. This is essentially a transfer. There would be no change in your rank or the assignment level. Some duties may vary slightly from your current ones due to specific Fleet and Task Force regulations and protocols. You would establish your Flag on the ESS Thor, which, would become your home.

  Captain Simmons,

  I would like to offer you the position of Commander ESS Thor. Thor is a Carrier Class vessel housing the Thor Group Command. This is essentially a transfer. There would be no change in your rank or assignment level. Some duties may vary slightly from your current ones due to particular Fleet and Task Force Rules and customs. Thor would become your home.

  To both candidates,

  I was excited when I saw your availability and understood the reasons behind the situation. I enjoyed working with both of you during past assignments. You are both competent, able Officers capable of rising to the top. At the same time, your need solves several issues within my Command, so I will state bluntly that Phoenix Task Force 1 needs you both. I believe you would be happy here, would enjoy the challenges, and would rise as our Fleet matures. Phoenix is a relatively recent addition to Mobile Fifth Command.

  I ask you to forgive me for the variation from normal protocol, but I make these offers in a single communication because of the circumstances. I wanted to assure you both that you would be posted together.

  We are desperately in need of a competent Captain for the ESS Thor and an experienced Group Commander. The Group Commander opening had been in the Loki Group. However, I discussed the matter with the current Commander, and he has agreed to reassignment to Loki Group. That clears the way to have you both on board the Thor and solves my issues. I would hope that you would both accept the offer I have made.

  Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  I return to the business at hand. The internal investigation is going well. It is now quite obvious that Chan has absconded with a lot of funds. But, we now have the accounting situation in hand. Normal activities can continue. It is really only a blip in my Task Force One Budget. The pilfering of supplies is less apparent. The shortage is considerable, but still barely affects my budget. We will need the official investigation to find the culprits. The search for my COS has been fruitful. There is one at HQ that wants a move to a field command. She lost her husband two years ago and decided she should see as much of the Empire as she can. The HQ file shows a great history with the exception of the nine months, after her loss. It looks like she is over the hump now. She is a Quadrant COS, so she holds the rank of Commodore. It is acceptable, but the highest level a Rear Admiral's COS can hold. She will not have to accept a demotion. Under the circumstances, I do not need approval. There is no elevation and HQ indicates in the file they'll release her. I am allowed to make this kind of offer for my Chief on my own under those conditions. I decide to write.


  From: Rear Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Phoenix Fleet Task Force 1

  To: Commodore Anita Enzulio COS Quadrant 2 Command

  Re: Offer of reassignment to a field command

  C.C. V. Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet, Admiral O. Blackman Quadrant 2

  Commander, Mobile Fifth RAC Command

  Date: March 31, 2256

  Commodore Enzulio,

  I would like to extend the offer for you to assume the position of Chief of Staff Phoenix Fleet Task Force 1. This would be a reassignment. Your rank would remain unchanged, and your duties would be very similar, though the responsibilities are a fraction of a Quadrant Command. I believe you would initially find the position a challenge, despite the reduced size of the operation. The previous Task Force Commander and the last COS left the Task Force in quite a state. It will take a real expert to get it running smoothly within a reasonable timeframe.

  I believe I would be the envy of all Commanders within Mobile Fifth, should you take the position. I would expect to lose you to a better offer, in relatively short order. But, I believe that you would enjoy the field assignment, and we would benefit from your management, in the meantime.

  There is a hidden benefit to a field assignment. Your remuneration rate would remain as it is. But, field assignments include lodging, food, and many other perks as a reward for giving up the permanence of ground postings. Most of us bank considerable sums of money, over our careers. I sincerely hope you accept this offer.

  Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  It wasn't even five minutes later when my datapad started chiming. I received the following messages.


  From: V. Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  To: R. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  RE: Commodore Anita Enzulio COS Quadrant 2 Command

  C.C. Admiral S. Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  Date: March 31, 2256

  Admiral Brubacher,

  Another great catch. I hope you get her so I can entice her to the Fleet Staff. I have met Anita. She is a wonderful person and a real bulldog. At the rate you are going, it looks like you will have Task Force 1 running like a well-tuned machine in another week. Good Luck.

  Vice Admiral Leeds


  From: Admiral S. Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: R. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  RE: Commodore Anita Enzulio COS Quadrant 2 Command

  C.C. V. Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  Date: March 31, 2256

  Admiral Brubacher,

  You are probably not making any friends in the Flag ranks. You're stealing all the top-qualit
y ones. Good job Kurt. Keep up the good work. We need your Task Force fixed quickly, so Phoenix is fully functional.

  Admiral Stephen Nichols


  The JAG and audit units arrived on April 2. They interviewed me immediately. They know I just took over and found this mess. They are aware that Helena hasn't been Fleet Commander very long. I am happy that Jag's okay with the steps I took. I made them understand that I would have had to ground the unit if I hadn't investigated and straightened up enough to make operations possible. Audit keeps coming to me with Chan's expenses. They want to know if this or that could be legitimate, for any reason. Part of their team is working on the warehouse issue. The two services share information. Anyway, that was all yesterday. Today, they are working silently and diligently. My annunciator sounds again.


  To: Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Phoenix Task Force 1

  From: Commodore Anita Enzulio COS Quadrant 2 Command

  RE: Your offer for the COS position, in your command

  C.C. V. Admiral H. Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet, Admiral O. Blackman Quadrant 2


  Date: April 1, 2256

  Admiral Brubacher,

  Thank you for your kind offer. I agree that many offers may come my way while under your command, but I find your current problems intriguing. I did some checking here. It looks like you initiated a JAG investigation and an audit.

  I am accepting your offer, effective immediately. Admiral Blackman has arranged my transport, so I should appear at your office door on April 7, 2256. Whatever happens in the future, I think I will enjoy the experience this position will offer. It sounds like I will have to rebuild your staff and its processes from the ground up. (Is that expression used in space?) I am not sure of my arrival time. I am not good at those kinds of calculations since I have never done any navigation.

  I look forward to our partnership.

  Commodore Anita Enzulio

  I tapped my implant.

  "Commodore Can Nguyen.' I directed the system. 'Can, everything we discussed has panned out. The new Task Force Commander and your new Carrier Captain should be here in a few hours. Can you come over here with that gem that's running the Thor?" I asked.


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