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Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1)

Page 23

by Laura Breck

  She sat up and visored her hand over her eyes to see his face. Her heart melted, and a lump formed in her throat—there were tears in his eyes. She scooted closer and pulled him into her arms.

  “Antonio. It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to do this.” She caressed his back reassuringly.

  He tentatively put his arms around her, as if she would break. “Valerie.” He sounded like he was choking. “How can I say I’m sorry? What can I do?”

  Her own eyes filled with moisture. “Last night, I was too shocked to think rationally, but I know it was unintentional. There is nothing to forgive. We just collided, and it was unfortunate, but things like this happen.”

  “If I hadn’t been drunk—”

  “It might still have happened.”

  He put his hand in her hair and touched his forehead to hers. “Why are you so amazing?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t help it.”

  He laughed, but his eyes were so full of pain, she knew he was a long way from forgiving himself.

  She gestured toward the kitchen. “I was just thinking about going inside to find something to eat. Are you hungry?”

  “I brought food. Eggs, yogurt, soup, oatmeal, ice cream.”

  “You shopped for me? That’s sweet. How long has it been since you’ve been in a grocery store?”

  “About three years.” A small, self-effacing smile curved his lips. “Prices have gone up.”

  She laughed quietly, careful not to open her mouth wide. “I bet they have. The price of beef must have been a shock.”

  “I didn’t look. I knew it would make me faint.”

  “I can just picture you swooning at the Albertson’s.”

  “With a beef roast clutched to my chest.”

  She touched his face then dropped her hand to his. “I think I have some hamburger in the freezer if you’d like to make yourself a burger.”

  “No, I’ll eat whatever you’re going to have.”

  “You want yogurt and soup?”

  He shivered dramatically. “Sure. It wouldn’t kill me.”

  “It might. How about scrambled eggs and bacon?”

  “Sounds good. You stay here. I’ll cook.”

  “How nice, thank you. I was just in the middle of this book…” She gestured to his latest novel sitting on the table. “And I can’t put it down.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

  “You have a fascinating writing style. It’s quite different from the way you speak.”

  “My dual personality.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot.” She smiled but winced with pain as she moved the injured side of her mouth.

  He stared at her, his eyes intense. “Monica told me you needed stitches.”

  “Monica is an alarmist. I just applied pressure to it and the bleeding stopped.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “I really hate myself.”

  “Don’t.” She squeezed his hand. “If I’d done the same thing to you, how would you want me to feel?”

  “Yeah, but I’m a man. I’ve been hit plenty of times.”

  “Not by someone you have feelings for.”

  “No. They were mostly ugly guys.”

  She giggled. “No women?”

  “Slapped by a few.”

  She ran a finger along his chin. “Who could slap this pretty-boy face?”

  “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

  “Mmmm, no. It was the moment I knew I wanted you. When you stood up to Troy, it made me weak inside.”

  “Two men acting like Neanderthals?”

  “No. One big sexy hunk…” She switched to a southern accent. “Havin’ a dust-up with my boyfriend over me.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t that seem a little sexist to you? Your being a psychologist and all?”

  “Oh, I’m sexist all right.” She took his hand and put it on her stomach. “And I just thought of a way for you to make it up to me.” She smiled, wickedly. “All you have to do is…kiss me.” She moved his hand down to her bikini bottom.

  “Valerie, you are a goddess.” His voice dropped to a husky growl as he eased her back into a reclining position and moved between her legs. He kissed her belly then lower. Removed her bikini bottom and kissed her the way she wanted to be kissed. She hoped he’d put the ice cream in the freezer before he came outside.


  They spent the day together. He cooked for her, she took pain reliever, and in the afternoon they napped on a double recliner in the movie room. They watched a movie, played backgammon, and floated in the pool, drinking frozen margaritas and discussing politics and religion. They were both surprised they weren’t as opposite in their views as they thought they might be.

  When he’d done his shopping that morning, he’d stopped at a natural food store and bought her an herbal tea to help her heal quicker, and a tube of gel to help the bruising dissipate. She couldn’t imagine anyone being more thoughtful than he was.

  They went outside with gin and tonics when the sun set. Hers had a straw in it. Turning a chaise lounge to face west, he sat and eased her snugly between his legs. She lay back on his hard, sexy chest. He kissed the top of her head and brushed his chin back and forth across her hair.

  The smoke from wildfires in California made the sunset spectacular. Red-and-orange-streaked sky over the mountains that rimmed the valley. She felt safe in his arms. Had the time they spent together helped him overcome his guilt? Her face was bruised, but her heart was solid. Whatever his demons were, together they would be able to conquer them. She would never give up on him. Never.


  Valerie had patients the next morning and snuck out of the house, leaving him sleeping. She left him a note on her pillow. Yesterday is a day I’ll never forget. V.

  He called her at noon. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You looked like you could use the rest.” She turned her office chair to look out the window at the mountains.

  “Yeah. I didn’t sleep well the night before.”

  He was probably running his hand through his hair right then, thinking about the accident again.

  She changed the subject. “I need to respond to an invitation to a fundraising gala for the runaway shelter. It’s next Wednesday. Would you like to go?”

  “Let me check my calendar.” She heard the beeps of his phone as he accessed his appointments. “I’m free.”

  “And whom shall I say is my guest?” Did he like to use his own name or his pen name?

  “Go ahead and use Grey Thornton. It might generate some publicity for the shelter.”

  “Thank you. That’s very generous.” She vacillated, not sure how much she should ask him for, then decided to go for it. “There’s also a silent auction, and they’re looking for donations.”

  He chuckled softly. “Sure. How about a full set of my hard covers? Signed.”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

  “I’m a giver.”

  “Mmmm. You were definitely a giver last night.” Her voice was low, seductive.

  “Last night was unforgettable. When is your day over?”

  “I’ve got patients until eight tonight.”

  “Any breaks? You could run home, or I could come to your office.”

  She laughed. “I wish. Today’s booked. It must be a full moon.”

  “Must be. I’m feeling pazzo myself.”

  It was Friday. Tonight he’d put on his disguise and lurk in dark alleys all night. “Don’t do anything…” She’d been about to tease him about avoiding danger, but that’s what his weekends were about. Dangerous thrills.

  “What?” Antonio sounded distracted.

  “Just be careful, dear.”

  “I will. See you Sunday?”

  “Sure. My place or yours?”

  “Yours.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll bring takeout so you don’t have to cook.”

  “I don’t mind cooking.” She didn’t look forward to
going to the grocery store, though. Not with her face looking the way it did.

  “You need to rest. Heal. We have cooking lessons on Monday and the fundraiser on Wednesday.”

  “Okay.” She’d let him spoil her. “Takeout sounds great. I’ll see you Sunday.”


  Valerie ended the call and went back to her computer. It would be another weekend alone. She’d cancelled her plans to get together with friends that evening, as well as her date to go clubbing with Monica and Ryan on Saturday. She’d stay in, let her bruises heal and the swelling go down.

  She pulled a little mirror out of her desk drawer and applied lipstick. It didn’t help cover the ugliness of the injury, but it was a ritual she performed before each patient came into her office.

  All her patients this morning asked her what happened. She said she was klutzy and bumped into something. A few believed her explanation, others, she could tell, did not. She needed to be careful to maintain a professional, well-adjusted facade for her famous clients. They would not tolerate a therapist who wasn’t completely in control of her own personal life.

  It proved to be a long, tiring day, and Antonio was right, she needed rest. That night, she slept twelve hours and woke feeling much less pain on Saturday. She lay in bed reading, skipping some of Antonio’s more graphic scenes.

  Her phone rang, and Sloan’s name showed on the screen. “Guess who’s engaged?”

  Valerie sat up. “Really? Congratulations! When?”

  “Last night. We were on the Star of India.” Valerie recognized the name of an old ship in the harbor in San Diego. “All of the sudden, we were completely alone on the deck, and a violin began playing our song.”

  “‘Darling Nikki’?” she teased.

  “No, Prince-aholic. ‘Fly Me to the Moon’.” Sloan let out a squeal. “It was so romantic. He got down on one knee and asked me. I started crying and couldn’t talk, so he told me to just shake my head yes or no.”


  “Yes. And the ring is beautiful.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “We’re getting married December 1st.”

  “So soon?”

  “It’s the day we met.”

  “That’s so romantic. How about that Vegas bachelorette party we’ve always talked about? I’d love to host it for you.”

  “I’d love it! These are the weekends I’m free.” Sloan gave a list. “See when you’re available and when all the girls can come. It’s so thoughtful of you.”

  “You can all stay here. We’ll take a party bus down to The Strip.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ve got to run, I’ve got a patient today.”

  “On Saturday?”

  “My new marketing strategy is working too well. I can’t get everyone in Monday through Friday, thanks to you. You are a lifesaver.”

  “You’re welcome, but the best advertising is word of mouth, and you’re a phenomenal psychologist, Sloan.”

  “I miss you, Valerie. I’ll call you later this week.”

  “Tell Andrew, congrats from me. Kisses.”


  Valerie was excited for Sloan. She was Monica’s age and wanted to settle down and start a family, and Andrew was a great guy. Valerie ran downstairs and sat at her computer, logged in, and started an e-mail to the sorority sisters about the bachelorette.

  She checked her own calendar against Sloan’s available weekends and sighed in acceptance. Her weekend life was a blank calendar, nothing going on except Sunday through Wednesday. “Get used to it.”

  After sending the e-mail, she stepped into the movie room to watch television. Alone. She chose to watch something work-related, and save the new movies to watch with Antonio.

  One channel aired a documentary about single parents. Would Antonio change once they had children? He’d said he was “very interested” in a family. But there was no way she would let him kiss her and the kids goodbye on Thursday morning then reappear on Sunday afternoon. That was a deal breaker. He could write when he could find the time, but he wouldn’t be disappearing for four days every week.


  Valerie had won a cooking lesson from Wolfgang Puck as the prize for one of the recipe contests she’d entered. She invited Antonio as her guest, and when they arrived for the lesson, they found not only Wolfgang but also a camera crew from the recipe contest.

  She had her photo taken with Wolfgang, but Antonio stayed off to the side, no matter how much they encouraged him to be in the photo.

  He disappeared into the shadows, proving just how very private he was, even though his pen name was known throughout the world.

  When the PR crew left and his staff set up for the cooking lesson, Wolfgang rubbed his palms together. “Valerie Kane. Why does that name sound familiar?”

  Antonio stepped forward. “She’s a local celebrity. The Psychologist to the Stars?”

  “Of course, you treat all of the famous crazies. I recognize you from your picture in the magazine.” He winked. “Not that I’m actively seeking a therapist. Yet.”

  She smiled. “That’s just my day job. At night, I’m a recipe junkie.”

  Wolfgang and Antonio laughed, but Wolfgang stepped closer to her. “While we have a few minutes, could I ask you something about one of my employees?”

  Antonio moved out of earshot and let them two talk. It was fifteen minutes later that she finished giving him suggestions, and Wolfgang called him back. “I’m sorry to monopolize her time, but I just can’t resist free advice.”

  Antonio introduced himself with his real name, and Wolfgang tipped his head. “Italian?”

  “Yes. From the Tuscan region.”

  “Related to the Daniato wines?”

  Antonio’s brows rose. “Yes. My family’s vineyard.”

  “Oh.” He rolled his eyes. “The most wonderful wine. I’ve been out of it for months, but whenever I’m in Italy, I buy a couple of cases.”

  “I have a few bottles at home that I’d be happy to send you.”

  Wolfgang snapped his fingers. “Even better, would you two come to dinner next Monday at my house? My wife would love to meet both of you.”

  Valerie found herself in a silly mood. “Especially when she finds out who you really are, Antonio.”

  Wolfgang looked between them. “What am I missing?”

  Antonio shot her a look then faced the chef. “I’m a writer. Grey Thornton?”

  “Ach du liebe Zeit!” Wolfgang exclaimed. “We read all your books. Mrs. Puck will be delighted. Let me call her right now.” He signaled for his assistant. “Call my wife, tell her dinner on Monday with two celebrities and mark it on my calendar. Go.” With an imperious wave of his hand, he dismissed his assistant.

  Wolfgang handed them both aprons. “When is your next book release?” Not waiting for an answer, he commanded, “You’ll have it at one of my restaurants, right?”

  “I’ll talk with my PR people and see if we can make it work.”

  Valerie took the opportunity to help her favorite cause. “Antonio is donating a full set of his books to an auction on Wednesday to benefit the runaway shelter. And I was wondering…”

  Antonio put his arm around her shoulders. “She’s sneaky, Wolfgang. Watch out.”

  She gave Antonio a fierce look then asked the chef, “Would you be willing to donate a cooking lesson for the silent auction?”

  “How can I refuse?” He raised his hands. “After all, I just stole about a thousand dollars of free advice from you.”

  Valerie grinned. “Thank you. The gala’s Wednesday at seven at The Wynn. I’ll let the committee know to plan on two more, if you’d like to attend.”

  Wolfgang summoned his assistant again to call his wife and tell her they were going to a gala Wednesday.

  She gave Antonia a look. How did his wife handle his demands?

  Antonio returned the look, then picked up a spoon. “Are we going to do any cooking today?”

  Wolfgang s
napped his fingers. “Yes, and I’ve decided we’re going to make a romantic meal—for lovers.” He looked at Valerie and Antonio and laughed at their surprised looks. “Food can be foreplay, and I’m going to get you two so worked up, you won’t be able to stand it.”

  Valerie smiled, and Antonio put his arm around her waist. Now she understood how Wolfgang’s wife was able to put up with him.


  Wednesday, Antonio surprised Valerie and took her to the gala in a limo. When they arrived at The Wynn Las Vegas, they received celebrity treatment, walked the red carpet, and posed for photos. They were announced as Valerie Kane and Grey Thornton. It seemed odd that Antonio suddenly became someone else, but he seemed to take it in stride.

  She noticed how women looked at him, especially tonight in his expertly fitted tux, showing his broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a snowy white shirt with a debonair bowtie. He’d got his hair cut, but it still touched his collar. She liked it long.

  He handed her a glass of champagne. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  “Only a dozen times. Hardly enough.”

  He offered her his arm. “You look ravishable.”

  She looked at him sideways. “Don’t you mean ravishing?”

  “I used the correct adverb.”

  She let out a breath. His eyes filled with promise. She’d be ravished tonight, once they were back at her house. Of that she had no doubt.

  They found a quiet corner to talk, but he was preoccupied with her hair. Her stylist had pulled it up in curls on the crown of her head and let tendrils escape at her temples and neck.

  It was one of these tendrils that kept Antonio busy as he bent near her as if to whisper something but blew on the curl, sending lightning skittering down her spine.

  She smiled and leaned in close. “You’ll need to behave tonight.”

  “As you wish.” He caressed her elbow then ran his fingers up between her sensitive arm and the side of her breast. She let out a tiny squeal. “Bad boy.”

  “Mm hm.”

  “Two can play that game, Antonio.” She slowly drew her tongue across her upper lip, her eyes bedroom soft.

  “I give up, you win.” He gestured toward the door. “Let’s go, we’re getting a room.”


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