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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 67

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  The Secretary of Defense spoke. "Your majesty, we need to have a serious discussion. But, we all felt it would be better to have Admiral George Bryant be our spokesperson.

  The King broke into a loud, prolonged full belly laugh.

  "If George is doing the talking than it must be serious; and, it can only be about one of two issues. Either another great war has erupted…' He trailed off for effect. '…Or, you want to change the constitution. I think I would have heard about another war; besides that mess out off of the border of Bootes and Draco. And I have caught a constant murmur, that has evolved into a roar, about the stagnation in our Federation Assembly. But, I think this will take some time; and though, this room is quite large it would be nice to have a little more air. Don't you think? Let's move to the patio. It's a warm, sunny, fresh day; and there's lots of seating out there." He finished as he rose.

  He led the way to the massive French doors; opening them to reveal an extended patio; replete with carved, polished-marble seating and glass topped tables; all assembled atop a limestone pad at least fifty by one hundred fifty feet in size; looking out onto a garden-like setting, complete with fountains and pools. Gasps of surprise could be heard from nearly all parties.

  We were offered various non-alcoholic beverages including iced tea, freshly squeezed lemon, lime, and orange aides; and the most mouthwatering fruit punch; along with finger-food sized pastries and sweet rolls.

  "Well, George; the floor is yours." He said, once all were quite comfortable and relaxed.

  Chapter 6 All Aboard!!

  Wednesday, April 21, 2259

  "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln

  "Well, your majesty, I think, it goes without saying, that the Representative Assembly is in trouble. It is fractious and extremely partisan. Behind the scenes, members have taken to working together to seek common goals. Various clutches have platforms and agendas; but, say they are not members of political parties. However, they vote in unified blocks. One group is substantial, at just under four hundred associates. Slightly more than six hundred have approached these cabinet members, the C&C and the Senior Admirals of the service for assistance. In particular, they asked for my help to develop and negotiate constitutional changes needed to resolve these issues and prevent them, in the future. To be frank, they initially demanded your return as Emperor and the restoration of the previous constitutional document." George was interrupted before he could continue.

  "I will never agree to be a dictator again. And our Federation should remain democratic; not Empirical!" King Edward blurted out to everyone's surprise. None of these people had ever heard him raise his voice, before. Nobody had ever viewed public frustration, from him, in the past.

  "I know, sir; and, I told them that. So, they asked me to come up with a plan for constitutional changes that would satisfy your requirements; while filling the needs of the Federation. It took some thought; but, I think I have an idea that might work for everyone.' George paused. He took the time to hand the Emperor the Representatives' petition. 'This idea has the support of your cabinet, the majority of the Assembly and the leadership of the OFSA."

  George slowly related the details of the plan and the constitutional changes required to make it all functional. He took extra time to point out that his new constitutional responsibilities would require only slightly more time and effort than a typical Assembly Representative.

  Twice, the King nearly jumped from his seat; pacing briskly about the patio; as if, to burn off apprehension or anger. And twice, I saw his wife lift the index finger of her right hand as she caught his eye. Each time, he returned to the chair; sitting quietly without injecting a comment. After hearing out the entire concept, the Emperor was still resisting; though, much less convincingly and in a much more relaxed tone.

  Edward’s wife and his senior advisor tipped the scales. Edward was on the fence. He really did not want to assume any power; but, didn’t want the Federation to falter. With their prodding he relented; and, even seemed quite happy with the decision, just a short time later. After all, controlling power would not rest in him; but a means to achieve results would. He asked Bill to bring the rest of the delegation to the patio; while he brought in the rest of our delegation, his personal advisers and family.

  "Well, at least I'm not a dictator! I want to tell you all; it took a lot of convincing; but, I've agreed to your plan. I could see it was necessary, from the beginning. But, I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the past; so, it was hard to get over that. My beautiful wife and my trusted senior advisor finally pushed me to it. But, I'm happy with it.' He paused to look everyone in the eye; noting the curious look on his children's and advisor's faces. 'So, here's the plan. The constitution will be changed by majority agreement. I will remain King. My descendants will hold the throne in perpetuity. Constitutionally defined power resides in the throne and rests with whomever legally occupies it. When the monarch is unavailable, the designated crown successor fills the seat and wields its power, within the same legal constraints. In a case where neither is present, the next delegated descendant will act as the Ruler's designate. The order of succession shall be from the oldest to the youngest offspring. The Monarch may bestow on a commoner a royal rank in recognition of service to the Crown. The throne would fall to the most senior ranked royal, should no blood-related heirs remain alive to fill a vacated seat.

  Once crowned, inheritance falls to the new monarch's descendants in the order previously described. The Crown is granted certain tracts of land on Earth and on Rigil; and, the Assembly will furnish an annual capital and operating budget to improve and maintain those estates.

  The monarch may grant up to fifty commoners royal ranking from lowest to the highest level, as follows - Baron / Baroness, Lord / Lady, Earl / Countess, Duke / Duchess, Prince / Princess - and may elevate any person from a grade to the next, as their service warrants. The object of this section is to ensure the existence of the Crown as a means to assist the representative government of the people of the Orion Federation. Upward from the rank of Duke, a royal may bestow the rank of "Knight of the Estate" on any whose service to the royal family is deserving of such title. Anyone granted such a classification by the Crown, or its representative will be known as a Knight of the Realm. Notwithstanding the criminal statutes, the King may bestow extraordinary gifts, grants, rights, and privileges on an appointed royal or "Knight of the Realm."

  The assembly will continue with one thousand representatives - plus one. The Monarch will be added to the roll, until the end of the Federation, or the end of time. The assembly members will have one vote each, for a total of one thousand. The Monarch will have eight hundred and eighteen votes. So, the King, Queen or Crown Successor only needs ninety-two additional votes to force or veto a statute or bill. However, the Assembly still has enough strength to force an issue; if, they can garner nine hundred and ten votes - giving them a fifty-plus-one majority. There will be no President. The Monarch will be head of state and will nominate the cabinet who serve at the pleasure of the Royal Family with the confirmation of the Assembly. This is a fully empowered Cabinet, who will be able to run the day to day operations of the Federation within my policies and guidelines. Cabinet portfolios will be described and may be changed by a statute enacted by a majority vote of the legislature. A Cabinet Member's resignation may be accepted by the Monarch; but, dismissal is by a majority vote of the Assembly. The Sovereign may suspend a Cabinet Member and appoint an interim one; until, the matter is reviewed by the Assembly. An authorized piece of legislation will be signed by the Monarch; but, is enforceable upon approval, by the Assembly. The Supreme Court and Senior Federation Court judges will be nominated by the Monarchy subject to confirmation of the legislature, by two third majority approval. Such a judge may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Assembly, after a hearing of malfeasance
. The King or Queen is the Head of State, Commander in Chief, Chief law enforcement officer and Administrative Executive of the Federation. The Ruler will manage all Federation Portfolios and enforce all Federation statutes to the best of his or her management ability and skills. All in all, it's a fairly equitable split of powers. And, even though it's more than what I do now, it is less work and responsibility than I had as Emperor of the Empire. Do you all agree with it?' He directed his question at his own children who nodded positively. 'Do all of you agree?' He was looking at his advisors who were not initially present. They all nodded. 'Do the Representatives who are present agree? Please raise a hand.' Hands went up all over the patio. Edward, the Cabinet members, and the Flag Officers walked around to ensure they had full agreement. 'Good. It's settled then. It's a cross between a Constitutional Monarchy and a Crowned Republican Government. Let's get the documents together; so, we can sign them. We have enough signatures here, right now to ratify it. We can ask the rest of the Assembly to join in and make it unanimous, tomorrow.

  While we wait for the paperwork, let's all pour a drink of whatever punch or aide you like and toast this little adventure." He finished with a smile.

  As everyone milled about for drinks, Edward approached George. "I think it should be you who toasts the new Federation. It's your baby." He said.

  When everyone had a glass, George stepped to the patio's center. "Ladies and Gentlemen a toast. To our new Federation. May it last for many millennia. And, to King Edward for the wisdom to take a chance and build something entirely new. It takes guts to do this." George raised his glass. Everyone followed. "To the Federation and the King." He said with a smile.

  "To the Federation and the King." The group responded; as they all tipped back for a sip.

  Edward stepped forward. "I would like to make a toast, too. To Admiral George Bryant who has always been there for us; and especially for me. We'll try to never ask you to do this again. To George." He finished as he raised his glass.

  "To George." The group returned as they all tipped back and sipped, again.

  The King continued. "This is a momentous occasion; and, you all have to be on-planet tomorrow for the encounter in the assembly. Not to mention that; it may be awhile before the documents are ready to sign. So, I would like to invite you all to stay. We will have a party. Let's celebrate our new venture together."

  There were approving nods everywhere. The king whispered to a personal aide who quickly left the area. A very short while later, the patio was awash in a soft relaxing variety of music; as harder beverages were wheeled from the residence. People milled and gathered, drank, talked, and, ate, when the food arrived. It was all very splendid. Then, the patio center was cleared to make room for dancing. The music got a little louder. Now, everyone drank, twirled, talked and milled about some more. George and Marie's close waltz was only surpassed by the ones enjoyed by Helena and me. We often dance in our suite and have learned some pretty exotic techniques. The whole thing became an unspoken competition between us. Who could perform the best as a couple? Everyone else cleared the floor for our whirls. Foxtrot, tango, rumba or waltz, it was real dirty dancing.

  At twenty-one hundred hours, thirty minutes, trumpet-rich, mariachi-like-music suddenly blared from the speakers. As they boisterously danced their way onto the patio in conga-line fashion, the Attorney General and several members of his team waved several copies of the new constitution over their heads; all but one water-marked "duplicate" on each page. All the copies were distributed for everyone to examine; while, the Attorney General kept the original in his personal possession; under the guard of four IGB security officers. People stood looking over shoulders in groups; as a central individual often read aloud to ensure all would get the wording. I stood looking up into the evening sky. The only light interference for miles around was the palace itself; so, the stars were very visible. I recognized Orion, Draco, Bootes, and Hercules- all bright in the darkness. It is a scene I had viewed on many nights, when I was young, back in Minnesota. Nowadays, I seldom see these precious jewels from this perspective. At twenty-two hundred hours, thirty minutes, the Attorney General moved to the center of the patio space with one set of documents in hand.

  "This is the master copy. It has signature boxes for all one thousand representatives, the King, the King's successors and the Cabinet; and has numerous spaces marked "signed in the presence of"; so, our OFSA senior team can take part in this historical event, by witnessing it. I dare say, once we have all signed it, it is virtually law; because, of the numbers present. However, we should explain it all to the Assembly, in the morning; and, give them the opportunity to sign on, voluntarily. The more - the merrier. Please queue up, at this table; and, sign on the next available line and print your name in the column, beside your signature. When all of you have finished, the Cabinet members present will endorse in their specified places. King Edward will then authorize where designated. Finally, the OFSA senior Flag Officers present will witness in their assigned places. If we move quickly, we should have a new constitution before midnight." He finished as the signature pages were laid out; while, the four guards took up stations, at the table and the head of the forming line. It was quite obvious; they had not been protecting the Attorney General. The document was their charge.

  The party resumed and continued, around the signing. People moved into line; signed, when at the head of it; then, they returned to the festivities, and enjoyed. All in all, it was probably the most unusual event any of us had ever attended.

  Cameramen showed up about half an hour after the queue formed. From then on, the flashes were continuous. There would be pictures of every representative, the King, and the Cabinet signing; along with those of the general festivities. None would be released until after the inclusion of the Assembly, tomorrow.

  By early the next day, with the aid of a team of constitutional lawyers, an explanatory preface was added. The Orion Assembly began debate on it that day, in the Earth's Assembly Hall stadium complex; so, thousands could be present. The Gray delegation was called in; as the debate raged. There was opposition to the change; but, it came from a group of about ten percent of the representatives. The Grays read, discussed and debated the document; taking the time to question members of the Assembly. They were satisfied that it was what was wanted and needed. And, they understood it had passed but, we were seeking to include the remaining representatives. On Thursday, April 21, 2259, the constitution was ratified by an eighty percent majority of the legislators; and, was signed by those who were not part of the day before; among more fanfare and photojournalism. It was official. The Orion Federation was (and is) a constitutional monarchy of unique configuration. The C&C were ecstatic, they loved having Edward as Commander in Chief and Chief Law Enforcement Officer. He had always been a most reasonable and understanding Commander in Chief; and, had always appreciated the service of those within the organization. He was the man who would cut through the bureaucracy and move quickly if circumstances demanded immediate action.

  At fourteen hundred, George was pulled aside by Bill.

  "George, there's a special ceremony coming up. You will be needed on the Assembly floor, at fifteen hundred." He did not elaborate.


  Looking up at the arena-style layout from the center floor level was a new experience for George. The closest he had come, in the past, was on a stage in an amphitheater; or on a baseball diamond looking up into the bleachers. In fact, he had never been in this legislature building before; though, he had been in the smaller Orion Assembly building, on Rigil, many times. He stood in the center presentation area of the rostrum in the company of King Edward, both C&C, all the Quadrant level Commanders and the Orion Secretary of Defense. The Secretary stepped to the microphone.

  "King Edward, Ladies, and gentlemen, Earth Assembly Members, Orion Assembly Members, Senior Members of the OFSA; I'd like to welcome you to this special
event. First, I want to say that; the past week has been a whirlwind. Our Federation democracy had stumbled; and, appeared on the verge of collapse. But, it has been revamped, in very short order. It is stable and vigorous again. We will be able to be unflinching and energetic in our expansion, management and defense of it. You all know of the new constitution. That was a big part of our week. But, the man who performed the most significant work towards its establishment is the same man who worked out a plan that brought peace, during our change to democracy. He is also a man who has won a couple of major wars for us; and, brought us our friends the Grays.

  In light of all this; and, especially in consideration of the resolution to our current problems, the C&C approached me with a request and a plan to make the idea workable.' He stopped and looked all around the crowd above. 'Don't you just love surprises. I know I do. And they're better if you create apprehension by dragging them out.' He said to uproarious laughter, stamping, applause, hoots, and hollers. When it died, five minutes later, he continued.

  'So, after the Assembly finished signing the Constitution, earlier today, they immediately sat in closed session and debated a bill that placed this document into statute law.' He held up a very thick book; then, continued. 'This is the Rules and Regulations of the OFSA with embedded protocols and rules of conduct. There were a lot of changes to look over and discuss, before approval; because the alterations are somewhat substantial; and changes were required in two-thirds of all the sections within the document. But, they examined and argued and finally passed the law. So, today there is also a new OFSA. The new OFSA is run by a triumvirate C&C. Policy changes will require two of three to agree. Exceptional tactical orders, outside the realm of the R&R and existing statutes, will require two of three to make them executable. And, all three don't have to be stationed at Headquarters. We've seen this work with a major Department Command, already. Admiral Marie Bryant runs the fifteen-thousand-member Counseling Department from offices aboard the Valhalla; which is part of Fifth Mobile RAC. In our mobile world; with faster than light communications; being together is a matter of picking up a data pad. Though our Federation seems vast; it is really just our local neighborhood.


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