Peterson, Robert
Philadelphia, Mississippi
Philadelphia Coalition
Philip, Mississippi
Pisan Cantos
Pittman, Tarea
Pittsburgh Courier
Milam story in
Pollard, Charles
Poole, Charles
Poole, Mattie
Popham, John: on Mose Wright testimony
at murder trial
Porteous, Clark
in Mound Bayou
at murder trial
on new developments
on witnesses
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Adam Clayton: at rally
on Till case
Price, F. L.: and federal investigation
and Hoover
Price, Lee L.
Primm, H. Thomas
Progressive Ginning Company
protests and rallies: Baltimore
Berkeley, California
Buffalo, New York
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Denver, Colorado
Flint, Michigan
by George W. Hinant
Illinois towns
by Jewish groups
Lorain, Ohio
Los Angeles
and Mamie Bradley’s speaking schedule
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Newark, New Jersey
New York
Oakland, California
San Francisco
San Jose, California
Seattle, Washington
Washington, DC
by women’s group
Quinn, Pat
Rabb, Maxwell
on Eisenhower administration
race relations: in Argo
in Chicago
in Mississippi
in the South
in Sumner. See also discrimination; race riot; racism; segregation
race riot. See also discrimination; race relations
in Argo
in Chicago
during trial
in Mississippi
in the South. See also discrimination; Jim Crow
Radutzky, Michael
Ramsey, Ed
Ramsey, Gus
Randolph, A. Philip
Rangel, Charles
co-sponsors resolution
urges federal investigation
Ratcliffe, Robert
Rayburn, Sam
Rayner, Ahmad
Rayner & Sons
restoration of casket
viewing at
Reagan, Ronald
Reed, Add
in Mississippi
statement to reporters
trial testimony
Reed, Francis Holloway
Reed, Mattie
Reed, Willie
assigned police protection
contradictions in story
and education grant
on grand jury
interview by Spell
later recollections
learns identity
life after Till trial
move to Chicago
praise for
questioned at plantation
at rallies
return to Chicago
return to shed (2005)
sees Till on truck
60 Minutes segment
on Spell story
testimony criticism
threats against
trial testimony
Reid, Harry
Reuther, Walter
Rhoden, Lisa
Rice, Lent
and Hubbell interview
ring: attempts to find
on body
fate of
sent to Mamie Bradley
theory regarding
worn by Till
Ripley, Mississippi
Ritea, Steve
Rivers, L. Mendel
Roberts, Isaiah
in Washington, DC
Roberts, Richard W.
with Emmett Till Justice Campaign
Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ
Till event
Robinson, JoAnn
Rogers, O. D.
Rogers, William P.
Rollins, Sylvester
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, James
Rose, Ed: controversy
Rosedale, Mississippi
Rosen, Alex
Royal, Lloyd
Ruleville, Mississippi
Bryant family in
Rumors: about black invasion
about Till survival
Rush, Bobby
on autopsy issues
co-sponsors resolution
urges federal investigation
Saffold, Gertrude
Saffold, Greene
Salt Lake City, Utah
Samuels, Rich
San Francisco, California
Sanders, James
Sanders, Stanny
at bond hearing
on Emmett Till rumors
and grand jury decision
to prosecute kidnap charges
Sanford, Hartley T.
Saucier, George
Sawyer, Eugene
Scaife, Cecil
Scales, Anderson
Scales, Junius
Scalia, Antonin
Schuessler, Anton
Schuessler, Ike
Schuessler, John
Schumer, Charles
co-sponsors resolution
60 Minutes segment
urges federal investigation
Schwerner, Michael
Scott County Times
Scottsboro (Alabama) case
Segall, Rebecca
in Chicago
in the courtroom
in Mississippi
in Montgomery, Alabama. See also discrimination; Montgomery Bus Boycott; racism; race relations; race riot
Selby, Ben
Selma, Alabama
Serling, Rod
Sharpton, Al
Shaw, James “J. A.”
criticism of NAACP
and verdict
Shaw, Ted
activity within
Huie version of story
rumors regarding
search (1955)
search (2005)
Sherman, Abe
“Shocking Story”
as confession
impact of
payout for
reaction to
release forms for
summary of
Shoemaker, W. C. “Dub”: Alonzo Bradley interview
in Mound Bayou
at trial
shoes: buried
Shurden, Clint
Shurden, R. R.
Shuttlesworth, Fred
Simeon’s Story
Simpson, O. J.
Simpson, William
Singleton, Ronald: and Sumner incident
at trial
Six Mile Lake
60 Minutes
Till segment
Skelton, B. J.
in Mississippi
Small, Mike
Smart, J. C.
Smart, R. L.
Smiley, Tavis
Smith, A. K.
Smith, Bruce: death
on father
Smith, Crosby
abduction report
accompanies body
accuses nephew of collusion with Bryant
intervention in Till
life after Till murder
move to Mississippi
Smith, Crosby, Jr.
at exhumation
at funeral
on Mamie Bradley marriage to Mallory
Smith, Dick
Smith, Ed
Smith, Elizabeth. See Wright, Elizabeth Smith
Smith, Franklin
Smith, Fred
Smith, George
advice to Mose Wright
at bond hearing
Bryant arrest
on Bryant store incident
call for National Guard
on Carolyn Bryant warrant
criticism of
during investigation
later life and death
on Leflore County grand jury
on new witnesses
on rumors
search for witnesses
secretly moves defendants
takes custody of Milam and Bryant
trial testimony
Smith, George
Smith, Jak
Smith, Lamar
Smith, Marcia
wins Emmy
Smith, Robert
Add Reed examination
closing arguments
on defense theory
Charles Strickland examination
Chester F. Nelson examination
Chester Miller examination
H. C. Strider cross-examination
Harry D. Malone cross-examination
interview by FBI
on jury selection
L. B. Otken cross-examination
later life and death
later recollections
Mamie Bradley examination
Mandy Bradley examination
on new witnesses
Robert Hodges examination
on rumors
as special prosecutor
on surprise witnesses
on verdict
Willie Reed examination
Smith, W. M.
Smith v. State (1945)
Smithsonian, and Till’s casket
Somerville, John
Somerville, William G.
Sorrels, William
Southern Patriot
Southern Poverty Law Center
Spearman, Alma
blames Mose Wright
buys home for Mamie
dominance of
forms Emmett Till Foundation
helps with Till
intervenes during interview
later marriages
move to Chicago
on abduction
Spearman, Henry
marriage to Alma Gaines
Spell, Bill
attempted interview with Mose Wright
claims refuted
interview of Alonzo Bradley
interview of Willie Reed
interviews with Mandy Bradley
investigation of
later recollections
rebuttal of Chicago newspapers
sees propaganda
Spencer, Frank: investigation
and Till’s ring
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis Argus
Staples, Brent
Stark, Abe
State of Mississippi vs. Emmett Till, The
State of the Union speech
Stegstacke, John H.
Steinbeck, F. B.
Stennis, John
Sterling, Odel III
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Belinda
Stowers, Ernest
Stratton, William
on Leflore County grand jury decision
Street, William
Strickland, Charles A.
trial testimony
photographs body
Strider, Clarence
Strider, H. C.
assassination attempt
bought votes
and Clinton Melton murder
deputizes men
on investigation
later life
Mamie Bradley summons
memorial highway
and possible evidence
praise for
and reporters
at river site
on rumors
rumors regarding
state senator
theory about Till
threats against
transfer of defendants
treatment of black press
trial testimony
Stubbs, Ella Mae
Sturdivant, M. P.
and murder trial
Sturdivant, Michael P.
Sturdivant, Ygondine
Sullens, Frederick
Summit, Illinois. See Argo, Illinois
Sumner, Clarence
Sumner, Mississippi
attitude of residents
citizens of
courthouse in
criticism of
cross burning in
Huie in
legal bar
Loggins jailed in
reporters arrival in
town slogan
Sumner Sentinel
Sunflower County, Mississippi
Swan Lake, Mississippi
Swango, Curtis
and Clinton Melton murder
on courtroom protocol
honors colleague
on jury selection
later life
meeting with attorneys
opens trial
praise for
trial date
Swingler, L. O.
Sykes, Alvin
on autopsy issues
and Beauchamp
bill proposal to senator
concerns over Till Bill
on congressmen
on grand jury decision
meeting with Mamie Bradley
at National Press Club
Oxford meeting
praise for
seeks federal investigation
60 Minutes segment
speaks to city council
Steve Harvey murder
at United Nations
Tallahatchie County, Mississippi
citizens in
courthouse renovations
driving tour
law enforcement in
reporters arrival in
Sumner ceremony
Tallahatchie River
rescue from
Till body in
Talent, Jim: co-sponsors resolution
proposes legislation
Tapper, Gordon
Taylor, Donny Lee
Taylor, Euclid Louis
Taylor, Gardner C.
Taylor, O. C.
Terry, Harold
“third man”
Thomas, A. G.
on Clinton Melton murder
Thomas, Bertha: opposition to autopsy
unites with family
Thomas, David L.
Thomas, Edith
refusal to return son to Mississippi
Thomas, James
Thomas, Johnny B.
Thomas, Raymond
Thomas, Travis
Thomas, W. D.
Thompson, Albert
Thompson, Juanita. See Milam, Juanita
Thompson, Julius E.
Thompson, Kenneth P.
and Beauchamp
Louis Abner case
speaks to press
Thompson, Myrtle
Thurman, Frankie “Sonny Man”
Thurman, Verlene
Till, Emmett
accusations against
behavior on train
birth of
body in Chicago
body di
burial of
childhood illnesses
and Civil Rights Act of 1957
condition of body
death photos
fights with boy
first date
funeral service
future plans
helps mother
and Bryant store incident
kidnapping of
as martyr
memorials to
move to Argo
move to Detroit
murder of
new casket
original casket
picks cotton
religious life
rumors about
speech impediment
spotted on truck
statue of
as symbol
travels to Mississippi
Till, Louis
AWOL convictions
bond with Emmett
case against
and Ezra Pound
marriage to Mamie Bradley
in military
Tillman, Jim
Till-Mobley, Mamie. See Bradley, Mamie
Time Bomb
and Howard influence
on Till kidnapping and murder
Time magazine
To Kill a Mockingbird
Tobias, Channing
Tobias, Joseph
on army and Louis Till
phone call to Wilkins
Tocci, Salvatore
Today Show
Toole, James
Toronto Star
Towns, Carolyn
grave-selling scheme
Townsend, Kid
Townsend, Pascol J.
Treloar, J. G.
trial jury
and bailiffs
on Chatham remarks
criticism of
later recollections
makeup explained
members of speak about verdict
praise for
rumors regarding
selection of
after trial
verdict. See also murder trial
trial transcript
location of
release of
Tribble, Ray
on verdict
Tri-State Defender
and Huie interview
Truman, Harry S.
Truth, Sojourner
Tupman, Johnny
Turner, Leon
Turner, Mike
Turner, Sheikh F.
Tuskegee Institute
Tutwiler, Mississippi
and news outlets
Tyler, Elizabeth
Tyson, Timothy B.
United Nations
United States Justice Department
announces investigation (2004)
approves FBI report
and Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Division
criticism of
inquiry into Till case (1955)
and Till murder
United States Supreme Court
criticism of
on Montgomery Bus Boycott
in Scottsboro case. See also Brown v. Board of Education
University of Utah
Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act. See Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act
Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till
awards for
early version
rough cut premiere
Emmett Till Page 86