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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 132

by Thomas J. MacDonald


  On March 10, I received reports from both OFN and the Nautica indicating Dac Kil Mes arrived at 15 Sagitta on the ninth and Kil Kos left for his home on the tenth. I knew I'd be full of apprehension over the next few days. In fact, everyone down the line that was involved in this scheme was probably feeling that way.


  The Nautica had surreptitiously landed Kaule on 15 Sagitta B on March 8. Reports he read indicated the Kil visited the Isesinis installations there, every second day and there was no reason to believe the Dac Kil would handle things any differently. Kaule's first requirement was a perch within close proximity of the official structures. After that, the need for a nearby temporary housing structure had to be filled. He needed to stay put for a couple of days.

  Hiking and climbing the surrounding low mountains provided an ideal location. An outcropping forming a flat ledge surrounded by a low rocky border molded a perfect perch. And, just to its rear was an opening in the mountain leading into a cave Kaule could make a home of. He cleared it of vermin and insects so he'd be comfortable. Then, he set up a bed, communications/computer station, a cookstove, and a small folding table and chair set. It wasn't home, but he'd be comfortable enough. After a quick meal, he moved to the brink of the niche and began watching with high-powered field glasses. The task would take up most of his next couple of days. He needed to understand the timing of normal operations. Especially those that would continue on regardless of the Dac Kil's presence. Several times, he engaged the laser functions in the glasses to determine target range and alignment. The shot is almost two kilometers. But, Kaule has been accurate to three before, with the chosen weapon.

  From time to time during breaks, the Colonel spends some time perusing the area about the ridge. A variety of escape routes may be required after completing his mission. The entire cavern and shelf are part of a trail that originates below and rises to his east as it circles around the peak. This particular route would take him completely out of sight. So, he spends time walking the path until coming upon a more substantial but similar protrusion that is big and sturdy enough to land a shuttle on. He contacts Commander Ignot who advises he can have a supply-ship shuttle there if he is given an appropriate schedule.

  "If you let me know when the target is coming down, I'll let you know when to do the retrieval," Kaule advised Ignot.

  Chapter 13 Second Acts

  Wednesday, March 1, 2271

  "If you're going through hell - keep going." Winston Churchill

  Bryant will turn nine on Friday, March 24, so we sat and talked today. I was concerned that activities now provisionally booked for March 25 may heat up earlier or may require a great deal of my time on the twenty-fourth.

  "How old are you now, son?" I tried to sound as if I sincerely didn't remember.

  "I'm eight daddy. But, I'll be nine soon."

  "Yes, I remember. And, I want to talk to you about that."

  "Is something wrong, daddy?"

  "Nothing serious. But, your birthday is on Friday, March 24 and we have actions that may take my time on that day. So, I wanted to know if it's okay to have your party a week earlier on Saturday, March 18?" I held his eyes so he would see my genuine need.

  "Yes, that will be fine. You scared me though. I thought you were going to say I couldn't have a party, daddy."

  "The day might come when that could happen. But, I will try everything within my power to make sure you always have a birthday celebration, Bryant."

  "I know, daddy. I know you would never miss unless you couldn't help it."

  "Okay. I'll tell your mother." I referred to Fredricka as Bryant does. He has taken to calling her either that or mommy.


  On March 10, ISIE received a report via Admiral Savign that Colonel Kaule has developed a plan and been in place since March 8. We will get updates when there are changes.


  Earlier in the day, the SF Colonel had walked his escape route one more time. But, on this occasion, he'd hauled all his gear to the pickup point. The call from Ignot had precipitated the move. Dac Kil Mes was on the way to the compound below.

  Now, Colonel Kaule spies on the assemblage over a mile away through his binoculars. Several armored soldiers are walking about the complex. One's in graphite with white markings. He is pointing to various things as he explains something. The two men closest him keep calling up others who run off quickly with new orders. All three seem significant. The Colonel checks a photo. The Kils wear the dark armor. This must be Dac Kil Mes.

  Kaule picks up the rifle, shoulders it, and puts his right eye to the scope. He activates the laser range-finder. Electronic icons show him distance and wind direction. He touches a button as he rights his aim and takes a deep breath. The viewer indicates a trajectory, but the trio's continuous movement is shifting Mes in and out of the cover of the others.

  The Colonel squeezes the trigger as he exhales ever so gently. The invisible beam is quite discernible in the eyepiece as he sees it instantly burn a hole through the center of one subordinate's suit. The target drops to his knees and then keels over on his face. Kaule sticks with Mes and clinches his finger one more time. A smoking perforation appears as the beam drills straight through from back left to front right of his head. Mes tips over, falling across the other body. Kaule fires another quick shot at each prone figure. Others run toward the fallen victims. The third officer looks up and pans towards Colonel Kaule's position. At this distance, he cannot be seen, but it's time to move.

  The SF Officer now works quickly, quietly and efficiently. He packs up the weapon, closes the case and begins to move toward the pathway in a crouch without even looking back. He knows the enemy will be scrutinizing the hill with field glasses to find the position of the shooter. So, popping up to look only gives them the clues they want. He reaches the extraction point in a few minutes and presses a button on his communicator. He's out of sight from the location of the remaining enemy officers and troops, now. A shuttle descends a short while later. They pile his belongings in. Kaule boards and they're gone before anyone can make it up to his nest.


  Kil Kos returned quickly after the assassination of his deputy, arriving at the Sagitta Headquarters on March 16. Absolute confusion set into the operation following the murder. And the Kil was angry there were no suspects and no clues. The only thing his people knew for certain was the approximate trajectory of the shot. They had searched the mountainside for days but found nothing.

  On his return, his subordinates accompanied him up the pathway - first driving as far as possible, then walking the rest of the trail. After several passes, the Kil decided correctly where the nest must have been. He noted the cave and ledge were both a perfect hiding place and an excellent perch. But the couldn't be positive because the perpetrator had left no evidence. There was not even a footprint. The small party ambled up to the landing point out of sight of the lowland. Once again, he decided this was the place the perpetrator must have escaped from, but there were no clues here either. It was a five minute trip from the cave - maybe ten if someone was laden with equipment. And the sill was stable enough and extended far enough to accommodate a sizable shuttlecraft. He ordered his people to have forensics investigators concentrate on the two areas and the footpath between them.

  Kil Kos was in a foul mood. Terrified minions scurried about when confronted by him and tried to stay out of sight when not needed. Inside, he was experiencing a mixture of anger, disappointment, and guilt. Dac Kil Mes had not only been his deputy. Mes was Kos' best friend. They had known each othe
r since primary school days and graduated the military college together.

  In the early years of his career, Kos had chosen assignments off the beaten path. Usually covert and risky, they paid big dividends when productive. When he reached the rank of Sul, he was forced to command brigade-sized operations and proved to have a penchant for broader tactical planning. So, he continued to rise through grander assignments until becoming one of two full Kils. The other commanded Isesinis territorial, defensive forces.

  His friend Mes had climbed the ladder a little slower choosing more traditional military jobs. They were rejoined when Kil first became Sul, and Mes was assigned as one of his Batallion Commanders at the rank of Dac Sul. From that point on, they had risen in lockstep. Every promotion for Kos meant one for Mes. Mes had been unusually gifted, purposeful, honest, and a great friend he could confer with and confide in. Someone will pay!


  By eight hundred on March 19, I am in my office reading the report Sparks presented from OFN. The Isesinis' HQ is presently suffering from widespread confusion. Kos had been trying to decide on a worthy replacement for Mes but didn't really trust his other immediate subordinates enough. So, he announced the transfer of Sec Kil Res to the Sagitta Command from one of the territorial outfits. He would be elevated to Dac Kil and assigned as Deputy Commander. He was not expected to arrive until April 6, so Kil Kos was now overburdened with the work of both positions.

  And, their investigation had gone nowhere. There were no clues except a single footprint they'd found at the extraction site after an exhaustive examination. They were not even sure if the imprint was made by OFSA military boots or shoes with similar soles. I decided to ask for a US session to share Naabaahii's latest account. As I awaited responses from my peers, I recalled yesterday's events.


  I had taken the day off for Bryant's birthday celebration and organized my personal staff to prepare the large meeting room for the event. Then, I went down to the childrens' store in the mall on deck four. It is quite large and is sectioned by age, offering wonders for kids from infancy through their youth. I had ordered a new bicycle for my son. He'd grown out of the last one. And this was a ten-speed with colorful streamers flowing from the handlebar grips and racing stripes on the wheel yokes. The youngsters ride them along a marked section of the walking mall and often take them on planetary excursions.

  From the toy store, I sauntered down to the entertainment one. It is full of audio offerings along with videos presented in two and three-dimensional formats and holographic display mode. I picked up three rings containing old science fiction shows Bryant had grown to love. They had now replaced his earlier obsessions. This interest had developed by sitting with me while I enjoyed different ones. Soon, he began to watch them on his own and developed preferences. So, I was acquiring episodes of his three favorite programs originating two and a half to three centuries ago. He says none of our present day entertainment compares and often adds that those generations were the luckiest of all.

  It is all the rage for juveniles to wear the rings containing all their favorite shows. Some children have two on each finger and one on both thumbs. The more valuable games and videos you have on your hands, the more prestigious you are. Every generation seems to have their own unique customs that vary by age group.

  We invited Bryant's entire class, Atina, and several other youngsters he's close to. So, there were about forty kids at the party. There were also a dozen adults, though we stayed out of the children's line of fire for the most part. They had a ball playing video games and eating pizza and cake. Edgidio did his usual stellar presentation baking and decorating and incredible cake and preparing all the food. That included the gluten-free fare for me. I've still been putting off the suggested treatment because of our busy circumstances.

  I grabbed all the other parents to peek in on the youthful revelers when I entered the entertainment room and found them playing math games. It completely astonished and pleased all the adults. Fred had purchased a selection of small gifts for the attendees. So, I spontaneously turned some of them into prizes, taking care to ensure each child won a suitable reward. Later, the children switched to a game they called "Constellations." They were very good at identifying a star system by its position on a chart. In the end, all the gifts were spent as prizes.


  As I turn my attention back to Admiral Naabaahii's account, the import of a small notation I'd read earlier strikes me. I summon Sparks and Svesion to report, immediately. They arrive at my door ten minutes later, and we all sit after attending to the usual courtesies and acquiring a beverage and our favorite treat.

  "We have a problem, gentlemen," I mumble.

  "What's that, Admiral?" Svesion inquires.

  "We have one or more moles among the upper echelon of our HQ Commands."

  "Why do you think that, sir?" Sparks queries.

  "It was something in the OFN report I just read. It was just a casual point, so I missed it the first time. When I reviewed the report an hour later, it hit like a sledgehammer."

  "I didn't see anything in the summary that would lead me to believe we've been badly compromised, sir." Sparks offers.

  "OFN says that the Isesinis Sagitta Command issued an order to stand down from their preparations for March 10 and resume them later for expected execution around March 25," I explain.

  "I don't see the gravity of that statement. It sounds like a change in routine deployments." Svesion injects.

  "No, you wouldn't. And neither would OFN. But, thank goodness he is so meticulous, and included it."

  "Why? I don't see the significance." Sparks questions.

  "As you know, we are planning some major actions. This is top secret information. But, they were originally scheduled to begin on March 10 and eleventh. Circumstances required us to tentatively move those operations to the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth. I don't think this is a coincidence. And, only the C&C Commission and their upper subordinate Commands realize those dates. Everyone else only knows they are preparing for some action. They aren't supposed to have a grasp on the overall plans or proposed timetable. So, either someone in that inner circle is a mole, or one or more of us has been bugged. I've already requested an Ultra Secret Commission Meeting. We can suspend our operations, temporarily. But, we need to find the leak!" I raised my voice to impress the weight of the order.

  "It falls under my Command, Admiral. ISIE will find the infiltrator." Sparks promises.

  "It may just be a device. There may not be a spy." Svesion argues.

  "With all due respect, General - someone has to place a tap. So, there is obviously one or more agents involved, too.' Sparks explains as Svesion nods. 'I'll have all the areas frequented by the involved Officers swept for listening devices, and all data systems scanned for that type of malware. It will be easier to follow a trail if we find a mechanism. But, one way or the other, we will uncover the snoop." Sparks mumbles.

  "Could you please start with my offices and equipment. Then, spread out to Roh, Elasima, Grace Tonaka, and George Bryant's areas. I need to be able to talk to them. After that, widen to the rest of the C&C and the boardroom we meet in at Rigil. If and when we're all clear, we'll be able to discuss the action plan that's compromised. Once all that's complete, you need to include everyone and everywhere involved in these campaigns. This is very urgent, General!"

  "Yes, sir. I know. I can send out ten teams, today. There'll be a group of techs in your office within the hour. We'll look after Admirals Sielu and Elasima, at the same time. We can have other teams at the other HQs later in the day."


ge Bryant was stunned when an ISIE Marine Major and his team of eight ISIE agents appeared in the office doorway that afternoon. He was handed an Inspector General Branch Warrant and asked to leave as the Officer indicated the need for silence. It had to be profound because the document was signed by Brubacher, himself. There was no further explanation, so he departed for the Flag Mess knowing this kind of action meant there was a security breach somewhere. He understood that elimination was as crucial as discovery, in these cases. And, he knew that IGB authority was absolute in criminal or security matters.

  Two hours later, the Major summoned him back.

  "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sir. We have swept this room completely and scanned your systems thoroughly. It is safe to talk here, so I'll tell you there's been a serious penetration. I am not privy to all the details. But, our teams have been ordered to clear Admiral Brubacher, you, and Admiral Tonaka, first. And, we have to sweep all the areas you meet in and examine all data systems connected to each of you, your COS, and Deputy, today. I am authorized to say that Admiral Brubacher has asked for a Commission Meeting and will discuss this with all of you, once our teams have completed our immediate investigations. He just needs to be sure your discussion won't be compromised, first. It'll take us another twenty-four hours. Tomorrow, we will repeat the same process with all your subordinate HQ Commanders and their operations.

  I am also to advise you that Admiral Brubacher is undergoing the same process, now. We will notify you when he is unrestrained so you can discuss this with him. However, please don't share this with anyone who hasn't been certified."

  "I understand. And, thank you, Major." Bryant responded.


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