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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 76

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "So we all knew something was afoot. What is the plan? Are we finally going to kick this enemy's collective asses? Stevens inquired.

  "Kurt actually proposed the scheme quite a while back. Together we fleshed out more detail. It was tentatively approved by all parties, back then. We've subsequently expanded and refined the original concept. We were fast approaching the project's inauguration date. Changing that launch would have placed us in further jeopardy; and, would force us to conduct operations during an expansion. We need time for significant redistributions and rehearsals; but, it's set to run sometime around mid-May, next year. So, my dramatics and Kurt's subsequent presentation ensured we had an irrevocable approval to work with. I don't want to go through all the effort with someone still dragging their feet. Now, everyone's on board!

  That's why I sent orders and a memo ahead of my return. A major part of the plan involves using the majority of our covert force as a separate entity for the impending action. I hope you have detached and deployed them to the position I indicated in my communiqué. He paused and looked for nods of assent.

  'This new Command will operate with IGB's covert vessels, until after the approaching action. Rear Admiral Savign will have overall authority; since the contingent will be trained in special operation techniques developed by IGB. Commodore David Simmons will direct our Task Force and will, probably, operate as her deputy; though, that decision has not been made by Savign, yet.

  Though detached from their original home fleets, these forces will require assistance from them for practice purposes, from time to time. They will be trained to ride undetected against a target vessel's hull while gathering information on their communications and operations. Special Forces Marines will be instructed in cloaked EVA activity; including, placing devices on an opponent's hull, undetected. Of course, these mechanisms would be Limpet mines. A separate flotilla of subs will be delegated the task of establishing a picket line to prevent enemy resupply, during our attack. And, still another Group will covertly surround the enemy home world; where, they will land SF Marines and bombard the surface.

  The mines are to be detonated in three waves; as, we begin an attack from here; while, the picket line begins destroying incoming supply and relief vessels. Our main attack would be strictly limited to two days; after which our entire force would be withdrawn, quickly, except the Subs, sent to their home planet and the picket line.

  The object is to so decimate the Inscrutable lines, that; they will withdraw completely.

  IGB already uses special tactics to covertly monitor targeted vessels and plant monitoring devices on hulls; so, their people will command the covert portion of the operation. I received a communication from Kurt; a while back, advising me of who will direct both the Special Covert Vessel services and their Marine contingent. I know both officers. You probably all know them, too. They are quite competent; and, have had a lot of experience with this type of action, on a smaller scale, over the last couple of years.

  Rear Admiral Savign will be in charge, and Brigadier General Zefrem Shellots will manage all the Special Forces. They will train our clandestine troops in how this type of raid is handled, over the coming days. Commodore Simmons will be Task Force Command of half the sub force; and, will be Deputy SOCC Commander. Admiral Savign will directly command the other half. Each will appoint deputies and a command staff. Over the next short while, they will release announcements of their Command and Staff structures. They will develop a tactical plan for the disposition of the vessels and the deployment and actual attack; based on, general orders issued by Admiral Brubacher that are grounded in the overall strategy. They are in operational, tactical command of that portion of the mission. They already have all their initial orders; and, mission orders will be released to them, tomorrow. From that point on, they will operate surreptitiously; unless an exigent need to communicate appears. Otherwise, they are completely independent, due to the nature of their operations.

  Our part of the campaign will launch with a Theatre Nine jump into the enemy formation. Theatre Ten will divide into two forces and initiate a pincer attack at either end of the battlefront buildup. IGB will divide in two and conduct a pincer from above and below the main enemy force - all simultaneously. Our objective is to lay waste to every enemy ship in sight, over a two-day period. During the earlier mining phase, SOCC will operate without transponders; but, by the time we land among them, our covert vessels will be deployed throughout their remaining force with identity signals operating; so, we must monitor their positions carefully; so, we do not accidentally destroy any of our own subs.” George relaxes into his chair, in silence; as if finished.

  “So how and when does the attack begin?” Admiral Coquinas asks.

  “Well, first of all, we want our adversary to think that; all is as it has always been. I expect them to attack us at six hundred hours thirty minutes, on Thursday, May 8. We expect them to land with fighters already launched. We saw that tactic employed in the last test they conducted. We also anticipate that action will be much stronger than we've seen to date; and, will incorporate tactics like feints and diversions. We ignored that subterfuge in that incursion; but, we will repel it in this larger operation. We will defend against their attack and counter to expel them; as we have in the last three.” George is interrupted by Stevens.

  “How do you know they will attack on May 8?” The incredulity is apparent in his voice.

  “Well, it seemed to me there is a pattern in the enemy attacks; but, I could not put my finger on it; until I stopped thinking in terms of a human from Sol. After rolling around all the information, over and over, I realized the attacks were always three hundred and four days apart. So, I began to look for a reason someone would follow that type of schedule; just, to justify the observation on the timing.

  It occurred to me that; if someone lived on a planet orbiting a smaller star in a period of three hundred and four days, these attacks could represent some kind of anniversary. And, they have always come at six hundred thirty hours; so, I would assume the planet would have an axial rotational period of twenty-four hours, like Earth. Projecting it all out means, the next attack will come at six hundred hours, thirty minutes, on May 8.

  So, we will weather that attack first, to keep the Inscrutables off guard. The object will be to defend, first; then, repel them as before. We will use their own attack as a diversion. Our subs will be planting devices, while we are engaged; and will be positioning to assist us, as needs arise.

  On Sunday, May 18, one hundred Limpet Mines will be detonated; as, we begin our jump to their position, at five hundred hours. That should cause confusion and serve as a great distraction. That's a tentative date, at this time. It all depends on losses we suffer, during their May 8 attack. Another four hundred mines will be detonated, just before we land, while we are in route, at five hundred thirty hours. Just before we exit, at six hundred, four hundred more will be activated; as a diversion, to keep the enemy distracted from our exit apertures. The final one hundred mines will be detonated if another distraction is needed, during battle; or in piecemeal fashion; as a bargaining chip; or, to cover our withdrawal, as we leave. We will jump back to our side of the border, no later than, forty-eight hours after entering CauDo space. We cannot deviate from that schedule. That timing is critical, if we are to avoid a major break in relations with the CauDo.

  At the time we execute our jumps to the enemy, two additional SOCC units will begin other actions, behind enemy lines. One force will operate as a picket line to destroy any incoming resupply or relief vessels. The other begins bombardment and disruption of the enemy home world. They will have traveled there and planted forces, in the weeks leading up to our attack.

  Our objective is the destruction of at least one thousand enemy warships; with as little losses to our side, as possible. We also plan to destroy their ability to make war, for some time.” He finished the gruesome recital in a solemn tone.

  "So what does our part in the plan loo
k like?" Tom asked.

  "It's as I described earlier. Kurt's forces will be deployed to attack in a pincer from above and below the enemy. Theatre Nine force will attack in an arrow formation to the center of their main line. Theatre Ten will use a pincer formation to engage them at the two outermost points of their main body of ships. And, four fleets from Theatre Twelve will join Theatre Nine; while the rest stay on the border as a reserve. All this is subject to change. It is more suggested than commanded, at this point. Your input will be required before we finalize our plans and orders.

  I will issue concise orders including general deployment, responsibilities and objectives, rules of engagement and exit strategies. You will be required to develop a more detailed tactical plan relating to your specific obligations; and, based on input from your subordinate commands. I will need to approve this by no later than March 1; so, there is time for forces to train for their particular task. You will issue your general orders immediately after receiving my approval and updated directives. I must caution you. One of the most important considerations will be positioning of your vessels. Each individual one must know where they are landing; and, what range they can operate in. Not including subs, enemy warships and reserve forces, we will have five hundred seventy-six of our large ships in a very tight area. That means, somewhere around eighteen hundred vessels will be in close proximity to each other - all firing weapons, at a ferocious rate. And, the destruction will cause a lot of flying fragments. So, you must ensure your forces are each working within their own little territory. We don't want to be caught in our own crossfire.' George paused. 'Any questions?" He added.

  There were general negative head wags all around. It was early in the process for questions. Once specific strategies were being discussed, there would be lots of tactical queries.

  As the others left the room, George heard his annunciator chime. He opened a memo I had forwarded.

  Chapter 15 Dotting the I's

  Thursday, August 8, 2261

  "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." Alexander G. Bell

  Aboard the Valhalla, George receives and reads a memo I sent him.





  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  C.C.Inspector General Branch Stellar Mapping - Lieutenant G Baldezeki

  Date:August 8, 2261


  Following our planning meeting of October 2260, I returned to my command and requested our Stellar Mapping Department conduct a search for a planet meeting the following specifications.

  a) Falls between R.A. 20h, 0m, and RA 11h, 0m, Dec. +40º to +60º,

  b) Is positioned no less than 119 Ly from Sol; but, no farther than 160 Ly

  c) Orbits an orange or orange/red – red dwarf

  d) Has an orbital period of precisely three hundred four days.

  e) Has an axial period of exactly twenty-four hours

  Within a day, Lieutenant G. Baldezeki assembled a list of candidate planets that could be the home of the Inscrutables. He subsequently worked to increase and refine the list; then, accessed AOP units to observe jump trajectories of enemy vessels leaving their formation. HAT-P 11 is the only system meeting all of the above requirements; and, Inscrutables' jumps trace to this location. Specifically, the planetary candidate would be HAT-P 11e; discovered by Orion Federation astronomers in 2211.

  Though it is somewhat farther from the battlefield than I had visualized, I do believe this is the location of our enemy's home world.

  Thank you.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  "That guy is always thinking!" George thought to himself with a smile.


  Aboard the Examiner, I receive the following memo.





  From: R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB Covert Special Force

  To: Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  C.C.OFSA Office of C&C

  Re:SOCC - Current Status and Disposition

  Date: August 8, 2261


  I would like to give you a brief outline of our current status.

  Special Operations Covert Corps (SOCC) now has a full command structure; including all the departmental branches necessary to operate a contingent of its size. I have attached our announcement outlining the chain of command and revealing promotions required to achieve the structure. You will note that; the document specifies Delegation of Authority throughout well-defined branches, and within the organizational guidelines of the OFSA R&R; as stipulated for a Corps sized command. You will also note that; we have assigned several of the senior ship commanders and SF Marines to positions giving them authority over others at the same rank. This ensures our chain of command is maintained even through a loss of one or more Commanders, or deputies.

  Furthermore, I've attached copies of my orders to immediate subordinates, and their subsequent directives, indicating the deployment of vessels for training purposes. I have likewise included the training and requirement objectives, and guidelines SOCC will follow; as long as, we are in a "make ready" state. Actual training should be completed in a few weeks; however, we will drill to reach efficiencies I've outlined; until it is time to deploy to conduct business. (I have attached those performance goals for your inspection, too.)

  To achieve these aims and intents, we would ask; you provide SOCC the participation of several Tactical Carrier Groups, as needed, during training and practice; to act as surrogate targets. I know these teams will require practice and training for their own responsibilities; so, I would ask that we meet to discuss the timing that these assets may be made available for our use.

  Since I am aware some of SOCC operation will require early deployments, I enthusiastically anticipate your further orders.


  R. Admiral Savign

  I respond, immediately; constructing my reply with a copy to George; so, he could attend the meeting, if required.





  From: Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB

  To: R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB Covert Special Force

  C.C.OFSA Office of C&C; Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Re:SOCC - Current Status and Disposition

  Date:August 8, 2261


  Please report to my office aboard the Examiner at sixteen hundred hours, today, August 8, 2261. Fleet Admiral Bryant may attend the meeting, if able.

  Admiral K. Brubacher Inspector General

  After sending the memo, I constructed orders that would take Savign all the way into the battle.

  Tactical Action Message #IGB61-0503B1




  From:Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB

  To:R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB Covert Special Force

  C.C.OFSA Office of C&C; Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC; Adm. H.

  Brubacher D.C. IGB

  Re:SOCC Orders

  Date: August 8, 2261


  IGB will enter into an action with Mobile Fifth RAC, expected to be executed after Thursday, May 8, 2262. The duties of the primary force will not be discussed in this document; but, your operations will begin as a prelude to it; and, will continue throughout as a supplementary aid to its successful conclusion. In that light, and in conjunction with our previous conversations, you are ordered and required to take all
steps and make all plans and preparations necessary to implement the following.

  You will continue training and practice exercises as outlined in documents dated today referencing " SOCC - Current Status and Disposition."

  You must complete the above activities before January 15, 2262; and report your status to this office as soon as possible, after that date.

  You will divide your forces into four operational units

  3.1 Group One will consist of eight vessels.

  3.2 Group Two will be composed of fifteen vessels

  3.3 Group Three will contain fifteen vessels

  3.4 Group Four will be made up of one hundred fifty-four "Subs"; divided evenly into two Task Force Commands of seventy-seven units.

  Purposes of Each Sub-Command

  Group One will be used as a force to engage an, as yet unspecified, enemy, at their home world

  Group Two will be utilized as a picket line force, to enforce a blockade.

  Group Three will be held in reserve and trained for all operations of the other three groups. They will function as supplemental, replacement, relief and withdrawal forces, as needed.

  Group Four will operate as a split force engaging, at alternating shifts, in the monitoring and mining of a large body of ships of an, as yet unspecified, enemy.

  Objectives of Overall Command

  Special Operations Covert Corps (SOCC) has been formed as an aid to an overall tactical plan. Its goals and aims are as follows.

  Group One will locate and monitor the home world of an, as yet, unnamed enemy. In addition, it will land a small group of covert operatives on the designated planet to provide on-site data and to engage in disruptive operations aimed at impeding the enemy's ability to conduct war. Also, at a time and date to be stipulated, it will initiate the bombardment of this planet.


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