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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 30

by Finian Blake

  “Vladimir have I ever asked you for a divorce?” Margarita said with a mock sweetness. He looked up in confusion wondering what the question had to do with his situation.

  “No you never have. Not as long as we have been married.” Margarita fired three shots into his chest. Vladimir flipped backwards into the reeds sinking into the mud with his body disappearing into the growth. She walked to the edge of the reeds and finished the clip shooting into his chest so that his lungs would not hold any air. “We are divorced.”

  Margarita walked Alice back to the car placing a fresh clip in the handle of her pistol. She leaned Alice up against the cold metal enjoying the shocked look as the chill from the metal worked through her body. This was the first time that Alice had seen someone killed and with the physical cold Alice could not even think. Margarita drew the still hot barrel of the gun up between her legs causing Alice to scream with pain. “You see it is better to give than receive as I have told you before. Vladimir was my husband for ten years. If I could do this to him what will I do to you? I am the only one to watch you now and you are a healthy young woman and I bet you jog.” Alice nodded wordlessly acknowledging Margarita’s guess. “Well run rabbit, run.” Alice tried to run down the gravel road in the eight-inch platform heels only managing to stumble raggedly down the rough gravel road for only fifty yards before her legs cramped and she fell to the ground crying. Margarita drove up to her in the car. As she walked toward Alice Margarita fired three shots into the gravel causing Alice to curl up into a ball holding her ears. She grabbed Alice’s hair forcing her to kneel in a patch of coarse gravel. “I wanted you to understand that I have you. I want you to say it so we do not have any misunderstanding.”

  “Mistress I am yours to do with as you please. I will be a good girl,” Alice said with a pained moan fully realizing her helpless position.

  “I have many ways to hurt you without leaving a mark, so you will do what I tell you immediately without question.” Margarita opened the trunk putting the pistol to Alice’s head and Alice tearfully crawled in the trunk without being told what to do. Margarita held the gun to Alice’s lips forcing her to kiss it before she slammed the lid of the trunk. It was only a ten-minute ride to the cabin but Alice thought that she was going to freeze to death since she was wearing only the skimpy torn lingerie.

  Alice was shaking uncontrollably with the cold. Margarita put the coat over her shoulders for the short walk to the cabin. Alice could only stumble the short distance to the door with tears in her eyes because the cramping in her legs was so painful.

  Margarita realized that she must completely break Alice’s will, so she cut away her muddy lingerie with a six-inch combat knife making sure that she nicked her a few times in the process. Turning the water in the shower to hot Margarita pushed Alice in the scalding shower ignoring her painful screams. Margarita stripped climbing into the shower washing the mud off of Alice with an intimate shower making sure that every crevice was clean. She moved the shocked girl to drip dry naked in front of an open window while she selected the clothes that she would wear. Alice was soon shivering out of control as Margarita grabbed her roughly by the hair. “If you are a good girl you may wear clothes otherwise you will ride all the way to Chicago naked in the trunk.” Alice nodded silently. She grabbed Alice painfully by the hair jerking her head around so that she was nose to nose with Alice.

  “I want to hear you say it,” Margarita said with her teeth clenched tightly together putting as much malice in her voice as she could.

  “I swear to God that I will be a good girl for you Mistress. I will do whatever you tell me to do.” She claimed her victory roughly dragging Alice to the mirror pinching a nipple pulling it roughly for her close inspection finding it swollen and tender. “Those pills always work quickly. By tomorrow you will be producing milk.” Margarita pressed her fingernails into the tender flesh pulling quickly leaving red trails as they slipped off.

  “I swear that I will behave,” Alice cried.

  “Open your mouth.” Margarita placed each pill slowly on her tongue until she had all five in place. “No water,” She smiled as Alice tried to swallow the pills dry. The pills stuck in her throat causing Alice to choke. With Margarita taking particular delight in her predicament. She dragged the choking woman to the bed.

  “Dress me properly and you may have a drink.” Alice quickly dressed her. When she was finished Margarita picked up a bottle of vodka pressing it to Alice’s lips and holding her nose not stopping until she had consumed a third of the bottle forcing another third down her before taking the last third for herself.

  “Water,” Alice croaked.

  “You didn’t dress me properly,” Margarita raged. “Just look at my bra! I look like a damned Picasso.” Margarita roughly dressed Alice taking many painful liberties with her sensitive areas noting that the hormone pills had already started to affect other areas of the poor girl’s body. Margarita took a length of rope tying Alice’s knees so that there were only a few inches of slack between her legs forcing the helpless woman to step into a long skirt that hid the hobble.

  “Walk for me.” Between the hobble and the eight-inch-high heels Alice could only make short choppy steps at best. Margarita took Vladimir’s watch out of her purse and reclined on the bed holding up a plastic bag with a small vial and a syringe in it.

  “If you can get to the car in fifteen minutes I will not use this on you.” Alice made it as far as the bed before she fell to the floor. No matter how she struggled she could not get up with the shoes, hobble, and her hands cuffed behind her back. After a few minutes Margarita, made another offer. “I will not move from this spot and if you can get in the car in fifteen minutes, I will release you and you can go home.” Alice fought to regain her feet for thirty minutes entertaining Margarita with her struggles as she taunted Alice with each failure. At the fifteen-minute mark Margarita decided to question Alice while she continued to struggle. “Has Gregory ever molested you?” Margarita was well aware of his habits, since he transferred all of his victims to Victor who used them as whores to entertain the troops at his base. Alice nodded her head silently starting to cry. Margarita decided to press the issue. She slapped Alice solidly several times on the ass pulling her head back by the hair. “You must tell me about it. Did he seduce you or force you?”

  “He raped me,” Alice cried bitterly. “Nadia and I would go sailing with Gregory on the Caspian all the time. Nadia had some kind of duty one day, and could not go with us. When we were several miles off of the shore, Gregory lowered the sails so that we could go swimming. When I went below to change into my swim suit he came below when I was naked, and bent me over the table having his way with me.” Alice was in tears and could barely talk.

  Margarita could see her distress and wanting to break Alice down completely decided to press, “Was it just once or did he keep going.”

  “He had me several times and when he was finished he tied the anchor around my neck threatening to drown me if I told Anna.”

  “How old were you.”

  “I was sixteen at the time.” Alice was crying so hard that she could barely get the words out. “I was still bleeding when we got home so Anna had no problem figuring out what happened. She threatened to cut his balls off if he ever did it again. He only did it that one time.”

  Margarita had to push, “It appears that he planned it. Do you think that he found something for Nadia to do so that he could rape you?” Margarita knew that Gregory was a pig and just wanted to hear Alice admit it. “He was a rapist and a child molester, but don’t feel bad he raped all of your sisters. That’s why they were all transferred out.”

  “I believe that he set the whole thing up,” Alice had to admit the truth.

  “Gregory was a general and could have anybody assigned as he desired,” Margarita goaded Alice. “What happened to Nadia?

  “He had Nadia transferred so that Anna could not ask her any questions. She was assigned to Victor in Afghanistan and
I lost track of her until a few years ago.” Alice’s admission destroyed her carefully constructed fantasy about Gregory being a good father.

  Margarita was showing no mercy, “Gregory sent Nadia to interrogation training after he raped her. While he was having you we were having Nadia on the rack. We sent him a film so he could watch and it was I that suggested he tie the anchor around your neck to keep you in line while we had Nadia on the rack. He took particular pride in making you bleed when he took you over the table. Gregory loved to brag when he was drunk so he told us about everything he did to you in minute detail. Your father was a complete sadist and even revolted Vladimir.” Alice broke out in hysterical sobs with her forehead on Margarita’s shoes as the interrogation continued.

  “What about ‘Hermes’. He is a powerful man is he screwing you now? He paid one and a half million dollars for your seven sisters and it takes a lot of screwing to pay off a million.”

  Alice regained some control over her voice, “No, he treats us like true daughters. He is a good man. All of my sisters have their own businesses and he has never touched them.”

  Margarita found it hard to believe that a man this powerful would not take advantage of his position, “I think that you are lying to me,” Margarita pushed the heel of her shoe into Alice’s throat.

  “I swear that he never molested us.” Suddenly Alice regretted treating Alex with such contempt realizing that she should have treated Gregory that way. Margarita placed Alice’s bag on the bed removing everything one item at a time holding it up to her body as she examined at, she was amazed at the quality of everything in the bag. When they had left Alice’s house Margarita grabbed the bag that Alice had just returned with from her trip. “It is a shame that you are such a skinny cow. I would love some of these things. Valentina is closer to your size so she will appreciate all of my new clothing.”

  “Those are my...,” Alice found herself choking as Margarita pressed the heel of her shoe deeper into her throat.

  “You have just given me all these wonderful clothes because I am your mistress and you want me to be happy,” Margarita raised her eyebrow looking down at Alice on the floor. “You do want me to be happy don’t you?”

  “Yes mistress you may have everything in that bag,” Alice managed to gasp when Margarita took the heel of her shoe out of her throat. Margarita managed to find an interesting pair of low heel ankle boots that looked like they might be the right size.

  “How much did these boots cost?”

  “Those were two hundred Pounds they are handmade and the hose were fifteen Pounds a pair,” Alice said with a little too much pride in her voice.

  Margarita gloated, “Well they are mine now. I think that I will take the hose and garters too.” With Alice’s information she figured that the contents of the bag had to be worth ten thousand dollars.

  “They are mine,” Alice spoke without thinking.

  Margarita back handed Alice again. “They are mine and you are mine. I will do what I please and you will thank me for everything that I do. Take my shoes off, put the hose on my legs, and put my boots on my feet.” Margarita removed the handcuffs propping Alice on her knees so that she could comply with her instruction. “Tell me Alice did Gregory spank you often.”

  Alice hung her head, “Only when I was bad.”

  “And how often were you bad.”

  “Whenever Anna was not home.” Alice was in tears once again as she realized her image of Gregory was just her fabrication.

  Margarita stood to examine Alice’s work, “Well you were bad today. Just look at these seams. They are anything but straight. Do you deserve a spanking?”

  “Yes mistress I was a bad girl,” Alice said has Margarita pushed her head to the floor administering several sound swats pushing Alice on her back when she was through, holding the boot to her lips. “I love the low heel. Those high heels hurt my feet. Did you deserve your spanking?” Alice nodded silently. Margarita pushed the heel of her boot on Alice’s neck. “You are mine and you will never address me without calling me Mistress. Now, let me hear it.”

  Alice gasped, “I belong to you.” Margarita pushed the heel of the boot a little harder on Alice’s throat, “Mistress.”

  “We call the girls cow and you will answer to the name cow,” Margarita slipped her hands behind Alice’s neck drawing her close, “It is time that you learned to satisfy me.”

  After a half hour of abuse Margarita took a handful of her hair and grabbed a breast, dragging Alice painfully to her knees. “I hope that you understand. You are mine cow, and no matter how badly you want to run you are mine. What is your name?”

  “My name is cow,” Alice said with tears streaming down her face.

  “That’s a good cow now moo for me,” Margarita said grabbing her cow by the throat.

  “Moooo...” Alice said softly with the look of surrender in her face.

  “We are going to Chicago now,” Margarita said putting as much malice in her voice has she could. “If you behave you may sit in the passenger seat, but if you do one thing that I don’t like you will end up drugged and naked in the trunk.” Alice nodded and Margarita slipped the opaque sun glasses over her eyes. “We will be at Victor’s place in time for dinner.” They still had to drive through Omaha, so Margarita pulled a syringe out of her purse.

  “Inject yourself.” Without hesitation Alice tearfully filled the syringe from the vial that she was handed and found an artery. Margarita smiled as Alice started to fade she wanted Alice to acknowledge her absolute authority over her. She patted Alice on the cheek using her most patronizing voice. “That’s a good cow, now say moo.” Alice was unconscious before she could reply. She put the car in gear imagining all of the humiliations that she could inflict on Alice along the way. Margarita would explain how Gregory bragged about raping all of his daughters to the other generals. She secretly hoped that Anna would not deliver on her promises since Alice was already broken and would make a good toy.

  Anna was concerned about not being able to speak to Alice. She stormed and paced around the apartment while Mark went over the intelligence. “The big problem is what to do with the girls that were working for Victor. They were not volunteers and nobody wants to harm them since they had obviously suffered greatly at Victor’s hands already. Wanda has volunteered the two three bedroom apartments on the top floor. We have no count on the girls or any idea of their condition, so Wanda will have the “Old Men” move several temporary beds to the apartments just in case and she has put together a pharmacy kit figuring that the girls will be in poor condition. There are only a few doctors around town that will take care of business for the right price. If Alice comes through alright she will be able to help so Wanda is making a list of the doctors holding the call hoping that it will not be necessary. They know from the reports that most of the girls are pregnant and with few exceptions they are under age. Rich is holding back one third of ‘Mercury’s money to cover their other victims. He has seventeen million dollars to work with. Since some of the girls are under age we can’t just give them the money and run. With few exceptions they are runaways, so the situation will be delicate at best. We will put Anna and Sarah to work on that issue noting that we want to adhere to the law as closely as possible.”

  Mark and Frank put the detailed building plans to work planning the demolition with care wanting to ensure complete destruction of both buildings. Rich was careful to remind them that there were to be no people living or dead left in either of the buildings.

  Mark had a thought, “I have heard that they are working on hand held infrared units. We could sweep much faster with one of those. If you could get one of those units, I could be sure that we are clear.”

  “Suki is our expert there, so I will put her on it.”

  After a quick check it was discovered that they were made in Semi Valley, California. They were experimental units and only available to fire departments for evaluation. Suki made a quick call to the company. Their name came up
earlier in the year since infrared technology was crucial to her security business and Suki wanted a combination of low light and infrared. Francesca had tipped Lynn off about the company, so the Inn had a sizeable investment in that particular company. Suki called using the investment as an opener.

  “We understand that you make hand held infrared detection devices. Do you have any ready to ship?”

  “We have about twenty ready, but they are for evaluation only. The unit is still experimental.”

  “Our organization has decided to donate twenty units to the Chicago Fire Department. We would like to place an order.”

  “You do realize that they are five thousand dollars apiece and there is a contract for the evaluation that goes with them.”

  “Can you put them on same day service? We will have a representative from the Chicago Fire Department pick them up.” The salesman put the owner on the line.

  “Who is this?” Suki went through the details again.

  “If you do not oblige us, we will dump ten thousand shares of your stock. Just tell me what the price is and we will deposit the money by wire or do a COD with any funds you require. I will call back in a half an hour.” The owner did a quick check of the investors. The Inn Investments had over ten thousand shares and if they dumped their shares, the stock would drop by fifty percent. He had his secretary check the flights and had the shipping department start preparing. On her end Suki called Troy making him promise to pick up the units at Ohare Airport.

  “The flight will not be in until seven o’clock this evening. Angela and I could ride out there with you and we can grab a bite to eat. We will pick you up at the fire house.”

  “Great, the Chief would like to meet our benefactor.”

  The boys at the fire house were getting tired of listening to Troy rave about his new girl. The chief always commented negatively about his lieutenant being the Alderman’s son. A score like this would put Troy in good standing with the Chief. Suki finished the arrangements and hired a limousine for transportation. She and Angela dressed in Beth’s finest fashions. The word went downtown about the donation, so the Fire Chief made it a point to be at the fire house when the limo pulled up. Hundred thousand dollar donations like this were rare. He was expecting a much older woman to be the aunt of his lieutenant’s girl. They had looked at the equipment before and could not get the bean counters to go for even one just for a test. Twenty units would be over a $100,000 donation. Angela told Troy that Suki was her aunt. When the limo pulled up Angela stepped out first. There was a push to the car. The Chief could not help but notice the quality of her attire. He stepped up to the door holding out his hand to help her aunt out of the limo. Suki placed her hand on the Chief’s arm. She was wearing a purple silk three quarter length button front dress with the bottom two buttons of her skirt undone which framed her shapely legs perfectly and her hair hung loosely down her back. Locking eyes with the chief she gripped his arm firmly showing her best seductive smile. Suki knew how to push a man’s buttons without saying a word and she knew that she had him when he said his first few words to her knees.


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