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The Rancher's Nanny

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Ignoring the urge to pull her out of the vehicle and carry her to his room, to show her how a real man took care of his woman, he handed her the seatbelt and rounded toward the driver’s side.

  Paige was talking a mile a minute. He listened, all too aware of the woman by his side. The drive into town didn’t take long enough. He found somewhere to park, and saw how busy it was. After helping Maddie down, he took Paige’s hand and saw his brother waiting for him.

  Before he turned to leave he made sure Maddie was safe with Ryan before leaving her alone.

  Fucking take her for yourself.

  He was pissed off that he’d not gotten to ask her himself.

  In fact, he’d assumed that she’d be with him and Paige. Of course, he’d then given her the night off, which had then made him aware of exactly who she was going to the fair with.

  “Maddie’s with Ryan?” Mike asked.

  Paige rushed toward Martha, and was embracing her cousins.

  “Don’t start.”

  “I thought we agreed that you liked her?” Mike asked.

  Glaring at his brother, Caleb didn’t say another word. He didn’t need to. Moving through the crowds, he stayed close to Paige, paying for the rides and making sure she had a good time.

  Every now and again he saw Ryan and Maddie together. He’d be firing a gun, winning her a bear or at least trying to win her something.

  Maddie had this huge smile on her face, and so long as she looked happy, he was okay to leave her on her date.

  The hours ticked by, and Martha was the driver who’d agreed to take the kids back. Paige was having a sleepover for the night. He kissed her goodnight and told her to behave.

  “Where’s Maddie?” Paige asked. “She always says goodnight.”

  His heart twisted. “She’s busy.”

  “I’m never too busy to say goodnight,” Maddie said, appearing behind Paige.

  Ryan was there with her. He watched as Paige threw herself into Maddie’s arms, hugging her tight.

  “You be a good girl, and tomorrow we’ll have an entire day of baking cupcakes.”

  “You promise?” Paige asked.

  “I’ve got no choice. Ryan’s told all the ranch hands. They’re expecting some Paige cupcakes.”

  His daughter giggled, and he watched her climb into Martha’s car. She waved at them, and Caleb watched her go.

  “Let’s go and get this party started,” Mike said, shouting.

  He followed his brother toward the bar. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ryan place his arm across Maddie’s shoulders, comforting her.

  Why was he comforting her?

  Caleb wanted to break that fucking arm that thought he could touch her.

  Maddie wasn’t Ryan’s.

  She’s not yours either.

  They all ended up at the bar where lots of drinks, dancing, and fun were being had. Mike ordered them all a beer, and Caleb watched as Ryan and Maddie made their way onto the dance floor. They were surrounded by so many people, but he spotted Maddie. It was next to impossible to miss her, the red hair like a beacon for him to spot. He loved her red hair, and there had been many times over the past few weeks where he’d wanted to run his fingers through it, or see it spread out across his pillow.

  “You’re drooling,” his brother said.

  “Shut up.”

  “You know, everyone can see that you want her. Even Mom can, and she’s usually blind to those things.”

  “Maddie’s my nanny.”

  “No, she’s your daughter’s nanny. Besides, she’s a beautiful woman.”

  “I’ve sworn off beautiful women. I don’t need the hassle that they give me.”

  Mike sighed. “We’re back to Ivory again?”

  “When are we not back to Ivory?” He’d been taught a very valuable lesson, and he didn’t care what his brother or mother said. He wouldn’t allow himself to be caught by a woman again.

  “I’ve seen the way Paige has warmed to her, and not only that, I’ve seen the way Maddie has warmed to the ranch. She loves it there.”

  He’d seen her love for his home as well. There had been many times he’d caught her humming to herself as she fed the animals, or cleaned away the weeds in the small garden that he’d provided. She never looked pissed off when food needed to be made, or when the ranch hands were in need of drinks. In fact, she and Paige would often climb into the truck and deliver them without him calling ahead and asking.

  “She’s been through a lot, Caleb. Maybe you should give yourself a chance.” Mike slapped his stomach. “Come on, we’re supposed to be having some fun.”

  They made their way toward the pool table, and Caleb always made sure he kept Maddie in his sights. She appeared to be laughing at something Ryan said, and that only served to piss him off.

  Yes, he wanted her.

  He couldn’t deny it.

  Didn’t want to deny it.

  Maddie had gotten under his skin, and every time he was near, he wanted to show her how sexy he thought her body was. He wanted to show her how possessive a man can be. He’d read some of those books, and knew what she wanted, and he was more than happy to provide it.

  After twenty minutes, Ryan and Maddie joined them. Handing Ryan, his competition, the pool stick, he took Maddie’s hand and led her back onto the dance floor.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  The music changed to a slow number, and he pulled her into his arms, resting his hands on her hips. She didn’t fight him, and he was glad.

  Maddie felt good against him. Her full tits pressed against his chest, and he wanted her naked more than anything, naked and underneath him.

  The nanny she may be, but she was going to be his woman whether she realized it or not.


  Ryan was really nice. Maddie couldn’t deny it. He knew how to help her have a good time, and he told so many jokes that were always making her laugh. That was how much she loved being around him.

  She liked it when a guy could take away her nerves.

  Caleb, on the other hand, didn’t make her laugh.

  No, he made her realize that she was a woman with a great deal of needs, and she couldn’t keep denying them. With his much larger hands on her hips, he was making her yearn for something she hadn’t thought about in a good long while.


  She’d never been really good at it, and often didn’t like it.

  Chad’s idea of sex was to get on, move around a little bit, and when he was done, get off, curl up into a ball and fall to sleep. She didn’t like that, had never liked that.

  The books she read always gave her hope that there was something more out there, but of course, that never happened.

  She’d resigned herself to a miserable marriage with crappy sex.

  “Are you having fun?” Caleb asked.

  Even his voice was deep, and it sent shivers down her spine, not bad shivers either.

  Resting her hands on his shoulders, she marveled at the strength she felt vibrating beneath her touch.

  “Yes, I am. What about you?”


  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She went to move her hands, but his grip on her startled her enough to keep them on him.

  “I don’t like you being on a date with another man.”

  “I don’t—what?”

  “Ryan’s not yours, and you don’t belong to him.”

  “He’s really nice, and I like him.” She did like him. She just didn’t see them having anything more than a friendship.

  Caleb leaned close, and for Maddie everyone else fell away. They no longer existed to her as Caleb became the center of her world.

  “He’s safe, and he doesn’t get your body begging and desperate for a man’s touch.”

  “No one does,” she said, hoping he didn’t know the truth.

  The smile on his lips, such a rare thing to see, told her differently. His lips grazed her hair, his hot breath doing wonders for her arousal. She clo
sed her eyes, feeling moisture build between her legs. What would it be like to have his lips there, tasting her, touching her, getting her ready to feel the full length of his cock?

  She released a little whimper and gasped, hoping he didn’t hear it.

  “Are you wet right now, Maddie?”

  Jerking back, she stared into his gaze and saw the heat looking back at her.

  “I know my cock is rock-hard right now, and I know I want to take you home, get you naked, and fuck you until you forget about everyone and everything.”

  One of the hands on her back moved down to grip her ass, and he pulled her against him. She didn’t fight him.

  She didn’t want to fight him.

  “Are you, Maddie?” he asked.

  “I’ve got to go to the bathroom.”

  She pulled away from him.

  He’s my boss.

  I take care of his daughter.

  I need this job.

  I want this job.

  I love his home.

  He’s one of the sexiest men I’ve ever met.

  I can’t have him, no matter what.

  She released a little whimper but kept on going. There was no line for the toilet, and she thanked her luck that she didn’t have to wait. Going into a stall, she sat down on the toilet. She didn’t want to do anything. All she actually wanted was to gain her composure again.

  Don’t let this get to you.

  Go out there and go to Ryan, and go home.

  Nothing has happened.

  Just the thought that nothing had happened actually left her feeling so sad. She wanted Caleb. He’d been in her thoughts and fantasies now for a very long time, and she they were getting more intense the longer she was with him.

  Leaving the bathroom, she washed her hands even though she’d not done anything, when she bumped into two people she’d hoped not to see.

  Chad and Emily.

  She should have known she’d see them eventually.

  Forcing a smile to her lips, she looked at her sister, and the man she’d been going to marry. In the back of her mind she thought of Caleb, and when she looked at Chad, she wondered what she’d ever seen him in.

  “Evening,” she said, cringing at how happy she sounded.

  She wasn’t upset about seeing them together. Even though she hadn’t loved Chad, she had thought that there would still be pain or humiliation at the way he cheated on her. Seeing him now, she felt nothing. It was kind of a relief to know that she didn’t lose anything in him leaving. In a way, her sister had saved her from making a big mistake.

  “We didn’t expect to see you here,” Emily said. Her sister sounded really happy that she’d found her.

  “Well, I’m here with someone, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Please, you’re not here with anyone. You’ve never been the kind to get a date. Please, Maddie, you don’t have to pretend on our account,” Chad said.

  “I dated you,” Maddie said, not really happy about that. The look on Emily’s face fell.

  “He doesn’t love you.”

  “And I don’t—” Maddie stopped what she was saying as arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close.

  “There you are, baby. I’ve been waiting for you.” Caleb’s lips grazed her neck, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes, his touch only making her need for him to grow. She loved it when her neck was teased, and it always aroused her, even if she wasn’t in the mood. She covered his arms with her own, and finally opened her eyes.

  Her gaze didn’t go to the two people in front of her, but leaned back to look at the man who’d come to her rescue. She hadn’t needed rescuing, but Caleb had been there.

  “Hey,” she said. “I don’t know if you know Emily and Chad. My sister and her husband.” She made sure to drop the ex. It wasn’t exactly something she was thrilled with.

  “Hello. I remember you,” Caleb said. “You came to work on the ranch one summer when you were in high school.”

  “He did?” Maddie asked. She looked at Chad, seeing his cheeks turn a red color.

  “Yeah, he couldn’t hack the long hours or the hard work. Kept complaining the whole time and crying as well. Come on, baby. You can talk to them anytime.”

  She didn’t argue as Caleb pulled her onto the dance floor. She saw the shock on Emily’s face but didn’t care.

  Her sister for some reason had always hated her.

  Caleb wrapped his arms around her, and she was surprised to see that she was shaking.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I knew they were back home. I just didn’t realize they were here now.”

  She rested her head against his chest.

  “Would you like to go home?” he asked.

  “Yes, I really would.”

  They made their excuses to Ryan and Mike. Caleb made sure that Ryan was happy to bring his brother home, and he was. He didn’t seem to mind that Maddie was being taken home by another man.

  Caleb opened the door of his truck and helped her inside.

  Putting her seatbelt on, she pushed some of her hair off her face, waiting as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed back toward his ranch.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Did Chad really work for you?”

  “Yep, and the entire time he was there, he’d moan about everything. Was a complete waste of time and in the end, I fired him.”

  “Wow, that is just … wow.”

  “Do you miss him?” Caleb asked.



  “No. I know this is going to sound completely crazy, but I’ve got to tell someone. I never loved Chad, ever.”

  He glanced over at her. “Why did you agree to marry him?”

  “I … didn’t. Chad announced it at dinner, and to be honest, I was hoping that with time I might fall in love with him. I wanted a family and a chance to find happiness, and he always seemed so nice to be with. He charmed everyone that he was near, including me and my parents. It sucked that he cheated on me with my sister.”

  “She doesn’t like you.”

  “That’s not news to me. She’s always hated me. I don’t know why. She’s the oldest, and our parents adore her. I know they love me, but growing up it was always Emily this. Emily that. I was always the fat, useless one.”

  Caleb took her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “You’re not the fat one, and you’re not second best either.”

  “You’re the first person to ever say that to me.”

  Chapter Five

  Caleb didn’t think her sister was all that. He didn’t like the guy she’d been with as well. The way they had cornered Maddie pissed him off. It was like they had done it on purpose, and he’d seen the anger in Emily’s eyes. He didn’t find her beautiful at all. In fact, he believed she had to be one of the ugliest women he’d ever seen with the way she treated Maddie.

  He didn’t get it. Emily slept with her sister’s fiancé, and yet Maddie was made to feel bad.

  She was a beautiful, sexy, amazing woman. Any person who got her would be a lucky bastard.

  Pulling up outside his ranch, he released her hand. “Hold on,” he said.

  Climbing out of his truck, he rounded to her side and helped her out. He closed the door and pressed her against it.

  “Don’t ever let them get to you. They’re not worth it.”

  She rested her hands on his chest. “You’re a good man, Caleb.”

  He didn’t feel like a good man. Far from it, in fact. As he stared down at her plump lips, his cock began to swell. This was his nanny, but he didn’t give a fuck. She was beautiful, and he’d seen her hurting, and now he wanted to comfort her.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Her lips would look so good wrapped around his cock. He didn’t think about anyone else, and focused instead on his own needs. Slamming his lips down on hers, he felt her hands
slide up his chest, wrapping around his neck as he claimed her lips.

  When he ran his tongue across her mouth, she opened up and he plunged inside, feeling her moan and press against him.

  Her tits felt fucking amazing. Gripping her ripe ass, he pulled her close, letting her feel exactly how aroused he was. He wanted to take her then and there.

  “This is wrong,” she said. “I was on a date with someone else.”

  “And I was the one that brought you home.” He kissed down her neck to the pulse at the side. Flicking his tongue across it, he heard her moan. “You want me, Maddie.”

  She whimpered.

  “You can have me.” He pulled back slightly. “All you’ve got to do is say the word.”

  “I can’t lose my job.”

  “It’s not going to get lost. I still need your help on the ranch.”

  “You just want a little fun.”

  “We’ve both been scorned by people of the opposite sex. Why can’t we find some comfort in each other?” he asked.

  This had nothing to do with Ivory.

  He wanted Maddie so damn much, and after tonight, he couldn’t stand the thought of her being on a date with anyone else. She belonged to him. He couldn’t give her up. He didn’t want to.

  The time she’d been at the ranch, he’d grown addicted to hearing her laugh, seeing her smile, and of course watching his daughter grow attached. He was attached.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her toward the house.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making the decision easy for you.”

  Entering their home, he carried her up toward his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and turned toward her. “Saying no will not affect your job. We’re going to be living together, and I have no interest in living uncomfortably in my own home.” He tugged his shirt off his bed. “I want to fuck you, and I know you want me. I bet you’re even wet for me right now.” Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her close. Her body was so soft against him.

  He eased open the buttons of her shirt, and not once did she fight him. “Do you want me, baby?” he asked.


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