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Chain of Lust

Page 6

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  Dozens of brown boxes were stacked in the foyer and in one bedroom. They were labelled neatly—clothing, shoes, knick-knacks, china, miscellaneous. The mover hadn’t taken any of her furniture. Maybe because her stuff was junk anyway. Madame Chabert seemed to provide her with everything she needed, including modern amenities like a phone, television, stereo, and even a brand new computer.

  “This is your new phone number.” Madame Chabert gave her a card. “Mr Berthier thinks you should be wise about giving out your contact number—only to people you trust—given your situation.”

  “Of course.”

  “Would you like to see the sunroom?” Hugo asked.

  No way. “This suite has a sunroom?”

  Madame Chabert smiled. “One with the best view in the city.”

  They walked past the kitchen and laundry area before stepping into a vast, bright room drenched with sunshine. The sunroom was fully furnished with a patio set that looked inviting. Potted plants and flowers graced the room like a personal oasis. A dwarf orange tree, heavy with fruit, nested against the seamless window, the scent of its flowers intoxicating and pleasant.

  Maddie touched the glass, admiring the view down below. The busy Lake Shore Drive, and beyond that, Lake Michigan, water stretched out as far as the eye could see. Truly, the best view in town. “Wow,” she breathed out. “The view is amazing.”

  Madame Chabert and Hugo beamed.

  “I’m glad that you’re pleased with this suite,” Madame Chabert said. “Please let us know if you need anything. Hugo will be your personal concierge from now on,” she added.

  Hugo inclined his head solemnly.

  “Thank you,” Maddie said. “I think I’m just going to unpack now.”

  “Splendid,” Madame Chabert replied. She and Hugo excused themselves.

  Maddie took an orange that had fallen to the floor. The fruit was so ripe and fragrant. She peeled the skin as she sank herself on the cushioned chair. She tasted a segment. Sweet and tangy flavour exploded in her mouth. Maddie sighed happily. Her heart fluttered as she thought about him. Despite what Aunt Liv had said about consorting with the Unseen, she enjoyed the attention Jean-Luc had given her.

  He couldn’t be a bad guy if he wanted only the best for her, could he? Had she been wrong?

  She reminded herself that she shouldn’t pass judgement so quickly. She had only spent a night with the man. She didn’t really know him, other than that he was a great lover.

  You don’t know his ulterior motive.

  He was a Hellhound, and all Unseen were self-serving creatures.

  She let out an exasperated sigh.

  She should wait and see. It wasn’t like she had a choice, or anything.

  Maddie finished her orange and went to unpack her belongings.

  * * * *

  Jean-Luc waded through the Central Office’s enormous waiting area and walked straight into the main hall. A cool breeze surged past him as soon as he stepped inside. Behind him, the doors sealed shut, muffling the groans and whines from the undocumented souls waiting to be processed.

  He shivered. He had got used to the heat in the Pit and the air conditioner was too cold for his liking. On these typical weekdays, the office was jam-packed with people. Jean-Luc zeroed in on the person he was looking for and headed straight to her desk. Ivanka Djavik grinned when she caught his sight. The Pit admin worker had been his mentor when he’d been a rookie. Two decades ago, she’d had enough of field work and transferred to the Central Office for a desk job.

  “Berthier.” Ivanka greeted him with her signature raspy voice. “I heard you’re on vacation.”

  “I am. Just wanted to check on a few things. I was hoping you could help me.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because you love me.”

  Ivanka snorted. “What do you want?”

  Jean-Luc pulled a chair next to her cubicle opening and sank in it. “It’s about andras. I believe you keep a record of their assignments each time someone uses them, if I’m not mistaken? I need to know who was using andras yesterday.”

  “Oh.” Her expression changed. “That information is classified.”

  “Classified. Merde. I had no idea. By the way, it’s a lovely blouse you’re wearing.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “The colour complements your hair.”

  “Cut the crap, Berthier.”

  “I take it you can’t help me at all?”


  Jean-Luc leaned closer. “That’s a beautiful brooch you have. Is it an heirloom?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Suppose you leave this piece of information lying around unintentionally, and a certain person accidentally gazed upon it, naturally, you wouldn’t be held accountable, would you?”

  “Supposedly…” Ivanka played along. “I wouldn’t, would I?”

  “I think not, madame.”

  Ivanka pulled out her drawer and took out a leather-bound, heavy ledger. She flipped through its pages until she found what she was looking for. Casually, she dropped the ledger on the floor. It fell with a thunderous boom.

  “Oh, my.” Ivanka looked around. Everybody was too busy to even notice it. “How clumsy I am.”

  Jean-Luc bent forward and picked it up. He quickly scanned the written pages that were left open. He returned the ledger with a smile. “You’d hurt yourself if you dropped it on your toes.”

  “Geez. Luckily, I didn’t.”

  “Be more careful next time.”

  “Screw you.” Ivanka put the ledger back into the drawer. “Why are you still here?”

  “Can’t friends catch up for old time’s sake?”

  “Get out.”

  Jean-Luc laughed. “Good to see you.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  He rose from his seat.

  “Hey, kiddo.” Ivanka paused. “Watch your back.”

  “I always watch my back.”

  “I mean—really—watch your back this time.”

  Jean-Luc reflected on her warning for a moment. He hadn’t guessed Sieg’s screw-up news had reached her ears. He shouldn’t be surprised. His former mentor had been a skilled spy in her former job and she liked keeping tabs on her subordinates. “I will.”

  Ivanka gave him a nod of approval. Jean-Luc exited the Central Office the same way he had come in. Uneasiness bubbled at the pit of his stomach. What he feared had come true. Maddie’s accident wasn’t a mere nuisance. Someone wanted her dead because he was hot for her.

  Someone with high power who always got what she wanted.

  When he saw Ivanka’s ledger, he immediately knew the mastermind behind the death omen that had attacked Maddie. It said Adrian Storke’s andras had been assigned to cause Maddie’s death. This whole thing couldn’t be more obvious. The Reaper had had a big job yesterday and when his friend had a big reap, he’d never taken his andras out again the same day. He knew Adrian too well. In the ledger, he saw Adrian had taken out his andras twice. Once in the afternoon, right where Adrian had said he had a big job, at I-90. And again, later in the evening. Someone had used Adrian’s andras to do their dirty job.

  Lilith’s name crossed his mind instantly.

  This wasn’t the first time that bitch had used this kind of trick. Jean-Luc recalled two other occasions a Reaper’s andras had been used without their knowledge. They had sparked unpleasant scandals. But Lilith’s hands always came clean in the end. Cunningness was her best virtue.

  His uneasiness turned into full-blown worry.

  How did Lilith find out about Maddie?

  It pissed him off that Lilith had had someone follow him and he wasn’t aware of it. Adrian had said Jezebel was after him. The bitch was very sly.

  Jean-Luc paused as he trod towards the gate of the Central Office’s yard. He could ask Adrian to confirm his theory. Or he could go right to the source, making the andras squeal out who had hired it. Jean-Luc decided to go with the latter. He turned on his heels and whirled towar
ds the Death Attic, where the lesser race was contained.

  He felt like beating somebody up today.

  * * * *

  “Your destination?” Hugo asked attentively.

  Maddie fished a piece of paper containing the address from her coat pocket. She smoothed it and read it aloud. “Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters. 15th La Rue Avenue, Central Market. First Realm.”

  “Ah. First Realm.” Hugo nodded and spread a hand. “This way, Miss Cartwright.” The concierge led her into the first door near the reception desk. He turned the dial on the door knob until the needle stopped at number one. The door whispered open. “Here we go. La Rue Central Market. First Realm.”

  Maddie’s mouth fell open. “Whoa.”

  A busy, traditional market lay just beyond the doorstep. Cobblestone sidewalks. Rustic buildings and shops. People in old-fashioned clothes bustled in the street, shopping and bargaining with the vendors.

  “Would you like an escort? We’d be happy to provide you with one.”

  Maddie shook her head. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. But how do I get back?”

  Hugo handed her a card. “This is our address in the First Realm. And our name plaque is outside the door. It’s very easy to find. And here’s your key.” He gave her an old-fashioned key. “This will bring you back here.”

  “Amazing.” Maddie examined the key. This whole business with the otherworldly realm became more fascinating every day.

  “You sure you won’t need an escort?” The concierge looked concerned.

  “I’ll be fine. I like to explore new places.”

  “Very well. If you have trouble finding the address, call us and we’ll send someone to assist you. My direct extension is listed on the card. I believe you have the special phone Madame Chabert procured for you?”

  “Yes.” Chabert had given her a small cell that worked in the Unseen calling area. With it, Jean-Luc and the staff of Maison Plaisir were just within her reach, in case she was in trouble. Like a bat phone, only cooler. “Thank you.” Maddie pocketed the card and the key. “I hope I won’t need to bother you at all.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s my pleasure.” Hugo inclined his head.

  Maddie returned the bow and stepped outside.

  She grinned childishly. It felt like she’d stepped into a dream world. She padded along the sidewalk, studying the shops along the street. Bookstore. Café. Butcher’s shop. Bakery. Some people did a double take when they walked past her. “Human,” she caught them whispering behind her. Maddie felt a bit weird being stared at. But as they did nothing to bug her, she moved along.

  First Realm was more fascinating than she’d originally thought. She’d never been interested in the world of the Unseen before, given her bad experiences. But strolling among them in their world, without worrying about being molested, was a nice change of scenery. Jean-Luc’s protection worked like a charm.

  After she’d settled down in her new pad, Jean-Luc suggested she’d get a part-time job to kill the time. He knew she’d got bored when she had nothing to do after she’d finished unpacking. Jean-Luc said a friend of his would love to have her as an employee. Maddie wasn’t sure at first, because Jean-Luc’s friend’s shop wasn’t in the human world. Jean-Luc assured her she would be safer in First Realm. It was his turf.

  Maddie stopped at intersections, looking for directions. The streets were oddly numbered, and 15th La Rue Avenue seemed to be beyond the traffic signal. She crossed with dozens of pedestrians at the red light.

  Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters was surprisingly easy to find—it was the biggest clothing store on 15th La Rue Avenue. The shop window displayed fancy dresses and fur coats. The style was vintage clothes from the twenties and thirties. Apparently, First Realm residents didn’t follow fashion trends like in the human world.

  A matronly woman greeted her when she stepped inside. “You must be Madeline. Welcome, welcome.”

  “Are you Genevieve Marle?”

  “That’s me. Goodness, you’re prettier in person. Jean-Luc told me all about you.”

  “I hope good things.”

  “You’re kidding? That boy is head over heels with you.” Genevieve laughed. Her voice was melodious, like an opera singer. Her accent was thicker than Jean-Luc’s.

  Maddie blushed. “Really?”

  “Darling, I’ve never seen Jean-Luc so taken with somebody before. Come. Let me show you around.”

  Her new boss introduced her to her other employees and gave her a tour of the shop. Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters catered to men and women of high taste. Genevieve had hired her as a personal shopper for her clients. On top of a standard salary, Maddie would receive commission for every sale she made. Maddie thought it was a good deal, not that she was desperate for money now. Jean-Luc had given her a big allowance to spend. However, it was nice to earn her own bucks. Or gold. First Realm currency was strictly rendered in gold, silver, and copper coins. Dollars and paper money were unknown.

  “When would you be ready for work?” Genevieve asked her.


  “That’s wonderful. Let’s get you started, then.” Genevieve gave her the rundown of her job. Since the day was still early and not many customers were in the shop, Genevieve put her on window dressing duty.

  It was fun, actually. Genevieve came with a box of merchandise to be put on this week’s display and left Maddie to her own devices. She was in the middle of undressing the fifth mannequin when her boss came in with a new client.

  It was Jean-Luc.

  “I thought I’d come by to see how your new employee is doing,” Jean-Luc told Genevieve. “It seems she’s a dedicated one.”

  “She is.” Her boss turned to her. “Jean-Luc needs a new wardrobe. Perhaps you can assist him? Don’t worry about that. I’ll have Sonya finish the job.”

  “Of course,” Maddie answered.

  Jean-Luc winked at her.

  Heat burned her cheeks. She still couldn’t help acting like a schoolgirl with a crush each time he was near her. Something about him always made her heart beat faster and her pulse race. Her libido went haywire. It was like he had bound her with a chain of lust, all he needed to do was stare at her and she burned uncontrollably from the inside. That man had messed up her brain.

  Use him, but never fall for him, she reminded herself.

  Maddie blinked.

  Impossible, she thought.

  “I trust you’re in good hands,” Genevieve said to Jean-Luc, patting his hand. Then she greeted another customer who came into the store, leaving the two of them alone.

  “Chérie,” Jean-Luc whispered teasingly.

  A shiver of ache spiralled in her sex. The way he talked always made her horny. Damn it. She gulped hard. “What kind of clothes do you need?” Jean-Luc had two pairs of black leather pants, two black shirts, a vest, and a long overcoat hanging in the closet of their suite. He was a man with simple tastes.

  “I don’t know. Something nice to wear when we’re going out?”

  But he looked nice with whatever he chose to wear. Especially the black ensemble he seemed to be fond of. “Formal trousers and shirts?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Admit it. You came here to spy on me.”

  His grin widened. “Guilty as charged.”

  “You’re hopeless.” Maddie sighed. She took him to the men’s section and picked several pants and shirts that seemed to be his size. “Try them on. We have our own seamstresses here, so we can alter everything to your perfect fit. The fitting booth is over there.”

  “Oh, I will need assistance trying on these clothes.”

  Maddie gave him a hard stare. She caught a drift of his wicked intention.

  “Yes?” Jean-Luc acted all innocent.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. This is my first day of work. Are you trying to get me fired?”

  “Madeline, you have a dirty mind. I’m just asking for your help.”

  She punched him.

“Ouch. And you’re assaulting your customer. Outrageous. Wait until Genevieve hears about this.”

  “Cut it out.” Maddie pushed him into a fitting room. She hung the pants and shirts on the rack. “There. Try them on.”

  Jean-Luc sat on the bench. He spread his arms. “Well? I do need assistance.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Gimme a break.” She helped him out of his coat. He was dressed in his signature black clothes and boots. She was about to unbutton his shirt when he teased her again.

  “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you love undressing me.”

  She was going to punch him again, but thought it would be no use. Jean-Luc was a big teaser. He loved making her beg when they were intimate. It seemed he got a kick out of hearing her plead for him to give her sexual fulfilment. Maddie jabbed a finger on his chest. “You know, I can play your game too.”

  “Oh?” His eyes rounded.

  “Yeah.” Maddie closed the booth door and locked it. “Where were we?”

  “Ahem. You’re about to undress me?”

  “Right.” Maddie ran her hands over his chest and down to his belly. She groped his cock. It twitched. He hardened instantaneously.

  Jean-Luc purred. “I love it when you’re like this.”

  “You don’t say.” Maddie squeezed his hard flesh.

  A strangled moan escaped his throat.

  Maddie unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Jean-Luc was a commando type of man. His cock sprang free. He sighed happily when she squeezed his erection.

  Maddie knelt and gave it a curious lick. He groaned. She tightened her grip, asserting her power over him. He was at her mercy. She lowered her head and licked him again. This time, she licked across his huge tip. His body jerked as if he’d been singed with fire. A drop of pearly cream blossomed from his tip.

  “Maddie…” he whispered.

  When she looked straight into his eyes, they were blazing.

  He arched his hips forward, as if he yearned for more. No more teasing. His arrogance vanished. She was truly in control.


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