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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 74

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  From:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  To: Adm. K. Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  C.C.OFSA C&C Rigil Campus

  Re:Your Memo of Nov 2, 2260 - Reassignment Offer

  Date:November 3, 2260

  Admiral Brubacher,

  I have received your letter regarding nominees for the positions of Commander SOCC and Commander SOCC - SF; and, your message to Commodore Savign. I am personally in agreement with these choices. Their files indicate exceptional histories with the OFSA.

  However, the two positions in question cannot be handled as temporary field promotions. The duration of the assignment is beyond that laid out in the OFSA R&R. I have forwarded the nominations to my associate C&C for submission to the Secretary of Defense. You should receive the appropriate HQ warrants within a week.

  In light of these promotions, I will forward you my selections for the corresponding subordinate positions from within Fifth Mobile RAC; so, your people may include them in subsequent planning.

  Fleet Admiral G. T. Bryant

  C&C / Mobile Fifth RAC Commander

  Tracer I.D. #CC3-60-C*3-122+

  Just before sixteen hundred hours on November 8, I happened to look up and see both Savign and Shellots talking just outside my office, before reporting to me.

  "Recording system - begin recording, now!" I ordered.

  "Commodore Savign and Colonel Shellots reporting, as requested, sir!" Both stood at attention in my doorway.

  "Come in and relax. You may help yourself to something from the bar.' I waved in that direction. Both refused the offer.

  'First, I'll advise you; this meeting is being recorded. You have been invited here to discuss your new assignments. But, there has been a change. They will be classed as permanent - not temporary. So, your elevations will also be categorized the same way. This became necessary; because the duration of this mission is well over the twelve-month maximum for temporary positions. So, if and when, SOCC is dissolved, you will retain your new rank or be elevated and reassigned to an appropriate command.

  You may not discuss this operation with anyone but those that are approved for redeployment to your commands. This undertaking will become public, within IGB, sometime around the end of July 2261; but, is - need to know - until then. It is part of a more comprehensive strategy that is intended to remove the threat that has been on our border for nearly two years.

  The problem with the current situation is that the enemy sits in CauDo space. Though they are a relatively weak sovereignty, the CauDo are otherwise good neighbors and partners; are very protective of their territory; but, diplomatically protest the smallest of trespasses. So, we have been unable to launch an attack or counter-attack. The Federation does not wish to alienate the CauDo; but, are prepared to manage a simple protest. They have determined that; any incursion of two days or less will result in no more than a complaint. And, it is advantageous that, neither the CauDo or the Inscrutables can detect our covert vessels.

  Fleet Admiral Bryant and I have developed a plan. We will use the "Subs" to monitor and mine enemy ships, over an extended period of time. We will also position these where they can block resupply as a picket line. And finally, a stealth team will travel to the enemy homeworld to bombard it; and drop SF strike units. To achieve all this, the one hundred ninety-two existing subs will be combined into a single flotilla under one authority. New ones, arriving after today, will remain allocated to their original home Groups. We require seasoned and proficient forces for this encounter.

  The mining must be done by conducting covert EVA missions. Thus, the need for a small regiment of Marines. However, the ranks of officers needed within the Marine contingent requires me to appoint at least a Brigadier to command the operation.

  After your elevations, the orders you receive will be quite concise; so, there's no need to go into more detail, now. But, once you have those instructions, you will need to assemble your staffs; develop a command chain; and, create a training program for both the sub personnel and the SF Marines. When you have all that under control, you will receive directives outlining the primary battle strategy, your objectives, and your rules of engagement. We will be looking for a tactical scheme from you, at that time, Savign; which will include the Colonel's preparations. But, for now, your jobs are to get us to the point where the combined SOCC works like a unified command; and, can get us to the state where any plan would be feasible. Don't misunderstand me. This joint venture contains elements from both Quadrant Level Commands; but, you administer it. I would recommend that; you assign Fifth Mobile's superior officer as your deputy; but, all personnel from Fifth Mobile RAC will be subordinate to you; and, Savign will be in overall control of the Corps.

  If you're both in agreement, we will complete your elevations and assignments on Monday, November 12, at eleven hundred. It'll be followed by a luncheon. There'll be a dinner and dance that evening. You can expect some Mobile Fifth attendance." I finished.

  "Sir, I cannot speak for the Colonel; but, I am certainly game for this. It's a real challenge that requires all the skills and experience I have gained throughout my career." Savign responded after a considerable pause.

  "Yes, sir. That goes double for me. I am excited by the prospects." Shellots added.

  "Good. That's settled. The only thing I am not sure of is Admiral Bryant. He may be here to do the promotions himself. It would emphasize his support of your position to his own people. I don't know his plans. Anyway, he'll make his intentions known once he receives my memo of this meeting.

  On November 10, I received a memo from George.





  From:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  To: Adm. K. Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  C.C.OFSA C&C Rigil Campus

  Re:Promotions and Reassignments of November 12, 2260

  Date:November 7, 2260

  Admiral Brubacher,

  I received and countersigned the warrants for the promotion of Commodore Savign and Colonel Shellots. Since I wish to be present and conduct the elevations, I will bring them with me to your command vessel.

  I will arrive at your current location, on or about sixteen hundred on November 11. Commodore David Simmons currently the Midgard's CAG has been reassigned as SOCC Fifth RAC Task Force Commander and will accompany me, along with a small contingent of senior sub commanders.

  You and I should have some time to discuss the details of current orders you will be presenting to Rear Admiral Savign; though, I am quite satisfied with specifics in the transcript of your meeting with her and Zefrem Shellots.

  I will also be accompanied by Marie and Atina. It would be nice to get together in a more informal and friendly manner.

  Fleet Admiral G. T. Bryant

  C&C / Mobile Fifth RAC

  Tracer I.D. #CC3-60-C@3-134<

  I transmitted the following to my entire command.


  Notice of Promotions and Reassignments

  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To:All IGB Commands and Personnel

  C.C.Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Re:New Command

  Date:November 7, 2260


  It gives me great pleasure to announce the formation of a new corps-level operation and the advancement of personnel to direct it, effective Monday, November 12, 2260. The new Command will be known as SOCC and has been formed in anticipation of a future need. Details regarding this venture will be released, at a later time.

  Commodore Savign, currently Commander of IGB Theater Ten, Task Force One, Investigator Fleet, Inquisitor Group will be elevated in rank to Rear Admiral and assigned as Commander IGB SOCC Corps. Colonel Zefrem Shellots, currently Commander of IGB Examiner Fleet, Task Force 1 Special Forces will be raised to the level of Brigadier General and redeployed as IGB S
OCC SF Commander.

  These upgrades and postings will take place in a private ceremony at eleven hundred hours on November 12, 2260, in the Examiner Board Room. However, an open celebration will be held in Hangar Bay 1 of the Examiner on that day, at eighteen hundred hours. All IGB personnel are invited to this event.

  Further appointments to fill vacated positions and staff openings within the new command will be forthcoming.

  I hope you will join me in congratulating both Commodore Savign and Colonel Shellots and wishing them the very best in their new roles.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Inspector General per OFSA C&C

  George, Marie, Atina and Commodore Simmons were piped aboard the Examiner at fifteen fifty on November 11. We had numerous meetings and enjoyed a very informal gathering with Atina at its focal point. I noted how quickly Savign and Simmons seemed to meld. It was a good sign.

  The following morning at eleven hundred we assembled in the board room. George conducted the promotions and reassignments. Officially, SOCC was within IGB. It made sense; since it would employ IGB operational methods. At twelve hundred, we enjoyed a pleasant luncheon. By thirteen thirty hours, Savign, Simmons, and Shellots began their own meeting, lasting two and a half hours. From that came a series of assignments, published immediately. She decided to make Simmons her deputy commander. He would stay with us when George returned to Fifth Mobile.


  From: R. Admiral Savign, Commander IGB SOCC

  To:All IGB Commands; All Fifth Mobile RAC Commands

  Re:SOCC Command Structure

  Date:November 12, 2260


  I am pleased to announce the transfer and appointment of Commodore David Simmons to the new SOCC Command. David will assume command of SOCC Task Force 2 and is also designated as SOCC Deputy Commander, effective immediately.

  Brigadier General Shellots is assigned as Division Commander SOCC Marine Contingent, effective immediately.

  I am pleased to announce the promotion of Captain Richard Blakely to the level of Senior Fleet Captain, effective immediately. This seldom employed rank is used to differentiate the authority of one captain within a group. Captain Blakely will replace Commodore Simmons in the event he is unable to conduct his duties as SOCC TF-2 Commander, for any reason.

  Further announcements will follow regarding both command structure and SOCC staffing. Please join me in congratulating both Commodore Simmons and Captain Blakely.

  R. Admiral Savign SOCC Commander

  The evening's celebration was like all the other carrier hosted ones over the last ten years. Fifth Mobile's COS Vice Admiral Tahu Moahu had set a standard that was followed throughout most commands. My COS Vice Admiral Rohkea Sielu was elated to follow his lead. Eleven thousand enjoyed the festivities and paid their respects to Rear Admiral Savign and Brigadier Shellots.

  On November 13, just before leaving, George promised to give Simmons' family the news and ensure they would be moved to IGB with as little stress as possible; though his wife might refuse the move; since she is a Fifth Mobile Fleet Commander. Then, he was gone.


  Week forty-seven of 2260 began with a truly great event. On November 19, I received the report on those who had completed officer training aboard the Examiner and the Investigator. As with other mobile command vessels, both had been certified for both educational and Military Academy programs.

  In light of that, I had initiated an improvement program for enlisted and non-coms, at the start of the previous year. As far as I know, it was the first of its type, anywhere in the service. Any were permitted to apply; and, if accepted, would attend accredited university-level courses, to the completion of a degree. During and after the degree syllabus, they would also join the Officer Training Program. Since most were already college educated, and fully Academy trained as OFSA personnel, these were accelerated studies.

  The November 19 report lists my first graduates eligible for elevation to officer level. The only other stipulation is that; all are required to achieve at least a post graduate degree, within two years of this initial upgrade; if, they expect eligibility for further promotion. Once at the Master's Degree level, all are appropriate for the Command Program, if they desire to go that route. There are nine names on the list; and though most would be raised to the rank of Ensign, one has the experience and qualifications allowing me to advance her to Second-Lieutenant.

  At the Quadrant Command tier, permanent elevations could be recommended by an officer, at a minimum of level five, with the approval of one at the rank of Vice Admiral, or higher. Such promotions required the approving flag officer to forward all names to the C&C to send on to the Secretary of Defense who would "rubber stamp" them and have the names placed into nomination and approved by the legislature. Those final steps were mostly used to ensure all officers were registered with the government and the C&C to track their performance.

  So, without reservation or hesitation, I accepted Helena's nomination of the candidates; and, together we ceremoniously elevated and assigned all nine, accordingly. Junior elevations seldom involve anything more elaborate than a small luncheon; but in this case, we elected to make it a major celebration as an encouragement to those considering making application for the program. Together, Helena, Roh and I sat to determine the best possible postings for the new officers; taking expansion into consideration. We had found a way to gain high quality experienced officers at a time when they were an irreplaceable commodity.

  Chapter 13 The Battle of T5-15-45 AOP

  Friday, July 1, 2261

  “The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers.” ― George S. Patton

  I had convinced George that IGB should handle the main attack, expected July 8. We would be attached to Fifth Mobile for close to a year; so, it was wise to participate, now. I felt it was important that; we get a little tactical refresher, before the principal battle, next year. Though we handled small tactical problems, daily; we had not been involved in a wider action, since late 2259. He would send whatever portion of Theatre Twelve was necessary to cover the anticipated diversion. The assignment would give Coquinas and his people valuable experience, at the same time.

  Our long-range sensors had detected a formation of one hundred ten staging for a jump. But our much more powerful Automated Observation Platform at RA fifteen hours, declination forty-five degrees was sending data showing a much larger formation building a quarter light-year behind the first one.

  As the jump points formed and trajectories firmed up, we determined the smaller group were jumping to Iota Boötis. It is a trip of nearly forty light-years that the Inscrutables would typically have done in almost ten days; but, this time we detected a velocity of twenty percent making the journey seven days seven hours long. From their current position, Theatre Twelve could land at Iota Boötis in just under five days; giving them more than two days time to find a good duck blind.

  A copy of George's orders to Coquinas reached my pad a few minutes after the lesser body of Inscrutables jumped out. We all knew what was required; so, the directive effectively detached Twelve from Mobile Fifth to conduct defensive operations as previously discussed. Coquinas' job was to determine the significance of any targets nearby. Valuable ones were to be defended. Otherwise, Theater Twelve was to remain out of sight and watch. If the enemy flotilla tried to turn it into anything else, they were to respond. If not, they were to observe; until the enemy jumped out. Local tactics would remain Coquinas' responsibility.

  When the time came, IGB would be released similarly; though, we did not expect the second move for a while. That's what makes diversions useful. A substantial force appears to attack - a long way from the actual objective. So, the genuine assault would be landing much closer to our present coordinates. Diversions are designed to draw an enemy as far from the battle site as possible.


  I am always apprehensive before a confrontation. My responsibility to the hundreds of thousands under my direction and the prospect of a devastating loss to the OFSA and the Orion Federation always overshadows the ever-present possibility of personal failure.

  It haunts me, despite the fact that; so much effort goes into planning to reduce the chance of disappointment. So, the night before a mission big enough to really concern me, I will walk the decks of my Command Ship. These mobile headquarters stations are so colossal and complex that; it is nearly impossible to have examined every crevice and each specific bit of minutia on board. So, I discover something new on the eve of every conflict.

  The Examiner extends eight hundred sixty-five meters along the keel by three hundred thirty meters abeam. It stands seventeen decks high; each one, differing in height from the others, dependent on the objectives fulfilled within a particular level. It towers more than one hundred sixty-one meters. An observer really understands the gigantism; when, standing at a viewport of one; while another is pulling up, alongside. I specifically enjoy touring deck four. It is full of interesting little corners; because of, the mall, sick bay, schools, gyms, galleys, and mess halls that fill its cavernous interior. When I walk this deck, I will often enter the cinema; to view one of the movies that play all night.

  But, this night, I slowly saunter around the lowest one - deck one. It is the home of our Engineering Department; housing a cyclotron particle generator producing constituents used by our linear accelerator, weapons, and gravity initiator. The Cyclotron unit generates or separates a constant stream of assorted Heavy Baryons for use by the linear unit and the massive tubular oval accelerator employed to build the continuous high relativistic mass needed to produce a comfortable gravity field throughout the ship. Everything else on this deck sits within the interior boundaries of the immense ellipsoid. On the starboard half of this level toward the aft end of the vessel sit two one hundred megawatt fission reactors powering the emergency power system, gravity accelerator and all the superconducting coils employed in both five terawatt fusion reactors, on the port side of the deck's rear. These two installations provide most of the craft's energy under normal conditions.


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