Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 63

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  By Tuesday, it was evident to the team that something was amiss; and, I was summoned to the government buildings, by the investigation team. I descended to the surface; accompanied by my usual security contingent, to confer with my Examiners.

  They had uncovered an enormous embezzlement scheme that was funneling billions of sovereigns from government sources to banks in the Satar Region of the planet and on 14 Hercules. Further scrutiny indicated these funds were for use by the Encalle - the faction the Federation has attempted to sterilize, from this world, on two previous occasions.

  I presented the evidence to President Chalisez; who seemed innocent and unaware of the whole scheme. He is also terrified of the remedy the Federation may employ, this time, to resolve the matter permanently. He has taken steps to ferret out this infection; as IGB continues its inquiry; arresting responsible government officials and recovering funds here and on 14 Hercules. One of our Fleets had been deployed to that planet to conduct a review of Borealis Fleet; currently stationed there. I have notified them of the situation, and they have allocated forces to recover the money and close the banking institutions; if they determine, those companies were aware the funds were illicit in nature.

  President Chalisez appears to be taking the lead, in this matter. IGB stands ready to offer any assistance we can to aid him.

  We await any input you may have on the matter.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  From our position, communications to Rigil takes two days. HQ could need another day to engage the government and formulate a plan; then, another two days would be consumed in returning a message and orders to IGB. In the meantime, we continued on our current path of investigation and assistance. RCB and 14 Hercules are just a little over eleven light-years apart; so, voice and data exchanges, each way, are a tad over nine hours. At twenty-one hundred on February 3, I received a communiqué from my people there that; just over a billion sovereigns had been recovered; and, more than three and a half billion had been traced back to further collaborating banks on Rho Three. It appeared that; 14 Hercules was only being used as a means to launder the money and make it hard to track. I forwarded the information to my ground team.

  While we were conducting the forensics, intelligence teams were fanning out around the planet; following leads gathered from the messages discovered earlier. I started receiving their analysis, the next day.

  This time, the fractious group was much more diffused. They had hundreds of encampments; each training one to two thousand fighters. Though separated, these small villages were loosely bound into groups; so, several could be brought together to form division strength forces. Low in the mountains to the southwest, several mechanized battalions were hidden in tight valleys. In all, this appeared to amount to an army of around sixty thousand including three full heavy armored divisions.

  Though well equipped, funded, and organized, the Encalle did not seem ready for war. And, they had made no noise at all. Yet, like terrorists, planned attacks as a prelude to wider operations. It appeared as if, they were in the advanced stages of the build-up; and would be ready to begin operations in a month or so; depending on their remote networks; which turned out to be much more deeply embedded in regular society, than during the previous rebellions. My directives, to the ground, were to probe until they found all the networks; but that, no offensive actions should begin; until I authorized it. I copied the Rho Three president on the order.

  As I received a response from the C&C on February 9, we were just mapping out all the strands of the remote radicals' networks, from all the intelligence we had developed. This time, it was a much more elaborate kaleidoscope of cells, located in over a hundred populated areas of the planet. No doubt, they were planning to make a titanic commotion, as a prelude to full-scale attacks. The communication from the C&C did not come in the form of an order; but instead, it was presented as a memo.


  From:F. Adm. W. Stephenson; F. Adm. G. Tonaka Office of the C&C

  To:Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  C.C.Quadrant 3 Commander;

  President Chalisez - Head of State & Commander in Chief Rho Three

  Re:Detected build-up of Encalle on Rho Corona Three

  Date:February 8, 2259


  Thank you for your recent report on the above. We discussed issuing orders to you; but, in the end, we feel the matter is best left in your hands; since, you are on-site and have the authority to take any actions that are necessary. However, we will endeavor to counsel you; and, give you our thoughts on the matter.

  Rho Corona Three is an integral part of our Confederacy. It is a dependable and regular supplier of ships and components employed by the OFSA and has always been a loyal member of the Orion Federation. More than eight percent of OFSA forces originate on Rho Three; and, many have given their lives in defense of the Federation. Until now, we have believed that; the majority of its citizens are loyal to the Federation - beyond question. We have also been inclined towards the belief that; the Encalle, though a spirited force, have never represented more than three to four percent of the overall population. Only a thorough investigation by your combined teams will prove that hypothesis right or wrong.

  That being said, we feel; the future of Rho Three will have to be your decision. The authority the Federation and OFSA bestows on you, regarding this matter, is without compromise or question. You can decide to assist in the excision of this enemy; or, take command of the situation yourself to engage in their destruction. However, if your investigations indicate the problem is much more widespread than initially believed; it would be your prerogative to "sterilize" the entire population; regardless of the loss, it would mean to the Orion Federation. The Federation could not be blamed for this action. We have been very patient in dealing with Rho Three peculiarities. Regulations, protocol, and statutes are clear on the issue. A Flag or General Officer of level nine, or above, in charge of a Tactical Command in the field has authority in these matters; as a duly authorized representative of the government and the OFSA.

  We know these are extremely trying decisions to make. Our thoughts are with you; as are all of our best wishes.

  Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson

  Fleet Admiral G. Tonaka

  That one had been transmitted in the clear. It was followed by another encrypted one.





  From:Office of the C&C; Quadrant 3 Commander

  C.C.:Personal & Confidential - no other distribution

  Re:Detected build-up of Encalle on Rho Three

  Date:February 8, 2259


  The previous memo was sent without giving our personal insights; so, you could share it with the President, government, and population of Rho Three; and, it would be accepted without reservation; and, without reading any other inferences into it.

  It is our preference that; you find a means to eradicate the Encalle while sparing the planet of wider destruction. However, we stand by the statements in the previous memo. If this appears to be an untenable avenue, you are authorized to take the steps you feel necessary. Just make sure everything is well documented.

  Whatever action you decide to take, it has to ensure; this is the last time we will face this problem. If any Encalle or remnants of their beliefs remain on the planet, we will be staring into this abyss again, at some future date. One way or the other, this has to be the end of it.

  We are sorry such a profound decision has to rest on your shoulders; but, are certain you will do the right thing. Feel free to contact us, should you need further counsel or assistance.

  Your friends,

  F. Adm. W. Stephenson

  F. Adm. G. Tonaka

  Adm. S. Nichols

  I called for a meeting with Chalisez, immediately; and took my report to the C&C and their unencrypted reply down with me.

  "I wan
t you to see these," I said to him.

  He read them both in silence.

  "Your report to them was very fair. But, what do you intend to do?" He asked. His fear was tangible.

  "I don't know, yet. It depends on you." I responded.

  "What would you have me do? I do not wish my civilization destroyed." He responded with an audible shake in his voice.

  "You have significant planetary forces capable of ground, sea and air actions. My intelligence people have fanned out around your planet. They are running down leads; in an attempt to find all the threads, the Encalle have woven into this plot. When they feel certain they have a complete picture, I want Rho Three to eradicate the problem; without my further help. But, when I say I want the Encalle eliminated, I mean all obvious participants, anyone exposed to them or their belief system, and all information and history related to their theology and their existence. It should be like they never inhabited this world. If I am satisfied, that will be the end of it. If not, I will proceed to sterilize the planet of all humanoid life.' I paused for effect. 'Do you understand your responsibilities here?" I finished.

  "Yes, Admiral. And, though I am shaking in my shoes, I thank you for the opportunity to make this right. I have one problem, though." He said sheepishly.

  "What's that, Mr. President?" I asked; though, I pretty much knew what he was going to pose.

  "Well, sir; I don't know who to trust. I am positive, people inside my own government were involved." He left it hanging there as if to emphasize his dilemma.

  "Mr. President, I mentioned I have people all over the planet. That includes intelligence inside your government operations. It will take another week to complete our investigation. Once done, we will know who to trust; and, who to eliminate; and, we will share that knowledge with you, in depth. You will have a base to work from, at that time. I only reveal that information with you, now; because you have already been cleared by my intelligence and security people. In the meantime, it should look like we are just conducting the regular planetary audit." I finished.

  "Oh thank you, Admiral, you are most prudent. But, why do you not want to participate in the removal of this curse?" He asked.

  "To be perfectly honest, it is because I don't want to eliminate every humanoid on this planet. If you and your people eradicate the problem entirely, by yourselves; it will go a long way to justifying a decision not to take such severe action. The OFSA, Secretary of Defense and King would believe, without reservation, that Rho Three is extremely loyal; and, only wishes to do what is right by the Orion Federation." I counseled.

  "Yes, I understand. You will have not only my cooperation; but, my enthusiasm." He said with a smile; as, he seemed to relax, for the first time.


  Jason was looking out over the desert plain from the cab of his vehicle, situated about thirty meters up the side of the hill. The three-man team he controls was one of nearly three hundred winding through the countryside and population centers, to gain information on the insurgents. His squad drove a light truck stuffed with fresh vegetables they were taking to market, in the nearby town of Hernam, in Satar province. All were scruffy - unshaven and unwashed; and, dressed in acceptable local attire. Posing as vegetable farmers and merchants, it was their assignment to penetrate the population and locate the regional Encalle leaders, if any inhabited the district.

  They had set out the day before yesterday, after having received orders from the regimental commander that derived from orders issued to him directly from Lieutenant General Sparks. They were to get in; sell their goods while acquiring information; and, get out before being detected or suspected.

  These kinds of covert operations are always tense; because the operatives are essentially strangers; suddenly showing up in a village, to sell their wares. But, in this case, the OFSA already had two embedded agents in the community; though, no one was sure whether they were still alive or could be trusted. Once re-vetted, Lieutenant Jason Deveron's team would use those agents to vouch for them. He knew the Encalle may not have compromised the agents; and, that their failure to report its regional growth may be only because of the extreme secrecy and counter measures the rebels were employing, in this build up. Anyway, the group would be utilizing alias identities and uttering certain code words that should trigger a reaction from the two embedded agents.

  The instant they parked at the market, suspicious eyes tracked every move. These were not necessarily Encalle; but, local inhabitants extremely wary of outsiders. The three displayed false bravado; as if friends from nearby; and, repeatedly asking if, they could sell their goods; all the while, dropping the appropriate code words.

  "These are my friends from Ilenkudo.' A voice suddenly piped up; then added. "Don't be so rude. They have come a long way."

  Recognizing the face, Jason responded; using the woman's secret identity.

  "Oh Milifred, I am delighted to see you. It's been such a long time. Have you a few moments to spend with an old admirer?" Jason queried feigning a romantic interest.

  "How's your dear old mother?" Milifred asked.

  "We lost her a while back, after a long illness." The lieutenant responded.

  "Oh, that's so sad. She was so lovely." The agent responded as the crowd's anxiety seemed to diminish; and, most began to revisit their regular business.

  The four went off to a local establishment; where, they could chat quietly over a drink. Though it had patio seating, they chose a front corner, inside. That way, they could control their surroundings and would be able to converse quietly; without interference, from all the hullabaloo coming from the hectic street.

  The first ten minutes were expended querying Milifred. They had to be sure she wasn't corrupted; because, though she was one of their agents, she was a local. Once satisfied, they updated her on recent Encalle activities; and, their own mission; which was strictly reconnaissance and not offensive. Milifred offered to introduce them to Thamilo, her partner agent. The two would help them traverse the territory, without arousing suspicion.


  By February 11, information was streaming in, from the widely deployed covert agents and operatives. I delegated the job of sifting and analyzing all this intelligence to my Theatre Ten Command and Assistant Deputy IGB Commander Admiral A. Urquhart and Lieutenant General Sparks. Both had considerable experience in this field and would eye all the information from the view of a senior commander; so, I'd be able to trust their conclusions without being distracted from all my other responsibilities.

  On Sunday, February 13, I presented our first report to President Chalisez. It was quite protracted; though, it only dealt with those perpetrators holding elected and civil service government positions. There was little discussion. He thanked me and excused himself; consuming about three hours to determine, from the list of offenders, who he could still trust, in positions of authority. Then, invited me to a meeting, to be held at sixteen hundred, in his boardroom.

  Upon my entrance, he presented me to his Minister of Defense, Chief of Combined Armed Services and Director of Planetary Police and Intelligence; explaining that; none had been mentioned in the list; and so, had been briefed completely. He directed that; they should assemble only trustworthy forces who were not on the list. The policing and intelligence forces were to act first; detaining the more than three thousand, on this first list, in one very quick blitz; so, they would not have time to communicate with those more distant accomplices. Then all forces would apprehend all those suspected of being part of the outlying terrorists' webs, at the same time all operational cells were assaulted. He was to have a plan from each, on his desk in two hours. Then, he adjourned the meeting and invited me to dinner with the Minister of Defense.

  After an exquisite meal, we reassembled in his boardroom, at nineteen hundred hours. This time, there were an additional nine people; all subordinate
to those from the original meeting. They went over an elaborate plan; which, had been developed extremely efficiently. The president had likely advised his three senior people that; the lives of every person on the planet depended on their performance.

  The plan was as exquisite as the meal had been. A force of four hundred-fifty thousand military troops would be deployed in five Corps level contingents and further distributed to Division and Regiment levels around the globe. They would sweep into all the suspected villages and towns, under cover of darkness; with supporting armor well in the rear, to keep down noise. At the same time, a one-hundred-thousand-troop-corps would be distributed among police forces, for support, as they moved into position within the cities - also, in the dead of night. Supporting armor would again be held well back.

  Because of distribution of the enemy; and planetary rotation, it would take two nights to move everyone to the assigned locations. Six hundred hours Capital time on the third day would be zero-hour; when, all six hundred fifty thousand would launch attacks; and, execute arrest warrants on all rebel participants.

  Though the President was looking for my endorsement, I indicated the responsibility was his. But, I added that; the plan looked good to me; provided participants had arranged for how they would remain undiscovered, over the period between staging and zero-hour. Then, I left.

  On Wednesday, February 16 at five hundred thirty hours, I appeared at the president's mansion, unannounced; but, was quickly hustled into his Tactical Operation Centre where he and twelve others were sitting with communications active to monitor activities. Some of the views were from overhead; so, I was sure they had enlisted some of my people to forward our signals on to them.

  Five hours later, I could see this was going to stretch out well into the evening; so, I called up for a complete change of clothes. Dave Angstrom appeared an hour after that; two hangars bearing shirt and pants slung over his shoulder and a small tote bag in his left hand. I introduced him to all present. The president requested personal quarters for me. The watch continued through a late lunch and dinner served by the President's private staff. I was the third to retire, to get a little sleep at one hundred hours the next morning.


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