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Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1)

Page 5

by Laura Breck

  “What are you doing with him?” He jerked his head in Troy’s direction. She expected anger, but his eyes held something softer, warmer.

  The full contact of her body against his was breathtaking, but she couldn’t let herself yield to the pleasure. She put one hand on his shoulder, the other on his chest, and pushed herself a respectable distance from him. Her elbows shook as she held him back.

  She hissed, “Don’t manhandle me. And don’t expect me to tell you anything about my personal life.” Anger and desire warred within her. “Why wouldn’t I be with Troy?”

  “You deserve better than that big sack of hammers.”

  “Perhaps I deserve someone like you? A man who threatens to ruin me and calls me a bitch?” Her voice was a little too loud, and the couple next to them turned and stared.

  She closed her eyes for a second. This situation called for tact not anger. She looked up into his eyes. “Mr. Daniato, if you’re here to do what you threatened, I would ask that you first give me a chance to explain.”

  Antonio’s eyes narrowed and bore into hers. “Now you feel like talking? At your office last week, you chose to ignore me.” His smile taunted her. “Until your inspirational parting words.”

  A stab of panic seized her chest, and she scanned the room for exits, just in case. “I apologize. It was inappropriate of me to act so immaturely.”

  He smiled and slid his hand from her hip up her back then played with a tiny curl at the nape of her neck. “You must be afraid, princess. That was a brilliant apology.”

  A chill skittered down her spine as his fingers touched her and slowly caressed the nape of her neck. She was losing it. She needed to focus. “About the reason I was at the dog park. I—”


  Her jaw dropped. How in heaven did he know about her cousin?

  His hands on her hips pulled her closer. “The latest note. It mentioned her. The blackmailer saw me take a picture of you. Thought it was her.”

  She shook her head to clear it. “And you believe me now? That I’m not in league with the blackmailers?”

  “I figured it out last night when I got the note. You were her stand in, right?”

  She nodded. “She’s my cousin. We look similar.”

  “Beautiful.” His eyes scanned her face. “Bellisima.”

  His eyes were unguarded and she drifted deep into his gaze.

  He lowered his head, as if he were planning to kiss her. “Why didn’t you tell me? At your office.”

  The thought of that kiss made her woozy and warm. “I…ah…needed to talk to Betina first.” She could barely focus with him so close.

  “If she didn’t agree, you would have let me expose you?”

  She looked at his tie. “I’d hoped you wouldn’t do anything rash.”

  “You give me too much credit, princess. I’m not ethical like you.”

  Looking into his eyes, disappointment knotted her stomach. “You would have caused a scene here tonight?”

  “If not here, then somewhere. Yes, I would have.”

  She blinked, fighting back tears. How could someone be so cruel? He would ruin her reputation on nothing more than circumstantial evidence. She didn’t misjudge him. He was a bastard.

  His eyes narrowed. “Don’t look at me that way.”

  “What way?” Her throat closed. Tears were imminent. Panic swirled up, threatening to overtake her.

  His voice dropped low, sensual. “As though your sexy blue eyes can see right into my soul.”

  Uncertainty gripped her as the room closed in. “Imagine how surprised I am to find you have no soul.”

  “Ouch.” He flinched. “You’ve got claws, princess.” His smile flashed evil.

  She wanted to wipe it off his face—with her lips. She choked on the desire, zinged with energy, amazingly alive. Like she hadn’t felt in days, like she never felt with Troy. Guilt, fear, passion, anger. The conflicting emotions warred with her sanity, and panic swamped her.

  “I can’t do this, Antonio…” Her voice cracked, and she gasped for breath. Breaking away from him, she ran. The opposite direction from where Troy’s big, safe arms would protect her. In the empty lobby, she veered toward an exit then changed direction and darted around a corner where a couch sat hidden in a dark alcove between two potted palms.

  She sat and began the steady breathing technique and pressed the reflexology spot on her wrist, which used together should hold off anxiety. Then she gave up, dropped her head into her hands, and broke down crying.

  “Cara mia, no.” He sat next to her, his warm arm wrapped around her shoulders, comforting. He stuffed his handkerchief in her fingers. “You know I’m not worth crying about.”

  She sat bolt upright and glared at him, allowing her anger to emerge, effectively preventing the panic attack from overtaking her.

  “You arrogant bastard.”

  “That’s one of my best features.”

  “I’m not crying because of your cruelty, I’m crying because of mine! I never act this way. Something about you brings it out in me.” She tried to shrug off his arm, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Should we analyze it? We’ve got a couch right here.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “You are not funny!” She dabbed at her eyes with his handkerchief. She must be a mess. Her makeup running, her eyes red, and her nose sniffly.

  He laughed. “You’re sexy when you’re mad.”

  “Don’t. Don’t try to laugh this off. This is the cure I need to get you out of my system.”

  His face sobered, his gaze searching her eyes. “How can I be in your system when I’ve never held you?” He tightened his arm around her, using the fingers of his other hand he caressed her jaw. “And I’ve never tasted…” His lips pressed hot against her neck, his tongue teased her skin.

  “Wait,” she murmured breathlessly.

  He continued his assault. “And we’ve never really kissed,” he whispered, nipping her ear with his teeth. The bite sent waves of passionate chills down her body.

  Oh, God, what was she doing? They were in the middle of Caesar’s Palace, and she arrived with another man.

  “No.” She straightened her arms and pushed him away, looked into his beautiful brown eyes, and almost lost her willpower again.

  “Yes. It’s going to happen.” He smiled his charismatic, irresistible smile, “Runny mascara and all.”

  She broke free and stood, catching her breath. How was he able to make her lose control? Her knees shook with excitement, and her libido commanded her to fling herself onto his lap and let him kiss her senseless. “Antonio.”

  He sat there patiently waiting for her, so handsome it made her ache to touch him. His smile was too confident, as though he knew there wasn’t a woman capable of resisting him.

  She took a step toward him…

  Just as Troy came around the corner. “Darlin’, someone said you ran out. What’s wrong?” He stopped when he spotted Antonio sitting on the couch. His face turned ugly. “Stand up, pretty boy. I’m going to knock your teeth down your throat.”

  Antonio’s eyebrow went up. He stood, smiled mockingly, and unbuttoned his jacket. “You’re welcome to try.”

  “No. Please.” Valerie stepped between them and held her hands out as if to keep the men apart. “This is all a misunderstanding.”

  Troy took off his jacket and glared over her head at Antonio. “You’re not gonna get away with making her cry.”

  Antonio laughed, a cruel sound. “I believe she said she was crying because you’re a rotten lover.”

  Troy growled. “We haven’t made love yet…goddamit, mind your own business!” He threw his jacket down and began rolling up his sleeves.

  “Stop this right now,” Valerie said firmly. She put her hands on Troy’s arms and looked up into his eyes. “He didn’t make me cry. We were…talking, and I just got emotional. Let’s get out of here.” She picked up his jacket from the floor and tugged at his arm. “Please?”

  Troy shot a last glare at Antonio, but Valerie didn’t dare look at the writer. It seemed crazy, but watching him rise up to meet Troy’s challenge made her want him even more. Seriously, it was time for her to find a therapist.


  Troy sat silent as he drove his blue ’67 Mustang to Valerie’s house. He pulled into her driveway, got out, came around, and opened her car door.

  She gave him her hand to help her out of the car, and he guided her to the front door. “Really, Troy, he didn’t make me cry. I let myself become all worked up and panicky. He was just comforting me.”

  The look he gave her swung from disbelief to murder. “I’m gonna go back to Caesar’s and drag that long haired asshole outside and pound him until he’s a greasy spot on the pavement.”

  “Troy. You’ll do no such thing.” Her voice came out sounding like her mother.

  He looked down at his shoes. “You two have something goin’ on?”

  She touched his arm. “No. We don’t.”

  “Darlin’…” He looked into her eyes. “I wish I could believe you.”

  Was it that obvious? “You’re leaving tonight. Let’s take the next week while you’re gone and think about this. About us.”

  He kissed her gently. “I know how I feel. But I don’t think you know what you want.” He turned and walked down the sidewalk to his car.

  She watched him go, not knowing how to make this situation go away. Troy was intuitive. He probably knew more than she did about what was going on with her and Antonio. Troy drove away, and she stepped into the house, guilt cramping her stomach like the flu. She had some decisions to make, and she didn’t want to make the wrong choice.

  Flopping down on her couch, she relived the evening in her mind. The whole situation made her angry.

  Tonight could have been a very ugly scene.

  Fighting in public. It was bad enough she ran out of the ballroom like a drama queen. But if those two men were ignorant enough to actually hit each other, she’d never forgive either of them or herself.

  The next morning, she called a psychologist friend and invited him to meet for a working lunch. She needed professional advice to help her stabilize her rioting emotions.

  She saw two patients that morning then checked her voicemail. Hearing Antonio’s voice coming from her speakerphone, her face paled with surprise. She started the message over because she wasn’t paying attention the first time.

  “Valerie, about last night, I didn’t intend to make you cry. And I didn’t mean to pick a fight with your big dumb—excuse me—your boyfriend.”

  She let out a surprised laugh.

  “I want to try this again. Please call me.” He left his number. She wanted nothing more than to call and hear what he had to say, but was that the sane thing to do?

  She grabbed her purse and told her receptionist she’d be out for a few hours. It was time to see what another professional thought about her situation.


  Dan, her lunch therapist, stared at her with wide eyes. “Fascinating. You have a sexual crush on one man and are unable to evoke any emotion but friendship for another.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fascinating. But what should I do?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that. But, I will ask you what feels right to you. There must be something between you and Troy. You haven’t broken it off with him yet.”

  Taking a deep breath, she let it out and deflated. “He’s safe. I can envision myself with him for years.” She looked at Dan. “But I’ve always had safe in my life. I think I might want to try unsafe for a change.”

  He shook his head and tsked. “I always thought you were such a good girl.”

  She laughed. “I know it seems bad. But I want to give Antonio a chance.”

  “Some things for you to think about, Valerie. Antonio’s behavior, the rude things he said to you. Do you think they’re meant to keep you at a distance? Could he be hiding something?”

  She stared at him. “I don’t know. It does fit the pattern, though.” She bit her lip.

  Dan patted her hand. “Don’t over-think it. Go with your intuition, but if you do meet with Antonio, stay alert. Watch for the signs of a personality disorder.”

  She smiled. “That sounds like a fun date.”

  When she returned to her office, she lay on her couch and closed her eyes. Between her guilt about hurting Troy and her uncertainty about Antonio’s behavior, it took her an hour to come to a decision.

  She went to her desk and listened to Antonio’s message again. Then deleted it.


  Three days later, Antonio stood in Valerie’s waiting room.

  Betina winked at him. “Wish me luck.” She walked into her cousin’s office, closing the door behind her.

  Within five minutes, the door opened, and Betina poked her head out. “She’s not happy.” She gestured. “Come on in. We’ll talk her into it.”

  He walked into the office and closed the door behind him. Valerie sat with her legs crossed, tapping a pencil on the desktop. Her dark stare drilled into him from across the room.

  Chapter Six

  Betina sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk and patted the seat of the other. “C’mon, Antonio. She looks dangerous, but she doesn’t bite.”

  He smiled. The actress was a pleasant surprise when he contacted her this morning. They’d discussed their common problem, and, with his subtle hint, she suggested a meeting with Valerie.

  Valerie flipped to a blank page of her notebook. “What’s this about?”

  Betina glanced at him, then back at Valerie. “I want you to work with Antonio to find the blackmailers.”

  “Why me?” Her voice sounded tense. “Why don’t you work with him yourself?”

  He cleared his throat. “We need a psychological view on what’s been happening. We’ve made lists of people we suspect—”

  “I have to stop you,” Valerie snapped. “You don’t need a psychologist. You need a private investigator.”

  “I’ve tried that.” He watched Valerie’s too-pale face. “They’re still working for me but aren’t finding anything.”

  She shook her head. “I really can’t be involved in this any further.”

  “Please? Betina whined. Just meet with Antonio to discuss it, as a favor to your favorite cousin.” She brushed her hair back dramatically. “I can’t risk hiring an investigator. And I’m filming on location for the next two months. I’d like to know someone is working on this for me.”

  Valerie sat quietly for a few seconds then nodded once at him and looked at Betina. “This was his idea, wasn’t it.” She said “his” like she was referring to a snake. Sitting rigidly in her chair, her lips pressed tightly together. She wouldn’t look him in the eye.

  He stared at her. He didn’t like being spoken about as if he wasn’t in the room. If the actress wasn’t here, he’d—

  Betina turned to him. “Would you please give us a minute?”

  He took a breath and got up. Valerie didn’t glance at him. She was pissed at him, but he wasn’t too happy himself. He went out to the waiting room and paced. Why was he trying so damn hard to get Valerie’s attention? Women came on to him every day. Why did this one—this irritating, frustrating, overanalyzing girl—get him so hot, sexually and emotionally?

  “Damn.” She’d done nothing wrong. She didn’t deserve his anger. He clenched his jaw. Yeah, he had anger issues. Anyone living the bizarre double life he led would have anger issues. But the rage he felt was directed inward. He just took out his frustration on everyone who crossed his path, like Valerie.

  Within five minutes, Betina came out smiling. “She’ll call you.”

  “Hm. I’m impressed. How did you do it?”

  She shrugged. “Bribery. I told her I’d show up at her next fundraiser.”

  “That’s all?”

  “No. With Valerie, there’s always more.”

  “Yeah, no shit.”

  She laughed. “I�
�m donating a boatload of money to the runaway shelter, too. So…” She poked a finger into Antonio’s chest. “…don’t biff this, okay?”

  He smiled. “Don’t worry. I know exactly how to handle Dr. Kane.”


  Valerie sat on her patio, sipping a Cosmo and watching the lights of the city pop on, one casino at a time, as dusk overtook the valley. She looked at her cell phone and sighed. After she made this call, her life would change. Was she ready?

  She’d agreed to go along with Betina’s scheme, but only because she was lonely the last few days. And the man she missed was Antonio.

  With vodka calming her nerves, she called him. “Hi. It’s Valerie.”

  “Ciao, bella.”

  “Ciao, bischero.”

  “Jerk? Where did you learn to swear in Italian?”

  “College.” She laughed. “Not the swearing, the language.”

  “Accept my apology?”

  She’d make him work for it. “For what?”

  “For calling you a bitch, threatening you, and harassing you at Caesars. Anything else you can think of?”

  Her mouth curved into a little smile. “A few things, but you hit the major points.”

  “Yeah, you seem like the type to keep score.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Hey, you’re the one who called me three days ago, and then, when I didn’t call back, you barge into my office with some bogus plot to solve the crime.”

  “It’s not bogus. I’m committed to figuring this out, Valerie. No matter how many hours we have to spend together.” His voice rumbled over the phone, as though he were murmuring in her ear. “Long nights with each other, working closely, sharing ideas, coming to conclusions.”

  Her eyes drifted closed. “Mm hm.” That voice alone could give her a spontaneous climax.

  “We’ll collapse, exhausted, into your bed, but something will keep us awake. Something between us that we can’t deny.”

  A vision of him pressing her down onto the mattress, his hand sliding up under her shirt. God, she wanted— “No.” Her eyes popped open. She couldn’t be with him while she was dating Troy. That was an absolute.

  “No?” He chuckled. “You want to fall into my bed instead?”

  “No, I mean I’m seeing someone. If we meet, it has to be completely business. Agreed?”


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