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Jet Blue (WeHo Book 5)

Page 6

by Sherryl Hancock

  “And they have to be hot?” Ashley asked.

  “It definitely helps,” Jet said, winking at her.

  “I see,” Ashley said, nodding her head.

  “No,” Jet said slowly, “I don’t think you do.”

  “What does that mean?” Ashley asked, her tone challenging.

  “You still think I invited you to stay at my house because I’m a lesbian and you’re female,” Jet said.

  “No,” Ashley said, shaking her head, “because you still thought I looked like I used to. I wouldn’t have qualified.”

  Jet narrowed her eyes at Ashley for a second. “You’re right, I had no idea what you look like now when I invited you to stay at my house.”

  “What if you had known what I look like now?” Ashley asked, feeling brave with the tequila running through her veins.

  She saw the quick flair of Jet’s eyes widening, then Jet curled her lips in a grin.

  “What?” Ashley asked.

  “Tequila’s doing a pretty good job on your confidence right now, isn’t it?” Jet said.

  “Answer the question.”

  “You don’t want to hear the answer.”

  “Yes I do,” Ashley said. “Answer the question.”

  Jet looked back at her, her eyes staring right into her. “If I’d known what you look like now, yes I would still have invited you to stay with me.” Her eyes widened slightly, which should have warned Ashley, but she held fast. “But I would have invited you to stay in my bed.”

  Ashley stared back at Jet, completely at a loss for words.

  Jet signaled the waitress. “Give me another Casa Noble for the lady.”

  “So,” Jet said, settling back with her beer and cigarette, “let’s talk about you for a minute, okay?”

  “What about me?” Ashley asked, thinking she probably shouldn’t have started this.

  Jet’s eyes stared right into hers as she asked, “Do you come when he fucks you?”

  Ashley’s mouth dropped open, her eyes widening. Jet started to grin, knowing she’d taken her completely off guard.

  “I can’t believe you asked me that,” Ashley said, stunned.

  “Why not?” Jet asked, her tone mild. “You asked me about my sex life, I get to ask you about yours. That’s how this game is played.”

  Ashley looked back at Jet and realized that she was right. She had asked Jet about her sex life, and it really hadn’t been her business. So turnabout was fair play, even if the question had shocked the socks off of her.

  “What was the question?” Ashley asked, as the waitress arrived with the shot.

  Ashley picked up the shot and downed it, setting it back on the waitress’ tray.

  “Put it on my tab, hon,” Jet said to the waitress, smiling at her, then looking back at Ashley. “Do you come when he fucks you?” she repeated, her tone as mild as before, her eyes still staring directly into Ashley’s.

  Ashley looked distinctly uncomfortable, but then shook her head. “But no one comes every time,” she said.

  Jet’s grin was sardonic and Ashley narrowed her eyes at her. “What?” Ashley asked.

  “They do with me,” Jet said simply.

  “Maybe they fake it,” Ashley said, her tone showing the effects of the shot she’d just done.

  Jet looked back at her for a long moment, then looked around the patio. “Do you want me to ask one of them?”

  “Stop it,” Ashley said, grinning.

  “Okay,” Jet said, settling back in her chair again, her look still direct, “So how often do you come with him?”

  Ashley blew her breath out. “I don’t know.”

  Jet’s look was almost comical. “Honey, if you don’t know, he’s not doing it right.”

  “I mean, I know, but I don’t like count,” Ashley said.

  “Let’s say out of ten times you have sex with him,” Jet said, circling her finger to indicate the ten times. “How many times do you come?”

  Ashley hesitated, looking like she was calculating. Jet looked back at her, waiting.

  “Like two,” Ashley said.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Jet said, her voice serious.

  “No,” Ashley said, suddenly very serious about this conversation.

  “And how long does that usually take?” Jet asked.

  “Oh my God… like… I don’t know a half hour, maybe an hour.”

  Jet looked back at her, completely flabbergasted. “So, out of those two whole times you come, does he make you come or do you?”

  Ashley had to swallow against the sudden dryness in her mouth. She could not believe she was having this conversation at all and with Jet Mathews no less!

  “Ash?” Jet queried.

  “I don’t know,” Ashley said, not willing to tell Jet this part too.

  Jet narrowed her eyes, but decided to leave that one alone. Sitting back she lit another cigarette, then looking at Ashley she said, “Five minutes.”

  “What?” Ashley asked, feeling suddenly really tingly from the tequila, and thinking she’d missed something.

  “I can make you come in five minutes,” Jet said confidently.

  “Ha!” Ashley said, her tone challenging. “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t?” Jet asked, her look direct, but easy.

  “No, I’m sorry, but no. There’s no way,” Ashley said, shaking her head.

  “What if I told you that I could make you come in five minutes without removing a single article of your clothing,” Jet said then.

  “I’d say you’re nuts,” Ashley said, her look arrogant.

  Jet licked her lips again, then took a drink of her beer.

  “Let’s make it interesting,” Jet said. “Let’s bet on it.”

  “What are we going to bet?” Ashley said, her confidence building.

  Jet looked considering for a moment, taking a long drag off her cigarette and blowing the smoke out slowly. “You like my Stang right?”

  “The Fastback?” Ashley said, looking stunned. “Hell yeah.”

  “Okay, I’ll bet you that Stang,” Jet said confidently.

  “Are you nuts?” Ashley said, thinking confidence was one thing, but Jet was just being crazy now.

  “Not at all,” Jet replied, her tone even. Jet leaned forward then, her eyes looking up into Ashley’s. “Let me ask you something.”

  “Okay…” Ashley said, suddenly feeling less brave than she thought.

  “That day, in my car,” Jet said, moving a little closer, her lips closer to Ashley’s now, “did you want me to kiss too?”

  Ashley had to swallow against the sudden feeling that she couldn’t breathe. Her eyes stared back into Jet’s and she knew she couldn’t lie at that moment. Finally, she nodded slowly. Jet nodded too. Picking up her beer she drained it and then stood up, holding out her hand to Ashley.

  “Let’s go,” Jet said.

  “Where?” Ashley asked, even as she took Jet’s hand and let her tug her out of the chair.

  “Home,” Jet said, her look heated.

  Once again Ashley’s mouth went completely dry, so she nodded her head. Jet led her to the back door of the bar. She had a vague impression of saying goodbye to people and then they were outside and in Jet’s car. The drive home was quick and before Ashley had time to think, they were inside the garage. Jet opened Ashley’s door and held her hand out to help Ashley out of the car.

  Taking her hand, Jet led her inside, turning off the alarm as she passed it. She led Ashley upstairs and into her bedroom, turning to press her against the bedroom door as it closed.

  Jet’s lips found hers and Ashley was sure the entire world had just turned upside down. The feel of Jet’s lips as they moved over her lips was a surprise; they were like silk, soft, wet and with a pressure that had every nerve in her body tingling. Jet deepened the kiss then, sucking at her lips her hands sliding through Ashley’s hair, gently grabbing a handful and using it to pull her face closer. Ashley moaned against her lips, and Jet pressed
her body closer, making Ashley writhe as her body became a mass of nerve endings.

  Suddenly Jet stepped back, taking Ashley’s hand and leading her over to the bed, where she backed her up until she sat on the bed, facing Jet. Jet’s lips took possession of hers again, as she moved forward, pushing Ashley back onto the bed with the simple pressure of her lips. Ashley was surprised when Jet lifted her slightly, pulling her up further on the bed, but she forgot that surprise a moment later as Jet’s body pressed against her. Jet moved, pressing her hips downward, making Ashley breathe faster, her hands grasping at Jet’s shoulders.

  “Jet, Jet…” she whispered heatedly, as her body pressed up to meet Jet’s.

  Jet’s hands were on either side of her head, her upper body raised, so that her hips could move expertly. Within a minute, Ashley was crying out, gasping and moaning as she felt her body explode in ecstasy. Jet’s lips were on hers again, her body still moving against her and within minutes she was orgasming again.

  “Oh my god… my god…” she moaned, feeling like her body could simply melt and flow away at that moment.

  Jet’s mouth moved down her throat, kissing and nuzzling. Ashley lay, feeling absolutely sated and wondering where this feeling had been her whole life.

  “My god, you are good,” Ashley said, smiling up at the ceiling.

  Jet moved slightly to her side, looking down at Ashley, her eyes sparkling.

  “I tried to tell ya,” she said, grinning.

  “You were right, you win,” Ashley said, smiling.

  “I usually do,” Jet said, smiling too, then she moved to get up. “I’ll give you a minute,” she said, “I’m gonna get another drink.”

  With that, Jet got up and left the room. Ashley lay on the bed, her mind a swirl of questions and sensations. She could not believe that Jet had been able to excite her that much. She’d known that Jet was kind of a thing for her, but she didn’t really believe that it was sexual. She really thought she admired Jet to the point of wanting to be her. Now she wondered what this meant, was she gay? Did she like women? Was that the problem with sex with her husband?

  “Does the fact that I enjoyed the hell out of that, make me gay?” she asked, when she went downstairs to find Jet sitting on the couch.

  “No,” Jet said, shaking her head. “It makes you someone whose husband only makes her come twenty percent of the time and who needed to get off in the worst way.”

  Ashley looked back at her for a long moment. “Tell me how you really feel,” she said, grinning.

  “How long have you two been married?” Jet asked, her tone serious.

  “A little over two years,” Ashley answered.

  “And does he make you come? Or do you take care of it yourself?”

  Ashley bit her lip.

  “That answers that,” Jet said, her tone disgusted. “After two years, Ash, the man should know how to make you come. So either he doesn’t care, or he’s just really inept.”

  Ashley took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly. “How do I know?”

  “You go home and make him fuck you like I just did,” Jet said, her tone strong.

  Ashley’s eyes widened at Jet’s words, but then she realized what Jet was saying.

  Jet blew her breath out, shaking her head. “Ash, I’m sorry. But I think sex in a relationship is too damned important to be left up to whenever he gets around to it.”

  She stood up, walking over to where Ashley stood, and slid her hand around Ashley’s waist, pulling her in close to her. Ashley’s pulse quickened immediately, her breathing increasing in excitement.

  “That’s how he should make you feel,” Jet said, her eyes staring down into hers.

  Ashley blinked a couple of times, nodding her head, then moving to rest her head on Jet’s shoulder. Jet’s hand came up, touching her cheek gently.

  “Come on,” Jet said then, turning toward the stairs and reaching over to turn off the lights.

  “Where are we going?” Ashley asked.

  “To do this right.”

  She took Ashley back up to the bedroom, this time taking her time to seduce the girl, making love to her for hours until they both fell into a deeply sated sleep.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning Ashley woke to find that Jet had already gotten up. She found her in the backyard working.

  “Good morning,” Ashley said, smiling.

  Jet glanced over her shoulder, smiling. “Morning,” she said.

  Straightening from the squatting position she was in, she walked over to Ashley, keeping her hands out to the side, since they were muddy, and she leaned down kissing Ashley on the lips.

  “Did you see there was coffee?” Jet asked. “I even found some Starbucks, so it’s not my stuff.”

  “I didn’t, but I’ll go get some,” Ashley said. “Did you need anything?”

  “Nope, I’m good.”

  “Yes, yes you are…” Ashley said, her smile wide.

  Jet chuckled, shaking her head.

  A few minutes later, Ashley walked back outside, moving to sit in one of the chairs with her coffee. She watched Jet for a while. As always, music played from the stereo, and Jet sang with most of the songs.

  An hour later, Jet took a break. She sat down next to Ashley, pulled a cigarette out of the pack on the table, and reached into her jeans for her lighter. Her light green eyes looked at Ashley through the smoke.

  “So, how are you feeling this morning?” Jet asked.

  Ashley thought about her answer. “I’m really not sure how to feel at this point,” she answered honestly.

  Jet nodded, taking another drag off her cigarette. She’d wondered if Ashley was going to feel guilty, or ashamed. Jet imagined that what had happened between them the night before was likely a jarring event for someone like Ashley, who was so staid and stable.

  “How does this go, moving forward?” Ashley asked cautiously.

  Jet looked back at her. “That depends on you.”

  “On me?” Ashley asked.

  “How do you want this to go moving forward?” Jet asked.

  Ashley looked back at her, her look surprised.

  “Within limits, of course,” Jet added, her look pointed.

  “What are your limits?” Ashley asked.

  Jet sat back in her chair, taking another drag off her cigarette, her look direct as always.

  “I don’t do love, I don’t do jealousy, and I don’t do permanent house guests,” Jet said simply.

  Ashley nodded. “So, you’re not in love with me, no boiling your bunny and I can’t come live with you if my marriage blows up when I get home,” she said, her tone succinct, making Jet chuckle.

  “You got it,” Jet said, inclining her head.

  “What’s that called?” Ashley said. “Friends with benefits, right?”

  “Right,” Jet said, nodding.

  “Does that kind of thing work for you?” Ashley asked.

  “It has before,” Jet said.

  “Really?” Ashley asked, curious now.

  “Yep, you met one of them last night,” Jet said, her eyes sparkling with humor.

  “Who?” Ashley asked, her look surprised.


  “Really?” Ashley asked, definitely surprised now. “Are you two still?”

  “Oh, hell no,” Jet said. “I don’t fuck with relationships. I stay away from women who are involved.”

  Ashley looked back at Jet, her face reflecting confusion.

  “Oh, except for women who are involved with men. Men are on their own,” Jet said, an edge to her voice.

  “Especially ones that don’t make their wife come?” Ashley asked.

  “Damned right,” Jet said, her tone serious.

  Ashley couldn’t explain it, but it somehow made her happy that Jet had such a strong opinion on what was appropriate, even if it didn’t make sense to anyone else.

  “So Skyler, huh?” Ashley asked. “When was this?”

  “When we were in the
Middle East together, years ago,” Jet said.

  “You were in the Middle East?” Ashley asked.

  “Yeah,” Jet said, nodding.

  Ashley noted that Jet wasn’t expansive on the subject so she left it alone.

  Devin opened the door to her and Skyler’s Malibu home, smiling at Jet. It had been two months since she’d met Jet at the party at Kashena’s, but she already liked her.

  “I’m glad you made it,” Devin said, smiling and leaning in to hug Jet.

  “Thank you for the invite,” Jet said, handing Devin a bottle of wine as she walked inside.

  Devin looked at the bottle of wine, whistling softly. “Nice…” she said, knowing that the bottle was likely about a hundred dollars.

  Jet winked, looking around the house.

  “Beautiful place,” she said, nodding appreciatively.

  “We like it,” Devin said, gesturing for Jet to precede her. “Sky’s in the backyard with Benny.”

  “Benny?” Jet asked, her look odd.

  “Our dog,” Devin said, but saw Jet’s look, “You knew him, didn’t you?” she said then.

  Jet nodded, looking somber. “Yeah, he was a really nice kid,” she said.

  “You knew Sky then… before…” Devin said, referring to the crash.

  Jet nodded, her eyes sad.

  Devin shook her head. “I don’t know how you all did what you did over there,” she said, her tone affected. “What Sky went through,” she said, shaking her head sadly.

  “Yeah, it’s a lot,” Jet said, nodding. “I’m glad she has you though,” she said, then. “You seem like you’ve brought her back.”

  Devin smiled softly. “Well, believe me, she tried to push me away with both hands for a while,” she looked wistful for a moment. “But she finally got the idea that I wasn’t giving up on her and let me help.”

  Jet nodded. “I’m glad. She’s one of the good ones. You’re very lucky.”

  Devin looked back at the other woman, detecting a bit of sadness and wondered at it.

  “Were you in love with her?” Devin asked, no anger in her voice.

  Jet drew in a deep breath, looking like she was considering the idea. “I think in a way I was,” she said. “But I think it had more to do with where we were, and how fragile life was there.”

  Devin nodded, understanding that idea completely. From the stories Skyler had told her, she knew that things were always tenuous and dangerous. Having someone to hold onto was probably the best possible thing there.


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