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The Bride Who Got Lucky

Page 22

by Janna MacGregor

  “You’re beautiful, too,” he whispered.

  Nick didn’t waste a glance at anyone. His focus was entirely on his lovely wife. It made little difference the vicar had yet to finish the ceremony. They were married. The simple act of giving her his ring bound them together.

  She’d pull him from the mire once again with her clever solution. He’d suffer through all the loss and humiliation at his father’s hands again and again if this was his reward, a life with Emma.

  “I beg you, may we proceed?” the vicar asked. “I would prefer to arrive home before the morning.”

  * * *

  The sun had already set when Emma and Nick started for Somer House, her husband’s town house and now her new home. Soon, the coach slowed to a stop. Nick sprang from the carriage in one smooth movement.

  She placed her hand in his. He rewarded her with a reassuring squeeze of his fingers as he guided her to the sidewalk. Her gaze darted to the double entrance doors that led into his bachelor residence—former bachelor residence. The all-male domain would be demolished as soon as she and Arial stepped inside.

  “Welcome home, Lady Somerton.” He brought her gloved hand to his lips, and she almost missed the wink from his left eye.

  The small gesture caused her heartbeat to stutter. She bit her lip to stifle a grin but lost the battle.

  Nick bent low and whispered in her ear. “What a welcome sight—my wife bestowing one of her dazzling smiles on me.”

  She tried to ease some of the tension between them. “We really didn’t have a chance to talk after the wedding. We were both quiet on the way here.”

  “We’ll have plenty of time later on.” Never slowing his pace, he led her up the steps into the town house. Two men stood at attention as if guarding the royal palace.

  “Lady Somerton, let me introduce Hamm, our butler. He served as my father’s underbutler until he joined my household. Mr. Martin acts as my housekeeper.”

  Emma nodded her acquaintance to her husband’s staff. “Lady Somerton” and “our butler” still buzzed in her head.

  Both servants bowed in front of her but neither spoke. Their faces reminded her of an audience watching a magic act. Neither seemed to believe what appeared in front of them.

  She’d trained for this moment all her life with the best possible teacher, her mother. She shoved aside her nervousness. “Hamm, thank you for the warm welcome. I’ll need your assistance as I become acquainted with Lord Somerton’s schedule.” She turned to the housekeeper. “Mr. Martin, perhaps tomorrow we could discuss the management of the earl’s household, and you could show me the house?”

  Mr. Martin nodded. “My lady, anytime you wish to talk I’m available. It’s a small staff, and we all help each other.”

  “Thank you.” Before she could ask another question, Nick interrupted.

  “Will you have a bath prepared for the countess?” Nick brought Emma’s hand to rest on his arm and placed his over hers. “Shall we go up?”

  Without a look back, they proceeded up the stairs.

  She stopped Nick on the landing. “Shouldn’t I meet the rest of the staff?” The situation was confusing enough without the closeness of his body addling her senses. The clean fragrance of soap layered his familiar scent of bay rum and his unique male smell. She could breathe it in all day.

  “It will have to wait until tomorrow.” His next words left no doubt he was finished with the conversation. “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  * * *

  The parchment tucked inside Nick’s pocket crinkled when he raised his hand to knock on Emma’s door. Would she be pleased with his gift? Within minutes, he’d know the verdict: if her eyes brightened to a brilliant emerald green, then she was happy. He’d worked quickly this morning to get everything arranged for her new endeavor.

  Nick had given their staff the evening free. The temperamental cook had demanded the entire day off. Before he went to visit his sister, Mr. Martin, the unofficial housekeeper, had prepared a light dinner with a wonderful vintage champagne for Emma’s pleasure. Tonight, Nick would have her in his arms and in his bed. Perhaps then he could get back to his work. His life had to return to normal soon as work was increasing at an alarming rate.

  After his brief knock, Emma’s maid opened the door, then curtsied. “My lord.”

  “Good evening, Arial.” Nick waited for the invitation to enter Emma’s private chambers.

  The whole day had turned completely strange. He was lord and master over every square inch of this residence, but within the last several hours, things had changed. Now he must knock on his wife’s door, the one next to his, the one that had always stood empty.

  His wife’s door.

  Emma called out, “Come in. I’m ready.” When she stood from the dressing table, he truly had entered another world. Dressed in a gorgeous seafoam-green gown trimmed in matching satin ribbon, she reminded him of a present wrapped in silk, for his pleasure to unwrap as soon as he had her alone.

  “You may leave us. Enjoy your evening,” Nick said while never taking his eyes off Emma. Arial silently slipped out after his command.

  Emma tilted her head. “Arial didn’t say anything about taking the night off.”

  In two strides, he stood before her. She smelled of something pure and beautiful. “In celebration, I’ve given everyone the evening free. We’re by ourselves.”

  Emma swallowed. Her luminous eyes widened in surprise. “Oh…” Innocent as she was, she had no idea how sensuous her voice sounded.

  “You”—he tipped up her chin to look at him—“and me. Alone.”

  He pressed his lips to hers, a sweet start to the evening and one designed to coax her to relax. She tasted like the freshest summer berries. He was desperate to deepen the kiss but wanted to feed her first, so he gently pulled back. Her eyes slowly opened. She looked bewitched and unable to move.

  When Emma reached for her kidskin gloves, he grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips. “Nothing is between us this evening. I want to feel your fingers intertwined with mine.”

  She lowered her eyes, and her hand fluttered in his.

  This was not the woman who had tried to seduce him in Portsmouth. Was she frightened of him, frightened of what would happen tonight? He had the perfect solution to dispel her sudden shyness.

  “I have something for you.” He pulled the paper from the inside pocket of his evening coat. “A wedding gift.”

  “What is it?”

  “Open it.”

  Her finger broke the seal, and she bent her head. When she finished reading, she lifted her gaze, and the dazzling green of her eyes lit the entire room. “You’re giving me a bank?”

  “Not a physical bank, but the means and a place of operation. I thought you could start with ten thousand pounds. I have a business acquaintance, Mr. Macalester, who owns a building on the corner of Grosvenor and Bond. He has a small shop for let that would be a perfect location based on your research. Mr. Sedgeworth has serviced my banking needs for years and said he’d be honored to help you get started. He’s planning to approach you about investing in it.”

  The smile that slowly grew across her face proved he’d made the right choice of presents. Suddenly, she stood on tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “This is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

  Her simple touch was like kindling to his flame. They had all evening to enjoy each other, but at this moment, he wanted to take her in his arms and never let go. “I’m pleased you like it.”

  She walked to the fireplace, increasing the distance between them. It gave him a perfect vantage point to admire her form. He always thought her striking, but tonight she was radiant.

  “I never in my wildest imaginations thought you’d give me this. I expected jewelry.”

  A rock landed in his chest. In his haste, he hadn’t gotten her a wedding ring. His father possessed all of the Renton jewelry the previous duchesses in their family had worn. It would take the devil himself to make
Nick ask for anything from his father. “Tomorrow, let me take you shopping for something.”

  “Please, no. This is brilliant.” She came and stood in front of him. “The reason I mentioned jewelry is because Claire always receives some bauble from Pembrooke for special occasions.” Emma studied the piece of paper clasped in her hand. “The man has no imagination, but Claire loves him blindly. So, he must have some redeeming qualities.”

  His answer was a quick nod since her devastating grin left him speechless. Images of a besotted Claire and an even more besotted Alex flashed before him. A jolt of pain pierced his newfound jubilation. It was a waste of time and beyond foolish to want that type of marriage with Emma. It would lead to nothing but disappointment and heartache. It was better to keep this easiness between them and not have grandiose expectations of something deeper.

  She fidgeted with the ribbon trim tied around her waist. “I didn’t get you a present.”

  “How could you? There was no time. I don’t need—” He soothed his hand over hers, the soft skin enticing him to explore each inch of her. “Actually there is something I want.”

  She bent her head to hide the most-becoming cherry blush on her cheeks.

  “Join me for dinner?”

  When she raised her eyes to his, the sparkle was back. She looked like a woman who could rule the world without question. There was only one word to describe her—magnificent.

  He led her downstairs and escorted her to an extremely small but cozy room off his study. He used it as a private reading nook. Mr. Martin had built a nice fire that cast a crimson glow around the room, making it pleasant and perfect for a romantic evening.

  A table set for two sat before a wall of windows that overlooked a small, secluded courtyard. Various covered dishes and candles of different heights were scattered across the tabletop.

  “Oh … this is wonderful.”

  “I’m delighted you’re pleased.” When Nick had promised himself he’d give Emma romance, he was determined to be a man of his word. He pulled out a chair and helped her sit, then proceeded to pour two glasses of champagne.

  “May the adventure of our lifetime together start tonight and never end.” His toast earned a look of awe, then a wrinkle of her nose and an affectionate grin. Indeed, marriage had the possibility of fitting into his schedule quite nicely.

  “That’s lovely.” With a coquettish grin, she offered her own. “To my darling husband, may tonight be the first night of many we share as equals in our new adventure.”

  Before he took the first sip, he nodded hesitantly. “Your toast reminds me of something I learned from a classics tutor. Didn’t some philosopher say that a woman becomes a man’s superior if she’s made his equal?”

  “It was credited to Socrates in Wits Common-Wealth by Nicholas Ling. That’s where I came up with the idea for the toast.” Emma lifted her glass and took a sip.

  He followed her lead. All the while wondering how he’d keep a step ahead of her if the need ever arose. “Shall we eat?”

  He lifted the first cover off the large silver tray in front of them and peered at the congealed mass on the platter. It resembled boiled beef and potatoes covered in some type of sauce. Of all the nights to be at the mercy of his waspish chef, tonight was not the night.

  Emma politely picked at her meal. Within minutes, her stomach let out a howl of disgruntlement, and her eyes widened as she placed her hand over her stomach. “I apologize.”

  Nick stood and extended his hand out to capture hers. “Let’s go see what we can find in the kitchen. Bread and jam will be a feast.”

  If he could kick himself, he would. What a complete flop of a dinner, the first of his married life. It was apparent he had no finesse, but tonight he had planned to woo her. She deserved to have a night of passion and sensual pleasure. It was the least he could do for the lousy dinner he gave her. His father would no doubt be delighted he’d made such a strategic error.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nick took her hand in his as they walked to the kitchen. His palm was so large it swallowed hers. Instead of warmth and comfort, his touch set her skin tingling and stoked a tumultuous heat that resided low in her belly. They would make love tonight, and that simple fact twisted every nerve until she felt on edge.

  Claire had mentioned the first time there would be pain and a little bleeding. How long would it hurt? How much bleeding? She should have thought this through and asked more questions.

  After the champagne toast and the unveiling of the meal, which a scientist would delicately describe as “gray matter,” their conversation had grown awkward and stilted once again. She’d done her best to keep it going, but her husband hadn’t uttered a peep.

  When they reached the kitchen, a block of fresh cheese and a loaf of bread sat on the table. Nick reached into a pine cabinet and fetched two apples. “Do I have your promise not to throw these at me?”

  “If you behave.” She tried to keep her voice light and honeyed, but a breathy whisper escaped.

  He retrieved a cutting knife and placed the items on the table. With a heavy-lidded gaze, Nick bent toward her and brushed his lips across her cheek. “I don’t want to behave. Not tonight. Or any night in the foreseeable future.”

  His eyes devoured her with such intensity she could almost feel his touch invade every corner of her soul. The look sent a rush of heat to her cheeks. Her legs protested having to stand. She grabbed the knife and fumbled with the bread. Before she could retrieve the wayward loaf, his warm hand covered hers.

  “Allow me.” With his front to her back, he wrapped his arms around her until he held the loaf in one hand and the knife with her hand in the other. His arms brushed against the sides of her breasts. She closed her eyes at the slight touch, every part of her on alert.

  The warmth of his solid chest enveloped her. If he touched any other part of her body, she’d combust into flames.

  As he cut the bread and the apples, he bent over her until his cheek rested against hers. His freshly shaved skin caressed her as the smell of the fresh baked bread rose to greet them. She couldn’t think of food since a riot of sensations had taken control of her turncoat body.

  Nick placed a slice of cheese on a piece of bread and brought it to her mouth. “You first.”

  Somehow, she managed a small bite. The simple act of sharing was so private and intimate that another flush stole across her cheeks.

  He took the next bite. When he offered her another, she refused with a headshake. Her mouth and brain warred with each other. As a result, she couldn’t form a coherent thought, let alone a word, as she watched him eat.

  Nick pushed the food away. In one move, he picked her up by the waist and sat her on the table facing him. It was the perfect height to study his features.

  His lips twitched. “We’ll save the apples for later. I intend to be very bad right now.”

  A frisson of unease caused her to shiver. He caught her chin and wouldn’t allow her to look away. His eyes darkened with an intensity that should have given her pause. He moved her legs apart so he could step between them.

  “I want to taste you.” His hand traced a path from the curve of her heel to the back of her knee.

  At his touch, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed against him, desperate for more of his heat, more of him. All nervousness forgotten.

  Both of them moaned, expressing the need to get closer to the other.

  His hands settled low on her hips, and he positioned her until she was flush against his erection. The movement caused a deep growl in his chest. His mouth moved over hers, hungry and powerful. She opened, and he took charge with an incendiary kiss. In response, she pressed harder against him.

  He caressed the back of her knees before finding the hem of her dress. At a tortured pace, his hands slowly trailed up her stockings until he stroked the inside of her bare thighs. His lips left hers. Carefully placed kisses brushed against her cheeks until he found the sensitive spot below her ear. �
�You aren’t wearing anything underneath?”

  “Except slippers and stockings,” she gasped. Disorder reigned throughout her body and thoughts. “Nothing’s underneath my dress.”

  “You’re trying to kill me.” For a moment, he rested his head on her shoulder before gently biting her earlobe. “I disagree. There’s undeniable beauty hidden beneath here.” He brushed his fingers through her nest of curls.

  She whimpered at his intimate touch.

  Nick lowered himself before her until he rested on his haunches. “Bring up your skirts and watch me.” His smoky-dark voice mesmerized her.

  She released a breath as her legs trembled at the thought Nick would taste her.

  Once again, he trailed his fingers through her curls, then caressed her inner thighs. With his hands gently holding her legs apart, he kissed her there. His breath fanned against her skin.

  She closed her eyes at his exquisite touch. Anything he wanted to do to her, she’d allow it.

  “Watch me,” he whispered. His tongue flicked out and separated her folds.

  Her breath caught at the delicate breach of his tongue. Such pure, sweet torment.

  He smiled, his eyes flashing brighter than a jolt of lightning, and he repeated the movement again. Every nerve fired at his touch. She stroked his hair as he continued to lick her. Her breath grew more and more ragged until she panted.

  “Do it again,” she pleaded.

  When he repeated the movement, she shivered as the sensation built and billowed within her body. She pressed her hips toward his mouth. He licked her again.

  “Do you know when you’re aroused, your flesh becomes swollen here?” The hunger in his eyes startled her. He wanted this as much as she did. He took her finger and pressed against the wet heat of her center.

  His tongue licked her finger and her swollen flesh. She shifted closer and pressed her eyes shut as flashes of light exploded. Heat scattered from her center. Too weak to resist, she gave over to the sensation as it swept through her. She was close—so close.

  “Nick—” Her release rolled through every part of her body. Intense, the pleasure controlled every nerve, every part of her being. In response, she clenched her thighs against his shoulders.


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