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The Rancher's Nanny

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Tell me about Ivory.”

  She’d surprised him.

  “You want to know about my ex?”

  “Is she your ex?”

  “We got divorced the moment she left. I came home to Paige left in her crib and no one at home.” He shrugged.

  “I thought you were still married?”

  “Nope. I’m a single man.” He winked at her. “Why do you want to know about this?”

  “You wanted to know about Chad. I figured it was only fair.”

  “Okay then. Let’s see. Ivory was a complete mistake.” He sat down, sipping at his coffee in between telling Maddie his story while she cooked them food. “I met her at a bar eight years ago. Sure, she was pretty, but I also heard that she was a sure thing.”

  “That’s why you slept with her?”

  “Pretty much. Not a lot of sleeping happened. We fucked, and then I discovered the condom broke. Ivory was panicking, and before long, I knew I wanted a kid. I needed someone to take over the ranch when I’m either too old or dead. Anyway, Paige was born, and I’d already married Ivory. Doing the nice thing. I’ve always loved this ranch. Growing up here, I fell in love with this place years ago, and I’ve never fallen out of love with it. It’s in my blood.”

  “I love it here.”

  This was just one of the things that made her different from other women.

  “Ivory hated it here. We tried to make it work, and I got the internet set up so she didn’t have to go into town. She hated cooking, cleaning; pretty much everything that would make her a rancher’s wife, she hated. The men were not thrilled by her either. She didn’t care what she was doing, and gave the entire work force food poisoning. It wasn’t a good time. I think I started to hate her. I never loved her. She was a mistake, like I said, and I never claimed to feel anything for her.”

  “You didn’t feel anything?”

  “She was just a woman that had my kid. I didn’t love or care about her.”

  “She’s not going to be coming back here?” Maddie asked.

  “No, she’s not. I tried to get her to see Paige, but she didn’t want any of it. Last I heard she had snagged herself some rich boyfriend, and he didn’t want a kid, and she didn’t either. I’ve got sole custody of Paige. We parted ways quite amicably, actually. Surprise, really.” He didn’t even feel any pain when it came to Ivory.

  That had been his mistake, and not having her in his life had been a blessing. Watching Maddie work, he had a feeling it wouldn’t be the same with her. Just the thought of her not being on the ranch made him feel empty inside.


  Nothing changed for the most part. When Paige returned to the ranch, Maddie watched Caleb with his daughter, and smiled at their closeness. He left to go and attend the chores while she and Paige baked.

  Paige talked nonstop about her time with Martha and her cousins, and Maddie laughed at some of the stories. She absolutely adored this little girl. She made her so happy just being around her. Once their baking was finished, they got the food ready for the ranch hands.

  The rest of the day went without any real problem. Caleb treated her like normal, which for the most part, meant he ignored her, and she did the same with him. She was aware of his every move. Whenever he walked past her, she was sure he got a little closer, and she didn’t mind. Her pussy grew slick, and her nipples hardened so much she was pleased she’d worn a padded bra so no one saw the reaction she was having to him.

  After putting Paige to bed for the night, reading her a story, Maddie went to her own room and took a shower. She was just about to climb out when she gasped.

  Caleb opened the curtain and climbed into the stall.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Well, you said I couldn’t act any differently, and I think I’ve done that, but you said nothing about me visiting you at nighttime. Paige is sound asleep, and she sleeps heavily.” He spun her around, pressing her up against the corner of the shower. “And all today you’ve been driving me crazy. Every time I’ve seen you, you’ve been bending down, or doing something to show off your body.” His hand ran down her side, and he gripped her hip. “It’s been making me think of all the wicked things I want to do to you.” He turned her again so that her tits were pressed against the cool tile. She gasped at the contact.

  Caleb ran a hand down her spine and stopped at the curve of her waist. Suddenly his hand was gone, and she cried out as his palm slapped against her ass, spanking her. “Have you been thinking about me today?” he asked.

  “No.” She lied, her hands clenching into fists as his fingers dived between her legs, sliding through her slick slit.

  “You’re lying to me, Maddie. Being a bad little girl.” His fingers stayed inside, and his other hand slammed down on her ass, making her cry out.

  The pain burned but also sent heat flooding her pussy.

  “Do you like that, baby? You like me spanking this ass.” He slapped her again, and she couldn’t contain her groan. “You don’t even have to answer that.” He slid another finger inside her pussy. “I can feel exactly how much you love it.” He had three fingers inside her pussy as he slapped her ass, taking turns to mark each cheek.

  She’d never been one for spankings before, but the way Caleb was doing it only served to arouse her.

  He pulled his digits from her cunt and teased up to stroke her clit. She cried out, the pleasure shocking her with how intense it was.

  “Baby, I’m clean. I’ve not been with a woman in a long time, and I’ve got a clean bill of health.”

  “I’m clean, and I’m on the pill,” she said.

  The tip of his cock teased against her entrance, and she cried out as his hands went to her hips, and he slammed deep inside her. She placed her hands on the wall as he fucked her hard, unrelenting. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoed off the wall, and it was so good.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, bringing the pleasure to a stop. She frowned, watching as he turned off the water, leaving the bathroom. Before she could ask any questions, he picked her up, lifting her over his shoulder.

  He startled her with the action, and she used his ass to hold onto something. She didn’t have to wait long as he lowered her to the floor, and she realized he’d placed her in front of the mirror. Her first instinct was to cover up.

  Caleb took her hands and wrapped them around his neck.

  “Watch,” he said.



  She closed her eyes, and he didn’t touch her. Seeing no other alternative, she opened her eyes, and stared at her reflection. Against his body, she felt fat, out of place. There was cellulite on her thighs, and her stomach was rounder as well. Her hips seemed to stand out, and her tits were heavy.

  Maddie was not a slim model, but a size eighteen frump.

  His hands moved from her neck, down her body. He stroked the backs of his fingers across one breast then the other, moving down across her stomach. His lips touched her neck, and she couldn’t look away as he touched, caressed, and took control of her body.

  Her mouth was so dry, and she felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against her back, demanding attention.

  She didn’t move though. Her hands stayed locked around the back of his neck. The hand on her stomach moved down. He kicked her legs open, and in doing so, showed more of her pussy to the mirror.

  He released her once again, and she gritted her teeth. She was getting tired of this. She watched as he pulled a chair toward the mirror, sat down, and tugged her down on his lap.

  “The same rules still apply,” he said, locking her fingers behind his neck, making her hold onto him.

  Staring into the mirror, she gasped as he opened his legs, and with hers resting on the outside of his, he spread her wide. In the mirror she saw her pussy, wet, open, and suddenly his hand was there.

  “I love looking at your pussy.” He slid a finger between the slit, and she watched, mesmerized, as he teased her. “I also l
ike to watch, and with how wet you’re getting, I can see you like watching, too.”

  His finger teased down, pushing inside her, and she moaned, arching up.

  “Keep your eyes on the mirror. I want you to watch me and what I’m doing to you.”

  She couldn’t look away even if she wanted to. He added a second finger, and his thumb stroked over her clit. The pleasure went to a whole new level, and when he added a third finger, the fit was so tight, but he didn’t stop teasing her.

  He kept this up for several minutes until he pulled out of her again, and she groaned. Only this time, he replaced his fingers with his cock. He lifted her up, and she watched as his rock-hard cock began to fill her, sliding inside. Her pussy opened up as his cock plunged inside her, going deep.

  She couldn’t help but close her eyes, and she opened them only when he slapped her ass.

  “Watch.” His fingers stroked her clit, and she placed her hands on his knees this time. He didn’t stop her. Lifting herself up on his cock while he teased her, she began to fuck him, taking him inside her in short strokes, getting used to the feel of his cock within her. “I’ve read some of the books you like, and I can feel how much you love getting down and dirty.” She whimpered. “I promise you, Maddie, that I am going to bring every single one of your sexual fantasies to life. You may not think you like all of them, or even know that you want them, but I’m going to give you everything that your body craves. You want that, don’t you?”

  Just thinking of the sexy books she read, she’d often called bullshit on the men inside the books, believing they were not real. She knew they weren’t real, not even close, but right now, she was starting to doubt herself.

  Caleb took charge, commanding her, taking her to new heights as she watched herself fuck down onto him. It was one of the most erotic things she’d ever witnessed, and it was completely amazing. She didn’t want it to stop, but knew that she was building toward her orgasm, and there was no way to control it. Holding onto his knees, she whimpered, cried out, and came, thrusting down on his cock as he teased her clit, driving her arousal higher.

  Only when she came down from her peak, did he grip her hips and begin to pound inside her. He showed her exactly how good he was at fucking, and he held her in place as he did it, slamming every inch of his dick within her.

  He thrust inside her, and as he came, she felt the flood of his cum fill her pussy. Without the condom, the pleasure went to another level, and she closed her eyes, basking in the feel of him.

  Leaning back against him, she couldn’t believe what they had just shared, and what was more, she looked forward to more.

  Chapter Seven

  “So, how are things going at home?” Mike asked.

  Caleb glanced over at his brother and nodded. “Good. Why?”

  “Nothing. Martha was saying how well Paige is getting on. She’s always talking about Maddie, and of course Mom loves her as well.”

  He smiled, thinking about his mother’s meddling. She didn’t have a clue that every single night in the past two weeks, he’d sneaked into Maddie’s bed, or what he’d been doing to her body. She’d started to wear scarves as he’d left some marks around her neck from his kisses. He’d also seen the bruises left on her hips from how tight his grip had been on her body.

  Just thinking about her against him had him hard as rock. Leaning forward, he patted the mare, happy with the fence around the ranch. It was getting close to fall, and when the weather got colder, he didn’t like doing the more labor-intensive tasks of fixing fences, or repairing buildings in the winter. He had far more interesting plans than freezing his balls off.

  “You know, I was sure I caught you the other day pressing Maddie up against the side of the house. You looked ready to fuck her brains out.”

  He looked toward his brother, who had his brow raised up.

  “What do you want to know?” Caleb asked.

  “Are you fucking your nanny?”

  He’d always been close to his brother. Mike had been the one to help him deal with his annoyance with Ivory. Mike and Martha had been there with Paige as well. From what he’d discovered, Ivory usually left Paige in her crib while she surfed the internet and talked with friends.

  “Yes,” he said. “Don’t say anything though.”


  “Maddie is not comfortable with anyone knowing that we’re screwing,” he said. He thought about those books that he’d bought from her. They had been really insightful. The long-running theme throughout each romance book was the hero being on the dominant side, taking what he wanted, but giving so much in return, and of course, falling in love.

  He didn’t for a second believe he was falling in love. They were having a lot of fun, but he didn’t know where it was going.

  “Does Mom know?”

  “No one knows. She’s not comfortable with crossing that boundary.”

  “You dirty dog. You’re her boss.” Mike laughed and slapped his arm.

  “I’m not making her have sex with me,” he said.

  “I know. It’s just … forget it. You like Maddie, don’t you?” Mike asked.

  “Of course. She’s a nice woman.”

  “Yeah, but do you like her, like her?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” They trotted back toward the ranch, keeping pace with each other.

  “You’ve sworn off women since Ivory, but I’ve seen Maddie. She’s nothing like your ex.”

  “I know.” He was very much aware of how different Maddie was. She gave so much of herself. Whenever he went to her room at night, part of him expected her to give him ultimatums, or demand something for herself. Each time he appeared though, she opened her arms, and by the end of the night when she fell asleep, he didn’t want to leave her.

  In fact, late at night when she was asleep, curled up in his arms, he loved watching her. She looked so peaceful, and he could allow himself for a few moments to believe that she belonged to him, that she was indeed his.

  Approaching the house, he paused his horse, watching as Maddie and Paige were each washing the dogs. It was a relatively warm day.

  His woman had on one of his shirts, a pair of jeans, and he’d even purchased some cowgirl boots for her to wear, which she had on.

  Paige was holding the house as Maddie scrubbed each dog. Of course, they were both laughing and holding their hands up as the dogs shook off the excess water.

  Mike stopped beside him, and they watched as Maddie took the hose pipe from Paige and sprayed the girl, who giggled. They were several feet away, and he still heard their laughter.

  His daughter grabbed the bucket of water and threw the contents at Maddie, who gasped.

  Maddie dropped the hose pipe and rushed toward his daughter. Paige screamed, but she didn’t get away. Maddie caught her up in her arms and began to tickle her.

  The sight before him was such a beautiful one. He couldn’t recall a time when Paige had been so happy, and not just that, seeing their friendship blossom was so good.

  Maddie was more than a nanny. She was the mother figure that Paige had never had, and it twisted something in his gut to see it.

  He also knew she’d not spotted them both yet, so what he saw was natural for her. In fact, in that moment, watching her, he was sure, he saw her loving his daughter, taking care of her.

  “She’s got a good heart,” Mike said, breaking into his thoughts. “Do you want my advice?”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Be careful with her. I know you try to pretend you don’t have any feelings, and that you like to be an asshole, but I think this girl is vulnerable,” Mike said. “You could break her heart, and in doing so, you’ll hurt yourself.” His brother slapped him on the shoulder.

  “What about me?” Caleb asked, feeling like an asshole for even saying anything. “Aren’t you worried about my heart being broken?”

  “Your heart wasn’t broken when Ivory left, Caleb. You wanted her to leave. I hope you
’ve not closed yourself off to the potential of falling in love, or even finding a woman who can make you whole again.”

  The moment Maddie and Paige caught sight of them, his little girl squealed for him, and Maddie stood up. He watched as she seemed to get a hold of herself.

  They began to trot back toward the backyard, and when he was only a few feet away, he climbed off his horse, and gave Mike the lead so that he could take the horses back to the barn. By the time he turned around, Paige threw herself into his arms.

  She was wet, laughing, and it made him so damn happy to see her this way. “I was playing with Maddie, and I got wet.”

  “I can tell.” He kissed her head, putting her down onto the floor.

  “How’s the fence? Is everything okay for the winter?” Paige asked.

  After Ivory left them, in order to give his mother some peace he’d take Paige out, riding in front of him on the horse, and he’d tell her all the chores that needed doing.

  “It looks like everything is in order, and we’re all set.”

  “Yay.” Paige clapped her hands. “Look what we found in the garden.” She rushed toward the bench and held up an entire basket of vegetables.

  “I was going to get around to pulling them out and cleaning them,” he said, looking toward Maddie.

  “It’s okay. It was on the list of jobs that you placed on the fridge. It was no biggie. Honestly, Paige did most of the dirty work.”

  Paige then held her hands up. “I’ve got to wash them before I go to dinner.”

  He ruffled her head.

  “Speaking of dinner, it’ll be ready soon. Go and get washed up, and I’ll carry these vegetables inside and we can figure out what to do with them tomorrow.” Maddie lifted the large basket, and Paige was already gone, looking excited about whatever they had planned for tomorrow.

  With no one around, he moved up to Maddie, taking the basket from her hands. Placing it back on the bench, he cupped her face, tilted her head back, and slammed his lips down on hers. Her hands moved to his hips, holding him close.

  Sliding his tongue across her lips, she opened up to him, and he plundered inside. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he said, pulling away.


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