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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 95

by Thomas J. MacDonald


  We took the entire Zeta operation to a region centered in the middle of a triangle formed by HD189773, 15 Sagita, and Gliese 777. An assortment of Delta Command's Tier 2 and three operations was there, and there were two planetary systems we would examine over the next couple of weeks.

  But, we always use SOCC as hidden support for our investigations; keeping one Fleet aside for reconnoitering the region we happen to be in. There was an unusual report from that SOCC patrol group.



  From:Admiral Savign Commander ZETA -SF SOCC

  To:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA Commander

  C.C.No other distribution

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:June 11, 2265


  The Covert Vessel FSS Robert Simmons has reported sighting a strange craft in our space around Gliese 777. They can be no more specific than that; because this intruder is traversing an aimless course as if scouting the region. The ship is quite large and appears heavily armed but is alone. The main body is the shape of a thickened disc with a rear-facing protrusion forming a tail that is quite narrow at the tip. It is almost tear-drop shaped. Two cylindrical pods are mounted to the aft keel on short pylons. We have never seen this configuration before. It has taken no aggressive actions. Its errant and erratic course leaves us to conclude it may be gathering information.

  Admiral Savign

  Gliese 777 is in the fourth quadrant. So, I took steps to provide enhanced patrols in the region.



  From:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA HQ Commander

  To:Admiral A. Urquhart Zeta T-1 Commander

  C.C.Admiral Elasima Zeta HQ D.C.

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:June 11, 2265


  Please refer to the attached memo from Admiral Savign regarding the sighting of a heavily armed unknown ship in our space around Gliese 777. Please contact her for more details regarding this matter and provide a detachment from your Command large enough to examine the area and possibly confront the vessel. I am sure Delta HQ will appreciate the support. This should be possible without interfering with your current obligations.

  F. Admiral K Brubacher



  From:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA HQ Commander

  To:Admiral Tso Shah Delta HQ Commander

  C.C.Admiral Elasima Zeta HQ D.C.

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:June 11, 2265


  Please refer to the attached memo from Admiral Savign regarding the sighting of a heavily armed unknown ship in our space around Gliese 777. Feel free to contact her for more details regarding this matter. Zeta -T1 forces are currently in the region for audits and examinations of some of your subsidiary operation; so, I have asked Admiral Urquhart to have someone take a look, in the meantime. (See attached memo.)


  F. Admiral K Brubacher

  Chapter 6 Enough is Enough

  Friday, August 2, 2267

  "It is good that war is so horrible, or we might grow to like it." Robert E. Lee

  Before activating the final session I stopped to investigate a noise. It turned out that, Bryant had a nightmare. I spent a considerable amount of time calming and soothing him; until he finally drifted off to sleep. I stayed put for a little to ensure it was an untroubled slumber.

  My data pad indicated it was one hundred hours. That's a little late if I am to do my run and have breakfast with my boy before heading off to the office. But, I decide to finish the presentation. Unless something serious arises, I can always shorten my work day.

  I click on the icon.


  Byline - Fredricka Whitehead OFSA Zeta HQ Associated Press Pool Reporter

  This is the final article in a series about the expansion of our Federation and the OFSA. As a result of a long war, two worlds outside the Federation petitioned for membership. More have applied since their acceptance. The Federation has expanded its borders to meet the obligation. This episode focuses on the final deliveries of ships and personnel to increase the size of Zeta Command, Admiral Kurt Brubacher's Headquarters. These interviews took place after the events referred to and are viewed in hindsight.

  "Admiral, it's great to be with you for this final interview. 2267 will begin shortly. I guess 2266 has been a landmark year for you." I observed.

  "Yes, we received our final upgrade. This brings us to full strength as defined in the OFSA R&R."

  "You have referred to that before. What is the R&R, Admiral?"

  "That is short for Rules and Regulations. The OFSA is empowered by a legislative act of the Orion Federation Representative Assembly. They get their authority to charter it from the Constitution which states the government must protect and defend the territories within its borders and is empowered to raise and keep such military forces as are deemed necessary to achieve those aims.

  The Rules and Regulations of the OFSA are actually embedded in this law. A reference refers directly to it and directs the reader to one of the appendices attached to the document. So, the R&R is a law. It contains all the goals, requirements, and responsibilities of the service. It goes on to define it in terms of size, scope, composition, and authority. In a part of those rules, it sets levels of influence of Commands and their responsibilities. Still later, a section guides us on our conduct within the organization. An addendum to it, often treated as a separate publication is our Field Manual for conduct within a military conflict. In each of those areas, it outlines our limits and guides the routes we must take for authorizations of those actions that exceed that authority. So, it is an all-encompassing document. And, each time we've needed a major increase in strength, that bill had to be modified to include the new information."

  "So, aside from the occasional exceptional circumstance, you know exactly what to do and how to handle yourself at all times and in all situations?"

  "Subject to interpretation, and situational anomalies, that is fundamentally accurate. What I mean is that each reader may interpret some sections a little differently. It is a twelve hundred page bible. Like any large work, parts were written with precise meanings in mind; but, the users doesn't always understand them exactly as the author intended. But, we do try to be uniform. When there is a difference, we will defer to the next higher authority for clarification."

  "So, how does the R&R directly affect you?"

  "It outlines our size and configuration. For example, it describes Zeta HQ as being comprised of two major sub-commands each with two subordinated ones. And, it defines SOCC as a fifth Tier 3 Command. It limits our total strength to thirty-two fleets allocated among the Tier Three operation plus a maximum two hundred forty covert vessels within the SOCC authority. It details our objectives and responsibilities. Our Basic Chain of Command is expressed in very exact detail. But, it leaves considerable latitude on our Staff Offices. Even exceptions permitted in all those areas are explained. Its ultimate intention is for us to operate within the law without ever having to defer to a more superior authority. Of course, nothing is that good because you can't predict every variable to all scenarios in every category."

  "How did the final enlargement go?"

  "As smooth as the others. My people are professionals. They've worked hard at each stage to be ready for it and the next one. And, the Rigil Headquarters has been just incredible. They have kept all assembly and training on time and budget without affecting the quality of what we receive. The ships are ready to go without flaws. And the graduates have been properly tutored and exposed to these warships. They know their jobs and the ships when they come aboard. Those responsibilitie
s fall directly to the Chiefs of Staff and their subordinates like Shipyard Superintendents and Academy Commanders. The Chiefs and all who work for them have achieved outstanding results."

  "So how big is Zeta Command, now?"

  "Zeta Command, aka Inspector General Branch consists of almost one and a half million people. Our Headquarters is in both the FSS Examiner and the FSS Interrogator. These ships are each operated by a five shift crew totaling thirty-five hundred. They each have a contingent of two thousand marines aboard. And each one holds half our Command Staff of nearly nine thousand. These vessels also store major supplies for redistribution throughout the levels below. And each Supercarrier houses two hundred twenty fighter craft. A flotilla of one Cruiser and three Frigates and a "Sub" provides security against attack to each. A single one of these "Space Stations" acts as a Headquarters for each Tier 2 command directly subordinate to IGB. These also have a Protection Squad. They each manage two dependent Tier 3 Operations. Each of those also has one of these behemoths for the Staff Offices. The same configuration of Security deployment guards them, and each is responsible for a mobile hospital ship. Tier 3, or Theatre Commands each manage eight Fleets of sixteen warships, four supply ships, and two Subs. So, there are thirty-two standard Fleets in IGB. Besides that, it is endowed with a Special Operations Force. That has three Fleets of seventy covert vessels each with a considerable body of Special Forces Marines. Only Fleet Admiral Bryant's Epsilon Command is bigger. We still have some Subs being moved to us from other Commands. We are slated to receive another thirty. So, that operation will grow to three Fleets of eighty."

  "And, your senior subordinates. How are they handling all this pressure?"

  "Well, if you remember, we discussed that and agreed they'd be in this last session. So, they are waiting outside."

  "Let's get them in here!" She's smiling.

  Kurt went to the door, opened it, and nodded. Nine level ten and eleven Admirals came filing in. We all sat in an irregular sort of circle.

  "Let's do this in a round-robin fashion. I would like to start the discussion by asking you what it's like to work in Zeta Command."

  Each one gave an answer. Then, I asked what it's like to work for Admiral Brubacher. Finally, I asked them how they view the people working for them.

  What I came away with was that these people would die for Admiral Brubacher and love working in IGB because of its unique responsibilities. Each would also give their lives for the King and the Federation. But, what's most impressive from the entire management team is their devotion to those working for them. They honestly believe their jobs only give IGB direction, and those beneath make everything happen and take most of the risks.

  This assignment has been one of the most satisfying of my career. It allowed me to see and show how such a massive expansion can be executed. And, I found something else. I found one and a half million people devoted to service to their King, Government, and the OFSA.

  Fredricka Whitehead


  My evening encounters with Fredricka had increased in frequency. We would usually enjoy a meal, together with Bryant. Then we'd watch a video or play some games with him. That would be followed by entertainment, while my son was put to bed by a sitter. Then, we'd head back to my quarters for several hours of close encounters. I especially enjoyed discovering new things about her body. Sometimes, she would still be there when Bryant came down for breakfast, in the morning. We'd all sit and eat together. He is magnetically drawn to her. Despite a career that can show the coldest side of a person, her warmth, and love radiate when dealing with personal matters.

  My son is four and a half now. He is fair and blue-eyed, and I often see Helena in him. Bryant has her mischievous side, too. He loves to tease or shock. He attends daycare. And, though he is maturing, he still loves to play, and I enjoy participating. We have fun together. He is reading, now. Just early primary school books. But, he reads. He counts and does simple math, too. He loves a party. At his birthdays, the December holiday, Federation Day and the King's birthday, we always have a lot of people over and do a big production. Bryant has to be right in the middle of everything.


  This was a bad year for piracy. Embedded IGB enforcement companies aboard Several Tier 1 Supercarriers reported arrests. But, we had a few ourselves, too.

  The best one was near the end of April. We had units deployed for standard examinations of Fleets, Theatre Commands, and Planetary Governments at Mu Hercules and Vega, which are only eight light-years apart. An SOCC Fleet had split into Task Commands and was covertly patrolling the six-parsec long trade corridor between those systems and 72 Hercules. They monitored numerous cargo vessels making the journey. It was a busy route. At this point in time, a Sub Class Task Force had thirty-five crafts. They had broken into groups. Five sat at station keeping in each of seven positions along the way. Each Group was about two and a half light-years apart. The sensor station on the lead ship in the third formation detected an FTL launch from Zeta Hercules with a strange trajectory. It would approach the path at virtually ninety degrees and enter the trade route at a specific point eight light years from Mu Hercules. Usually, ships would vector into a commerce route to save time and fuel. Not to mention the fact that it would be a reckless maneuver, otherwise. The sensor station officer took a pad to the helmsman to examine the courses of the surrounding traffic. Low and behold, it was an interception course designed to emerge almost directly in the path of a large freighter. They reported to the Captain who discussed it with the other four in the flotilla. They would get to the assault point before the pursuer. If that ship took any steps that appeared belligerent, they would decloak one ship and fire on the attacker and warn them of the other four invisible craft. They all did the very short jump to the target and waited. Sure enough, the assailant intruded on the cargoship's vortex, destabilizing it and forcefully yanking the craft out of the FTL conduit. But, a vessel suddenly appeared and fired on the privateer, who tried to run but crashed violently into an unseen obstacle which immediately decloaked. The lead Sub issued a warning on all standard frequencies. The Pirates powered down and were boarded by twenty SF Marines from the two subs. Though shaken, the crew and their hauler were undamaged. Witness statements were taken, arrest warrants were issued, and five offenders were detained from the assailing ship. The transport was allowed to continue. The other ship was towed to IGB with the five defendants in secured quarters. Three months later, all five pled guilty and were sentenced to five years imprisonment on Mu Hercules which does not have very comfortable facilities. In all, there were over fifty such cases throughout the Federation during the year just ending.

  When it arose, I took the opportunity to visit Fleet Admiral Nichols. His Mobile HQ Station was nearby. We spent nearly a complete day together. Bryant accompanied me for dinner with them in the evening. They seemed enthralled as he entertained them - and amazed at his depth of knowledge in an assortment of subject areas he likes to talk about.

  In late September, I received another report of a strange sighting from Savign.



  From:Admiral Savign Commander ZETA -SF SOCC

  To:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA Commander

  C.C.No other distribution

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:Sept 25, 2266


  The Covert Vessels in the Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral David Simmons have reported sighting several unfamiliar craft in our space around both 15 Sagitta and HD189733. These trespassers appear to be traversing aimless courses as if scouting the region or gathering information. The ships are quite large and seem heavily armed but are part of a small unaccompanied contingent. The vessels' main bodies are the shap
e of a thickened disc with an aft protrusion forming a tail that is quite narrow at the tip. Two tubular pods are mounted to the aft keel on pylons. We have never seen this configuration before. This group has taken no aggressive actions. It appears to be gathering information. This report, my previous one, and those of other formations lead me to believe this may be the prelude to an invasion!

  Admiral Savign

  I essentially followed the same procedure as the last time this happened. Though it never led to any confrontation, then.



  From:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA HQ Commander

  To:Admiral A. Urquhart Zeta T-1 Commander

  C.C.Admiral Elasima Zeta HQ D.C.

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:September 25, 2265


  Refer to the attached memo from Admiral Savign regarding the sighting of heavily armed unknown ships in our space around both 15 Sagitta and HD189733. Please contact her for more details regarding this matter and provide a detachment from your Command large enough to examine the area and possibly confront the vessel. I am sure Delta HQ will appreciate the support. This should not interfere with your current obligations.

  F. Admiral K Brubacher



  From:F.Admiral K. Brubacher ZETA HQ Commander

  To:F. Admiral Tso Shah Delta HQ Commander

  C.C.Admiral Elasima Zeta HQ D.C.

  Re:Unusual recon report

  Date:September 25, 2265


  Please refer to the attached memo from Admiral Savign regarding the sighting of heavily armed unknown vessels in our space around both 15 Sagitta and HD189733. Feel free to contact her for more details regarding this matter. Zeta -T1 forces are currently in the region for audits and examinations of some of your subsidiary operation; so, I have asked Admiral Urquhart to have someone take a look, in the meantime. (See attached memo.)


  F. Admiral K Brubacher

  Chapter 7 What the Hell is Going On


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