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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 141

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Admiral Bryant is satisfied as he turns from the view window to return to his Command Centre and strap himself in for the jump. He's just watched his nearly one thousand vessels execute the FTL leap from Sol in perfect orientation. At one hundred in the morning, he's a little dumpy feeling, but very satisfied they're headed toward Gliese 777 in Cygnus. An hour into the trip George feels the ship begin to speed up. It will do this portion of the journey at forty percent of "C." He heads off to his empty quarters to get some sleep though he's always restless when Marie and Atina are gone.


  I was much more relaxed than on previous missions by the time Zeta launched into their conduits at nine hundred on December 6 at twenty percent velocity. Our trajectory was BD-05 1123 a binary system with a medium sized enemy contingent in Eridani. The Examiner and its security squad were the last to leave so I could observe the others. Their synchronization was near-perfect.

  After an hour, I could feel the effects of inertia as the vessel accelerated from twenty to forty percent of superliminal inside its vortex.


  Kil Kos receives his first intelligence report on Thursday afternoon that includes the two large Federation lunges. Based on the trajectory and the departure times velocities of the two Fleets he decides to wait a day to see what's happening. He has forces close enough to both projected destinations to land on time even if he makes the decision tomorrow. These may only be feints or diversions.


  Admiral Steven Nichols verbally orders the execution of his forces' leaps at six hundred hours on Friday, December 8, 2271. The nearly three hundred vessels ramp-up to forty-percent of light-speed as they're approaching and entering their vortices at Lalande 21185 with courses set to Chi Orionis.


  At almost exactly the same time, Tso Shah is also directing his four hundred units to jump for 107 Pisces at forty percent. Once in the conduit, he decides to go home for some rest. He's been working in preparation for this since noon, without a break.


  Kil Kos is with Admiral Chan and Dac Kil Res when he receives the accounts of the Gamma and Alpha Departures, in the late afternoon on December 9. Based on trajectory, departure time and velocity he makes a silent snap decision these are the main thrusts. He's convinced his forces at Chi Orionis, and 107 Pisces will be attacked sometime on December 11.

  "Gentlemen, I think these are the real main thrusts."

  "Why do you believe that, Kil? The first two were bigger." Chan queries.

  "Yes, and that's part of the illusion of a convincing diversion or feint. It has to look like a full-scale assault. But, the initial ones left first at relatively slow velocities. The second group of departures launched at much higher rates. No, I believe the first ones were to draw our response. Besides, it makes sense from a tactical point of view. Their targets are more valuable than what you call Gliese 777 or BD-05 1123. That's why I waited. There almost worthless strategically. Not to mention the forces assigned are much larger than needed."

  "When you put it that way, I have to agree." Chan smiled.

  "Res, order eight Fleets to assist at Chi Orionis and seven for 107 Pisces. Make sure they know the directions the conduits will approach from."

  "What about the other locations, sir?"

  "Calculate the estimated arrival time of the enemy. Have our forces leave those systems and return for half an hour after the OFSA should arrive. Tell them to attack, but don't stay to be destroyed. They should retreat when the fighting gets heavy. Don't worry about sending any help. They won't need it." Kos said confidently.

  "Yes, sir. I will issue all the orders, at once." The Dac-Kil said as he snapped to attention, bowed his head, then turned and exited the command area.


  George receives a steward's visit in his quarters late on December 9, to advise him the tactical department needs to see him. Dressed in off-time civilian garb, he heads up to the Flag Bridge and over to the Tactical station.

  "You requested my presence." He smiles at the back of a Lieutenant who's examining the station's screen intently. The officer jumps to attention.

  "Sir, I didn't realize you were there."

  "Relax Lieutenant. I didn't mean to startle you. And, we don't typically follow those protocols during the day."

  "Yes sir, I know that. I was just surprised."

  "Do you have something to report?"

  "Aye, sir. Intelligence sent up Suvayeek and SOCC accounts you may want to see. The Isesinis have started some redeployments. Two Groups are headed to these locations. Five hundred sixty-eight ships are going here...' He points to Chi Orionis. '...and, four hundred ninety-seven are traveling to this system." He moves his finger over to indicate 107 Pisces."

  "Hook, line and sinker..." Admiral Bryant mumbles.

  "Pardon me, sir?"

  "Nothing. It's what we wanted Kil Kos to do. I'm going to get some rest."

  "I'm sorry I had you disturbed, sir."

  "Don't be apologetic. And, continue in that manner if there are any changes in enemy field forces. I needed to know what you had. I was just so calm because the enemy did what we wanted them to do. But, that's valuable information, too. It means our plan is working. So, thank you very much. And, good job." Bryant said softly with a warm smile.

  "Your welcome, sir." The young officer responded as George turned and walked off the bridge.


  At five hundred on December 9, my entire cluster exits their conduits and stops dead in open space. We are nearly halfway to BD-05 1123. As we wait for four hours, we resupply our Sub contingent with provisions and fuel. Then, I issue orders to move to Step 2 of tactical mission #CC - 34612-C. The entire formation activates Casimirs and projects new conduits directed at 82 Eridani. Then, we all accelerate and cross the thresholds at twenty percent of superluminal. Our staging location one light-year from our target is still five days away.


  Automatic helm and FTL settings in all the ships bring the entire Epsilon contingent out of their vortices and to "station keeping" in the middle of nowhere. George waits only two hours before issuing the order to progress to stage two of Epsilon Mission Plan #CC-34612-C. He wisely uses the time to resupply his Subs, too. He can feel his body resisting inertia as the engines slowly increase velocity to twenty-five percent as they enter their conduits to 15 Sagitta. It's five days until they'll land at their rest point a third of a parsec from the system.


  "See, I told you both." Kos sounds kind of arrogant as he makes the pronouncement.

  "What do you mean?" Mes asks.

  "Those two other conduits are gone. They're nowhere to be found. It looks like those groups turned around and left.

  We're still reading the ones on the way to the sites you reinforced." He adds as he waves a datapad in front of their faces.

  "That's why you're the boss, Kil." Chan offers with a smile.

  "Yes. And, never forget that." He says to the other two men.


  At thirteen hundred hours, on December 9, Nichols smiles as his entire HQ assembly crosses exit thresholds into no-mans'-land. He does not wait. Instead, he immediately orders his troops to head back to Rigil, in friendly space.


  At the same time, Admiral Shah is conducting precisely the same sequence of operations as Steven Nichols. He smiles to himself too, understanding that if all went as planned, the Isesinis don't know the whereabouts of the two bigger flotillas. "You're a genius, George." He thinks to himself.


  "The whole thing was a ruse," Koss says to the others as they stand on his bridge at eight hundred on the tenth.

  "Why do you say that?" Chan asks.

  "Because now, the other two formations turned around and headed home."

  "This worries me."


  "Because I know George Bryant and he doesn't make meaningless advances. We've missed something. I feel it in my gut. He's up to no good."

  "Don't be such a worrier. There are no more OFSA conduits in our territory." Kos said.

  Chan excused himself and left. But the nagging feeling that George had just put one over on them was causing raised goosebumps on the back of his neck. The fact executions were still ordered in the Federation for treason flashed through his mind. The image of George Bryant arresting him merged with the notion. He shuddered involuntarily once he was alone in the corridor.

  Chapter 23 Preserving the Future

  Wednesday, December 8, 2271

  "...those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

  "Well, I think we've been here long enough. I know I'd like to get back home, for a while." Basi says to Boets.

  "Me too. It's three hundred forty-nine and thirty seconds." Boets responds.

  "I guess I'd better give the final order. This part of the operation does require my personal authorization because millions not in warships are about to die."

  "Yes. It's a tough one. These are the hardest directives to give."

  "You just have to remember what they've done and what this will do for us.' Basi explains then turns to the outer stations.

  'Communications. Open inter-ship communications, please. Notify all Captains this statement will be broadcast throughout their ships. " He pauses.

  "Sir, the channel is now active."

  "Officers and enlisted of our Special Tactical Group, I just wanted to take a moment to address you all. We are about to conduct a bombardment of this planet. It is the most offensive operation we could perform. You must remember we execute this plan because it's necessary. Our objective is to destroy the Isesinis ability to organize an aggressive war. We are not attempting to annihilate them. We have tried to program our targeting to avoid the majority of innocents. Carry out your duties professionally and remember the responsibility for this is not yours. This is a decision made at the highest levels of the OFSA and the Federation.' He clicked off.


  "Aye, sir!" A young lieutenant snaps.

  "Tie into Tactical Field Weapons Control on the FSS Pacifica authorization number SOCC CBZ345167."

  "The link is established, sir. My screen mirrors their command center."

  "Activate detonation of all mines except the one designated 12521."

  "Aye, sir!" The Tactical Officer says as he highlights all mines, marks them all active, then, deactivates the one specified."

  "The system is asking for a senior Flag Officer's authorization."

  "Punch in CB$798325 and hit enter."

  "The system has confirmed. Detonation will be in ten seconds."

  Basi is followed by Boets as they walk to the view window. The mines detonate in a programmed sequence. Defensive installations and warships are first. Communications platforms and orbital shipyards go next. Finally, all sensor and observation platforms are obliterated.

  The three elevations all these devices had circled the planet in are filled with debris, smoke, and dust. The screen indicates the movements of several OFSA vessels as they reposition to avoid collisions.

  "Time?" Admiral Basi calls out.

  "Three fifty-one thirty-three." The FSS Chicago's navigator calls out.

  "Let's send out our authorizations for step 2," Basi says to Boets.

  The two sit and punch the commands with the appropriate authorization codes. All their ships in orbit will begin bombardment at four hundred hours and one minute.

  They sit in silence. Both Admirals are watching for the first volleys, feeling for the vibrations of the Chicago's weapons' systems, and listening for the internal reverberations created by all the shots and launches.

  "Holy shit!' Basi yelps as the first volley leaves the Frigate. 'It's nothing like a sub. We have one dual mount cannon we can fire with up to four torpedoes at a time. How many..."

  "The Chicago would have fired forty missiles, eighty spears, and eighty particle charges simultaneously. We actually could deliver double that. But, we never leave ourselves defenseless. We're holding the rest in reserve in case someone counter-attacks." Boets cut in and explained.

  They watched as several minutes passed for the salvo to make its way to all its various destinations. Mushroom clouds began rising from the surface.

  "You weren't supposed to use any fission weapons!" Basi barked.

  "They're not. They're what are called Spears of Fear. They use a massive kinetic charge delivered at high velocity. One of those expends between fifteen and twenty kilotons TNT equivalent. So, they raise mushroom clouds. But, there's no radiation. And, we're only launching missiles with chemically charged explosive warheads. Big bang but no fallout." Boets says.

  "Good. We want to finish off this war. But, we don't want to annihilate the Isesinis civilization." Basi says.

  "Sir, may I ask a question?" The Tactical Officers asks.

  "Of course Lieutenant. It's the only way to learn anything." Admiral Basi answers with a chuckle.

  "Why didn't we blow that one unit we christened 12521?"

  "I think you'd agree that this is a major offensive operation in its own right. But, we're also using it as a diversion. Admirals Bryant and Brubacher are leading attacks on the two most important enemy Regional Field Commands in Federation Space. Those operations are timed to begin after the Isesinis receive a call for help from their homeworld. The device we spared is a transceiver. We will detonate that mine when we start the second wave of bombings. That should give them lots of time to get out their distress calls. And, after we destroy it, Kil Kos the leader of the enemy force that took our territory should find the lack of a response to his communication compelling. We hope that he will command half his Fleets to come here. But, the Isesinis still communicate the way we did. It'll take six and a half days for Kos to receive the hail and send help. But, we'll be gone before any Isesinis arrive. We're going home, as soon as this is done."

  "Thank you, sir. It's a good lesson in battle tactics." The Lieutenant said appreciatively.

  Boets and Basi watch in silence. They really can't make out much detail. Between the mess in orbit and the dust and smoke on the surface, it's hard to see anything. They keep monitoring infra-red, and radar sensors since those systems peer through the dirty clouds.

  "All OFSA vessels, please move to step three of the battle orders," Basi calls out verbally at precisely five hundred hours. All weapons fire ceases as covert supply ships move in and begin docking with Frigates and Subs for replenishment. The resupply is on a tight schedule. Every craft must be restocked by seven hundred. Timing is critical because there are Isesinis forces within ten light-years that can arrive in a day. So, they must complete the final step and be gone today.

  "Let's head to the Officers' Mess.' Boets suggests. 'There isn't much for us to do for awhile." He adds.

  "Good idea. I can use some breakfast." The Admiral responds with a broad smile.

  They return to the Chicago's bridge at exactly five minutes before seven.

  "Tactical!" Basi calls out, immediately.

  "Aye, Sir." The young female lieutenant responds. That's when Basi and Boets r
ealize there's been a shift change.

  "Tie into Tactical Field Weapons Control on the FSS Pacifica authorization number SOCC CBZ345167."

  "I'm online, sir. My screen is showing their command center."

  "Activated detonation of the mines designated 12521."

  "Aye, sir!" The Tactical Officer says as she highlights the specified bombs.

  "The system is asking for a senior Flag Officer's authorization."

  "Punch in CB$798325 and hit enter."

  "The system has confirmed. Detonation will be in ten seconds."

  "Where is that charge?" Basi asks.

  "Out of our line of site. We won't be able to see it. But, our sensor net will pick it up. We'll be able to confirm that way." Boets responds.

  "Sensor Station, I want confirmation of that detonation when you see it," Basi calls out.

  "I have the coordinates on my screen, sir. There's the flash!"

  "Tactical, what's the feedback from the device."

  "There is none, sir. The signal is gone."


  "Please cycle through the surface imaging your receiving, right now." The Admiral orders and the views from space quickly change to planetary ones and flash from one location to another. They see that the palace, the government complexes, and the military headquarters are demolished. Over a hundred bases and nearly two hundred factories have been replaced by craters.

  Both men sit and type the authorizations to move to the next step.

  At seven hundred, the second wave of shelling begins. Tier Two supply operations are hit. Over three hundred factories and distribution centers are demolished in this round.

  Except for a meal, the two men repeat the same pattern as the first bombing. It ends at eight hundred, and again they can't make out much without using infra-red.

  They order step five to begin. It's another resupply break. At ten o'clock they authorize the third and final round of bombings. Another three hundred fifty factories, businesses, military, and government operations will disappear.

  At eleven hundred another resupply is ordered then everyone waits until the Admiral is satisfied with what he sees at fifteen hundred. By then, a lot of dust has settled, and clouds have risen high enough that imaging can see below them. The devastation is widespread and complete.


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