Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 48

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  This order was generated July 13, 2257, by,

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  OESA Inspector General


  From:Adm. K. Brubacher Inspector General

  To:Lt. Colonel C. Sparks Commander I.S.I.E. Department Inspector General Branch

  C.C.Admiral G.Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC,

  Rear Admiral Rohkea Sielu Chief of Staff Inspector General Branch

  Re:General Investigations and Audits

  Date:July 13, 2257

  Colonel Sparks,

  You will find two Investigation Orders attached. One is for Antlia Fleet. The other is for Lacerta Fleet. You will need a team of two forensic personnel from each of, Accounting, Human Resource, Legal, Engineering, Communications, Weapons, Logistics disciplines and eight armed infantry soldiers to support a squad comprised of three criminal investigators, two intelligence agents, and three enforcement officers for each investigation. You are authorized to requisition the use of a thirty person shuttle craft and their crew for each of these operations. Handheld Conventional/laser weapons are approved, but the standard ones should employ rubber bullets, and minimum settings should be engaged in beam-type operations. Use of deadly force is not permitted, except in defense of your teams.

  You will find the positions of both Fleets by accessing the encrypted OESA "Deployed Vessels" page on our site. Access to the DVpage requires entry of your OESA identification number and your security clearance number. Good Luck to your units.

  Admiral Brubacher

  Durning the period since Chris Sparks came aboard, he and I spent many sessions working on the design of identification. Badges are mostly symbolic but do indicate the authority of the wearer instantly. Warrant cards are the relevant documentation that carries the weight of the OESA, so they are critical. They have to be impossible to counterfeit and must include data that confirms the identity of the wearer. An attractive characteristic on the wish side of our list would make both theft-proof. What we have developed is a card that contains enough holography to make it nearly impossible to fake. It also includes a hidden RFID chip linked to another one in the badge and a sub-dermal one in the investigator. If any of the three parts are separated by more than ten meters, they trigger an alarm. The card and the badge encompass a processor and communication's circuitry that notify any nearby OESA data systems the credentials have been compromised. The same device immediately confirms identity with systems in proximity to the warrant card if all three parts of the system are coupled.

  Chris stops in my doorway.

  "I've got my two teams. Our stuff is aboard the shuttles. Did you want to speak to them?" He asks.

  "Yeah, sure," I answer as I rise. We head through the corridors to the shuttle bay. Teams of thirty men and women are in formation beside each shuttle.

  "Group!" someone hollers as we enter the bay. Everyone snaps to attention and salutes. I return it.

  "Stand easy,' I snap as I near them. 'You all know the mission. You've all helped develop the protocols and the systems we’re using. But, these are first missions. Try not to make too many waves but don't be afraid to assert your authority, if needed. Don't forget, your warrant card supersedes even an Admiral's rank, in the matter of these investigations. Don't be intimidated. If any of you encounter resistance, report to your local Commander. That Officer will deal with it. If it can't be resolved, I need to know, quickly. We will bring additional support to you - a Fleet, if necessary. So, remain optimistic and try to stay relaxed. A service cheer!" I called as I raised my fisted right arm.

  "Rah." Came the loud chorus.

  They all climb aboard their shuttles. I wave to the faces in the portals, then turn and leave the shuttle bay so it can be depressurized. I watch through the viewing window as they depart, then Chris and I go on to our offices. I call the COS, her Deputy, Colonel Sparks and his four Majors, and the Department Heads from accounting and human resources to my office.

  "Welcome everyone. I wanted to tell you that you've all done a great job. We are operational and have just launched our first two investigations. That's a considerable feat in the six weeks from the birth of the Inspector General Branch. I must congratulate you all. Team one is two days out at Antlia Fleet, and the second group is three days away at Lacerta Fleet, so we won't begin to get feedback for that long. In our offices, we will need two Forensic crews organized to receive and analyze the data from the remote teams. They are not likely to discover anything but the most trivial infractions, but the criminology squads here will be able to sit in the quiet of their offices and actually unravel the information they receive. We need to do it quickly. We are not just looking for criminal activity. We also seek to ensure these Commands are following regulations and protocol. So, you will be looking for breaches on those two fronts, too. Everyone else in your Departments has to continue on with their jobs. It's necessary to keep internal accounting, payroll, and human resources to stay up to date. We need our own security investigations to move on quickly so we can continue our growth.

  Growth is a problem, though. I know we are becoming cramped. And quite frankly, we're getting to be a pain in the ass for Mobile Fifth Command. But, I have taken steps to alleviate the situation. I have asked that the Inspector General Branch be assigned its own modified Carrier permitting us to house our entire staff and offices in one mobile station. I proposed a plan that would achieve this with relative cost efficiency. I am awaiting a reply. So, there is hope, but even if that plan is approved, we will not get deliverance for at least four to six weeks.

  Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your hard work. Does anyone have any observations, comments, or questions to present?' There was a long pause with negative head shakes. 'Dismissed," I barked. Everyone rose and left my office.


  I finally got a report from the team at Antlia Fleet, this morning. They inform me that, they were refused permission to board any ship by the Fleet Commander. They advised him they had a legal investigation order and he would be charged with a felony and arrested if he didn't comply. After some back and forth, the mission Commander reminded Vice Admiral V.S. Bandera that he could request a Fleet or two to the location to enforce the order. Bandera relented.

  My enunciator sounded. It was mail from the C&C.


  From:Fleet Admiral David Williamson C&C OESA

  Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C OESA

  To:Admiral K Brubacher OESA Inspector General

  C.C.Admiral George Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  Re:Inspector General Branch - Facilities

  Date:July 15, 2257, 16:00 hours OESA time

  Admiral Brubacher,

  We are sorry we required more time to reply to you, but we quickly investigated any other alternatives to your facility problem that may be available since your option seemed a little expensive.

  First, I would like to congratulate you on reaching operational capabilities, on time. This is an incredible feat considering the daunting task and the limited timeline. You have proven once again that, our faith in you is justified.

  As far as your facility issues go, we have found the following alternative which is more cost effective but follows the line of thought you were charting.

  The ESS Kalamazoo Registry number SCS3589 is a supply vessel, in good condition and not due to be retired under the lifetime program, for nearly five years. She would require no systems reconditioning and no testing and shakedown phase. Her last full overhaul was five years ago. This move would be a simple transfer of assets. We can advance her replacement in her current Fleet with a new unit that is yard ready and has already been proofed for service. This will affect that Fleet by the cost of the new ship, but your operation will only need to handle the used ship's write-down value which is twenty-five percent of the vessels original value, plus the refit. Refitting the craft for your service would involve reconfiguring thr
ee-and-a-half storage decks, for new quarters and offices. She would sport a slightly larger operating crew since engineering operations would have to be enlarged to handle increased recycling and environmental needs. The housekeeping crew, galley teams, and ships compliment of stewards would also be increased to reflect the increased personnel. She would undergo a cosmetic refurbishment. The remaining cargo decks would remain as they are. This storage space is needed for the provisioning of your crew and the vessel itself. The benefits of this action are:

  1) The yard would drop all other work – on hand, pre-constructed modules are a good fit for the extra living quarters, dining facilities, and other infrastructure needs - refit time is estimated at two weeks.

  2) The vessel is already configured in a defensive only mode so no weapons refit would be necessary.

  3) The value of this ship is much lower, refit is much less costly, and it will be crewed by about six hundred which falls well within your maximum budget.

  4) Testing and proofing shakedown of the expanded recycling and environmental systems would be done on route to you.

  5) The vessel would be in your hands and ready for occupancy, in far less time - alleviating yours and Admiral Bryant's concerns in a much more favorable timeframe.

  The vessel would have,

  Separate quarters (slightly increased by removal of existing mess halls) for its operating crew

  Apartments for up to eight Staff and guest Flag officers

  Accommodations for two hundred twenty-five Senior Commissioned Officers

  Flats for 1300 Commissioned Officers of other ranks

  Studios for seventy-eight hundred Enlisted and Noncommissioned Officers

  Removal of existing mess halls provides some space not devoted to quarters that would be used for a small amphitheater.

  A new, small Flag Dining room, a six hundred seat Officers Mess, and a twenty-eight hundred seat non-com / enlisted mess would fill nearly half of one deck.

  There would be an expansive multipurpose room that could be used for large gatherings and promotions. This room would be finished with a stage and a chandelier at its midpoint.

  Medical would be increased in size.

  Half that deck would include a mall, gymnasium and swimming pool.

  The vessel would also have a Commander's Office, the COS office, eight Senior Administrative offices, twenty-five Administrative offices and separate office spaces for nineteen departments staffed by eight thousand.

  Former weapons storage areas not included in the accommodation and office refit would be reconfigured as a shuttle bays for four long distance maxi-shuttles. The rest of this space would store large stocks of Marine Corps’ weapons and ammunitions.

  A separate dock would be added for your Admiral's Craft so it can ride on the bottom of the ship.

  The shuttles are new and available, now. They would be charged to your asset ledger and would require testing and shakedown.

  We have recently seen this vessel during a Fleet inspection. This is a Carrier-sized ship without the island. She is in outstanding condition. And, we have been shown plans by the yard of what could be accomplished, in such a short time. Because of its large open spaces, this ship can actually handle the refit for quarters, messes, and offices much better than a retired Carrier class vessel would. Supply Ships are fully FTL capable, so she'd be a valuable addition to your team.

  The current crew would not transfer with the craft. All its staffing would be your Command's responsibility, at IGB's expense. The ship would be delivered by a skeleton crew that would require return transport.

  We have examined the vessel's service and maintenance records. It has a pretty typical looking history and has had no significant difficulties in the recent past. It carries adequate repair stocks and has an experienced engineering team, looking after it, at this time.

  Of course, the SCFS3589 would retain her registry number but, would need to be rechristened. We suggest the ESS Examiner a fitting name unique to her purpose. We assume you will accept this compromise, so we have written the appropriate orders to the Fleet and Yard. Unless we receive a negative response from you, we will continue targeting delivery of the vessel to you by Friday, August 7, 2257.

  Fleet Admiral David Williamson C&C OESA

  Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C OESA

  I decided to respond even though I was accepting the plan and the response is not required.


  From:Admiral K Brubacher OESA Inspector General

  To:Fleet Admiral David Williamson C&C OESA

  Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C OESA

  C.C.Admiral G. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Re: Inspector General Branch - Facilities

  Date:July 16, 2257


  Though you didn't require this response, I thought it wise to write and confirm my desire to accept the plan you outlined for Inspector General Branch Facilities. I will be happy to receive the refitted vessel registry number SCS3589, under the conditions you described.

  I am thrilled with the fact, you found a way to reduce this Commands overall costs. More than that, the accelerated timeline will make everyone's life here a lot easier. I am sure Admiral Bryant will appreciate it, too.

  I will look forward to welcoming the "Examiner" Friday, August 7, 2257, and assure the return of the skeleton crew. Thank you.

  Admiral K. Brubacher

  I call in the senior team and show them all the memo, asking Roh to post it. I suggest we all go for a drink. I contact Helena and invite her on the grounds I have great news. We all have a little too much.


  Today, when the new ship arrives, we'll have a christening ceremony, then I'll install the crew we've scraped together. Roh and the HR team helped a lot. We looked at all the non-supply vessel crews and made lists of XO and Second Officers that may desire a change. We did the same with Deputy Department Commanders. In the end, there were nearly five hundred officers’ files harvested from all the Fleets. I went through those myself. We would only need ninety-two from the most senior to the most junior officers because a lot of departments were already staffed in the current command. The ninety-two were to handle all the Bridge, Engineering, and Medical operations and the Captain and Exec positions. I made inquiries about two hundred and reduced those numbers from the ones that finally accepted. At the same time, we compile departmental lists of nearly two thousand files of various non-comms and enlisted specialists that can handle the ship's systems. Then, we sifted through those and reduced the potentials to one thousand to fill the positions throughout the vessel. We would finally need four hundred eighty for those jobs. Once more, we inquired of all those looking for six hundred to respond favorably. The best were always those with issues caused by an impending marriage or seeking a promotion. From the responses, I whittled my choices for Captain to two and offered one the Captaincy of the ship, holding the other applicant in reserve. But Lt. Commander Shane MacDonald responded favorably so that task is complete. He was nearby, in Auriga Fleet, so we executed the change quickly. Then, we included him in the Exec choices. Both were involved in the selections of second, third, fourth officers, Engineering Chief, and Chief Medical Officer. That team worked together to select the rest of their administration. They all cooperated with human resources to fill the squads and platoons that would operate the vessel’s systems.

  At present, they are all waiting in their quarters, the mess halls, and the pub for a call that will come when the ship exits its jump. We will gather at the docking port, Christen the vessel the Examiner, go aboard, and man the stations. Finally, on the Bridge, we'll have a dedication ceremony, as we hang the registry plaque on a bridge wall. The Captain will record the event in his ship's log. I will record it in mine, and it will all be official. Then, we'll take about an hour tour of our new Examiner. I'll notify the Inspector General Branch that the Examiner and crew
are departing with the Inspector General aboard. Then we'll ask the Valhalla for permission to undock and leave. The Captain will open the sealed orders I generated, and we will leave for the space dock at Rigil.

  Since the day I accepted the plan, things have really popped. Both remote investigations finished. There were no serious difficulties with either Fleet. Both were cited for minor protocol violations. The Commander of Antlia Fleet, Vice Admiral V.S. Bandera, had an official reprimand added to his personnel file by me, for failing to comply with a duly issued lawful order as outlined in the OESA regulations. This would be good for us. He would be pissed off and spread it around. The damage to his career would motivate others to comply without hesitation. We also continued on the breakneck pace to come up to full capability. As of today, we had the full complement of Marines, the command staff was at eighty percent, and the ship's allocation was complete. Right now, the Inspector General Branch staff is at seventy-five hundred sixty-four including me.

  Once the two teams made it back, we spent three days pouring over their notes and accounts to modify and streamline our protocol and processes. In the last couple of days, I had visited everyone promoting the idea of getting packed up. We would move to the Examiner as soon as it arrives from the shipyard.

  Helena and I spent time with George. George told me it was my decision, but he would support the Examiner moving in tandem with the Loki, as long as we stayed out of the way during patrols. He advised Helena that, he still wanted to keep her Fleet and Auriga close. The Emperor was still a regular visitor, and he wanted the extra support in case someone tried to attack.

  My system annunciator chimes. I check the message and see our new ship just popped into our locale. I navigate my system and tap sending the crew of the ship the notification, and triggering an automated public address announcement. Then, I say good-bye to the Senior Staff and head for the docking bay. I officially take command of the vessel from the pilot.

  Once SCS3589 is christened ESS Examiner, we go aboard. On the Bridge, we do the dedication and hang the brass plaque. Then, with everyone in tow, I blindly lead the tour of our new Base. We are stunned. She's like a luxury hotel. Something like the cruise ships that once sailed Earth oceans. The Examiner seems almost opulent, and quarters and facilities are much more spacious than I had envisioned. There are a couple of odd nooks on each level - probably caused by refitting a supply vessel to be a Personnel Carrier. But overall, the yard did a great job.


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