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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 153

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Kire Fask was very welcoming. He hosted several festive events in my honor in the evenings as our tough negotiations went on throughout the days. But, on January 9, he surprised me with an announcement.

  "Admiral, I have been reading your constitution since I was captive on your ship."

  "You were our guest Kire. We never treated you like a prisoner."

  "That's true. But, you weren't going to let me go, at that time. I think I was still your prisoner." He chuckled.

  "Okay. I'll give in on that one. For the first few days that might have been true. But, you became a friend. What did you wish to say about our charter?"

  "I like it. It is a most impressive document. And, I especially like the way the Federation handled a Monarchy. It is very unique. I have instituted actions that would enshrine such a system here. I would remain King, and my family would hold the royal reigns into the foreseeable future. But, we would use the same power division formula used by your Federation. The Fasks would no longer be absolute rulers."

  "Would you want help? We could provide advisers to guide you through the process. We learned from several attempts. You would not need to make the same mistakes we did."

  "Yes, that would be appreciated. But, more than that, we wish to join your Federation - after a reasonable waiting period, of course."

  "We'd appreciate that. But, it presents another huge problem."

  "What's that?"

  "The space between our border and yours. And, possibly more. We already patrol eight million cubic light years. We would be forced to expand to manage a much larger region. We like to occupy spherical zones. It's easier to maintain the borders. So, we'd have to enlist all the other worlds from our current border to the new one at one hundred sixty light years. That would mean patrolling over twice the current volume. We'd have to double the size of our OFSA."

  "That's not an insurmountable issue. On this half of your border, you have allies, and we have confederates. It would take some effort, but you only need to convince those on the other side of your globe. And, we are technologically advanced. We'd adopt your designs and build half the required expansion Fleet as our initiation fee. Some investigation revealed that you'd expand from over nine thousand systems to nearly twenty thousand. And, you'd probably rise from over a hundred fifty members to around three hundred. You'd have a much larger population to draw recruits from. And, the increased revenue should cover the inflation of your force and patrol responsibilities. And, the Isesinis would be at your side. We are formidable, you know."

  "Yes, I know. And, I like the idea. But, I'd have to check with the council. Treaties are one thing. But, enlisting a new member that starts a chain reaction of expansion is above my authority." I responded with a smile.

  "I understand. Let's finish this treaty. Then, I'll give you a formal proposal to hand your people. It can have a five or ten-year period to give time for the expansion. I just know it'd be good for us, a lot of other worlds, and the Federation."

  "You give it to me. But, make it ten years, and I'll recommend it. In the meantime, you'd have to move to the democracy."

  "We'd do that even if you said no. I like the idea."

  It took another two weeks, but we signed our first contract on January 23. The Kire presented his proposal immediately after the agreement was sealed.

  On Monday, May 1, 2273, Grace Tonaka retired. It was decided that the Rigil facility would be directly run by an Operations Superintendent who'd report to the Chief of General Staff. There would be no local office for the Chief. One of the six Five-Star Admirals or one Five Star General would serve as COGS. And, that person would serve a four-year term from their mobile Headquarters.

  On Tuesday, May 2, 2273, I was appointed Chief of General Staff of the Orion Federation Space Agency Command and Control. But at my urging, Fleet Admiral was designated a Level Thirteen category and a new Level Twelve rank was created and called Fleet Admiral Lower Class. It was still a Five Star grade and senior to Four Star Admirals. I nominated Tom Stevens for the rank as Deputy Mobile Fifth Commander. And, I proposed Stephen Nichols as Deputy Chief of OFSA Command & Control.

  On Thursday, May 15, 2273, King David signed a statute into law making George a Hero of the Federation and creating an Admiral George Bryant Holiday to be celebrated on August 1, every year.

  On Friday, May 30, I received notice that as apprehending Officer I was expected to attend Kil Kos execution as one of twelve witnesses. I spoke to Steven Nichols and Savign. They'd received the notice, too.

  On Tuesday, July 1, 2273, our observer panel gathered at the Orion Penitentiary on Rigil, after all of Kil Kos' appeals were denied. I found it utterly repugnant to watch someone put to death in such a fashion. But, it was like ending a chapter in the Federations history.

  Life went on relatively routinely after that. There were the Epsilon missions to here or there to remain at readiness in case of attack and to assist a Quadrant in regular patrols. There were inter Tier One level war games that were held on a periodic basis.

  For his part, El was as busy as I'd been when I was Inspector General. He honed their operation further. They could conduct a hundred and twenty assorted OFSA examinations and thirty-five planetary ones annually. I especially enjoyed their investigations of Fifth Mobile RAC. It gave us time to visit while his people were tearing through my operations.

  Bryant turned twelve on March 24, 2274. Though I still held loving memories of her, Helena no longer haunted me on his birthday. And, Fedricka and I enjoyed the annual celebration we provided him. He was becoming a superb young man. She was a delightful, loving, and caring wife and mother. She'd found out she couldn't have children. So, Bryant was it for both of us. And, we were happy with it that way.

  And, at forty-four, I feel I have the world by the tail. I am doing what I love and making a difference. I have a delightful family and incredible memories. I enjoy power, money, and position. And, my Federation is prosperous and peaceful. On Bryant's birthday, I realize I'm as lucky as anyone can possibly be.

  A week after that, the King and Orion Council announced they'd accepted several applications for consideration for membership. They'd be granting those worlds charters on a periodic basis leading up to incorporation of Eta Pegasus and its members in the Federation by the end of March 2273. But, they added they'd annex all regions up to the new border immediately, to respect their promise to the Suvayeek. No Sovereignty would be forced into membership. But, all the space to the new boundary would be patrolled by the OFSA. It made my job a lot harder. As COGS it was my task to build the OFSA expansion plan. I could enlist the help of my partners, but in the end, it was my responsibility.

  Back at work on March 25, I received an ominous call. Nichols was telling me there is trouble on the border near the ecliptic line in his Quadrant.

  I was shocked when we arrived at his side on Wednesday, April 8, 2274. The spiraling wreckage of nearly a hundred ships and two hundred thirty Raptors he'd already lost was like a slap in the face. As I surveyed the border, I saw the visible portion of the nearly two thousand hostile ships that sensors showed were aligned against us. Nothing ever changes.





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