Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 62

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  When Draco and Boots Fleets received their alarm, they would begin to spiral around a corkscrewing point; employing the Nichols maneuver to confuse the enemy and make them much harder to target; while attaining the maximum coverage of long range sensors. Palakiko would do the same. Each of the three Fleets at each pincer point would commence the maneuver at six hundred hours; coordinating all their ships and the more than five thousand sensor drones, each Fleet would deploy. Stevens would position his forces in a semi-circle, stacked three layers high, that would hold at station keeping until exit apertures were detected.

  Regardless of assignment, one standard procedure aboard all the Carriers involved holding meetings at five hundred thirty hours of all those participating in tactical operations. This would include the Fighter Squadrons; which would be assembled in their particular ready-rooms and briefed by the Deputy CAG, the Aerospace Offensive Chief or the Aerospace Defensive Chief. By the time the enemy landed, the first wave of Raptors would already be spaceborne; and, every single pilot would know his or her responsibilities.

  At six hundred hours, the Fleet Commanders would address everyone; bringing the various support and operational crews into the picture with the tactical teams. They would all use this opportunity to allay or buffer the fears of all personnel.

  From the reports I read, it appears that there was no action at the pincer points or either flank. But, Theatre Nine began firing particle weapons, as apertures formed, at precisely six hundred thirty hours; though, they only succeeded in destroying five ships by collapsing their wormholes with them inside; each spewing raggedly shredded clouds of fine particles into the surrounding space. And within seconds, as weapons systems picked up hard targets, Theatre Nine began launching waves of spears to accompany the particle shots.

  But, the enemy was firing as they escaped their exit points; and it was one of the very first shots that destroyed the FSS Tyr. The adversary's missile skipped along the shields of the Tyr making contact over and over; as other charges were deflected and absorbed. By the time, it actually reached the engine exhaust housing the shields were weakened enough for it to penetrate and detonate against the funnel; creating an anti-matter leak that reacted with the AMPE housing. The result was the total and immediate annihilation of the entire vessel in a massive blinding anti-matter fusion flare. What wasn't converted to energy or incinerated to dusty smoke spiraled through the surrounding space; cartwheeling through the battlefield in strange parabolic arcs; while spinning on their own axis; creating dangerous buzz saws endangering adjacent and proximate vessels.

  Torrential salvos of Nine's spears and charges hurtled down on the muddled enemy; as their response passed the barrage; heading for Theatre Nine targets. Half of Nine's Raptors joined in the attack on the warships while the other half defended the Command; and, fought nose-to-nose dogfights with enemy fighters. At times, space was alight with fusion balls like a nighttime sky brightened by several supernovae. Other moments appeared like an Earth's bright summer day. Still, others seemed like the darkest of nights. Eye piercing flickers and flashes, from the many weapons strikes and ships' annihilations, forced even monitor-observers to reflexively squint, shield or turn to protect their precious sense of sight.

  Two hours into the battle, five ships backed away while others moved to fill their position; the retracted ones escorting the first two supply vessels into position for rearming and refueling Theatre Nine's large warships. This aspect was a vital detail in any Fifth Mobile battle plan. Though it momentarily reduces firepower, slightly, it has the effect of extending our abilities long past those of any foe. The first five were serviced; returning into line as five more moved to protect the supply crafts, during their restocking. This rotation continued until the stores were exhausted; then, two new allocators replaced the originals; and, the cycle resumed. Another hour into the battle it was evident the Inscrutables were metering their weapons consumption; while Theatre Nine continued to fire at an unrelenting pace. Individual enemy ships were being destroyed or disabled. Those incapable of enduring flared in gargantuan fusion eruptions; as their self-destruct systems were engaged. It was the beginning of a pattern that would be all too common in coming fights.

  For all their strength, there did not seem to be an appropriate tactical plan in this antagonist's struggle. They jumped in; firing from stationary positions; never reforming or reorganizing in any effective way. There seemed to be no organized groupings or attacks. It was just every ship for itself.

  Chapter 3 The End of the Beginning

  January 28, 2259

  "If a man does his best, what else is there?" - General George S. Patton

  Each day’s reports, from the border battle zone, were a little more encouraging than the previous day’s. Though the pace of action had slowed, things still progressed fiercely. Memo after memo reported the destruction of so many enemy ships; and some damage; but, except for limited numbers of Raptors, no further losses of Orion Federation craft. Similar reports continued for days; though, the tide seemed to turn with the counter attack. In a memo dated February 1, 2259, George announced the enemy had withdrawn, and the battle was over. The final tally included only the Tyr; along with twenty-eight raptors. There were limited incidental deaths, attributed to trauma; caused by concussive shock occurring when a ship was hit by weapons fire. Total dead was six thousand seventy personnel. Enemy losses were pegged at forty-two warships and two hundred fifteen fighter craft. George estimated they lost nearly thirty-two thousand personnel. In this report, George stressed that both the large battleships and the small fighters would “self-destruct” if it appeared they would be disabled, boarded or captured.

  Things reverted back to the unrelenting chess match that had been the norm, before the battle; their antagonists replacing losses in very short order. In several communiqués over the next months, George sought permission to cross the border to attack the enemy. To my chagrin, I noted that; George had now termed our unknown enemies the “Inscrutables” as a permanent identifier.

  Nearly daily our enigmatic foes made deceptive tactical moves; only to be countered by George; before they were even set. I noted that; he had begun to receive new vessels, officers, and crew. It was all part of an effort of the C&C to bolster Fifth's strength to a point where the enemy would just turn tail and return home. It was remarkable to see how the two expansions were being fed.

  By the beginning of this war, in December of 2259, the Federation had eleven shipyards orbiting four different planets throughout the Empire; and three Academy complexes graduating nearly twenty-one thousand people a year. But, unknown to most of us, the C&C had commissioned the building of manufacturing plants, on another three worlds. The war with the Spiel had led them to believe; we may still not be up to the strength needed to defend our space against a truly formidable aggressor. When the Inscrutables appeared on the border, six more shipyards were quickly placed in orbit above the worlds possessing the new manufacturing facilities. Run like assembly lines, the combined seventeen shipyards could complete fifty-one warships each and every month. At the same time, the Secretary of Defense had opened three new Academies, on those same worlds. All were double-schools; one side handling officers and the very senior non-commissioned offers; while the other operation taught crewman and regular NCOs. And, other supercarrier Mobile Commands were continuously being added to the growing list of those that were certified extensions of the War College. The plan for staffing the expansions, devised during the first enlargement, had now virtually become a permanent protocol of the OFSA. George and I could each draw one experienced officer or crewman from each of the other quadrants; for every one, we took from the academy. So, for every green Academy grad we drafted, each quadrant had to assume one, to replace the person they lost. When judicious transfers and promotions were included; seventy-five percent of the staffing of all our vessels was by qualified, experienced personnel.

  The academy system is a wonder. Though they consider themselves an educa
tional institution, their focus is on OFSA needs. So, their officer intake includes only those with a minimum of a Bachelor's diploma from another institution. Entering at the undergraduate level means, an entrant will spend at least another three years completing both the Command and a Master's, Program. Depending on the applicant's field of endeavor and proposed supervisory discipline, one could extend this up to five years to achieve a Doctorate while completing the Command Program. However, many entered with a completed graduate degree and required only one year in the Command Program to reach commissioning as an officer. Similar streaming was applied on the enlisted side of the school; with the exception of the Marine Troopers who would be taken in for two-year training with only two years of college level education. All other OFSA enlisted entered with three-year technology designations; and, completed one year of OFSA training; before being granted designation as a "Crew Member." The schools each took in a new class three times a year, for the start of each new semester; so, there are three graduating classes from each campus, every year.

  As Mobile Fifth was beginning to receive new personnel, IGB was completing drills that finalized the integration of its two most recently added Fleets. Each IGB Theatre Command now managed seven Fleets. In six months, we would be up to full strength; and all remaining expansion would be focused on Mobile Fifth. At that point, things would get really crazy in Mobile Fifth RAC; as they would begin receiving crew and vessels at twice the previous rate. This would be comparable to what happened during the original formation of the Command. Things would seem totally disorganized for about the next year and a half.

  The overall plan of the C&C was to add two new Fleets to both IGB and Mobile Fifth RAC every six months; for as long as it took to reach the strength level they envisioned as necessary. Every three months, the OFSA delivered forty new warships to one or the other; while sustaining its "Lifetime Program" which replaced each ship in service every twenty years.

  It was around this time, I started to smell something wrong in the kitchen, back home. I filed my twice daily reports to the C&C; and, they sent comments and policy related orders, once every day. But, the tone of their communiqués began to change. When I would bring up potential improvements, HQ would come back with evasive, non-committal responses. I knew something wasn't right; but, I couldn't imagine what was truly happening back home on Earth and Rigil.

  It is a recurring practice for all the Quadrant Commanders to talk to each other on a regular basis. This is done via encrypted private e-mails with no one else copied. In one I sent to Stephen Nichols, I broached the attitude I was sensing coming from the C&C. He advised me that, there was a problem with the Assembly. Representatives' shouts created a continuous public cacophony; arguing their point of view openly in the press; often to the point of conflicts. So, the C&C did not want to attempt any improvements that required their majority agreement. Now that there was no Emperor to break these deadlocks, things had really stagnated. He told me that, he didn't have enough detail to embellish further; but, would continue poking into it. He would try to keep me in the loop.

  When you've deployed afield, you don't have access to instantaneous news feeds. Depending on our location, I will be two, three or even up to five days behind in the feeds I receive; when I do access the news channels. But, even still, they were all laser focused on the assembly, too. It was apparent by the reports that the assembly, and our new democracy, was in serious trouble. Anyway, we are two years into a five-year budget; with all the sovereigns already allocated; and, orders placed to meet projected growth and required maintenance. So, it's unlikely we'll be affected. There just won't be any alterations to the existing plans.

  January and February were pretty much standard months for IGB; except for one anomaly. Rho Corona Borealis came up for a planetary examination. We chose to transport the entire Command there; and, dispatch a Fleet to deploy a one-hundred-five-person three-shuttle team to Theatre 5 Command and a Group to escort a single shuttle team to Borealis Fleet. There was nothing unusual in any of this. The Theatre Command was only twenty light-years away, and Borealis Fleet was at 14 Hercules just eleven light-years distant.

  But, during the visit to Rho, I was summoned to the planet. This is atypical. Protocol dictates that; if something is amiss, the teams usually transmit data to us for examination, and we usually reply with instructions and directives. This was obviously extremely profound; because this particular team would not broadcast information and wanted me on location. So, I went down, protected by a thirty-five-man security team, as required by the R&Rs.

  I was very quietly passed two data pads for inspection; when I arrived on site. I'm sure I gave myself away to the planetary officials around me when my eyes widened involuntarily. The first pad showed evidence of vast sums of money being diverted from government departments. The trail was complicated; but, could be traced to banks in the Satar region of Rho Corona Three and on 14 Hercules.

  The second pad held several communication strings discussing these funds in a very loose kind of code. The final destination of all the moving money seemed to be the Encalle; who were obviously active again. I asked to see the President, immediately.

  The Encalle are much like Arabic terrorists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries; I had observed in so many historical documentaries, I watched. Some used actual news footage others used clips from dramatic presentations made more than two centuries ago. It is well established in those videos that theologically based terrorism is a real menace. Fervor drives the participants to levels of violence unused in conventional warfare. And, though those offenders professed to be Muslim; they were much like Christians of several centuries earlier. Those faiths were based on the same core text; which taught some delightful lessons and values; but, was subjectively interpreted by these radicals; who believed, they had the only right answers and spoke for God.

  Now, on Rho, it was happening, again. The Encalle were building for a series of terrorist attacks and unqualified battles in an effort to force the entire planet's population to follow their sect's doctrines.

  It was a cordial enough meeting. I knew Chalisez from our last meetings, in 2255. He was new at the job then. I showed him the evidence. There was a long silence.

  "So, it has started, again." The frustration in his voice was noticeable. He continued. "How will the Federation respond to this violation?"

  "I know; I will have my team at 14 Hercules seize the funds in the banks there. And, I will confiscate the funds on your planet. Everything will be reimbursed to your government. And, my people will continue investigating; and, will apprehend all the people in your government who are involved, even you; if you've assisted them." I said gruffly.

  "No. No. I don't know anything about it!". The President was screaming as tears ran down his cheeks

  "Then, you'll have nothing to worry about. Stop crying. You’re the president of a world, man!' I maintained my harsh tone. Then, I continued, softly.

  'You know, I will endanger my people and assets to clean up this corruption, again. But, this is the third time. I cannot be sure; the Orion Federation will not order the complete sterilization of the planet." I added earnestly.

  "Oh no - they wouldn't do that; would they?" It was a whimpering plea.

  "I don't know. That judgment is determined above me. But, I can assure you that; the Orion Federation does not want an enemy within its borders. If the Encalle conquers the planet, that's what the situation will be. And, everyone on this planet will live under the yoke of oppression. Do you understand what I'm saying?' I queried. 'You and your people must take whatever action is necessary, to put down this insurrection; before it grows into a full-fledged insurgency; then, you must be resolute enough to execute operations that ensure it will never recur. And, you have to do that without restricting your citizens' rights; while minimizing collateral damage. My forces can aid you; but, this time, you have to take the initiative. You have to show the Federation, you and the majority of your peo
ple are doing everything possible; because, your planet wants to remain part of the Orion Federation." I finished.

  Though I was forceful, I understood the quandary Chalisez faced. Rho Three had joined the Federation willingly, many years ago. But now, he believed; they faced total annihilation by their partner and benefactor who would not allow them to breach the agreement. The Encalle followers apparently permeated Rho society deeper than anyone realized. He would have to weed them all out; and, eradicate all references to their way of life and beliefs to eliminate all sources of future infection. It was unfortunate. It would be like the old incidents of race hatred and book burnings. But, two previous incidents had not served to educate the Encalle. They persisted in their revolutionary ways. The Federation does not restrict individual religious beliefs; only organized religion; specifically, to prevent what was happening on Rho.





  From: Adm. K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  To:OFSA Office of the C&C

  CC:Adm. H Brubacher D.C. - IGB; Office of Quadrant 3 Command

  Re: Examination of Rho Corona Three

  Date:February 3, 2259


  It is with great regret that; I must inform you of the discovery of a widespread criminal conspiracy, uncovered in our regular audit of Rho Corona Three.

  We arrived at Rho on Monday, January 31, 2259, to conduct our typical planetary examinations. We positioned all forces but one Fleet and one Group in high synchronous orbit above the capital city to facilitate continuous communications with forces I deployed to the ground. The standard complement of five hundred seventy-five investigators, one hundred twenty-five intelligence, and six hundred enforcement officers was directed to President Chalisez and fanned out to their respective assignments.


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