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The Rancher's Nanny

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Caleb hadn’t wanted his little girl pulled through the courts if Ivory ever felt the need to claim her daughter.

  So far, there hadn’t been a change of heart. In fact, Ivory hadn’t gotten in touch at all.

  “Do you think that Maddie would go for that?” Mike asked.

  “I think so. I know Paige wants a brother or a sister.”

  “What is going on between you and Maddie? It’s not sex. The way you two look at each other and are always sneaking glances, that’s more than just a random fuck.”

  His brother had never been known for beating around the bush.

  “It’s not just sex.” Caleb wanted to share a life with her.

  “Do you love her?” Mike asked.

  He looked at his baby brother and nodded his head. “Yes, I love her.” He’d never known what true love was. “You know how Dad told us when we were old enough we’d understand what lust and love were.”

  “Yeah, and then he said it would take the right woman for us to realize that sex is sex, and love is more. Where you can just spend time with a woman, and it’s enough.”

  “I never really understood what he meant, not entirely, until Maddie,” Caleb said.

  “Martha was it for me, as you know. The first time I asked her out, she told me to fuck off. In all honesty, I deserved it. I told her she could use a good fuck, and I was the one to give it to her.” Mike laughed.

  “You weren’t exactly known for your brains.”

  “I’m always saying the wrong thing, only now Martha’s figured I’m saying some stuff with the best of intentions.” He chuckled. “At least, I try to. Damn, I love that woman. You’d think after a couple of kids and sleeping together repeatedly it would get boring. It doesn’t get boring. In fact, I find that my time with her is never enough. Between work on the ranch, the kids, and then I think of Mom without Dad, you know? Life is too damn short, and these people that look at their woman, or their man, and think they can do better, fucking amaze me. You met someone, you fell in love, and then you want someone different. There’s no one better than Martha. She’s my soul mate.”

  Caleb listened to Mike, at the same time thinking about Maddie, and as his brother spoke, he thought about her smile. From her smile, he thought about her lips, and how she made him laugh with a couple of jokes she remembered from listening to the radio. She’d snuggle up against him as he read passages from her favorite books.

  Not only did he love her smile, but also the utter rapture on her face when she came. That was what turned him on constantly, aroused him every single second. She was just fucking beautiful as far as he was concerned.

  A soul mate.

  He’d once mocked the term, and he certainly didn’t believe in love at first sight.

  With Maddie though, it was different. He saw a life, a future, and everything in between.

  Parking his truck, he climbed out and Mike joined him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just thinking about what you said.”

  “You really do need to put all of your issues with Ivory away, man. Maddie is nothing like that woman. She’s good, and the way she looks at you, she has feelings for you, and we all know she loves Paige.”

  “I’ve not been thinking about Ivory, or anything relating to her.”

  “Really, because after you divorced her, you said you were swearing off women.”

  He glared at Mike. “I’m already aware of how different she is from Ivory.” His ex had moved on, and he was thankful for that. He didn’t care about Ivory. The only reason he’d married her was because of Paige. What he hadn’t expected was how miserable they’d all become just because of it.

  “Look, I just want to see you happy. I know you deserve it, and I hate to see you miserable.” Mike slapped him on the back. “You get feed, and I’ll look at tools.”

  They split up, and Caleb grabbed a truck, picking up large bags of pet food, along with a few feed items for his livestock. He liked to be prepared for anything, and if something happened to his crop, he wanted a backup supply to feed his cows.

  Once he was done, Mike dropped off the tools and told him he was heading toward the jewelers to get something for Martha.

  After he paid, he went straight ahead and loaded everything into the truck.

  On his way back to the car after putting the trolley away, he saw Chad waiting for him.

  “What is this?” Caleb asked.

  Chad held his hands out. “I’m heading out of town for some time. I was going to stop by the ranch, but I saw your truck.”

  “You’re not going to see Maddie,” he said. He folded his arms, prepared to argue and fight if he had to.

  “I’m not asking to go and see Maddie.” Chad laughed. “You know, the first moment I saw her, I thought she was really nice. That’s what appealed to me. As far as I’m concerned, she wasn’t the prettiest girl around, but she was nice. I liked her, and she was sweet. We both wanted similar things in life. When she said yes to going on a date, I thought I’d done good.”

  “Then why fuck her sister?”

  Chad shrugged. “I don’t know. Isn’t that fucking lame? I don’t know. Emily was always there. She was wearing skimpy outfits, and always ready for sex. One day, I just stopped being tempted. She’s a fucking knockout, and things with Maddie had started to go stale. You know how it is.”

  “No, I don’t. Emily’s not my type, and I certainly wouldn’t step out on Maddie for her.”

  “She deserves you. She deserves to be happy. I shouldn’t have cheated. I shouldn’t have asked her to marry me.” Chad rubbed at his temples. “Well, I should have seen through Emily’s act, to be honest. All she wanted was for Maddie not to have me, so she set her heart on having me instead. While I was too busy watching her, I didn’t see the bigger picture, and now I’ve got neither.”

  Caleb would fight for Maddie to keep her.

  She belonged to him.

  “Don’t let her go. Maddie’s a special kind of woman. It takes seeing someone else with her to realize that.”

  “I know,” Caleb said. “You’re leaving?”

  “Yep. Emily’s changed, and she’s not who I thought she was. Besides, I think she’s going to be moving on to you very soon.”

  Caleb snorted. “She’s wasting her time.” He moved toward the driver’s side of the truck.

  Chad said his final goodbyes, and that was it.

  Mike returned with a huge smile. In his hand was a small, square box. “What do you think?” Mike asked, opening it up. There was a pendant inside, and it looked stunning. “Martha is going to love it.”

  Driving back to the ranch, Mike hid the present he’d bought for Martha as they unloaded the truck. The moment that was done, Mike climbed into his own truck and was gone.

  When Caleb entered his home, the scent of baking hung heavy in the air.

  He found Paige and Maddie in the kitchen, whipping up some brownies and muffins. The counters were laden with bounty. Picking up a chocolate chip muffin, he took a bite and closed his eyes. Heaven.

  “You’re back early,” Maddie said.

  She moved to his side, and he wrapped his arm around her, pressing a kiss against her lips.

  “Did you miss me, baby?”

  “Let me think.” She held her fingers together. “Little bit.”

  The smile on her face let him know she was teasing.

  “I’m going to go and clean up,” Paige said, holding her cake batter hands up in the air.

  Maddie giggled as they watched her leave.

  “I saw Chad today.”

  “My ex Chad?”


  She wrinkled her nose. “Do I even want to know?”

  “He’s leaving town.”

  “He is? What about Emily?”

  “I don’t think she’s leaving. In fact, he said that he regretted ever getting with her. That he didn’t realize that the only reason she wanted him was because you did. He said he liked you.”


  He watched her reaction. “Do you love him?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t. I feel bad for him obviously. Emily always uses a lot of people.” Maddie shrugged. “I’ve told you before she doesn’t like me. Never has, and I don’t know why.”

  “I’m not going to replace you with her. It’s you I want.”

  She held him just a little tighter. It looked like she was going to say something, but she stopped herself and rested her head against his chest.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once again Paige was sleeping over at Martha and Mike’s, and Caleb had told her that he’d left instructions for her to get ready on his bed. Maddie tried not to rush upstairs in excitement to see what he wanted her to do, but it was there. Taking each step at a time, she walked into his room, and there on his bed was a small card and a box.

  She loved these gifts that he’d leave for her to find.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she read through the instructions.

  “Take a nice long bath, and then wear this beautiful item I have for you. I want you to be sitting on the bed, legs spread, and playing with your pussy.”

  Just reading the instructions had her aroused. Pressing her thighs together, she groaned at the shot of pleasure that rushed through her.

  Lifting the lid on the box, she put the note down, and inside was a beautiful, sheer negligee that screamed sex.

  She held it up, and even though there were cups to support the breasts, there was no way they’d be hiding anything.

  From there, the lace hung open, leaving nothing to the imagination. This was for sex, nothing else.

  Leaving it on the bed, she made her way toward the bathroom and ran herself a bath. She wondered what he had planned for her.

  Everything Caleb did only brought her closer to him. Her feelings for him were constantly growing. Every single day she found a reason to love him. He even put the toilet seat down after using it, which she found really sweet, considering he didn’t have to.

  Caleb and Paige had become her new family.

  The ranch was her home, and she loved her life.

  She didn’t feel like an outcast or an outsider.

  Washing her body thoroughly, shaving all the areas that needed it, she climbed out of the tub and dried herself, taking care of her hair as she did. With her hair bound up, she entered the bedroom, and couldn’t resist putting on the item that Caleb had purchased for her.

  He did buy her things all the time. Gifts that made her wonder if he was falling for her, or if it meant something else.

  Her thoughts were always all over the place when it came to him. She’d never really cared if someone loved her or not. With Caleb it mattered a lot. She didn’t want to ever be without him, and those feelings were only getting stronger.

  The negligee felt sexy against her skin, and she loved the feel of it. Sitting at her table, she dried and brushed her hair before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She didn’t know if she should start now, or wait until she heard him enter.

  The instructions he’d left were very specific, and she didn’t wish to upset him. Placing her hand at the parting of the fabric, she slowly eased her hand down her stomach. She moved between her thighs and cupped her pussy. She was already soaking wet, and released a little whimper as she teased between her slit.

  Stroking over her clit, she slid down and pressed two of her fingers inside her, moving up to the hilt, and gasping at the pleasure that exploded inside her just from that touch alone.

  She didn’t have to contain her sounds, and she didn’t want to either. Thinking about Caleb, his mouth on her body, it was enough to drive her to the edge. Not once in the instructions did it say anything about her coming or not.

  Easing her movements, she began slowly, waiting for her arousal to subside so that she didn’t rush into orgasm.

  “That is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen in a long time,” he said.

  She opened her eyes and saw Caleb standing there, watching her.

  When she went to stop, he shook his head and urged her to continue.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” she said.

  “I was hoping I’d catch you so I was really quiet, and I know where every single creak is within this house.” He winked at her.

  “I don’t like that. You could sneak up on me.” She smiled as she thought about it, not really minding at all.

  She watched as he removed his jacket. His boots were already gone.

  Layer by layer, he peeled clothes off, and it only served to arouse her more.

  “All day I’ve been thinking about coming home, but knew I’d have to wait until Paige was gone before I’d be able to see this.”

  “You’ve got a very dirty mind, Caleb.”

  “Yeah, and it’s only dirty for you.”

  She loved it when he said things like that. His cock sprang forward, and even from her position she saw the tip leaked pre-cum. She licked her lips just thinking about him being in her mouth.

  He wrapped a hand around his length, working from the base up to the tip. “You want a taste of me, Maddie?”

  She nodded.

  He stepped up close, and he didn’t let her stop. One of his legs was between hers, and he reached out, holding the back of her head as he ran the tip of his cock over her lips.

  More arousal flooded her pussy, and she pressed her tongue to the head of his cock.

  She heard him groan, and when she wrapped her mouth around the entire tip, he hissed. Sinking onto his dick, she closed her eyes and kept touching herself as she took him to the back of her throat.

  His pre-cum slid across her tongue, and she swallowed it down, not wanting to lose a single drop. He tasted so good.

  Pulling up off his cock, she circled the tip with her tongue, moving down the side with the vein before taking him back into her mouth again.

  Moaning, she bobbed her head up and down.

  His grip in her hair tightened with each movement, and she couldn’t resist looking up.

  He stared down at her.

  “Your lips look so perfect wrapped around my cock, sucking me.”

  She didn’t stop, loving the way he let go. He wrapped her hair around his fist and began to thrust inside her mouth. His other hand moved toward her breast, sliding beneath the fabric, and pinching her nipple.

  Maddie moaned around his shaft. He moved the fabric aside, teasing one nipple, then changing hands in her hair, and teasing her other nipple with his other hand.

  All of a sudden, he stepped back, pulling out of her mouth.

  “Stop playing with yourself.”

  She rested her hand on her thigh.

  He took her hand and licked all of the cream from her fingers, making her moan as he did that, his tongue taking as much of her as he could.

  “Lean back,” he said.

  Resting on her hands, she leaned back, watching him.

  He knelt on the floor, lifting her legs up so that they rested on the edge of the bed. The angle he had her at made her open to him.

  His fingers ran over her pussy, and she felt him spread her lips open, his tongue stroking over her clit before moving down to penetrate her.

  She cried out, needing more. It was never enough with his tongue, and she always needed his cock.

  “Tonight is a very special night,” he said, pressing kisses all over her cunt.


  “Because I’m going to finish what I started out in the barn.” His fingers moved from the entrance of her pussy down to the puckered hole of her anus. She tensed up as he pressed inside her.

  His fingers were already slick, and he pushed past that tight ring of muscles that tried to keep him out.

  He stopped touching her, and she watched as he went to his drawer beside his bed and retrieved a tube.

  Maddie didn’t say a word as he worked some of the clear gel onto his fingers. She gasped as he placed those same fingers against her ass and began to fill her. The b
urn was between pain and pleasure.

  Once he had the two fingers inside her, his tongue went back to her pussy. He licked and sucked at her clit, moving down to her entrance, and tongue-fucking her in between stretching his fingers inside her ass.

  It wasn’t long before she was thrusting back against him, trying to get more of him inside her.

  The pain suddenly turned to pleasure, and she knew she wanted whatever he would give her.

  Caleb had never hurt her, and she knew he was incapable of ever hurting her.

  “I want you to come for me, Maddie. Scream my name as I bring you to orgasm.”

  He flicked his tongue repeatedly over her clit, building up her orgasm until she could no longer fight it, and she came hard, screaming his name and begging for him to keep on going.

  She didn’t want him to ever stop as the pleasure was so intense, and she wanted more.

  “Please,” she said, moaning.

  He withdrew his hands from her ass, and he stood up. He wiped his fingers on a towel and instructed her to move up onto her elbows.

  She did as he asked, and he pressed the tip of his cock deep inside her. He filled her pussy hard, and she watched as her lips opened around his cock.

  Her cream coated his shaft as he withdrew until only the tip of him was inside her before slamming in deep. He felt so good, and she didn’t want him to stop.


  Maddie’s pussy was so fucking tight, but he didn’t want to finish there. He’d planned this a few days ago when the negligee he’d ordered online finally arrived. The moment Caleb saw it on the site he knew Maddie would look so sexy in it that he couldn’t resist getting it for her.

  Her body featured in all of his fantasies, and he didn’t want to miss any moment where he could have her all to himself.

  Watching his cock fill her pussy, he groaned as her cream smeared on his dick. Each thrust within her, and he felt how wet and ready she was, and it was so fucking arousing.


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