"Captain, here are your orders," I say officiously as I tap my pad.
He reads. His head snaps back as he smiles.
"Are you kidding, sir?" He asked.
"It is no joke, Commander MacDonald. We are treating the trip to Rigil as the second last leg of a shakedown. The trip back will be the final stage. Follow those orders precisely, Captain." I said.
"Aye... Aye, Admiral," he barks.
"Engineering - environmental and recycling to one hundred percent.
Ion Propulsion to ready. AMPE to ready. Helm - all thruster to the ready. Navigation set station keeping. Bow thrusters to one hundred - Ion propulsion to sixty percent until notified.' He checks a chronometer and waits for two minutes. 'IPE and bow thruster off at my command. Off! Starboard and Port thrusters at one hundred on my order. On!' again he watches the chronometers. 'Helm watch for any drift. Thrusters off! Bow and aft thrusters to one hundred at my command. ON' he watches the chronometer. 'Helm watch for glide, again. Thrusters OFF! Starboard bow thrusters to fifty, aft port thrusters to fifty. On! Helm call out the angle of rotation." He orders.
The helm begins calling as the ship rotates, noting every five degrees deflection. At eighty-five the Captain interrupts.
"All stop!' He barks and seems to be measuring any coasting. "Thruster to my command. Port bow and starboard aft thrusters fifty percent - two-second burst on my directive. Thrusters now! All thrusters to station keeping.' He waits for the ship to fully stop. 'What's are current heading, helm?"
"Zero nine zero degrees, declination zero, sir." The helm calls out.
"Helm set course for Wolf 359. Propulsion IPE and AMPE ramp engines zero to twenty percent of superluminal over thirty minutes. Set Casimir field for one and a half million kilometers out at one hundred percent. IPE off when we cross the threshold." The Captain finished his order.
The delivery pilot steps forward and begins to protest.
"Don't panic, Lt. Commander. We'll have you back to the yard on time - or very close to it.
We cross the jump point.
"IPE off. Helm, I'm sending a stabilizer program that will run for a couple of minutes. Engage it right away.' The captain is watching the chronometer. The ship begins to tilt first one way, then back, then the other way, then back again. 'Propulsion AMPE to twenty-two percent C.' He watches the chronometer again. 'Propulsion - AMPE to twenty-five percent C.
Engineering, I need a recording of all system readings since launch and for the rest of the trip to Wolf 359. Helm and propulsion - steady as she goes to Wolf 359.' He leans back into his chair on the Command Station. 'Sir, I read your manuals on testing and shakedown. This is really great." He says with a smile.
"Yes, but, this is not really the whole deal. This ship was already in service. We're just proofing because it's new to us. I'd like to know if, we're going to have any issues. But, the Examiner looks pretty good, so far. And, she sure is a pretty little thing.' I finished with a smile. 'Pilot, we'll do Wolf in three days eighteen hours instead of four and a half. We'll stop at Wolf to do some tests. Then we'll traverse Wolf to Rigil in one day instead of one day eighteen hours. The total trip time will be five days seven hours, including stopping for the tests. Standard time from 61V to Rigil is five days. Do you think you can handle a seven-hour delay?
We'll navigate the trip back direct in two and a half days instead of five, after stopping for a day to finish the testing on the shuttles. Commander MacDonald, can you have an Officer do a survey of your crew’s reaction to their quarters in about another hour. We need to know about ventilation, environment, and bathroom systems." I finish.
"Aye Admiral." The Captain responds.
Today I'm issuing an order for the entire team to move from Valhalla to Examiner. Everything went well on the trip to Rigil and back. The shuttles were impressive. They can take thirty-five each and have births and a small lounge/cafeteria/mess. We took them up to thirty-five percent, which surprised all of us. Shuttles are usually governed at one-quarter light-speed. I ran all the results through the Failure Fault and Finite Analysis software. The ship should be dependable. The COS has all the cabin assignments ready. We won't be completely moved over until late tomorrow. But, we'll restart investigative operations from there, then.
From:Admiral K. Brubacher Inspector General
To:All Personnel - Inspector General Branch
C.C.Admiral G. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC
Re:Inspector General Branch - Facilities
Date:August 16, 2257
I have the pleasure to inform you that our new "home" the Examiner, docked at the Valhalla, has passed all tests and inspections, and is ready for you to embark.
Please have all your belongings moved over as quickly as possible. This applies to quarters and offices.
We must all be thankful to Admiral Bryant for his hospitality, and his generosity in providing shelter for us until we received the Examiner. It has put a strain on Mobile Fifth RAC resources and personnel. We are grateful.
You can access a map of the ship on our site. It will direct everyone to their assigned living and working spaces. The doors of all quarters have a small identification plaque on each, and all office spaces are properly labeled. Both apartments and offices are furnished. You are asked to move only personal belongings and work materials.
Personnel of the Marine contingent are requested to double check for weapons. Do not leave any behind.
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
We're on our way to park in open space between Procyon, Sirius, and DX Cancer. The three stars are officially positioned in two different constellations but are serviced by Quadrant Two, Theatre Three Commands. Cancer Fleet is centered at DX, while Canes Minor is centered at Procyon, and Canes Major Fleet is at Sirius.
I cut the investigation orders and wrote the team instructions a few minutes ago. We will conduct three examinations, at the same time, holding one large shuttle in reserve in case we need to provide additional support to one of the teams. Though they are considered "friendly forces" in our quest, I must execute our operations judicially and need to maintain the appearance of fairness and neutrality.
Order Number IGB257-0803- Cancer Fleet
Att.Vice Admiral Sestinas Commander Cancer Fleet
You are advised that, on this date, July 20, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of the Cancer Fleet. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.
This order was generated July 20, 2257, by,
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
OESA Inspector General
Note: a copy of this warrant has been posted to the Office of the OESA C&C
Order Number IGB257-0804 - Canis Major Fleet
Att.Vice Admiral R. Bolingbrook Commander Canis Major Fleet
You are advised that, on this date, July 20, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of the Canis Major Fleet. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.
sp; This order was generated July 20, 2257, by,
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
OESA Inspector General
Note: a copy of this warrant has been posted to the Office of the OESA C&C
Order Number IGB257-0805 Canis Minor Fleet
Att.Vice Admiral Gigantean Commander Canis Minor Fleet
You are advised that, on this date, July 20, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of the Canis Minor Fleet. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.
This order was generated July 20, 2257, by,
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
OESA Inspector General
Note: a copy of this warrant has been posted to the Office of the OESA C&C
From:Adm. K. Brubacher Inspector General
To:Lt. Colonel C. Sparks Commander I.S.I.E. Department Inspector General Branch
C.C.Admiral G.Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC,
Rear Admiral Rohkea Sielu Chief of Staff Inspector General Branch,
Office of the OESA C&C
Re:General Investigations and Audits
Date:Aug. 20, 2257
Colonel Sparks,
You will find three Investigation Warrants attached. One is for Cancer Fleet, the second is for Canis Major Fleet, and the third document is for Canis Minor Fleet. For each operation, You'll need a team of two forensic personnel from each of, Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Engineering, Communications, Weapons, and Logistics disciplines. You'll also require eight armed infantry soldiers to support a squad comprised of three Criminal Investigators, two Intelligence Agents and three Enforcement Officers for each investigation. You are authorized to requisition the use of a thirty-five person shuttle craft and their crew for each of these operations. Handheld conventional / laser weapons are approved but should employ rubber bullets for standard guns and use and minimum setting for the beam action. Your people ar not allowed to use deadly force, except in defense of your teams.
You can discover the positions of the three Fleets by accessing the encrypted OESA "Deployed Vessels" page on our site. Access to the DVpage requires entry of your OESA identification number and your security clearance number.
The three systems these Fleets are currently parked in are within close proximity to each other. I have ordered "Examiner" to a position central to them. Examiner departure from its current position will take place at eight hundred hours, this day. ETA at our destination will be five hundred fifteen hours, August 24, 2257. I am permitting a velocity of thirty percent for the first leg of our mission. Our position will place us no more than three light years from each target, so maximum travel time by shuttle will be fifteen hours or less. Communications lag between each location and the Examiner will be three hours. Good Luck to your teams.
Admiral Brubacher
During the three and a half day trip to our position, I have scheduled three promotion ceremonies and one large cocktail party luncheon. We have acquired the last of our commissioned personnel, and there are nearly one hundred promotions and assignments to do. This has been a source of a lot of work for the staff and me, over the past couple of months. With Officers' promotions come the ceremonies, parties, and all the paperwork and notifications. Since our people perform a service-wide function, these notices require broad circulation. In the meantime, Helena and I have almost completed all our wedding plans. It is imperative to have them done by the end of this month. People need their invitations in time to adjust their schedules. It has been a busy time.
From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General
To:Vice Admiral Gigantean Commander Canis Minor Fleet
Re:Our examination of your fleet - warrant number IGB257-0805
Date:August 31, 2257
The investigation noted above yielded no deficiencies in your Fleet operations worth citing in a report. To the contrary, the Canis Minor Fleet was described as a "model" of how a field operation of this size should be run. Since these investigations are multi-faceted, deep, and thorough, you should be very proud of your Command.
However, my investigators did find an issue, I feel is worth bringing to your attention since a Fleet Commander cannot personally keep an eye on each of his thousands of subordinates and every piece of hardware in the operation. The young Lieutenant responsible for the Asset Sheet within your Accounting Department seems to be in over his head. He is very socially interactive and is very well liked. Because of that, people both below and above his position seem to be protecting him.
My team found his work often piles up, requiring "all-nighters" to restore the records to a current state. He is also responsible for generating inaccuracies that are corrected by those previously mentioned. While this is a situation that has resulted in no harm to your operations, I felt you should be apprised of it so you could take whatever steps you feel are appropriate. I believe that a Commander of a Fleet as efficient as Canis Minor would wish to know of such problems.
I would like to thank you for the warm welcome you gave our investigative team and for the cooperation you and your entire Command offered throughout the investigation
Admiral K. Brubacher Inspector General
I order the ESS Examiner to return to ESS Loki. We will need a week to plan our next operation, which will be a Theatre Command.
Order Number IGB257-0906 -Theatre Nine Command
Att.Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Fifth Mobile RAC Theatre Nine Command
You are advised that, on this date, September 6, 2257, this warrant has been generated ordering the investigation of all aspects of Theatre Nine Command. You are directed and required to comply with all persons of the investigating team, as required by statute and described in OESA Rules and Regulations. Further, you are instructed and obligated to avail all facilities, information systems, and data storage devices and make available all personnel that are part of your Command and/or any of its subsidiary operations.
This order was generated Sunday, September 6, 2257, by,
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
OESA Inspector General
Note: a copy of this warrant has been posted to the Office of the OESA C&C
I call in Colonel Sparks. I show him the warrant.
"I chose Theatre Nine for a reason. Admiral Nichols and I are friends. This should give us a chance to establish a process for this size command. We should be welcomed at Nine. Or, I could lose a friend, I guess.
You are still in Command of the actual mission. I am going to spend time with Stephen. Hopefully, I can ease any pain he might feel." I explained as I tapped my pad to send his orders.
From:Adm. K. Brubacher Inspector General
To:Lt. Colonel C. Sparks Commander I.S.I.E. Department Inspector General Branch
C.C.Rear Admiral Rohkea Sielu Chief of Staff Inspector General Branch
Re:General Investigations and Audits
Date:September 6, 2257
Colonel Sparks,
You will find an Investigation Order attached. It is for the examination of Theatre Nine Command. You will need a team of six forensic personnel from each of, Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Engineering, Communications, Weapons, Logistics disciplines, and twenty-four armed infantry soldiers. The armed troops are to support a squad comprised of nine Criminal Investigators, six Intelligence Agen
ts and nine Enforcement Officers for this investigation. You are authorized to requisition the use of three thirty-five person shuttle crafts and their crews for this operation. Handheld conventional / laser weapons are approved but should employ rubber bullets in the standard guns and minimum settings for the laser fights. Use of deadly force is not permitted except in defense of your teams.
The ESS Examiner will make the initial trip from the Loki to Zavijava, where Theatre Nine Command is currently parked. Examiner has been ordered to depart immediately and will arrive at Theatre Nine Wednesday, September 9, 2257, at seventeen hundred hours. Shuttles will only be required for ship-to-ship on-site transfer. I will be accompanying your team, on this investigation.
Admiral Brubacher
"Thanks for receiving us so warmly, Stephen. We are not always greeted kindly by everyone." I offer as we sit down in his sumptuously spacious office.
"You're welcome Kurt, and I know what you mean. I was at a seminar with Vice Admiral V.S. Bandera, last week. He says you killed his career. After I had dug the facts out of him, I told him he killed his own career. I'm glad you chose Nine as your first Theatre Command audit." He responds, with a smile.
"So, you understand?... I needed to start with someone who would give me a little slack. We use each first investigation to refine the process for the next ones. I knew that Theatre Nine wouldn't have any serious issues and probably not many minor ones, so I thought it would be the best place to learn. It also gives the impression of nonpartisanship. We could keep the heat on Quadrant One and Four, but it not only wouldn't look fair, but it also wouldn't be fair. I would like to stay above board and even-handed. I would like the Inspector General Branch to be a valuable, productive operational aid to the OESA." I say.
Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 49