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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 47

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Admiral, I have your man, now. He is the Deputy Chief Security Investigator in my own team. He personally knows the others I will recommend and he'll be able to correct us if, we are making a mistake in that first group of twenty-five. He is a Captain now so it'd be wise to promote him to Major for the new job. I think you'll find you'll need a level four, anyway. If your staff is going to be that big, you will need a larger group than twenty-five in the security division, by the time everything washes out. Designating it a Battalion Command from the start would be smart. That way, he'll have the capacity to create teams. You'll probably end up with Thirty-man platoons in three-platoon companies. That allows for ten-person squads. The best configuration is four Companies in the Battalion. I would say four hundred including Staff and NCOs is the right. So, you should have a hundred of the right now. That will allow four teams to work at the same time, permitting much more throughput. But, that also translates to four hundred under the Captain's jurisdiction. That's why he should be promoted to Major. You can meet with him and conduct the interview right after we're done here if you wish." He finishes.

  That would be great, and thanks for the advice. I will take it, but can you spare that many investigators?' I ask as he nods. 'Our needs for the other Marines are much greater than first believed, too. Based on the responsibilities and objectives outlined by Bill and George, we will need to be able to conduct several field investigation, at the same time and over multiple locations. Our new projections indicate the need for four hundred field intelligence and investigators, four hundred enforcement, and seven hundred combat Marines. We don't necessarily need them all, right now. We can get away with half of that, and build over four months, but we'll need to have the entire body selected, vetted, trained for our specifics, and in place in six weeks. Are either of those targets a problem?" I ask.

  "I have seventy-seven hundred Security Investigators deployed through the Fifth Mobile Fleets. There are another one hundred and eighty between the three Command Vessels and another eighty-five in my Staff. There are the same number of Criminal Investigators in Mobile Fifth. There are three times that many Enforcement Officers throughout Mobile Fifth and there are ninety thousand combat troops to draw from for military strength. Once you on-line, my needs will drop as you enable the various aspect of your operations. Your current needs will create a slight temporary reduction in our efficiency, but if I distribute those losses correctly, it should barely be noticed by the remaining team.' He assures us. 'I have lists prepared based on your previous requirements.' He said as he tapped his data pad. Mine chimed a few seconds later. I opened the email, then the attachment. There was a spreadsheet six hundred names long with affiliation, service number, rank, seniority, and a ranking number on each line. The scoring was explained at the bottom. 'Would you like to meet the Captain, now, Kurt?" He queried.

  "Yes General, can you sit in with us?" I asked.

  "Certainly.' He said as he tapped his internal communication module. 'C. Sparks." He said and paused. 'Captain, could you come to my office, please?" The General ordered.

  Two minutes later a young man walked up to the doorway, snapped to attention, and called out, "Captain Christopher Sparks reporting, as requested, sir."

  "Come in and relax, Captain. I want to introduce you to Admiral Kurt Brubacher our new Inspector General and Rear Admiral Rohkea Sielu his Chief of Staff in the new OESA Inspector General Branch. Admirals, this is Captain Christoper Sparks. Chris has a Masters from the Academy in Criminology and Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Florida in Psychology, which has served him very well in reading people. He can smell a rat from a mile away. We commissioned him a Lieutenant when he came to us from the Academy four years ago. He ran a four squad platoon of investigators for two and a half years. They did some impressive work. We promoted him to Captain then and gave him Command of a Company that runs four platoons like the one he had. The distribution of his platoons includes three Security Investigation ones and one Criminal Investigation group. His criminal analysis team was the one that came to the Loki, when you called for help, Admiral. Chris is a fan of yours, I must tell you. The nitty gritty is in his file, but I can assure you I trust him implicitly, and would recommend him for any Command up to and including a Regiment level post." The General finished.

  "May I call you Chris, Captain?' I asked as the young man nodded assent. 'Well Chris, I genuinely value General Malcolm's appraisal of you. He is a man I have been involved with for a long time, and he has the complete trust and confidence of Admiral Bryant, which is enough for me. I have a couple of questions for you. They are hypotheticals. The first is about your loyalties. I will give you a little scenario.

  You are pressured by two groups. You are unsure of both. You don't know their real motives or objectives. One band is espousing something that seems to contradict the law or constitution. The other is preaching dogma that appears constitutional, but unethical. You do not have enough information to determine which is actually correct and are torn between them. General Malcolm gives you orders that support the first group who appear might be breaking the law. What would you do?" I finish and pause. There is a long silence. I could see he was weighing all the facts I had given him. It was a good two minutes before he responded.

  "Based on the fact I do not have all the details on either group, and both seem to contravene my internal sense of right and wrong, I would defer to the General's decision. General Malcolm is an honest and fair Commander who acts based on the facts. So, I would have to assume he knows more than I do and is not generating an unlawful order. I am loyal to him and the Empire. But in this case, I would follow him." Chis answered.

  "I have just one more question for you. If the Emperor came to you today - not me or General Malcolm, but the Emperor himself, and, said to you he wanted to change the Constitution and make the Empire genuine democracy, how would you respond to him?" I ask.

  "Well sir, that one is easy. He is the Emperor. He has the power and authority to make that decision and to change the Constitution. I also think that despite his nature, we are always at risk of an authoritarian in the future and we should be mature enough to be able to run our own affairs. So, I would support his decision without reservation. - Hypothetically, of course, sir." He said seriously and without reservation.

  "Those were excellent answers, Chris. I want to offer you a new position. When we came in here, I was looking for someone to head up our security investigative team. But, that Battalion would fall under a Regimental Commander who would direct Security, Criminal Investigation, Enforcement, Intelligence and a sizable Battalion of combat infantry to exert force if needed. This will become a significant portion of our department, but a relatively small one in military terms. So, it would be Commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel. That Colonel would have Battalion level Commanders to handle each group who are expert in their area of operations, which, kind of takes the pressure off of having to be a superior battle tactician. Would you be interested in Commanding our entire Marine contingent? I am prepared to offer you a promotion to Lt. Colonel and assign you as Regimental Commander of the Marine Forces of the OESA Inspector General Branch. It is a daunting job. You need to help build your Regiment from the ground up. There is nothing in place, yet. We have lists supplied by General Malcolm. Your investigative, enforcement and intelligence people would have to be vetted very carefully because they will be doing some of the work clearing everyone else in the Branch and will be investigating other OESA Commands, as the needs arise. You and that personnel would have the highest level of security clearance in the Empire. So, we cannot make any mistakes in these areas. You would work very closely with my COS and General Malcolm since he is supplying most of your people and will be an excellent advisor for you. But, you will no longer be attached to his Command. Would you like to take on the challenge?" I ask and wait in silence. Again the pause is long as Chris appears to weigh everything I've said - carefully.

  "Sorry, sir.' The wait had bee
n nearly five minutes. 'I was just considering your hypotheticals against your actions when you took over Phoenix Task Force One, and the details of the assignment you just offered. And, I was thinking of General Malcolm who is sitting here in support of you - and, my trust in him. I would be happy and proud to command the Regiment, sir. I accept your offer." The young man says with a smile.

  "Good, I'm glad that's settled. I couldn't have held my breath, any longer.' I comment and pause as everyone chuckles. 'You will have to concentrate on the security personnel and your Deputies, first. We want you to be in a position to start clearing a lot of other people, we require. The Branch will have a staff around eight thousand. Your contingent is going to end up around fifteen hundred. It will be something like a Battalion of four hundred security, a Battalion of two hundred criminal investigators, a Battalion of two hundred enforcement, a Battalion of two hundred intelligence, and a Battalion of five hundred infantry personnel. You will need to vet your Security Battalion Commanders yourself. Then, the three of you can clear the Company Commanders together. The seven of you can assess your Squad leaders. And the group can work on investigating and endorsing the Squad personnel. Once, you have enough in place, we can begin sanctioning investigative and intelligence people for those sub-commands so you can enlist them to aid in the clearances, over the short haul. When those groups are robust enough, we will begin moving droves of people to us to fill all our roles. During all this, we need to authorize a deputy Branch Commander, a deputy COS, and the department heads for the Chief's staff. We require completion of all those positions in two weeks. We must be in a position to hire the rest quickly over the following three and a half weeks. We need to be at a strength where we are operational in five and a half weeks, from now, and we need to be at full strength in four months. It is daunting, but you have to remember that most of the people you are clearing have already been investigated and authorized before, albeit in a less stringent process. You must unlock all their closets to find any skeletons that might be obscured. You have another advantage because you have worked with many of the people on the General’s list and already know who are good at their jobs. The one proviso I have to set in your clearances is that you ask each and every one the same two hypotheticals, I presented to you. If the don't respond in a like manner to you, I don't want them in our service. They must be loyal to you, our new Branch, General Malcolm, and most of all, Emperor Edward III, the man. Do you understand the task at hand and the obligations you are taking on?" I ask.

  "Yes, sir. I'll make it happen." Chris responds.

  "Okay, your promotion and assignment will take place at eleven hundred hours, in the Amphitheatre. I want everyone to know who my Chief of Investigations, Security, Intelligence, and Enforcement is. There will be a small cocktail party and luncheon in the lounge, after it. When you receive the public notification of your promotion, you need to go to Commodore Hurst and be assigned appropriate accommodations and office space, quickly. You must start right in, immediately after the cocktail party and luncheon. You're dismissed... Colonel." I say with a smile as Malcolm and Sielu chuckle.

  "I just love your two questions. The hypotheticals were a unique way to gauge how someone leans." Malcolm says.

  "I'm satisfied, but I really like the way that man thinks things out before he opens his mouth.' I observe. 'I believe we 're done here, General. I'll see you at the ceremony, on the dais." I say as we all rise and Roh and I turn to exit. I put out the announcement.


  To:OESA - all Commands & all Personnel

  From:Admiral K. Brubacher Commander OESA Inspector General Branch

  Re:Commander I.S.I.E. Department OESA Inspector General Branch

  Date:June 6, 2257


  Please by advised that, effective this day at eleven hundred hours Captain Christopher Sparks of Fifth Mobile Marine Army Command will be elevated in rank to the Level of Lt.Colonel and transferred to the OESA Inspector General Branch. Lieutenant Colonel Sparks will assume the role of Commander of the I.S.I.E. Department, within the Inspector General Branch.

  For purposes of general information, I.S.I.E. is the Intelligence, Security, Investigative and Enforcement active field personnel of the Branch. This will be a Regiment-sized Command staffed by a projected eleven hundred forty-three warranted personnel engaged in investigative and enforcement activities. The staff of this entire regiment will be vetted and approved for the highest level of security in the Empire. They will have the full authority of the Empire to enforce its laws, investigate potential criminal activities, and detain and charge citizens if Criminal Probable Cause exists, as described in enacted statutes and embedded in the OESA regulations. The protocols for receiving this investigative force, bearing a legal order of the Inspector General, have been outlined in a previous announcement by the C&C and are embedded in those regulations. Congratulations Captain Sparks.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General

  Chapter 18 Opened for Business

  Monday July 13, 2257

  “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” John F. Kennedy

  It's been a tough six weeks. I'm just glad I had that quiet three-month period before all this hit the fan. Helena and I did the initial planning for the wedding back in June, setting the wedding date for Saturday, November 28 which is exactly four weeks after Stephen Nichols and Olivia Hurst. When we made the announcement, the press went wild. Our story got the same coverage as theirs, then everything went crazy with speculation and exclusive reports on the two weddings. Bryant was right. It has become a real distraction throughout the Empire.

  We're at operational-level, now. We have the full Marine contingent and about sixty percent of all the other Staff we will need. But, one thing has become apparent.


  To:Fleet Admiral David Williamson C&C OESA

  Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C OESA

  From:Admiral K. Brubacher OESA Inspector General

  C.C.Admiral G. T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC


  Date:July 13, 2257, 08:00 hours OESA time


  We have reached a Staff level of forty-three hundred personnel and are operational, as of this morning. However, to be fully functional we will be at a staff level of around eighty-five hundred.

  One thing that has become very apparent is that Valhalla does not have the facilities or space to accommodate such a large addition. My search for another facility that would accommodate our needs was fruitless, and the strain on everyone aboard the Valhalla is creating insufferable conditions.

  To alleviate this situation, I would like to point out that former ESS Orion, OESA registry number CCFS3472 is sitting in the bone yard at Rigil, after recent decommissioning under the lifetime program. I would like to propose that she be reconditioned, refitted, and proofed for assignment to the Inspector General Branch. Refitting would involve removing all offensive weaponry systems from her body. Without the worry of battle, she could be manned by a four shift crew of twenty-eight hundred eighty, and a great deal of her hangar space could be recovered for additional quarters and supply storage space. Refitting her in such a manner would allow her to house our projected staff of nearly eighty-five hundred and her crew of twenty-eight hundred eighty personnel. I understand the combined strength of over eleven thousand exceeds the projection for the Inspector General Branch, but it is a relatively inexpensive way to house the operation while maintaining our necessary mobility. It also removes the need to keep a Group at our disposal.

  Please respond at your earliest convenience.

  Admiral K Brubacher

  Right now, I am looking over a list of potential targets. It's premature to focus on the Quadrant One and Four Commands, so I am deciding how to determine where else to go, now. After some thought, I've concluded we should start smaller. It will give us the data we need to refine our procedures. So, in the end, I've resolved to initiate tw
o simple Fleet-level audits, at the same time. We have not developed an official compliance order, yet. This will be my chance to work it all out.



  Order Number IGB257-0701 - Antlia Fleet

  Att.: Vice Admiral V.S. Bandera Commander Antlia Fleet

  You are advised that, on this date, July 13, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of the Antlia Fleet. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.

  This order was generated July 13, 2257, by,

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  OESA Inspector General



  Order Number IGB257-0702 - Lacerta Fleet

  Att.: Vice Admiral D. Coreora Commander Lacerta Fleet

  You are advised that, on this date, July 13, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of the Lacerta Fleet. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.


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