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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 78

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "No Admirals, I think I have everything I need for now. I may have more questions later, though." She exclaims with a smile.

  "Anytime, Savign. You can come to George, Helena or me for answers, anytime." I offer.

  "There are details not specifically related to the battle; that, we need to discuss.' I inject; then continue.

  'From now until a few days before E-day, the four IGB Command ships will stay tightly together. This will place some strain on individual Theatre Commanders; but, will make it easier for everything else. And, we will secure those ships with a flotilla of nineteen vessels. Those nineteen crafts will be detached from their Super Carriers and will come directly under Helena's command. But, I am detaching the Cruiser FSS Nevada and attaching it to a new Group that will arrive the day after tomorrow. It will be used to replace the FSS Sleuth; which will be assigned to you; as your flagship. The Sleuth will be manned with only a half contingent of Marines. This will make for the space you need for your staff. I was in a dilemma about a proper Headquarters for you. I am so used to Carriers as command vessels that; it didn't occur to me to use something else. Just using a Carrier would have unbalanced a Fleet. But, George suggested a Cruiser, to replace the Carrier; so, we could give you the extra space for your staff, lots of shuttles and large meeting rooms for briefings. It's ideal for a Command the size of SOCC, and the Sleuth Group will not be unbalanced. However, the CAG, aboard the Sleuth will take orders from the Sleuth Group Commander. So, you may advise your people all future gatherings will be on the Sleuth, and it will be your flagship. Though it's usually the standard for Senior Admiralty, I would ask you to have the Marine Company Commander supply you a two-person security team for your office; and, a one-person personal guard; since, you are essentially a Corps level commander. Your safety is paramount to the outcome of this action. I am sending you copies of my orders to Helena regarding the Security; and, the orders to the FSS Sleuth; attaching her to your Command. We will also be forwarding a Fleet duty schedule to you; specifically related to rotating Fleets to your operation for training and practice. Does that satisfy the current needs you recounted to me, earlier?" I ask.

  "There's a lot to think about, right now. I think, I am fully briefed. If I have any other questions, I will ask. You know me!" Savign says with a broad imitation grin.

  We all laughed as she excused herself.


  As she scans the apartment, Savign is more than satisfied with her new home aboard the Sleuth. This is much like the unit she dwelled in, as a Group Commander; much better than those aboard the sub she had inhabited. And, her new office would normally be that of a Task Force Commander; if, the Sleuth was the flagship of one. It took some doing to have the crew relax. They were not used to having an Admiral aboard on a regular basis, yet. Her personal staff has been so helpful in making the change. They have done double duty to reduce the time. Both spaces are complete.

  Captain Serola is a gem - proud to be Captain of a Corps Level Flag Ship; though this is the flag of a Rear Admiral. He ensured her office door was properly identified with the painted "Rear Admiral Savign IGB SOCC Commander" on the glass door. He had the furniture rearranged, and another sofa added; forming a conversation pit at the end opposite the desk. A large credenza now serves as a fully stocked bar. Though the area is no bigger than his own, it seems much grander and more elegant, now.

  The Captain has ordered the Marine Company Commander to provide security; but, left one guard with a message asking how it should be handled. One sentry is standing outside her living quarters, now; and, two would be on the Bridge; when, she returns to her office.

  Savign takes a last look and heads out to her workplace. As she enters the elevator to the bridge, two Marine security people step in. As they exit the lift, she asks them to check the area, the attached spaces, and her office; then, stay posted at the bridge entrances. She scans the room, carefully. It is ready for guests. It can hold seven visitors, comfortably, in the conversation pit; and nine if, she moves the two office chairs to that area. She sits down at the desk.


  From:Rear Admiral Savign Commander SOCC

  To:Commodore David Simmons D.C. SOCC; all SOCC Group Commanders

  Re: Planning Meeting

  Date:August 9, 2261


  Please come aboard my flagship, the FSS Sleuth, for a meeting at fourteen hundred hours, today; and, report to me, at my office.

  R. Admiral Savign


  From:Rear Admiral Savign Commander SOCC

  To:Captain Serola Commander FSS Sleuth

  Re: Security

  Date:August 9, 2261


  First, I would like to thank you for making my move such an easy undertaking. I can see you are proud of the Sleuth and her crew; and, seem pleased she is now a flagship. The FSS Sleuth is now at the head of a Corps Command employing ninety-four thousand seven hundred twenty-two people and one hundred ninety-three vessels.

  I received your inquiry, regarding security. Since it is now a flagship, in a time and theater of war, I would ask that you engage war-time ship security as directed in OFSA R&R. This would mean the permanent posting of guards, on the bridge and at critical departments. Regulations stipulate this type of coverage for Senior Admirals or Commanders of Corps level operations and above. Though I am a Rear Admiral, SOCC is a corps-level command.

  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

  R. Admiral Savign


  From:Rear Admiral Savign Commander SOCC

  To:All personnel FSS Sleuth; all SOCC Commands and personnel

  Re: SOCC Flagship

  Date:August 9, 2261


  I am pleased to advise you that; the FSS Sleuth has been designated the Flagship of SOCC. It is now at the head of a Corps Command employing ninety-four thousand seven hundred twenty-two people and one hundred ninety-three vessels.

  All four hundred seventy-one SOCC Staff that have been scattered among many covert ships will move to the Sleuth, effective immediately. All commanders of "Subs"{ holding Staff Personnel should do everything in their power to facilitate these moves; so, SOCC operates smoothly and efficiently. I would like to thank all those commanders and their ships and crews for the hospitality and patience they have shown during this trying time.

  SOCC operations will shortly reach an intense level. We will be extremely active and have been tasked with a very unique mission, over the next nine months.

  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

  R. Admiral Savign

  At eleven hundred in the morning, her COS and staff appear on the bridge. Savign welcomes them; introducing them to the Captain and his XO. The exec assigns them quarters and offices. Once installed, the Chief returns to her area; clearing the memos and directing them to communications. Savign asks the Chief to arrange for refreshments and snacks, for the coming meeting; and, to find qualified people for her personal staff. She has been without stewards, while aboard a covert vessel.

  Moving from her office to the flag bridge of the Sleuth draws a lot of unwanted attention. It is an irritating interruption for all those people manning operations stations; as someone yells "Group!" and everyone jumps to attention from their seats.

  "Thank you all for the courtesy; but, we can't be doing this, every time I enter this space. You could be in the middle of something important. You may acknowledge my presence with a simple - Admiral's on the bridge - but, let's not take it any further. And, let's make that salutation only once in a shift. No one jumps to attention. Everyone continues what they are doing. All other protocol will be observed, though.

  My intent is not to disrupt operations. I need to attend the bridge to share sensor information and use the big forward facing view windows; not, to interfere with the Sleuth's activities or your responsibilities to the command." Savign finished; as sh
e sauntered towards the sensor station.

  She compares the screen view with that out the main forward port side view port. Looking up and down to relate transponder positions to open space; though, the subs were not actually visible in the window. When she was satisfied, she moved back to her office.

  At fourteen hundred, five additional bodies appear at her door. It is time for her meeting.

  Chapter 16 Crossing the T's

  Saturday, August 10, 2261

  "It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war." John F. Kennedy

  "Okay; everyone take a seat, please! We've got to get this show on the road.' Captain Bansed Pastowar yells out over the din of loud music and the commotion of all the pilots entering Ready Room One, aboard the FSS Researcher, a Carrier Class vessel. 'Blast Man; move your ass! You're holding up the entire operation.' He adds; referring by call sign to Boris Ilnyuk, a pilot who always moves as if he is deep in thought. 'And someone, turn off that racket!"

  The nearly seven-foot-tall Pastowar is Commander Aerospace Group on the Researcher, the flagship of the Researcher Tactical Carrier Group; which is attached to the IGB Theatre Eleven's Norma Fleet. He manipulates his gravelly voice to mimic a bellowing sergeant major. The twenty-nine-year-old Captain was born on a planet his people call Ellisia; and, the OFSA charts as Pi 1 Ursa Minor. The Ellisian Captain has risen rapidly; since, his academy graduation and elevation to ensign in 2254; and, was promoted to Captain and assigned as CAG of the FSS Researcher on January 29 of this year.

  He is fresh from Admiral Savign's briefing on the current situation and proposed action. She had spent the early hours yesterday with all the CAG officers and Group Commanders of both commands. Then, she devoted the entire afternoon to all the sub captains.

  Ready Room One is like all the other pilots' briefing rooms. It's a messy thirty by twenty-meter space with a dais at its head and one hundred ten grubby but comfortably molded reclining arm chairs; with, pedestals bolted to the deck plating, facing the lectern in semi-circular rows. Music is always blaring; a tonic for the squad commanders who use the room as offices; when it's not under the CAG's control. Empty coffee cups, spoons, and plastic plates litter the floor. A long table on the wall to the left of the entrance holds message baskets, an assortment of leaflets, several trays of sweet rolls, two urns of dark roast coffee and a variety of plastic kitchenware. An overflowing garbage can accessorizes each end of the serving table. An old fashioned blackboard fills the wall behind the podium; but, is hidden, when the Captain pulls down the retractable screen to display a projected presentation. During the meetings, the space in the rear of the room is often filled with CAG staff, the Group Commander, and his COS.

  "I'm moving as fast as I can, boss." The Lieutenant calls back; as he weaves his way between the table and pilots' chairs to the seat he prefers. The noisy zip music suddenly ends. Like most other fighter pilots, Blast Man is superstitious; believing it unlucky to sit in any other spot, before a mission. The CAG waited for the entire team; as, they each grabbed a coffee and found their high back chair, in the large meeting room.

  "You people are pretty lackadaisical about this mission; so, I'm going to flesh out its purpose a little for you. The information is top secret and need-to-know; so, keep your mouths shut! It's the brig for anyone who even breathes a word of this!

  Fifth Mobile and IGB are going into a large tactical action together in about nine months. But, this particular mission requires a lot of advanced preparation and training. The new SOCC Command was formed to conduct several covert missions for that operation. In those missions, they need to come up on a vessel and nearly glue themselves to its hull, undetected. Then, an SF operative will EVA to plant devices on the target's skin. These EVA's will be done within the subs cloak; so, the SF Marine should never be detectable or visible. We don't want a hand, arm, foot or leg protruding from the envelope. And, we don't want the cloak so tight to the enemy vessel that parts of it begin to disappear.

  So, though it seems like a boring job, your six-fighter groups will stand off each of our vessels eyeing the activity. Your job is to report to the sub captain and me; if, you see the sub's cloak actually intrude into the target vessels hull. You are also to watch for any protrusion from the shroud; and, report that back to me.

  This is essential training for the upcoming operation; and, though it may seem monotonous, your job is critical to how successful SOCC is, in conducting their part of the mission. Admiral Savign is monitoring all of these exercises intently; so, look lively.

  At the acquisition phase of the actual mission, the subs will not have transponders activated; but, for the purposes of training they will; so, you can track each sub's actual position. Your heads-up displays will show you the actual position and attitude of the sub, from its transponder location and the position of the target, as interpreted from all your sensors. But, you will have to use your eyes.

  If a sub's cloak intrudes on a target, the sub has failed its practice attempt. If a limb, or even a hangnail, extends from the shield, the SF Marine has failed the attempt. A pass would be; if, the sub backs away and a device is attached to the hull without you detecting any action at all; besides what you see on you heads up display. It will take each sub about three hours to acquire a vessel and plant a device. This type of work is pernickety.

  The training SOCC is doing, could save your life in the upcoming mission. So get with the program, people! I want the best each pilot can give. Whatever you have to do to stay aware - do it! There's no nodding off. There's no drifting into a daydream. This is a critical operation.

  Your assignments are on the board. Each of our Group's four vessels will be approached by six subs. Four Raptors will monitor each sub's attempt; to cover all angles. That's ninety-six raptors covering the twenty-four attempts. Four Aero Group Commanders will each take one of the Group's vessels and ensure you are all maintaining a tight watch on the operations.

  Get out there and do your thing! And someone, clean-up this damn room! It’s a damn shame. And, you squad leaders better put a little effort into the cleanup. You're a fucking disgrace! Someone's going to get killed slipping on a banana peel, in here!' The Ellisian captain finishes as he waves toward the door with a flourish. 'Dismissed!" He snaps.

  The one hundred pilots file out. Each Carrier actually boasts one hundred ten raptors and pilots. Ten are usually held in reserve; and, sometimes one or more fighters are held for repair or maintenance. Today, the ten would be standing ready; in case, they had to defend against an enemy.


  Savign watches out the Researcher's Flight Operations Deck view window as she listens into ship-to-ship communications. Earlier, she had asked Pastowar if she could attend from there; where she would be able to eavesdrop on exchanges and have a bird's-eye view of the entire operation. From where the Researcher was located, she could look down on activities in two of the three other Groups. In all, ninety-six vessels would complete this round of training; then, exchange places with another ninety-six; after, a two-hour break for the fighter pilot observers.

  The Sleuth is positioned just off the starboard side; but, the Researcher offers the benefits of seeing things in real time; as the CAG issues orders that are obeyed, and reports come raining in.

  Of those subs working with the Researcher Group, twenty-one completed the action without error, on the first try. The other three had to execute a do-over; so, all the ships practiced along with them, for a second try.

  Today turned into a late day for Savign. The second shift needed to attempt the operation twice, too; so, it was twenty hundred hours when the round was fully finished, and she could return to her quarters on the Sleuth.


  I have made a spot behind Fifth Mobile's Theatre Twelve the semi-permanent position of IGB. It keeps us out of sight of the
enemy - a good tactical ploy. As far as they know, they are only facing a force Fifth's size. A while ago, I received a memo directing all Quadrant and Theatre Command level commanders to report to Admiral Bryant's office, on the Valhalla, at eight hundred thirty, on August 15, 2261.

  I have my plans ready for George. IGB now has seven Fleets in each Theatre; but, the last two are very recent. And Sleuth Group is working with a Cruiser in place of its Carrier. So, we will take Theatre Eleven North and Theatre Thirteen South; but, drop one new Fleet high and one low; as we go in for the attack. They will be there if needed; and, will assist in our withdrawal. We will launch Raptors as we exit our jumps. Each Carrier's CAG will monitor the leaps to FTL intently; ordering the sendoffs, as they reach the vortex's horizon. Ejecting two raptors per side on each cycle, every seven seconds will permit each of the Tactical Groups to have sixteen fighters mobile within thirty seconds of arrival. Sleuth's Raptors will be relatively far off, with SOCC; so they will be unavailable for the battle. But, we can use them, until that time.

  Fleets will take positions spaced one hundred thousand kilometers from each other; but, staggered by fifty thousand between the upper formation and the lower one; so, there is no chance of hitting each other. Each will spread its Groups ten thousand kilometers apart in a line running from the battle front out away from our border; ensuring maximum coverage of their region. Raptors will give them the ability to widen each line further. In effect, we will use our force like a barber's thinning sheers. Each Fleet will be permitted to move East or West as required; but, will be limited to a maximum of twenty-five thousand kilometers each way - North and South Fleets should never be able to interfere with, or accidentally fire, on each other. All such lateral moves will be made on a ramp of current speed to forty percent in thirty minutes; a relatively fast acceleration rate that should not endanger the crews.


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